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It was the reason of my absence ;)
Yeah, I was thinking that :D
Fortunately, all went good!
So everything turned out well, and you’re a mother now?
Congratulations :)
Yes thanks!
Now trying to get back in IT
part time
That’s cool :) So you found some new place to work yet?
Currently a volunteering job, just to get back into it without pressure
Still into C# but now instead of WPF
Heh, that sounds very familiar to me xD I’m mostly doing ASP.NET these days ^^
Although I do miss WPF..
Hmm yes same here, as I started C# with WPF haha
But I enjoy ASP too, it's like solving puzzles all day
how to get data from controller to different controller etc. Enjoying it very much haha
Do you do classic ASP.NET or did you have a chance to get into ASP.NET Core yet?
Currently ASP.NET MVC, not Core yet, you?
I consider myself the evangelist for ASP.NET Core at my company, so I’m trying to use it as much as possible
I started really early with it while it was still in beta, so I was able to build up a lot of knowledge about its internals
haha great! I've heard great things about Core but I've not really used it so far
I just started a new project with Entity Framework and Code First now tho. Still learning everyday haha
Yeah, there’s a lot. The whole ecosystem is just huge
I have signed up for a parttime bachelor, which will start in September. But I think I might go to the Security direction.
I like programming but I can't do it for hours a day haha
Nice, good to see that you have a clear plan of what you want to do after this break!
I've had time enough to think it through but it was a busy year ;)
So, how about you?
Still doing good in Germany?
I can imagine ^^
Yeah, I’m fine. Job is keeping me pretty busy but it’s fun. I enjoy it a lot, and it’s challenging me enough to keep me excited about learning
nice good to hear! Also, good to see you're still in the Python room ^^
Yeah, of course, that’s like my Stack Overflow home xD
While I still don’t do any Python professionally, it’s still something I enjoy a lot ^^
I will have to learn python as it's important if I would like to learn about Ethical hacking
ethical hacking?
What’s that?
It's a path you can choose when you study about security
You train to hack, but then for the good
You get paid for security tests
Ah, I see, and that’s usually done with Python I guess?
Python is often used for those things yes
not really necessary but I'd like to understand how it works
I see. I can imagine Python being a practical choice there
But I think with your C# knowledge you will be able to quickly get into Python
I hope so too:)
– In doubt, you know where the people are who can help :D
but there is no such thing as MVC in Python haha, I really like that
Yep, sure thing haha
Well, there are frameworks in Python that give you MVC :P
haha really?
If you ever get into contact with Django, you have a very strict MVC experience ^^
Oh really? I was just reading about the differences between Flask and Django
Flask is really lightweight, and does not force MVC onto you
I see, oh well, I have time enough to learn:)
Also have help from a few people in some random chat on SO
not sure they know Python
brb 2 min!

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