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holy crap
can you imagine if anytime you made an exception or infinite loop it just destroyed the CPU
ATMEGA 32 like the arduino chip?
Arduinos are higher up I think though
The one I have has an atmega 256
I have an Atmega 8 and 16 board that I built with my old robots teacher
I would have wrecked so many cpu's in my life
Lol. We all would've :P
This room would be a CPU graveyard
And StackOverflow...
I wish there were some manifest attribute or something that you could set in one place that would change the font in your app everywhere that has text
bonus points if it can work on simple ListView without the need for making an adapter
Hmm. You could create a custom view for each text displaying view that does it
I think I made an example listview that did just that for textviews a while back for someone in this room itself
still have to use an adapter though. I was thinking if I just do android:entries in the xml to populate it
That would've definitely saved me some time though if I had created a TextView and EditText subclass that set the font
I think I finally got everything except the dialog titles
2 hours later…
You have access @aaloka, but i dont know what do you want to talk about on a sunday morningY
i need help
Q: Android Gridview smoothScroll doesn't work (just bounce from time to time)

AalokaI have a GridView in my app with almost ten rows and 10 columns.But the user can see only one row.I have done that by placing an overlay on the GridView Now my GridView is like this figure. So the working of my GridView is like the selection start from last row to first row so when the activity s...

2morrow i have my presentation
im stuck at my last step
Well... Good luck with your presentation. I dont have a laptop handy to help
what i ve to do
getView gets called a lot, you should refactor it
I have to go do something. bye.
for starters don't get the layout inflater unless you actually need it, i.e if convertView is null
what is it that you are actually trying to achieve? Im not sure I follow why you are making a 10x10 GridView but then only showing 1 row at a time. Whatever your end goal is could probably be achieved some easier way.
thats a color chart
so each row has some time limit
thats why im showing one row at a time'
6 hours later…
1 hour later…
Garfunkel and Oates are hilarious!
@christiaanderidder denied. All you 5 chat messages are for tech support...
@lopez.mikhael denied. you wrote 5+ "yep" in all joined chats...
@Alexey granted. Welcome to the room. Please read the room rules and follow them.
1 hour later…
@DeepSan rejected. You are looking for tech support...
2 hours later…
I am legit now, I have a press release prlog.org/…
nice, it is something in Kansas City?
I am in Kansas City
the app is nothing particular to KC though
Oh, who did the press release though?
My girlfriend, she is an aspiring copy writer
There are sites out there that will accept releases and publish them for free (prlog being one of them)
so she wrote it and submitted it for me
She is always looking for more things to write btw, if you are in need of any copy
Sweet, I thought it was well written
I don't know anything about these things
I know only what she's clued me in on, and thank you I'll pass along the compliment.
Nice! :) (referring to the article)
I'm trying to get Spanish Sensei to the point where I can market it to schools
I need to get my math games more complete for the launch of the edu store.
Q: purpose of Log method in android?

PriyaCan u explain this friends? Log.v("------result ---------", "-----login press"); Log.v("------result ---------", "-----login press");

She even tagged it with "Logging"... ?
not a great question, but I don't agree with "People should not even answer to such questions.."
by answering super basic stuff like that we can get SO into the google results for such questions, which will mean more potential users in the long run IMO
Hmm have to agree it's bit harsh, but she could have researched before asking.
that is a bit of an extreme example of a basic question too, since like you pointed out the tag name pretty much sums up the answer
I do think sometimes though the community is too interested in punishing the asker of questions like that, that they miss the larger picture which is that the site benifits from having answers just as much, if not more than than the OP.
It is a tough balance
It's very important for programmers to be able to think things through
Interesting point, but I would say, that someone who wants to help other people expects, that OP has at least done some research on the topic, starting with just typing it in in Google. This is at least what I expect form someone, who asks a question.
Sure you can't find an answer to every question, regardless if it easy or not (even if it has been asked 100 times), if you don't know the exact term or can't really describe a problem. But in this case however she knew the term and could have just looked it up in the docs
I remember being baffled by a NullPointerException when I started programming
I have to agree SO tends to downvote almost every question, that seems too basic, but sometimes down voting it is legit
Heh, look trough my questions I asked on SO. There are all about basic problems and I got down voted as well. This is because I did not even care about researching something before asking it "back then".
I think they should be given some kind of answer to the question asked, with some guiding tips on how to find the answers themselves next time
on an unrelated note, half of your messages have your new image, and half the old one ahmad
Heh really?
The cashing system of SO must be fault then :D
I get the bearded version in all of them
I am 23 and still can't grow a full beard, but I am closer every year
weird :D
@eskimoapps I had a full beard by the time I was 15. Must be my hairy genes haha :P
I only made it in the last 2-3 years
which was convenient since I finally got a job that didn't care about whether I had one or not
I think most private sector coding jobs are that way are they not?
Seems like it would be stupid to pass up talent because of a beard
but my current job is the first one that involved coding
haha can a workplace forbid you to have a beard? I don't think you could pull that off here in germany 0o
The yankees can't have beards
Germany is also a manlier place
yep, they can have "personal appearance guidelines" which can be a basis to fire you should you choose not to adhere to them.
although in my state they can fire you without any reason at all anyhow
haha oh :P
Maybe if my eskimo icon was female I would get more profile views
I'm not sure if gender bias carries over to cartoons though
@FoamyGuy do you have an android dev. position now?
2 hours later…
@eskimoapps.com a large part of my work is Android dev, but some of it is on other platforms as well.
I see, I'm having trouble getting hired as an android developer
Even last people that told me I did very well in my interview haven't gotten back to me
I don't really want to take a generic junior software position since I have spent the last 3 years with android.
But a lack of corporate experience seems to be killing my prospects
I got super lucky with the place I am at. Its a real small company and the owner was willing to take the risk on me because I knew some programming
at the begining it wasn't necessarily going to be an android dev job. He knew that was where my recent experience was. And one of their main clients is sprint so he figured there would be something there, but nothing was solid at the time I got hired.
Do you mind if I ask what you asked for in pay?
for a while my job was just to learn how to do things with their digital signage platform and to do more manual labor type stuff (open laptop boxes and put asset tags on them) 3-4 months in though we got a request from sprint to make an android app and since then it has been basically all programming
not at all. Though because of the small companyness of it there was no formal application process I just submitted a resume and links to what I had done on android up to that point
IIRC I never actually asked for any particular pay.
They offered $17/hour plus commission on anything that I built that made them money. And at the time I worked as a pizza driver so even though this is on the low end for programming (or so I gather) it was way more than I was making.
Hi guys
@eskimoapps.com have you consider making yourself a company and become a freelancer ?
hey alin
I am doing ok with this
started on elance
gathered a few clients
made some cash :)
Nice, I've been meaning to look into what I need to do to make myself a company
I have done freelance web development, but I take the jobs as they come
I've done a small bit of freelance stuff bit I've always just been paid as an individual
elance is pretty tough competing with the Indians and whatnot that work for nothing
Especially while living in DC
individual works fine... but in my contry to be legal and to be able to make invoices I had to make a company
what country are you in Alin?
Romania / Europe
There are many indians/chineese which work like really cheap
on freelance sites
but I just asked what I felt it was worth it and added some strong points for that in my bidding messages
The bidding process just targets developers that rush out crap
and usually after you work with a client, updates / maintanance comes
I don't have much experience with the freelance sites but it seems like some of the people looking for work realize the tradeoff they are making in price/quality + ease of communication
and the ones who don't realize it tend to figure it out pretty quick after accepting one of the low ball bids
yeah, I learned something: never take a bug fixing project :)
might be a complete mess
Gotta go... monday is near over here
I haven't ever formally been given a raise at this place, though I have made more each year than the prior because of the comissions. I have been contemplating asking for a raise though, but honestly even at my pay now I am super happy with the job
because it is really close to my apartment (like 8 minutes away), and there is a great degree of freedom / flexibility with just about every aspect of it
It is nice that they give you comission
and I have been spoiled by the "small business" mentality where I can literally go to the owner and talk to him, or ask him things, instead of having to wade through endless layers of management to get anything done.
Especially since your hourly is very low for android
yeah, I will admit I was skeptical at first when that came up because I had never worked for comission before, and never really seen it applied to anything but sales.
and sales is definitely not my game.
But I feel like I am treated fairly, and I like most of the people, and love the degree of freedom that I have
17 is low for Android? Oo
What's the average then? @eskimoapps
Depends on the location, but... indeed.com/salary/…
That's a lot of money.
I should find a job for the month I'm here O.o
I made a good decision taking up Android.
if you are hired
119000/12 = ~$10,000
I am finding that the salary level works against me though because I have graduated so recently.
I think people have trouble justifying paying a recent grad that much
Show them a good portfolio and they'll be happy to offer you a job
Raghav are you still in San Francisco?
I defintely don't make nearly 119k a year, but I make more than I ever have in my life so it keeps me happy =)
Well, no
I'm about an hour's drive away
I have created a program that grades handwritten chemistry, one that stitches 3d laser scans, and 3 published apps. I dunno what else to do but I'll keep making apps since I want to anyway
Staying with some friends
I'll be here till 8th June
Cool. How is it there?
Pretty cool
Maybe people don't know that grading handwritten chemistry is difficult
If you can write an app that can read doctor prescriptions through OCR you're set for life
afk lunch and then some meetings. Won't be back for hours
I think that is classified as an uncomputable problem.
in layouts you can set a background to something like @color/redor #55FFFFFF however in layer lists android:drawable cannot be set to the latter, but can the former
is there some notation where I can use @color/ but use it with a hex value rather than one of the built in color words?
so I can make a layer list that contains one layer with @color/red, and another layer with half opacity white?
oh, define it in colors.xml is the answer
I am thinking about changing my monetization to $1/month subscription
Seems like it wouldn't scare people away, but would allow my income to grow
I like it
though I think when it comes time to market to schools you'll have better luck with a onetime upfront fee.
Yeah that looked like what the new EDU play store would support. But this way might be good for individual users
@eskimoapps you have a nice diagram in your question. Did you create it ?
Yeah I did it in Google Drawing
The question seems pretty hopeless, but maybe I can get some points with my drawing :D
Or at least bring attention to the issue
haha :D
Wow this is amazing. Didn't know of Google drawing until now. Thanks :)
Will definitely come in handy sometime
Hmm is it the same with services?
Do you have to "reinitialize" them when you update the app as well?
I don't know
If not, then you could create a service and open a dummy activity to update your widget
I would like to see if the gmail widget dies when it upgrades
But you need to get the trigger to update it
Hmm you could check the version number of the app
Can you create services after the app installs without them opening it?
The key here is "without them opening the app"
Give me a minute I'll try something out
Heh, 14 hours for me
Gonna go get some pizza at my work, I'll check back in when I get home

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