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if they don't want you in their room, respect that
@rlemon hm?
@Ahmad flags on a 'no thanks' message
aaah gotcha
2 hours later…
I want to save multiple papers of 100 question and 4 answer quizzes. Is JSON good for this?
BTW I'm using Ionic
Are there anyone here who uses Retrofit? Do you know how to force a 500 response? I wanted to simulate the error so I could test out my error handlers.
1 hour later…
good morning
A: Have Catalonian politicians addressed a scenario where one or more border districts would prefer to stay with Spain after the independence?

CptEricYES, partially The only district allowed to secede from Catalonia is Vall d'Aran, the only "subject" nation inside Catalonia's borders. They speak their own Language ( Aranese, a modern version of Occitan), they have their own culture and traditions,their people doesn't hold a free nation or sta...

^ Just Answered. Hope you like it ronak :P
(you seem always pretty interested in catalonialand stuff :=D )
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
sup w0mper
Very Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​‌​ooood Morning WOMP3R
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooo‌​ooood morning everyone that writes more O's than hours there is on a day.
Hiya Cat, Eric!!!! :D
i didn't knew we gave so many powers to aran lol
good to know we did a good job.
today is going to be a booooring day
same here
and i my dreams of facehuggers don't help much
did you saw alien again?
that's the weird thing
oh boy
i dreamed that trying to open a door i broke it and i was trying to re-attach it. exhausting. finally it fitted again and i could walk by.
one gm in fabletop is starting a game
and i can't play!!!
w0mp , i have to write that book
"Troubles in Paellaland, a quick and probably politically incorrect personal point of view on catalonia".
Paellaland is a confusing name
DAESH killed a Russian General
yeah it could be Valencia too
North Paellaland?
i think of Valencia
the russians are gonna nuke the shit out of daesh 4 that.
sup mehdi
did you find me cool wool?
(it can be hot or temperate wool too, but the joke's funnier above).
Not yet, but I finally could get hold of the guy I told you about
now I can ask him XD
good. tie him to a chair. "WHERE IS THE CLOTH? WHERE DO YOU HIDE IT?"
Hiya Cygery, Mehdi!!!! :D
Hello Womper! :D
a study made on 35.000 person's habits shows that even when 59% wanted their privacy intact, they couldn't resist to invade other's people privacy with gossips or leaked data, pics or audios.
made by the UB in collaboration with the UPF
indyref -5
are you going to put all the count down here???
it's just 5 days lol
if i posted a countdown for every o
you would never finish
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone
why is everyone copying womp today tho?
today is w0mpday? dunno
could be
CF you broke record of Womp :D
Eric you too :D
our parties try to blame the media now for the election results of the AfD... so unexpected. So Trump
The pizza-pic made me hungry Eric :(
eat another pizza then
@WarrenFaith why can't parties understand that 1) some people are idiots. and 2) you can't expect to call people idiots and then them vote you.
true and true but also they simply failed to address the issues the people had
germans have issues?
we do
I have issues with immigrations for example, but not the "OH MY GOD WE ARE GOING TO DIE THEY ALL COME TO MIX WITH OUR RACE, WE WILL DISTINGUISH, THERE IS NO GERMAN ANYMORE IN 5 YEARS" bullshit
I have issues that our system decides to send a 17year old girl, born in Germany, grown up in Germany, "back" to Nepal just because their parents status was revoked
and I have issues that we do not really seem to differ between the people coming here, following the rules and people coming and ignoring everything. First one should be helped and guided, second one fucked their chance and should be taken into custody and/or send back
i'd vote you.
I stop now before I start my German raging mode
on social parts: I fucking pay 400€ per month to have my daughter in day care...
if I would live where I work I would pay NOTHING
Good one Warren, gotta add: I also have problems with the thousands of African migrants who fled from safe countries just too misuse the welfare state (IE: the people who attack truck drivers in Calais, those scumbacks don't belong here).
but hey, our "child support" got a raise! From 186€ to 192€ per month...
It is simple: If you need help and you behave, you are welcome. If you do not behave, you should feel the force of justice and send back. Period
I also do not care if they come to get rich and have a better life or if they fled their country because of war. I don't care. Behave and we are good
but most of the time people do not behave and that is where problem starts
I wouldn't say "most"
yeah lets say some
I would argue, like femnazis, they are just the "loudest" and create the biggest waves in media
Warren hits the nail right on the head. Too bad you will get called racist or xenophobic for it when you explain the same story to Antifa.
Hiya CF, Ronak, Warren, Jordy!!!! :D
i am pretty anti illegal immigration anyway
Morning Womp o/
honestly: I would send down justice on some Antifa right on the spot
I consider myself to be a leftist but if you raise your hand against someone you are just a fucking asshole who has to be put away.
I hate those "we have to riot with violence" guys. YOU ARE FUCKING RUIN THE POINT, assholes
Media will cover the violence and not what the cause of the riot was
that's why here we don't riot violently.
i agree with that
Probably the same with the anti police violence marches in the US... what we get here in Germany is: Someone was killed by police, people protes... oh look what they did to the city. It burns down!
so, enough, I have to get some things to be fixed before release
fix your country. warren for chancellor 2020
2021 please
4 year right?
every 4 years
we have every 5 year
i dont know
le cringé
maybe british impact
colonial legacy
also warren why uneven numbers? 2017 - 2021?
we had even until 2002 - 2005
Hiya Tim!!!! :D
just reading up what happened back in 2005 to have earlier elections
yup britisher's have 5 year term
so colonial legacy
I am in the cool kids club now \o/
awesome congrats tim
> This became necessary after a motion of confidence in Chancellor Gerhard Schröder failed on 1 July.
we wait one year after a motion of confidence failed so it's still even
else it gets messy
well, it is just a number, so I don't care
@TimCastelijns Congrats! will you still talk to us?
i like even stuff.
but yes, the government parties lost on district elections and started an earlier election as they said the support was gone
Afterwards in 2005 we got Merkel
that's a democratic move that i applaud.
here that wouldn't happen
Worked well for Theresa May as well :D
my mother just asked me the official ballot .pdf
we even had one emergency declared in 70 years lasting 2 years suspending democracy
apparently people are asking her on her work to send them the pdf as she cut mine there
and they saw it
nice eric
We still talk about the bronze badge there, right @TimCastelijns?
sure warren :D
so the wanna-be-cool-kids-club will welcome you once you reach silver :D
thz hammerz for Timz
@WarrenFaith I've been saying that for days to some Antifa-like people. They justified violence if it's against someone who sympathises with Nazi's. Although I do not approve nazi-sympathisers, using violence too make your point is retarded and shows your weakness.
@MehdiB. yeah... I guess
oh antifa is leftist organization?
oficcially it's out of the left-right spectre
I'm rightwinged tho
on land, it's usually a extreme libertarian left recourse for violence and antisystem protest
> They tend to be anti-government and anti-capitalist,[11] and they are predominantly far left and militant left
same jordy right wing
i'm a church-burner leftie.
^ :D haha
^ lol eric
although i was neutral but reading all history of our left wing government and their stupid stuff i have gone incline to right wing
i was center but as time passes i keep going more and more left
I was in the middle 5 years ago but our country is getting so insane with stupid subjects that I became waaay more rightwinged. People who cry about having no transgender toilets, shit like that.
i am fine with supporting anything but a left government
i doubt the corrupt even cares for my country
it always depends on the country context
^ yup
here the more right , the more corruption and real fascism
and the more left, the more open and transparent gov
@WarrenFaith you saw it is gold right? I need confirmation
wow Tim 37 upvotes on that syntax difference question
lucky you
yup Tim its gold
/15/android (for you CF) is the perfect example how a goverment should work, even with different views - we can still respect each other.
question votes don't give tag score though
yeah but it gives rep
have plenty of that already
to the awesome job we do here.
awesome job?
with what?
@Jordy oh got it yup
I request a bucket of hotwings from the KFC :3
they are spicy
Thats how I like them
you dont like spicy?
Democratic Hotwings!
nu hu
Democratic Ribs!
RightWing HotWing
and it doesn't agree with me either
LeftWing HotWing!
oh well there goes the indian food for you womp
and the always hated NeutralWings!
@TimCastelijns interesting. My laptop monitor is that awesome, that I need to look from above on it to see it golden. If I look straight or even from below it goes bronze and even darker.
I like my women like I like my hot wings....dead and reanimated.
wait what..
wtf jordy
Couldn't help myself :d sorry
strange warren
Lenovo... nuff said
probably a Samsung display
I heard every 5th chinese is a human...
isn't it the other way around?
that wouldn't make that statement funny, just real
lol that was the point
statistically, 5 people here are chinese and I totally made up this number
good morning
ni hao
tim, you flexed hard
statistically 5 people in here use realm
Morning o/
@Ahmad and they're all Tim
@TimCastelijns it's been renamed kool kids klub
or kkk for short
lmao ocus true
@Ahmad XD
excuse my tasteless jokes, i'm not fully awake yet
@OcuS probably
Hiya Ocus, Murat, Ahmad, Mark!!!!! :D
\o womp
that answer about android 5.0 and lower versions :D
can you believe it
people upvote that
and majestic technical answers that took an hour to write, nobody cares about those
lol that answer
one is from me
which one
what answer
don't hide the funnies
share them with me
A: If I'm building my app that runs on minimum Android 5.0 lollipop, what does it mean for phones with lower versions?

Tim Castelijns What if a phone has Android version under 5.0, does it mean my app won't run on their android devices? Correct Will my app not be even be downloadable on their devices Correct

lol nice
That's brilliant!
thanks, it just came to me in the moment
that's meme worthy
you + your answer
are you shitting on my quality answer bro
bruh memes are good
straight up 12 upvotes in /r/programmerhumor
Q: How to tell users that you have changed the Android package?

TechyI have lost my android app keystore and I want to know: Is there a way to redirect the users to the new application from the old app? I do have access to the API but it's not a webview. Thank you very much

Adam 2.0^
stop stalking me
i updated my stack profile
ya think this gud?
embrace the memes bro
are you saying I'm a meme
and thus a joke
are you saying my life is a joke
where are you getting at m8
okay I'm done with shitposting today
Ahmad - time to comment on ProductHunt :D
I don't do product hunt
people who comment on product hunt are tools
I saw your mom comment on product hunt
it's all just a constant battle of who gets more upvotes and saying how much you love their shitty javascript app
sounds like SO
people there don't know real life
I commented twice, once to ask a maker (possible fraud) to calm down, the second one to congratulate a maker who had developed a really cool app for teaching people something
@TimCastelijns would that make you the shitty js app in this analogy
people there also post chrome plugins... XD
What is product hunt?
lmao ahmad
there are cool products, but most of the comments are just politics "I knew X since the last Y event, and he doesn't sleep at night, he's the most dedicated startup-er I've ever known..." and stuff like that
off for a bit
Initially came there for honest critical feedbacks to learn about business, but..
ttyl my dudes + dudettes
@Ahmad that would make you the one who says he loves me?

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