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@Abizern: which delegate method will call after pickup the phone
@Abizern and @iHungry, thanks lots to clear my doubth.
@RobinHood hie
@sanchitsingh yes do you want to ask about navigation controller on masterView??
@DimplePanchal @Gamer @sanchitsingh @Khoool @RobinHood @Leena @iHungry @Myaaoonn :which delegate method will call after pickup the call
@Khoool i am still thinking what will be the problem if the project becomes heavy
@DimplePanchal @Gamer @sanchitsingh @Khoool @RobinHood @Leena @iHungry @Myaaoonn :which delegate method will call after pickup the call (phone or cell)
@iPhoneDeveloper Exactly
@Pavijay dnt ping again n again
@Pavijay plaese avoid spaming
@sanchitsingh ok so what problem ar you facing in it??
@Leena I will face problem in sending file
@Leena : maam
@DimplePanchal @Leena @iHungry @Abizern Have a look on this question stackoverflow.com/questions/11881987/…
@Khoool i will advice you to ues Quartz2D for graph plotting
I dont know how to make masterview navigate
@Leena : ma'am agar pane answer dena hai to dedo nahi to rahen do aap tension kyon lete ho itna ping hi to kiya hai
@iPhoneDeveloper how to navigate masterview in
@sanchitsingh ok what code are you currently using??
@Pavijay thats not possible
@NikhilBansal likhya bra sahi hai bai tu
@Leena : kya possible nahi hai
@Pavijay hahahaha please answer it.
@iPhoneDeveloper I am not using any code. I just have show a static table. But I want to push it to the new table view controller
@sanchitsingh ok I just want to see that have you already added a navigation controller in it or not?that is why i was asking for code?
@Pavijay, do not notify again and again
@iApple: so k a gaye wapas??lol
@NikhilBansal: bass and audio's bare nahi pata
@iPhoneDeveloper I made the application split view and add the navigation controller in the masterview
@Pavijay ok tera notification wala v nahi pta kise nu
@sanchitsingh ok then you can simply add [self.navigationController pushtoViewController:@"your view" animated:yes]
in the master view
@NikhilBansal: kar leya main
@Pavijay mubarkaan
@iPhoneDeveloper in the tableview did select row method
@NikhilBansal: which method will call after pickup the call or the phone
@sanchitsingh yes there only..just like you add in any other view without splitView Controller
@iPhoneDeveloper : Still feeling sleepy....
@iApple acha...you want to have a coffee??:P
@Pavijay dunno
@iPhoneDeveloper Thanks
@iPhoneDeveloper : I am on fast this days,so m not talking tea/coffee in office ... :D
@iPhoneDeveloper Thanks
@sanchitsingh welcome..
@iApple oh fast abhi se??kal nahi rakhna??
@NikhilBansal ok sir
@Pavijay yeah
@iPhoneDeveloper : Shravan month's fast ...Hope you got it.... :)
@iApple wo to rashabandhan se pehle finish ho gya tha
i also kept it
@NikhilBansal:tera bass vala solve hoyi nhi problem kya
@iPhoneDeveloper : No,I have still 10 days to go with...
@Pavijay nahi sir bahut complex coding hai bass di stackoverflow.com/questions/11881987/… read this question and help me, sikhan nu v milega much if u ll read my this question.
Hi room...I recently uploaded an app to app store and its rejected because of following reason..I dont know why can u give me the reason?...10.6: Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good it may be rejected
@iApple what seriously???
so you will keep fast daily??
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yup...
@VishnuPrasath Your UI and / or interface isn't of the standard expected.
@Abizern:ok..Yhanks dudue..
@iApple oh keep it up:)
And if your interface is like your typing - I'm not surprised.
@iPhoneDeveloper : Thanks,secret person !!!
Hi all
Can anybody help me with this issue please
Q: How to use threading for calling a funtion automatically for each row one after another

user198725878It might be silly question but i am not sure how to go with the issue really. I have list of items in uitableview. Each cell has uibutton and URL. When a button is tapped, i start downloading content from server. This works fine as i wanted.Now what i need to know is how can i call downloading ...

@iApple lol...
@iPhoneDeveloper: hi
@Abizern - Hello
@user198725878 hi
@Abizern - Hello !
hi all
@DimplePanchal :D
hi @jordan
kya kar raha hai
@jordan hie
wo jo ap log kabi ni krte :p (KAAM)
tu kya kr rahi hai ?
me solving a problem of mine of UIpageControl
tera to phle bana hua tha
@Leena wt prbl?
arey spacing ki problem hai bas
aj m ne seo pada :)
properly buttons ko align karna hai
tbi pure din tim ni mila idr ane ka
aree awai ... maja sa aa raah tha :p
seo accha hai yr :)
kaise ho sab log ?
hindi :-)
so thinking to switch to SEO @jordan
part tim :)
@VakulSaini Hinglish
sab mix mix
baad m btaunga kuch pln kra h :)
Someone watching :-)
are hindi m prbl h kya idr v ufffff :(
see i m nt teasing anyone n neither i am trolling so no problem
Third eye of stackOverflow watching us :-)
@iPhoneDeveloper: could you please help me for this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/11864208/…
3rd i ?????
52 secs ago, by Vakul Saini
Third eye of stackOverflow watching us :-)
@user198725878 someone gave you suggestion to use NSOperationQueue have you seen documentation for that
@jordan na na koi prb nai hai
@leena:yes i did
but what i am not clear is how to start downloading for each row
:) @DimplePanchal
@user198725878 - There will be a method which tell when the downloading is finish
pass your next string here
i mean i am not sure how to manipulate every row
you can make an array of url
k bye all
tym over
bye @jordan
@user198725878 - Make an array of your url
actually how to say in code , start downaloding for first row
yes i have stored that in nsmutablearray
Dont see only row ... rows are only user interface part
you can handle the same thing with array
declare an integer globally named int index.
actaully when downlaoding , i need to show progressview on uitableviewcell
then when your first downloading will be complete then pass your another url like
[urlArray objectAtIndex:index];
index ++;
then increase your index
i wonder what is the problem with NSOperationQueue
and put a if condition here like
if(index <= [urlArray count])
@Leena - Dont know :-)
he can very well manage each url with NSoperationQueue
he can ???
@Leena:Thank you i will refer it
@VakulSaini: i will try it and can we able to update uiprogressview based on this
@user198725878 - I didn't use progressview yet
In my one app i used a progressView but in actually it was not a progressView
@user198725878 i had once used UIProgressview with tableview to download images but that was asynchronous
hii @Leena @DimplePanchal @iHungry
I had taken an imageView with (0,0) height and width and then increase its width according to my condition and it was looking like a progressbar :-)
sorry ... height was not 0 it was 20
@Jerry hie
i was increasing the width
@Leena: I am also using asihttprequest as below
self.tblViewDownload.userInteractionEnabled = NO;

IsRequestCompleted = NO;

CGPoint touchPosition = [[[event allTouches] anyObject] locationInView:self.tblViewDownload];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tblViewDownload indexPathForRowAtPoint:touchPosition];
UITableViewCell *Cell = [self.tblViewDownload cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];

progress = [[UIProgressView alloc]initWithProgressViewStyle:UIProgressViewStyleBar];
progress.frame = CGRectMake(65, 55, 210, 25);
@DimplePanchal so going today :)
This works fine when tapping button on uitableviewcell
@user198725878 your code is confusing give me few minutes i just give you code related to UIProgressview
@Jerry yeah last hour
@user198725878 and one more thind for large chunk of codes please use pastie
@DimplePanchal - You will come on 16
stil u didnt rcv mail :( @DimplePanchal
but now i am trying to downalod automatically without tapping button
@Leena:sorry , iwill
@user198725878 - if you want to download automatically you will have to make an array of url then have to pass it one by one......
@VakulSaini:thanks, ok i will try
@user198725878 sorry i created that sample with UIAcitvityIndicator
@Leena: ok, sure
ILS?? @Jerry ?
not with UIProgressView
@VakulSaini yeah
ILS mans ?
@Leena : very unfortunate for me
@DimplePanchal - Happy Janmashtmi and Happy Independence day !
@Leena: any way thanks for your time
@VakulSaini same to u
ok @user198725878
@Leena @all HJ AND HID
@DimplePanchal you are leaving??
you want to say JAI HIND @DimplePanchal
@VakulSaini she is wishing happy independence day
ILS means what @DimplePanchal?
@VakulSaini: Could you pls tell me where i need to start looping
@user198725878 - You have a method in which the downloading is being finished ?
Hi all
@VakulSaini:yes once the queueompleted method will be called after every downalod
okay @user198725878
then send request here
@VakulSaini: this is the method -(void)queueCompleted:(ASINetworkQueue*)queue{
is called when evry queue is completed
for next downloading
then after last line of this method you can call your first downloading method

//downloading Finished
if(index < [urlArray count])
//your downloading method
[download forThisUrl:[urlArray ObjectAtIndex: index]];
same to you
same to you
@VakulSaini: will this loop get disturbed when switching the tab bar
because , user will continue buy the songs
so my urlarray will be dynamic- so i stored in appdelegate
Am i doing right?i am afraid
@user198725878 - You can not do anything
on that time
You have to make asynchronous requset for this
@Leena @Jerry thanks
asihttprequest is asynchronous requset
that one is i am using
@Jerry linkedIn mail is urs?
@user198725878 - Then the device will not hang
you can do work on same time
nope, yahoo @DimplePanchal
@Jerry time to go
byee @DimplePanchal n njoy locho :)
chk spam junk mail :(
@Jerry hahaha
@Jerry u add req in linkedIn?
kya ho raha hai yaha
@Terminator you n over here??
@Leena To see whats going on here
anything wrong
@Terminator hehehe.. jasusi :P
@Terminator bbut all are welcome here :)
@Leena @DimplePanchal hehe, No just came here
@DimplePanchal nopes
@Terminator ok :)
@Jerry ok
more than 500 dimples i found if i search :P
ok frndzz
bye bye jnoy and mataki jarur fodana or bahut sara dahi khana :P
@Jerry hehehe
are really
@Terminator - Hindi ?
I know Hindi.
@Terminator - But you dont allow it in your room ?
@VakulSaini I don't know where you get this idea from
@Abizern - Oh how are you ?
You didn't reply me 1 hour ago
@Abizern - You had been flagged me because of only Hindi
If you remember
@VakulSaini This is not your room. And show me a transcript that says i don't allow Hindi in the iPhone/iPad room.
@Terminator - I know this is not my room..... @Abizern flagged me 2 days ago
@VakulSaini I had left this room before you pinged me. I came because i saw your ping. I have no interest what language is used in this room.
because i was talking in hindi
@VakulSaini I flagged you for writing gibberish, not the hindi.
@Terminator - I just want to say .... Now where are rules ?
@Abizern - What i sadi
@VakulSaini You're all big on rules - but how about responsibilities. I'm not getting into an argument with you.
Had i used abusing words for someone ?
I give respect to everyone whether he is newB or exp.
Well .... Okay
And as @Terminator said - I have no interest in what language you use in this room. I just prefer it to be mostly English in the other room.
Also, you need to understand that a non-english language becomes a problem in a room when it's spoken continuously or frequently. We need to judge based on this, not one or two sentences.
@Abizern - Yeah .... But Everybody doesn't know the english
Who ask question in hindi
We'll reply in hindi
I think it should not be wrong
It will be wrong when i will talk in hindi to some one who doesn't know hindi.
@Leena - When will you go
@VakulSaini around 7
okay :)
You also on leave after today ?
will be on leave
but may be i will come on SO
till 16 ?
Thats the spirit !
byee @VakulSaini leaving
@Leena - bye bye
See you
Enjoy the holidays
@VakulSaini: bye
@user198725878 - bye bye
thnk you
@Leena - Smile :-)
Keep it always :-)
Hello vakul
@Japa -
I was busy
hi vakul
my head is so confused!
@Japa - I will meet you 2mrw :-)
My office gonna be close
ok no problem...
help who? me?
no problem
@Abizern and @MichaelDautermann ..... they can if they want
i will see you tomorrow
Okay bye bye
Good luck !
thanks anyway :)

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