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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

GM to all
GM to all
@SWT may be screen shot help you
@NitinGohel, @Leena, @ALL Good MOrning Friends :)
HI All Good morning
Gm to all
hey guys, need help plz check out this question
@NitinGohel good morning
GM to all
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
any one here who worked on OCR Engine?
hi @NitinGohel @iShwar @IronManGill @MoorthyTheBoss @Coder gud mrng :)
@Leena Hiiiii Leena Goood Morning :))
@AppleMap need help plz check out this question stackoverflow.com/questions/20087728/…
@Ravindhiran sry no idea sir
can you guys help me: in understanding memory management in custom classes
@Leena @NitinGohel @Abizern pastie.org/8494532
what you are trying to do
in customcell
Good morning all :)
@Leena basically i have got a huge code developed by some one else, i am working on to ARC conversion.i am getting leak in cellForRow table delegate method where this custom cell is being used.Basically this custom cell consist of a UiimageView, UILabel, UIView etc.The leak comes in :attaching screen shot:
@Leena please have a look at screen shot
hi... could anyone help me on developing MAC app?
no idea about MAC app . sry
@Praveen GM
@Praveen need help
Hi Everyone
I need some help regarding
implementing PureMVC framework in iOS
Is there anyone who can help me in this
I am stuck at retreiving Proxy at Command class
Anyone know about line chart?? pls help me
@AppleMap Yes, tell me
@Preethi what about coreplot
can some help me: @NitinGohel @Leena pastie.org/8494620
hi @all
@Praveen i want to upload the video on server side
Okay. What have you tried?
@Praveen using AFnetworking
please help me how can i place an progress bar while navigating from one view to another view
can any body help me regarding the multiple selection of calender with visulization
what have u trying parpos for put progressbar
can i place an progress bar while navigating from one view to another view
u mean you are creating
@Praveen see my image upload code pastebin.com/XsEjzFYk
registration view
step by step like some site
@Praveen bt cant upload it
@Maddy 2 and 3 are same but first one assigning will make assignedTest a autorelease object
@Praveen i dont know ehat is the prblm
i have a table view with some data..when i clicked the cell iam moving to another view
while moving to another view ineed to place a progress bar
also related to your above problem cant tell you what could be the problem with a small snippet of code
its call activity indicatore view
@NitinGohel hi
Hello @Romance
can any body help me regarding the multiple selection of calender with visulization
@AppleMap Let me check
how can i put that
@rakesh Use activityindicationview
can you help me @NitinGohel
@Praveen also i want upload video so give me another way
@AppleMap Are you uploading image or video?
@Praveen first i want upload image
@praveen cant we use progree bar
hello every 1 does any 1 knows how to convert Gluint format to UIimage
@Praveen that code for upload image
use this and read it's readme or how to use intruction
@rakesh Use the link which was given by @NitinGohel Its very helpful for you
@Romance no idea
this type of selection we can we get
in calender
@AppleMap Getting error?
oket ill see it
yet not working on it sorry @Romance
@Praveen no dude
@leena so in memory constraint environment i should use 1 ?am i correct @NitinGohel
@Praveen u check my code ?
anyone who have any idea of PureMVC with iOS
@Praveen i also try this pastebin.com/Jp1t2WM9
NSArray *test = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"1",@"2", nil];
NSArray *assignedTest = test; //test is no more being used anywhere in code @Leena @NitinGohel
you can use test array
@Praveen see that code ?
@Praveen ok let me check Bro.
@NitinGohel @Leena thanks!
@Praveen what is finalurl ?
@Praveen ?
@AppleMap It was my video data as a URL
@Praveen means nsurl ?
@Praveen self.finalUrl = @"filePath", am i right praveen
Yes. You don't need to worry about that.. Instead of there use your video data.
@Maddy Yes absolutely
@AppleMap where are your video file, i mean are you enumerating through ALAsset, in doc directory or in nsbundal??
@Praveen plz see this pastebin.com/28PsyTq4
@Maddy u have idea ?
@Maddy than check my above code
@AppleMap whats the problem you are getting video file size/currupt request/ whats problem?
@AppleMap check your url its wrong copy url and paste in browser enter page not found
@Praveen check it ?
@Maddy ya that prblm is our side ya php webservice side ?
yes i think that is th problem @AppleMap
@NitinGohel bolo sir tame pan kai k
@Maddy bt i want to store in videos folder
@AppleMap What you're getting?
@AppleMap pastie use kar bhai
oh sry
@Praveen see this pastebin.com/53r1M7AZ
anybody know how to create NSView of NSScreen Size in mac
@NitinGohel check it plz
@Praveen this is my folder path for save video
Check properly with your web service team
@NitinGohel can you please tell me how can i create NSView which appear in the full screen in mac
Because, it was working code which i sent to you
ok dude.. bt my way is rght or wrong see the my code ?
dont knw about mac developing
might be it just a variable name change ui to NS nothing any logically change in mac
you just need to set frame as u want
@Praveen just check it pastebin.com/SezHfFYP
Have you used my code?
ya used yor code Bro. bt just check it my code ... i
@Praveen is this ok or wrong way ???
yes you are right @NitinGohel its similar to UIView
@AppleMap If you've used my code, then it would be fine
@Praveen in yor code i just confused in "finalurl"
@AppleMap Wait, will check your code
NSData *postData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.finalURL]; In this line you please use your video data.. I just taken my video data from a NSURL Don't confuse with that
video data is like NSData rght ?
@AppleMap Yes yes yes
NSData *postData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:videoData];
any one have idea about text selection in the uiwebview (html file loaded in it).
@Praveen that's yor code dude.. pastebin.com/BqGFLTYu
@Praveen plz you can some change in that code ?
NSData *postData = videoData; use like this
plz see my code and change in that file and send me plz
No, you've to modify my code with your requirement.
ya i use yor code dude.. bt see that yor code in my above link ?
@AppleMap:) you replace in this code
NSData *postData = videoData; instead of NSData *postData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:videoData];
NSString*thePath=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"yourVideo" ofType:@"MOV"];
NSURL*theurl=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:thePath];
NSData *postData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: theurl];
@Praveen NSString *filename = [self.finalURL lastPathComponent];
and in this line ?
@AppleMap basically geting the name of video
@AppleMap Remove at. And, give your file name whatever you want
@Praveen this is my path
and give any file name
@AppleMap check it pastie.org/8494691
@AppleMap try to under stand firstly getting file pat from nsbundle main bundle, then getting NSURL from file path ,then getting file name from (last path component) etc
@AppleMap one problem you might face so check this also :stackoverflow.com/questions/6263289/…
@Maddy muje yaha path me kuch change karna padega
[postbody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadedfile\"; filename=\"%@%@\"\r\n", dateString, filename] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSString *contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/form-data; boundary=%@",boundary];
@AppleMap i dont think so ..however take alook at this for better understanding not only code copy/pasthttp://www.iriphon.com/2011/11/09/ios-uploading-an-image-from-your-ipho‌​ne-to-a-server/
@Maddy any changes in the path for save in folder ?
@Maddy i have no more idea about this... so.....
please paste your code on paste bin..so that i can have alook
ok dude..
@Maddy plz check it...
absulutely fine you should now test this
@Maddy so my code is perfect ???
@AppleMap busy now please test then ask
@Maddy what test any thing send me yor side ?
any new code ?
hi to all

ios iphone calendar
if any one know the answer please let me know
@Romance @AppleMap hi
hi to all.... how maintain google drive api session in other view controller?? Anyone know the answer..
@Romance when i try to access contact from ipod my app iscrash
@Romance code is working fine for iPhone or ipad
Dropbox Intigration IOS 6 Working Ios 7 Erro 403 . Please help me
Any body have idea on make uiimageview as love symbol
using radius concepts
@Dips yup
@Leena @Praveen how would you control memory growth of image i/o any ideas?
Hi All, Is it possible to do keword driven automation test using instruments. Pls help me...
@Maddy use image whenever needed and release them when the work of images on view is over
as well as use low size images if possible
@Leena mam one help?
@Leena help plz.
@Leena in ARC so no release needed , any way i can clean all image cache on -didReceiveMem in app delegate/small size i will concrn on this
@Maddy release in the sense make it nil
@Leena yes
My api like i can request jus 20 records at one time after receiving that only i can req balance records but i wanna show all records in table view at the same time @Leena
So how to do this any idea
do you know how many records are there on server
as well as its a nice idea to load first 20 then next 20
so there will be less load on the view
Hi All, Is it possible to do keword driven automation test using instruments. Pls help me...
@Leena upload image on server side usin afnetworking.
@Leena some prblm is there
i have never used AFNetworking
@Leena it is based on user mam user may 1000 req or 10k or 50 it is based on user so how i can do this
@Leena any other way ?
that i normally use
@Leena can u give me any good link or any code ?
and if you will ask any tutorial then i will redirect you to www.google.com
can anyone help me out. how to access db from diffrent method like some are in background and some in forground?
redirect me
@Yohan then load up one by one in background
@BHUPI what problem you are facing
@Leena mam how can i should i check end of table and then req again?
@le currently m getting some sqlite data from server and inserting it to local db. At the same I'm performing other operation in db, due to which my app is crashing.
where it is crashing do you know
do you know any scenario that you are doing and your app is getting crashed
if I'm accessing db while background thread is updating db.
hi @Leena @AppleMap @BHUPI
@leena for every db operation I open the db, prepare statement and finalize statement. Is it right?
@Maddy pls use pastie
hii does any one has knowledge of opengl
1 message moved to VOID
@Leena thanks to point out will use
Jul 13 at 6:12, by DivineDesert
@BHUPI you are using aany 3rd party library for database operations..
create single object of sqlite3 *adatabase; that might help you out @BHUPI
@BHUPI you can try FMDB
ya as well CoreData the best
@NitinGohel @Maddy hii
hay every one
@Leena any idea??
@Leena @BHUPI core data is good from memory pov..how ever learning curve is broad..
@Leena can u just check it my code in pastbin ?
can any one good with views
@maddy i go through FMDB. Actually my project is in end and want to sumup fast. So using any third prty code will time taken.
@mandeep hi
i need a little help
im moving rotating scaling the uiimageview
but when i rotate it after that it moves inversely
@Leena ?
whats this NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(img_hor.image, 90); // convert image in NSData
@Leena this my image (img_hor is my image view)
90 in UIImageJPEGRepresentation
90 , i dontknow
any prblm in this line ?
google out
and did you tried to understand the code
@Leena @AppleMap It's the compression applied to the image, and it should be a decimal between 0.0 and 1.0
just mere a copy paste
@Abizern thats why i asked him to google out
UIKIT_EXTERN NSData *UIImageJPEGRepresentation(UIImage *image, CGFloat compressionQuality); // return image as JPEG. May return nil if image has no CGImageRef or invalid bitmap format. compression is 0(most)..1(least)
no but dont know what is 90
i think image resoltuion
@Leena Sorry. Should have realised you knew better.
@Leena prblm in that line ?
@AppleMap also google out for [nsdata datawithBytesNOCOpy] will help you in memory constraint environment
@Abizern @NitinGohel hii
its ok @Abizern :)
@AppleMap Here's some honest advice; a)If you copy-paste code at least go through the code with the documentation to try and understand what it is doing. b)Don't trust any old bit of code you find on the internet.
this is main doc says
3 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
UIKIT_EXTERN NSData *UIImageJPEGRepresentation(UIImage *image, CGFloat compressionQuality); // return image as JPEG. May return nil if image has no CGImageRef or invalid bitmap format. compression is 0(most)..1(least)
Hey everyone. I'm confused about something. If you place segment/searchbar … in a viewController and that controller is embedded in TabBarController and you add a constraint to searchBar (for ex.) to stretch , on rotate (landscape) you can't tap on the on 320+ pixels (on iPhone) VERY WEIRD…. help?
@NitinGohel My api like i can request jus 20 records at one time after receiving that only i can req balance records but i wanna show all records in table view at the same time
@Abizern ?
@Yohan like load to more?
20_20 slot ?
@NitinGohel s but confusing bit
yup his api is like that
but he wants to load all data at one time shot
@Leena mane kahe che ?
Q: rotating moving scaling of UIImageView moving inversly after rotating by 180*

umairhhhsHere is my code for moving,scaling and rotating the UIImageView all work fine but the issue is when we rotate the ImageView it rotates but after then it move inversely like i am dragging toward right but the ImageView is going left cant we get the current center point after rotating so that we w...

just alloc array first time
not eveytime
and every load of 20 add this in to that particular array and reload tableview
@NitinGohel s correct but i don think while reloading table view it won start to show from first record to 40???
u mean you want to disply this from First cell?
@Abizern @AppleMap is this a bug or … ? placing searchBar in ViewController embedded in tabBarController, in landscape mode you can't tap on 320+ pixels… why?
@NitinGohel no i wanna show from the end of the table view like from when reaches 40 relaod show from 40
at the 20th cell you load to more so after reload table you can scroll same as u done and at the 40th cell you get load more
check ones
@NitinGohel ll see it thnx
@Leena mam thnx u too
@Leena i get this type issue pastebin.com/HKRW5jta
@yohan check tis from my working code pastie.org/8495031
@Maddy nice one
shall anyone look at my problem?
@SlavcoPetkovski sorry sir no idea
about it
ok… well if anyone...
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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