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A: How to make Popup via storyboard(xib?) and programmatically Xamarin.iOS

JackThe last two images you posted can be accomplished using storyboards. Essentially what you to do is create a separate scene/view controller in your storyboard and set it's presentation property to "over current context". Alternatively you can set the segue to "Show modally" and the presentat...

Thanks for the fast reply. i have tried to something like this. I have made another VC with 320height - 320width size and after this,i was doing like that : YourController yourController = new YourController(); yourController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.FormSheet; this.PresentViewController(yourController, true, null); and no luck. It's streched to fully screen. About your "presentation property",hmm..didn't hear this,but seems that this feature also isn't support by XS.
The presentation property on the view controller does appear in XS, the one on the segue doesn't appear in XS but seems to work if you set it using xcode (you can right click on your storyboard and select open with xcode).
As for the size, I would have it set to freeform and then set the background color of the root view to clear color (transparent) and then have a child view that is the container for all the content you want to be displayed in the popup (you can constrain that child view to the center of controller)
seems that you're right. I have made it in XCode, and it shows on XS , but i cant modify them :|,only setup and that it :(. Is this a good approach,to have billion views inside Viewcontrollers? I have made freeform and also changed background of my little VC. OK, but without containerview it can be done?
Not sure what you mean by modify them? It's a separate view controller and you can set whatever properties (either in your PrepareForSegue method or after instantiating your VC from your storyboard) you want on it and control it within that VC.
seems missunderstanding from me. Can you provide example,please?
Can you be a little more specific on what part your having trouble with? I'll try and add an example and more detailed instructions later today.
this part with "your storyboard and set it's presentation property on the segue itself in Xcode " . OKay,thanks!
Sorry I don't think I'll have a chance be able to update my answer further today (will try tomorrow).
Ok,thanks! I will wait your sample!
I've added step by step screen shots which I hope will be helpful.
thanks for great screenshots. I have no idea, but it not works in XS, if i'm doing pretty the same job in Xcode(native style), works as excepted... What the hell:( ?
@jack hi
Make sure that XS isn't overwriting the changes from Xcode. At any rate you should be able to set the presentation property on the viewcontroller itself in XS
one moment,i will try.
one thing i saw,that when i'm doing segue, i have Kind "modal", not like your screenshots. is this ok?
i will provide screenshot :
there is no" over current context" on segue.
nvm, i'm doing same job and get this : nice TUT, like your approach and its works on Xcode(native) and not on XS / Xamarin.
OK, its works. I found solution.
arre you here :)?
It won't work if you uncheck "use size classes" . Try it!
Here now
I think present modal is deprechated
The over current context only appears when you select "Present Modal" like in the screen shot I provided. It might depend on what version of xcode your using (not sure about that)
Aside from having to set the property on the segue in xcode both approaches work with Xamarin app (I tested both). That said unless your planning on presenting the same view controller in different ways (sometimes as a popup and sometimes not) you may as well just set the property on the view controller itself and avoid opening it in Xcode.
you're right. I didn't added addtional view.
and that's why i had black background.
Many views per on controller - is this bad for performance?
Anyway, thanks!
I don't think it should be an issue performance wise (this isn't likely to be your bottleneck). Keep in mind that every button, label etc. has it's own view so your not really adding that many views
(Meaning more then you would have if you showed the popup some other way)
Glad to help
@Jack can you also see this… (if you have time). Sorry that bother you here,but maybe it's easy for you :).THanks!
I'll try and have look tomorrow.

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