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Everyone here..... but none speaking...???? :}
@Rajesh_Bangalore every one busy in their works
@RamaRao yeah i was just simply said man
hi al
oye shanki @Blue sant ban sant
ok ok ok
gayi kya ? @Leena
12 messages moved to VOID
@Blue bad, very bad, jao tum
@CrazyCreator @Leena Getting linker Error on device
ld: file is universal (2 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice: /Users/visualbis/Downloads/NetAdvantage_iOS_20121_Beta/Frameworks/IGChart.framework/IGChart for architecture armv7s
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
any idea
@CrazyCreator saw u in iphonezone?
IGChart.framework is either missing / its built with other architexture
@bugfinder yes i m there y ?
@bugfinder yes
@MUSTHAFA r u using any third party library
@bugfinder umm
thats the error
@MUSTHAFA so either download the latest version of the library and rebuild or remove armv7s from valid architectures
2 mins ago, by CrazyCreator
IGChart.framework is either missing / its built with other architexture
Was I correct @bugfinder ??
@bugfinder umm
@CrazyCreator no the frame work is not missing,the library was not supplrting the new architecture
@bugfinder its working fine on simulator. getting error on device
@MUSTHAFA it will work on simulator
device is arm architecture
@MUSTHAFA because of i386
@bugfinder yes man
@bugfinder wt is i386
hello all
@MUSTHAFA will give u all answers
does anyone know how to use libxml here
@PratyushaTerli hai
@bugfinder umm
@RamaRao hello
@MUSTHAFA t works in the simulator because the simulator will always use i386 architecture. That hasn't changed with the new SDK. What has changed is the presence of the iPhone 5, which uses a new architecture (armv7s). The project for your app automatically added armv7s as a valid architecture, but the library was likely compiled without knowledge of it. Thus, your arm7s-enabled app tries to link against a library that was built without armv7s and fails.
yes @bugfinder
@CrazyCreator for u also
@PratyushaTerli krishna knw abt it
@PratyushaTerli yem chestunav?
@bugfinder how to checK device is architecture (armv7s) or not
@RamaRao i cant take his help he is in sachet now
@MUSTHAFA iphone 5 only has that architecture
Nilay sir libxml nerchukomannaru ade chusthunna kani em ardam kavatle
@PratyushaTerli avna?apudu velladu ayna akkadiki yendukelipoyadu?
@MUSTHAFA find in project settings
@bugfinder I know dear :)
@josh yes
bwn thanks @bugfinder
@CrazyCreator i just told,so that u asked
@josh i wnat to check my device
@RamaRao andarini akkadike pmapinchesaru motham DD sir team antha.nenu , narayana rao sir,govind sir matrame unnam ikkada
@CrazyCreator i know u know all this
@PratyushaTerli oh k.andulo ne doubt yento narayana ni adigyna telusuko.nenu epudu chinna pani lo unna anduke cheppalenu
@MUSTHAFA wat u actually want\
Tell one thing, I created a lib, I wanted to make it both ARC / NON ARC enabled, how is that possible, if I create a code in ARC and detect that accordingly ??
@MUSTHAFA armv7 is for all iPads and the iPhone 3G S and up.
kk.ah sir kuda pani lo unnaru ayipoyaka adugutha
@josh umm
@PratyushaTerli what ?
@MUSTHAFA we r talking abt armv7s
@PratyushaTerli nenu inko 3 hrs tarvata neeku kavalante explain chestale
@CrazyCreator oh my god.....i was not that bigenough to answer u
@CrazyCreator mam nilay sir ne libxml seekhne ko kaha
@bugfinder oh ni
@PratyushaTerli good, sikh lo
achha hai
search google
aapko koi easy tutorial ka link pata hai kya
mujhe kuch samajhme nahi aaraha
I learned from project itself
@bugfinder wat can i do to remove this?
@CrazyCreator aapne kaise seekha hai? google try kiya and found many lekin samajme nahi aa raha
@MUSTHAFA remove that architecture from valid architecture
@bugfinder please find something on this , I want something like this, I want to use ARC
very gud
what is good
samaj me nai aa rha ye achchi baat hai samaj aa jata to detail me nai padhte :)
@Mayuraa what ?
kai nai
@bugfinder its working fine
@MUSTHAFA it is not the right way
/i m not monster
@CrazyCreator dear check it
oops its serious monster :O
@bugfinder ho
@CrazyCreator wat?
how to get default cam like instagram app
@MUSTHAFA dnt worry u can do that untill they release the latest version of library
@CrazyCreator its to me?
@bugfinder ok
@CrazyCreator wat is this
/i m not monster
that site name says serious monster, I like humorous monsters
@All Any idea on this SHKTwitter problem?? stackoverflow.com/questions/12722882/…
@bugfinder thanks...
@CrazyCreator i am afraid u r saying that to me
check that also
@CrazyCreator that i am a monster
@bugfinder its not u dear, u are monster finder, not a monster, actually I m monster :)
@MUSTHAFA No mention pls......
@CrazyCreator hey
@Aadil oops bhago
@CrazyCreator if u call yourself a monster i am sad :(
@All please help me...
y so @bugfinder ?
@Nina no idea :(
@CrazyCreator kahan bhago kal ke baat bhool gae
@Nina wat is ur pbm
nahi Q ?
@CrazyCreator then why ur runing out of the room :-p
nothing, I m here only
@CrazyCreator because u r sakthimam......:)
@CrazyCreator aww...
@bugfinder check this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12722882/shktwitter-image-preview-issue
@Nina :( Sorry no share kit :(
@bugfinder no no no no
nahiiii :((
@Nina sry i used MGtwitter
@CrazyCreator why>?
I m not shaktiman
@CrazyCreator as u r the piller of this room u deserverd that...?
@bugfinder I m not pillar, oops dont blame me, I m monster
@CrazyCreator why this much of self respect?
hahahh she is not an Man she is crazy developer :-p
To be a monster is not bad :S
hahahh she is not an Man she is crazy developer :-p
then she is Iron man..
she is not a man yaaar
he bhagwan
@CrazyCreator give some respect to yourself....
No Ego pls @CrazyCreator
@bugfinder I do respect myself, I do have self respect
But I dont have ego
I m proudish not egoistic,
@CrazyCreator then why telling like thius
It was just a statement dear
nothing else
@CrazyCreator :(
y ? sad ?
@CrazyCreator r u free today
@CrazyCreator i dnt like people disrespecting ourself
hmm @bugfinder I dont like people who insult others :(
@CrazyCreator who done that me?
no not u
u are very kind
@CrazyCreator i was never do that to anyone
I know
U are kind
what´s up guys!!!!
@CrazyCreator u free madam
greatings for everyone
i m down
@CrazyCreator if u r hurt 1000 times sorry
Same to u @Japa
@bugfinder huff, i m not hurt dear, no need to say sorry
@CrazyCreator yo...crazycreator how are you?
@Japa i m fine
@CrazyCreator leaving hope that link gave some idea for u........
@CrazyCreator listen.....do you know why a modalviewcontroller has problems rotating to landscape?
@bugfinder y u leaving
@Japa yes, it happens
@bugfinder didn´t understand very well bugfinder...can you explain better to me?
@bugfinder if i show you some code, could you explain better?
good afternoon guys
@bugfinder ???
@CrazyCreator ???
@ajayagrawal hi
@Leena @iHungry @Aadil @Japa : Can we check whether a app is installed or not
Ur question is too much short
@iHungry : see, In my button Action i need to check whether a particular App is present or not(installed or not)
go for url schema
How can i check that ?
@leena : was that for me ?
url schema ??
how come ?
Q: How to check particular app is already installed on iphone device or not?

user1310038How to check particular app is already installed on iphone device or not? How we can achieve this any idea?

for more info
@leena : okay thank u
@Leena: did u work for cocos2d?
@iYahoo @iosDev
anyone else ?
Nope @NiteshMeshram
no @NiteshMeshram
which Version Xcode is latest Version?
i guess
@iYahoo swathi asked bro
I have a UISlider l, I am setting a Thumb image in my UISlider, Now when i am tapping on the Slider thumb image it is getting disappeared
and the original Slider image is coming
Okay @Rajesh_Bangalore, i actually replied her and than was a Q to leena
@leena :I have a UISlider l, I am setting a Thumb image in my UISlider, Now when i am tapping on the Slider thumb image it is getting disappeared
and the original Slider image is coming
@iYahoo sorry i missunderstood
@no issues @Rajesh_Bangalore
can u check my Query once
@iYahoo sorry bro
had my own today
@Rajesh_Bangalore No. 4.5
@Swathi guess im outdated.... sry
@Rajesh_Bangalore : fixed it
struggling with mine
XCode 4.5 IOS 6
my xcode downloading ios lib
how can i stop that
i done
kese stop kia?
anyone here to telme how to do this?
@Rajesh_Bangalore use table taking grouping
@Leena how to make it?
@Leena hi ..
@Rajesh_Bangalore hi
@Rajesh_Bangalore have u done crop image and then save in imagview ?
hi @Dip
@Rajesh_Bangalore which part is nt clear to you
@Leena hi hi hi every where hi
@Leena have u done crop image and then save in imagview ?
@Rajesh_Bangalore ?
@Rajesh_Bangalore ?
@Leena begg... how to turn grouped table view into that form
@Leena help me ?
@RamaRao ya
vary your cell height depending on indexpath.section
@Rajesh_Bangalore use sections yar
wait @Dip searching solution for you
@Leena thank you.
@RamaRao ok i ll try and come man thanks...
@Dip it's grouped table
the only thing u need is dynamic ceel Height
one word
@Rajesh_Bangalore most welcome yar
4 times correcting
Q: Custom Crop Size in UIImagePickerController

redwall_hpI've been struggling with this for awhile now, since there is little documentation on the subject. I have a UIImagePickerController in my iPhone application that I use to select an image to be applied as the background of a view later. This is easy enough to do. Unfortunately, if a user selects a...

Q: How to crop a UIImageView to a new UIImage in 'aspect fit' mode?

pj4533 I would like to create a new UIImage by cropping the image inside a UIImageView. For example in the above pic, I want a new UIImage of the area outlined in green. I found code to do this, normally it looks something like this (as a UIImage category): - (UIImage *)croppedImage:(CGRect)bounds ...

Q: How to crop a UIImage by selecting an area

Tobias BambullisI'm searching for a posibility to crop UIImages. I've found lots of examples via google how to do this, but I want to do a bit more than just croping the image. It would be nice if the user can choose which area of the UIImage will be crop. In other languages, for example Javascript, there are ...

for more info see this
@Leena how to change default time from our app ?
@ALL: can any body tell me how to create scrollable tab bar
default time??
@Leena i want to change timezone of device from my app
Q: How can I make a scrollable TabBar...?

user177352I'm working on an app that needs many TabBar Items (6 or 7). I don't think users like to click the "More" button on TabBars, so I'm wondering how to make my own TabBar that slides from left to right, so one can easily access all the buttons on the tabbar without pressing "More." Thanks!

nt posible
@aadil:let me try this one
@leena : How can we add a HYPERLINk in our Mailcomposer
@Leena r u sure ?
create html content for your mail composer
yeah tried with that
can u open this link once
yes moorthy
there in the last answer u can find my problem what i am facing
becoz we cant make any system changes in iphone device from app
<body>why only for today</body>
@Leena ohh k we can launch settings app then directly get back to our app is that possible ?
its possbile
how is there any example ? @Leena
@Swathi hi
google devta ki jay
go for google
hahahha google google google
k @Leena
u hav't done that before ?
i have done
but i am a lazy gal
what i will do i will do google
i will get any stack link
and i will post here
nothing different i am gonna do
@Leena check PM
on website
@leena : have u checked that link
thts my reaction on ur message
yes i have seen tht link @iYahoo
how tht happened?
who did tht
@CrazyCreator @Leena @iYahoo @RowdyMoorthy @Aadil @Swathi how to reload table view.? before reloading table view i want to make its contains blank. like changing grid to thumb in `instagram` application.
the [tableview reloaddata] is not working properly.
set datasource accordingly
@CrazyCreator sorry dont understand properly can you guide me more?
before reloaddata empty ur array and then reload it if u want empty table
How to Pick Image and Image name from Photo Gallery?
they telling that also not possible @Leena
Hi all. Need help! I have an mp3 file that can't be played by AVAudioPlayer. How to make it work?
I am working on an App which need to post a message on the Facebook wall, it is posting message but only first line of message, can anyone help me
@Leena, @CrazyCreator, @RowdyMoorthy
Q: iOS Launching Settings -> Restrictions URL Scheme

kturnerI've recently discovered the awesome iOS5 custom Settings URL Scheme, which can be explained in detail at this great website: http://handleopenurl.com/scheme/apple-settings-app I've found this to work, directing the user to the Settings app from my application: [[UIApplication sharedApplic...

Q: Call the official *Settings* app from my app on iPhone

Di WuAt one point in my app, I would like to redirect the user to the official Settings app. If possible, I also want go straight to the Network section within the Settings app. I think what I need is the Settings app's url scheme and the format to construct my request. But I doubt that calling such ...

@Leena How to Pick Image and Image name from Photo Gallery?
pls help me its really urgent
I just want to know is this from Facebook side or am I making any mistake?
search for another option
@Swathi asset library
@Leena: can u pls look at my issue
use FB graph api
yes I m using
@CrazyCreator but i dont want to empty my array is there any another solution?
and also able to post messages
but only single line
@Hrushikesh no dont think do
@CrazyCreator ok thnx. but i am trying to change the view thumb to grid so the data should be remail same just change the style of table.
@Leena want name also
yes you will get name too
Any Sample?
@Leena any sample?
kahan ja rahe hen
ghar n party time
@CrazyCreator mere kaam nhn kiau ne :-/
Q: AVAudioPlayer doesn't play mp3?

iWheelBuyI want my AVAudioPlayer to play some mp3 files. It plays some of them but I have one file that can't be played! To play the file I download it on my device into application folder and init it this way: [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:soundPath error:nil]; How to play the file? Wh...

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