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really good. got a decent grade in rigging (8,3/10) , so it makes a 6.3 after doing the avg with my animation grades ( that were VERY BAD) so i won't have to take this class again, and in the work i almost finished a project due for friday yesterday
I listen to technobase.fm stream. In the early hours there is only a playlist but around lunch time real djs are streaming and switching every 1 to 3 hours
I listen to electronic music like dance and techno while developing, beside that I am more open to other genres. I often switch between Eminem, Queen, Bee Gees and sometimes just good ol' oldies :)
@CptEric I carry mine around 24/7 in my jacket. Probably because I watch Prime or listen to music on the way to work and back. So I always have it with me
i think that the funny part about american politics (now that they are all asleep), is that what "generally" usa citiziens call commie ( sanders ) for us is moderate-left / socialdemocrat.
I do remember the time back in the 90th where I thought that the USA was a great nation and probably an awesome place to live. Today I can name at least 20 countries where I would prefer to live compared to the USA
usa has the potential to become "great again®" , they've got the resources to beat any northern-europe country in matter of welfare and life quality if they throw away their complexes about social democracy.
our minister of finance, Schäuble, was involved in a "black account" scandal once... he "couldn't remember" where he got 200k from... not enough evidence to sentence anyone but at least the public knew... and forgot
The CDU donation scandal refers to the discovery of illegal forms of party financing by the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) during the 1990s, which included the accepting of hidden donations, the non-disclosure of cash donations, the maintenance of secret bank accounts, and illegal wire transfers to and from foreign banks.
The scandal was uncovered in late 1999 and remained the dominant subject of political discussion and news coverage in Germany for several months. The Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache selected the term Schwarzgeldaffäre (literally, "black money affair" i.e. "illeg...
fuck, guys from Mobos team rejected my request. I wanted to talk about CI/CD in Android projects, and how we switched from Jenkins to Bitrise, and comparison with CircleCI and Travis.
last time i tried to mess with contacts to add a custom one ( to send him a whatsapp message) , we gave up and told the client that it wasn't worth the cost.
Thanks LinX - that's the one I currently use, feel like I spend a lot of my time wondering why it isn't doing what I want and end up tweaking flags until it does :P Was hoping by now there was an expert on it
LinX - From reading that link, I implemented a solution and usually they don't work. Then I spend half a day tweaking attributes because for some reason it doesn't work :P
The examples are all the "standard" stuff though. I almost never do things the basic way. I've found with most of the support library, if you don't do it one of the basic ways it just plain doesn't work :P
And as far as I can see it should. The activity extends the AppCompat theme. It has a top level child which is both a NestedScrollView that has the app_behavior set. The View in AppBarLayout has layout_scrollFlags
I'm not using it to hide a toolbar. And I'm not collapsing anything, I just want to have the View scroll out depending on the scrolling of the SwipeRefreshLayout
Yeah, like I said, there are examples that work, but it doesn't seem like you can use the logic to build a new bit of functionality.
I'm currently trying to wrap the ListView in a NestedScrollView to see if that kicks it loose. Then I'll try wrapping it in a CollapsibleToolbarLayout - but I shouldn't have to do either
Argh - pile of crap
Switching to a LinearListView in a NestedScrollView and it now works >:|
So, SwipeRefreshLayout implements NestedScrollView - which is a requirement for this to work. But apparently it's child also needs to implement NestedScrollView - which isn't in any documentation anywhere >:|
Headers and Footers don't work -> [Switch to Coordinator Layout so I don't have to reimplement my entire implementation chain in RecyclerView] -> CoordinatorLayout requires a NestedScrollView as the scrolling child -> [Have to use RecyclerView]
I am trying to define the location, where jacoco will create the coverage file for instrumentation tests running on real devices.
From the --debug run of the gradle task I see this log:
[DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] DeviceConnector 'Nexus 5X - 6.0.1': installing /home/martin/workspace/lib/my-li...