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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

it will happen im sure
o/ everyone
2 hours later…
\o @PabloBaxter
3 hours later…
I need to sleep
@Code-Apprentice WOOOO!! cool
this one?
or the 2.0 version?
@DaveS congrats!
also o/
@DaveS CONGRATS! that's why we don't see you that much?
hey warren, whats up?
how's the little monster going? dave's having one too.
thats what she said
"dave's having one too" ? doesn't sound weird.
The little monster started to get a day/night routine. Now both kids are sleeping between 6-7pm
@CptEric No, hows the little monster going
6-7pm? isn't that super early?
my daughter sleeps 12-13h
and you don't want to face her mood when she has to "stay up late"
on Monday we have a swim course starting at 6pm, back at 7pm, eating and she is in bed around 7:45pm. The sleeps then to 7:30am at least
benefit of that schedule: we have time to do stuff we want... currently watching Criminal Minds to relax. Wife is still recovering from an infection she had last week
oh, is she ok?
i had a throat and sinus infection last week and it was horrible
twice the strength of a normal flu
fucking weather changes
I'm getting pretty mad already. I'm facing the issue that my ViewHolder doesn't bind my ID to the RV row. As a result I can't pass the ID to my onClick interface since it's null. While it does bind the txtName, txtId stays empty w/e I try. Anybody encountered something similar?
Oh with Realm's adapter.
we suspected it to be a scarlet fever. The doc wasn't sure and gave some antibiotics
At first I thought onClick(View v) holds the reference of the RV's row I clicked. But even with v.getRootView() it doesn't bind my ID's.
i had scarlatine/scarlet fever as a kid. in spain it had been erradicated for 40 years.
@MarkO'Sullivan @TimCastelijns pastebin.com/QHwnRi0G Could you give it a look? Pasted my entire adapter, maybe you guys can spot the mistake.
left me two "krillin" marks on my forehead.
have yo utried making it final? dunno jordy.
are you sure it can be parsed as int?
else it will be null
> int id = Integer.parseInt(tv.getText().toString());
Why are you using an onClick interface @Jordy?
Just create the click listener within onBindViewHolder
maybe he handles the touch on the acitivty
but yeah it's weird.
I'm not sure how the IDs would work with a recyclerview because you're recycling views and might end up reusing ids or generating new ones completely (guessing haven't tested)
holder.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener ...
yeah i think it should be on the onBindViewHolder for it to work
because it's what happens after recyling if i'm not wrong.
@CptEric Yeah .getText() gives me the error but yeah I handle the click inside my activity
that's why
If you're wanting text, setText not setId
oh lol
that's rubber ducky level. how didn't i see that?
Oh lol x)
that makes perfect sence
Looks like it's off to the noob corner
Looks like it's off to the suicide corner
Looks like it's off to the dutchfoodie corner
Frikandellen all the way
And also: Thats what she said
Lol what
My emulator gets openGL errors
04-18 07:56:00.554 10942-10984/nl.qrlog.hanenberg E/OpenGLRenderer: GL error: 0x506
04-18 07:56:00.556 10942-10984/nl.qrlog.hanenberg A/OpenGLRenderer: GL errors! frameworks/base/libs/hwui/renderthread/OpenGLPipeline.cpp:105
04-18 07:56:00.556 10942-10984/nl.qrlog.hanenberg A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 10984 (RenderThread), pid 10942 (qrlog.hanenberg)
nice package name. Thanks for your app
you're welcome
shit app anyways
my emulator crashed pretty hard
yo @ColdFire are there any Surplus stores with ww2 stuff in india?
i mean, stuff made in india for the UK / australian / canada / NZ troopers
ww2 stuff?
@Jordy I can fix that
@CptEric i doubt we have one yet.
> Your version of Kotlin runtime in 'Gradle: org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.1.60@jar' library is 1.1.60-release-55 (1.1.60), while plugin version is 1.2.31-release-Studio3.1-1.
Runtime library should be updated to avoid compatibility problems.
I have no clue where this 1.1.60 version comes from
anyone has that as well?
@Raghunandan yeah. india made tons of material, some of which was never supplied due to germans and italians blocking the trade routes
i'm looking specially to this kind of sandals, indian pattern "Chappies"
those are available in india. Local stores have those but not sure if the export it to other countries
@TimCastelijns Just don't, my boss will give you cancer in the process
np I already have it
@Raghunandan haven't found them even on ebay. are they cheap? got any pic?
Nice and you're not even a smoker
no but I frequently visit
that's worse than smoking
there's cancer politics, cancer php, cancer jokes, and there's dave.
@CptEric google for bata sandals
not the same jordy XD
Scroll down eric
they are pretty cheap
some are quite the look alike
@TimCastelijns youtube.com/watch?v=m4Yk0wrzqrk What makes you cry ;)
A classic
should be this design, or similar, and made of leather, not plastic.
that's harder
Even jesus wouldnt touch those slippers
need them 4 brittish africa uniform
thanks ragu, will try to find a retailer with a good "classic" catalog.
and by classic i mean "1970 brittish tourist"
hugo boss.
You can say whatever you want but Hitler was quiet fashionable
he actually was very conservative in clothing, it was mainly the navy and air force that pushed for a renovation in looks
but i prefer english uniforms
they are more comfortable and useful
> the PP and Citiziens parties reject answering a question made by the PSOE secretary : "Why 190.000 weapons manufactured in spain have been found in the hands of terrorists in syria, lebanon, iraq and central africa?"
glad to know my country is a peace provider. </sarcarsm>
@CptEric The German helmet was by far the most usefull piece of equipment tho
it was a refined 1917 design, nothing state of the art
@Override public void onBackPressed() {
// This above line close correctly}
hm reads like that would close the process completely
like the app would not run anymore
@SandeepSingh you need a Q:A ratio of 4:3+ to chat here
@CptEric there are museum but stores i doubt
@CptEric we have those currently too lol
😃 if you find to see ones that are almost exactly like those, pm me
raghu did you see the new expressway in delhi that is opening shorty
no. have not heard of it.
from the looks of it , it looks world standard
@ColdFire how is your road to gold badge going? I got almost 200 passive upvotes since
i have 600 now
400 to go
wow more than 2 year it seems
i need to answer some questions it seems
i see you have started answering questions again tim
What's new in Constraint Layout 1.1: android.jlelse.eu/…
I have answered some about constraint layout, but I don't usually bother
most questions I open are to decide how they should be closed
@MarkO'Sullivan is this new since 1.1? I am using all of these features in our project already
You're using Circular Positioning?
although we have been using 1.1 betas for a while
very cool
I haven't been using 1.1
i havent started using CL yet
time to use it i guess
i find it too similar to ios constrains
Except it's actually useful
expanding flexLayout would have been a better shot imho
interesting! I didn't know about it (they opensourced it apparently - github.com/google/flexbox-layout)
Anybody here who can fulfill a marriage here?
flexlayout is cool
I'm falling in love more and more with Realm
i havent started using yet but the demos are good
I'm not a big fan of porting a concept to a different platform
When was flexlayout revealed?
begin of last year
Really? Sounds like it was around the same time as ConstraintLayout alpha
is everyone a realm fanboy in here now
instead of just tim
> Circular Positioning
That's new
damn it's on 5.0.0 already, i've missed a lot
last time I used it I think it was 3.0
Stupid enough Realm's site gives you the 4.3 download :d
@Jordy no it doesn't? I'm on it atm and it's showing 5.0.0
It did for me yesterday
Nope youre a liar
If you download version 5.0, it downloads 4.3
Click the big ass download button and read the file name
yeah last i used was just before 3.0
@Jordy you download Realm as a zip?
The gradle instructions show 5.0.0 so I'm guessing they've just not updated their zip file
yeah, 4.3.1
Reported it to them
zip? sorry for asking such a dumb question, but I always assumed Realm was integrated as a regular lib through gradle
it is
idk what Jordy is doing
php habits
they actually have a pretty clean documentation
anyone familiar with gcc, g++, llvm?
can someone tell me if I do it correctly in Kotlin here It looks uglier and harder to read for me than the java part...
definitely harder
try return if (accountBasics != null) new Gson().bla(accountbasics) else new AccountBasics()
that is java but I am looking for a better kotlin variant than the one I used
I should get on kotlin train too
no it's kotlin
"lift the return out of the if"
@MarkO'Sullivan I never said I download it as a zip :P just noticed the download isnt correct
hm ok but return check ? variant1 : variant2 in java would even be nicer
Good evening friends
too bad kotlin doesnt support tertiary operator
as fromJson accepts null parameter I could do that return Gson().fromJson(accountBasics, AccountBasics::class.java) ?: AccountBasics()
but this way I rely on a behavior of a third party lib... I don't like that
> return when (accountBasics) {
> null -> AccountBasics()
> else -> Gson().fromJson(accountBasics, AccountBasics::class.java)
> }
Is there anyway to display notification on lock screen in Android 4.4 Programmatically? @ColdFire
that is also a nice construct, at least from visibility
so far I like the solutions I found in this order 1, 2 and last one is 3
personally I wouldn't use when to do a null check, but it does look nice
Do we require null check in Kotlin?
I am under impression that It Kotlin we don't require null check.
if you declare that something can be nullable, you need null check
I have some dumb shit here. I have an item view in a recyclerView that has constraint layout as root layout. It has match parent for width but it is behaving as wrap content. If I change layout to linearlayout it does match parent, any clues?
it also works if I put a child view in the constraintlayout that also has match parent for width
hmm also relativelayout is not working as expected
I am probably overlooking something dumb
post the layout code tim
got it. thank you
you can not use match parent for constraint layout
the CL itself has match parent, not the children
which is still not supported
I have the same issue with relativelayout, I don't think CL is the issue
probably I am doing dumb shit
@TimCastelijns It happened to me a few months ago, switched the whole hierarchy because of this, I still don't know the reason tbh
it's working in other layouts
yes, same happened to me in only 1 layout
how do you inflate the view
LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext()).inflate(layoutResourceId, viewGroup, false);
^ that sounds about right
some strange voodoo shit happen if you pass null in parent sometimes
about to slap a bounty on that Q
upgrading from 1.1.0beta4 to beta6 fixed it \0/
oh lol nice
cc @Mehdi
@TimCastelijns I see you've got the gold Android Badge
I don't get the way to obtain points
What is this n / 1000 and n / 200?
For example : 484/1000 score -- 286/200 answers
What's this score?
for a gold badge you need both 1000 score and 200 answers posted
for silver it is 400 score and 80 answers
for bronze 100 score and 10 answers I believe
I know right
But, what is this 1000 score?
Badges are overrated
@RaghavSood I know but I want it :3
score is total number of upvotes - downvotes
Alright, so I have to answer more questions to gain upvotes, right?
Thank you guys ^^
technically you can post 1 answer and wait forever to get 1000 upvotes on it
Well I don't like this way, at the same time I answer I learn also, so, I'll do my way :P
good luck finding answerable questions
Don't listen to Tim, he adores PHP & Samsung.
careful jordy
it's a bannable offense to accuse someone of practicing PHP
much like witchcraft in medieval times
Hello all i want to one example that contain live camera can detect hair and change color
Please guide for this
should it detect baldness
@PunitSharma you have access. Start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else
@AkshayPatel you need 80+ rep to chat here
I have read and understood the rules
Welcome :)
@Jordy that sounds like something jordy does tho
this is the warmest welcome anyone in the history of r15 has received
haha, feeling lucky Thanks everyone :)
Welcome Punit! :)
lol tim
o/ adam
@TimCastelijns Thanks!
fb hires factcheckers to prevent fake news in karnataka election in india
and what is fact checker in itself carry a left bias
never ending debate i guess
:( People will always have their own bias. Facts don't carry bias though. It's important to recognize bias from misleading, really.
yup which leads to a larger question can they really stop fake news in elections?
Well there's a difference between biased and fake
yes there is but you are not getting the point if the fact checker has bias they will allow their bias to judge news
and so the results wont be pleasing
Then the fact checker isn't doing their job.
Here's an example. Trump says something like "we have the lowest unemployment rate in a decade." Is that a fact? Yes. Where's the bias? It's been decreasing since 2009, but no one ever wanted to gave Obama credit for it.

What do we call that? It's not really "fake news" what Trump said, even if it's misleading.
If I was a fact checker I would let it slide.
here we have 2-3 factchecker they were caught with misleading checking
But that's why I like sites like snopes or politifact, because they will say "this person is technically correct, but here is the nuance that is missing"
ofcourse that is cherry picking fact
or one sided kinda news
how many fact checkers got hired (for india)?
that is not revealed yet
also our leading left wing party congress has been caught in bed with Cambridge Analytica.
speculation are also on other parties
I'm asking this because of there are 1000 fact checkers and 2-3 that messed up... it's irrelevant
its not revealed yet so i dont know
@MarkO'Sullivan every morning I see this, it makes me smile.
well it depends on the news on how damaging it is for the left or right wing
o/ all
o/ petey
30 mins of blue eyes meets bedstuy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2P8xDh6X-U
(sinatra and biggy)
@AdamMc331 isnt that because of 2008 financial crisis in US
i would assume that led to massive unemployment
so since 2009 upswing must have started
Right, but the bias was Trump's implicit hint that he's responsible for the upswing.
meh most policies take time to show effect
you will mostly see the benefits of previous government reform in 4-5 years
^ Also why I think it's weird that he was trying to take advantage of things as soon as he took office. Like fam you haven't done anything yet.
well he will take advantage of positive news why not?
its politics afterall where no one is saint
that reminds me congress used the reforms by ABV till 2008 and came back to power in 2009
oh well after that they couldn't manage economy properly leading to policy paralysis till 2014
ABV was a saint and he lost, lessons learnt never be a saint in politics
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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