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Yes Here
I wouldn't wanna buy this guy's book and support him :P
People hate him for pointing out historical facts and calling him xenofobic/nazi/racist and so on. Even while he's in a relationship with a black guy for years now.
I was referring to the first paragraph on the wiki
I have never ever heard of that actually, might be complete out of context.
Either way: youtube.com/watch?v=RKGMwTsBd0g , hear what the woman says in the beginning :d
wow controversy always makes books sell
nice strategy
oh i know this guy milo
have watched few youtube videos of his
@MehdiB. Did some research, turned out he didn't defend pedophilia. Milo talked about being molested and joked around about it. Classic ultra-leftwing media it seems.
same i thought so, media biases twisting words
oh, could be, I don't know the guy (first time I hear about him is when you mentioned him)
i first saw his video which i couldn't share here
but he thrashed awesomely in that video
I watched almost all of his lectures and I freaking love this guy. He says my exact thoughts about the most controversial things around the world at this point. The reason I bought his book in the first place.
yup his said the truth
some people couldnt digest
Btw, I may be in Berlin next December if I finish a project I'm currently working on
And I may stop by Amsterdam and see you guys
And he destroys liberal-left every time they try to argue with him. Well, argue? Most of the time they can only shout nazi, fascist or xenofobic
@MehdiB. Let me know, can always visit Amsterdam for a day to meet
yup he trashes them lol
I will! :D
next december or this?
The one in 3 months
i am gonna go there next year :(
nice mehdi
Don't forget if you decide to meet me - you probably know what the city-trip is all about.
Going on a business trip, so I'll just try to steal some time, hopefully
@Jordy you wont believe so much propaganda is done by ultra leftist here
Jordy - hahaha
@ColdFire Our national news sponsored by the goverment is also far-left. The titles they sometimes create for extra views really cringes the shit out of me.
yup most channels are ultra left here :(
glad there are some rightist too
Thankgod we Dutchies also have www.geenstijl.nl
I'm not coming if you're going on that kind of trip
Then we let Tim decide what to do.
Tim :(
We will watch mean girls. And then mean girls 2. And then we will discuss how bad part 2 was
@Jordy we have zeenews yay \o/
the worst part is there is almost no neutral news
lmao Tim
and then tease CF as a group :D
@TimCastelijns Are you sure you didn't smoke?
lol jordy
@ColdFire Same here :( here just 2.
BBC is a ultra left right?
same for CNN
even people getting killed is politics now
fucking leftist channels destroyed everything
Do you think the BBC will publish this when they're right:
I don't think so :P
BBC coverage on 2008 mumbai terrorist attack was horrific
they would go to any length to justify their propaganda
man's not hot! mic dropped
wtf is that rap
Jup, that's the thing that made me change my views several years ago. I wasn't really politically interested untill I heard more and more bullshit and twisted stories from liberal-left.
neutral person went to right because of ultra leftist propaganda
don't forget guys, everyone twists the truth, not just leftists...
and that's exactly why I'm part of the worsts: neutral
unless it's about violations of what I consider to be common sense values
The biggest example that made me change view was about an video of Putin. The NOS (the national funded one) made an article where they stated that Putin is a very unfriendly and bossy dude because he let a guy wait for like 45 mins for an interview. And when he finally had time for him he stopped the interview in 1 minute.
well very difficult to remain neutral mehdi these days
That same day the real video came across, Putin had a 45 min interview with this man.
the leftist even shows RSS as a terrorist organization
i hate ultra leftist with a passion now
they lost all my respect because of this^
Can't say I hate them all, their are some lefties who're actually capable of giving a solid argument. Too bad it's just 1%. Although I think that's the same with right-winged. You have the 'THEY TOOK OUR JOOOBS'-kind of people and the more intellectual ones.
well people who have a good argument all respect to them
I've never liked the right, so I tried to be leftist, then I've been educating myself about them and their agendas etc.. and the more I dived in the more disappointed I was. (could vary depending on the country)
So I don't belong to any of them
Instead of bringing people more together, the distance between left and right is greater than ever.
It's insane.
also tbh none of the indian parties are right or left
I would love to see where we stand in 50 years
@Jordy also what you must have read about our PM Modi is also purely leftist propaganda
they tried every tool to defame him
but oh well he still became the PM
Same for Mutti Merkel - Emmanuel Macron in France
People are blind.
yup also tbh a tea seller becoming a PM is a very big achievement
also we got free from dynasty politics and fake gandhi's
Gandhi's rushes nukes anyway
well the current gandhis are fake
Nvm me, I play too much Civilization
mahatma gandhi gave them their surname they are not really gandhi's
our history book are totally written according to leftist
ignoring contribution from people who didnt like their way
Read that about Ghandi :P you will laugh about the bug
lol i have read that jordy
Love it
also kinda we were one of the few countries who fought on both sides
in ww2
@Jordy yup its awesome
Well thats way better than my country. Getting capitulated in 7 days.
well i doubt india's contribution is even mention at all anywhere
Tbh, I've never heard of India's participation in 2nd ww
yup same that is what i said
s/in 2nd ww//
because we were british colony back then
meh was canada in any world wars?
nah, we don't piss people off ;)
good well we got dragged by british not that we wanted it
more seriously, there was some conscription for ww2 in quebec (probably other provinces too) and we were literally the worst.
there were mass marriages so that people could avoid it
Canada participated in WW2 tho
in 1939 already, helping out the Brittish
Not sure, but if I'm right they also had a major contribution to D-day together with the American army
and our other people(Indian National Army) were helping the japanese
@Jordy that rings some bells. Should have listened more in history classes...
Haha I actually listened but I often refused to make my homework
D-day i dont remember what it was, just that it was something
everybody dies.
is pretty much what it is, sadly
It was the day American/Canadian entered Normandi.
dooms day aah
And the first step to freedom for the invaded countries
i enjoy launching nukes in Command and Conquer Generals
everybody get killed
^ I enjoy it at CIV just as much. Do remember C&C nukes :D
Good old times
USA weapon is shit
shitty particle cannon
I always played with the Arabs :d "I NEED SHOEEES"
lol the mobs of arab are awesome
Made me laugh every time
but defense of arabs sucks
@Jordy haha yup
"that is too far"
Damn, I might install it again
i play it everyday
I'm curious how my 4k display scales it
the chinese banned that game lol
Since scaling to other resolutions is fucking shit
it works fine on my 1080p
Yeah but imagine playing full screened 1280x1040, fullscreen at your full hd screen.
Thats how every resolution looks when i downscale it from 4k
also lmao the arabs civilization name was Global Liberation Army
never had 4k so no idea
must be looking too pixelated
Yeah I'm still thinking about buying 2 quad-hd 150hz screens and use my 4K for movies/series/youtube
Or just sell it, idk
Not that I'm so interested in gaming anymore as I was 10 years ago
same tho i reinstalled that game
i had played cnc 10 years before
still love the nukes
I still remember me playing it with classmates at my it education
Actually the first time I played it
yup same i beated the ass in 1 against 3 by stealing their dozer
Was zero hours the right version?
Can't find my cd anywhere :') must download
@MehdiB. being neutral is pretty difficult these days and i found left propaganda to be very dangerous and against the nation which is something very dear to me, its very good that you are neutral
@Jordy yup download it
apparently I'm a "git ninja"
nice CA
just overheard my lead developer
and today I'm trying to learn node, react, and jest
it's nice to hear that kind of stuff being said about you
similarly, it is terrifying to hear how little your colleagues know about git
Hahaha Tim is back
Would love seeing you in a debate with someone from our goverment Tim
that would be a short one, considering how little I know about or care about them
my colleagues seem to know enough to get the job done
I tend to go a little crazy with branches, rebasing, git commit --amend, etc.
You would still smash 'em
oh, and git stash
sounds like the true way to git
@Jordy lol
one project has like 20 stashes
if all you do is pull, commit and push, you might as well use dropbox
most of which I either applied and didn't drop or recreated from scratch
Tim :(
Can't say Tim is wrong here.
aren't the stashes local only CA?
still it's a mess
well I never drop them either. I kinda keep them around because of paranoia
I need to clean up more often
it's like the git attic
you put things there and then forget they even exist
what is stash?
copies at different point of commits?
it stores all of the current changes and resets your current working copy to HEAD
oh ok
so if you are in the middle of something and need to switch to another branch suddenly
it's like "every change I made since last commit, undo them, but save them"
oh sounds awesome feature
it is essential to know if you branch
does AS support this directly through a UI?
$ git stash
$ git checkout -b emergency-branch
# make hot fix
$ git checkout old-branch
$ git stash pop
yes, it does
doesn't matter, using git in AS is for noobs
Ctrl-Shift-A then type "stash"
i am just use pull push merge commit
I use it in AS constantly
^ same
I mean that I use "stash" in AS all the time
well...I'm using IntelliJ these days, but basically the same thing
almost nobody in this room does android, lol
hey i do android
and Only android i might add
I have not had much time to do Android lately.
I am doing web-based projects at work and haven't made much time for personal projects during my own time.
and even when I do get back to Android, I most likely will use IntelliJ IDEA rather than AS.
is it easy to set up?
guys I have a problem
    public static Process sudo(String... strings) throws IOException {
        Process su = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");

            DataOutputStream outputStream = new DataOutputStream(su.getOutputStream());

            BufferedReader inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(su.getInputStream()));
            BufferedReader errorReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(su.getErrorStream()));

            for (String s : strings) {
                Log.e("Sudo Exec", s);
I'm trying to get the outputs of the commands sent to the su process through outputStream.writeBytes()
but the InputStreams just hang on readLine() and are never ready
no clue, never done any root stuff
treat it like a normal process
You're not getting all the input streams, you're getting a input stream
you probably want to read sulog instead
Basically @TheWanderer you're getting a stream that lets you read the output from su. Commands sent to su, come in through su's input stream but whether or not they are written to the std output stream of su is up to the process
how do I get a su log?
you'd want to read it like you'd read any log file
is there a su log file?
sulog is the su log file
is it possible that the script running clear causes problems?
since waitFor() never completes?
readLine is a blocking call, that is waiting for su to write to you with its outputstream
that may never happen
I doubt it's anything causing problems
For instance, you might use readLine on an InputStream to block your command line program until the user types something in the terminal
so you're basically telling your code to wait until su writes something
well I don't even have readLine() in there anymore
and it gets up right until su.waitFor() and then stops
waitFor is basically you telling your program to stop until su terminates
and su shouldn't really ever terminate
well it is writing "exit" to the OS
that doesn't mean the OS listens
and if you shutdown the OS what's going to run your program?
all exit does is log you out of the shell you opened as the super user
it doesn't terminate su
so why does it work for most commands?
because most commands aren't a core feature of the os
no sorry I mean
I can call that function with, say, dd, and it'll complete just fine
however, running a script makes it hang
right because you're waiting for su the process to terminate
which it doesn't
but it does for most things
most things don't need to be available to the os as a basic command
it's like trying to terminate the file directory
no I mean I can use su something and it'll exit just fine
but su script won't
like "su mkdir test" vs "su runscript.sh"?
have you tried doing su runscript.sh in the terminal?
Anyone have experience with caster.io?
@DaveS yup it's fine
I just took out the su.waitFor() and it seems to work now though
> Twitter shocked the world by announcing an experiment: going away from the iconic 140-character limit and expanding it to 280.
Good night

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