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picks nose
5 hours later…
this page says

Pageable secondPageWithFiveElements = PageRequest.of(1, 5);
but i receive cannot find symbol symbol: method by
and when i press ctrl+b on PageRequest, in intellij idea there is no static method of
!javadoc PageRequest
/javadoc PageRequest
@Zoe Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
3 hours later…
is there any point of declaring instance variables of private inner class as private?
I believe they are private be default.
@Archer There's really no point in using access modifiers for private, inner classes. Because the inner class is private, it cannot be accessed outside of the outer class. And an outer class can access all of an inner class's fields, even if the fields are private.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks!
posted on May 22, 2020

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I have a db table with 29k records. I have a csv file with 30k records. I want to know which 1k are missing. Has anyone done this before? is java my best bet?
I'd personally use Python
Light-weight, you can load shit in a few lines of code, and it's easy to install the stuff you need to read the database (usually)
java works too though. Same with <insert list of languages with a database library and the ability to read files>
i see
@Zoe banned
Python is great for scripting
JS is great for scripting O-O
No, it isn't xd
npm is super top heavy
But the code doesn't give indentation semantics :')
you can use whatever you want, I just prefer Python over JS for this
Why is it that nobody in this chat room seems to use Java. xD
@TheCoder To solve this problem, I would write a program that exports the database to a CSV file, then use a text compare tool to compare the two CSV files.
Although, that may not be practical with that many records.
I have written all 30k records as insert statements and am writing them to an oracle temp table. I will then hopefully be able to compare
@Michael Because I left the company that used Java and moved on from it :')
TS is my new love *-*
I have webapp and 1 microservice
for example I login as USER1 on my webapp and called this microservice , this microservice will then do something then callback to my webapp
but when I called by to my webapp , it doesnt recognize USER1 , the user is set to null ... is there a way to pass USER1 credentials ?
@Michael Because the Java toolchain pissed me off one last time, so I dropped that shit and walked away :') Over on C++ now
Compiler clusterfuck aside, it's a lot easier to work with
Also, I can use an editor that doesn't need 3GB of RAM to fail at compiling :facepaw:
All I remember from C++ is cout and cin. >.<
And pointers.
C++ is a lot better than it's presented
There's little work with pointers, but they're often used where data needs to be preserved outside the scope
Stuff has a lifetime, which means when it exits the scope, the variable is simply destroyed. The "content" of a pointer is preserved. Smart pointers remove the need for delete, so even that manages its own memory (kinda like garbage collection, but more in real time)
Hi, Here's my logback config: controlc.com/df391602. What I am trying to do is log my WARN and above levels in a separate file and below that in a separate file. However they are logging to the same file and STDOUT. Any insights?
2 hours later…
@Zoe How do I just append a numeric variable onto the end of a string in Python? It's giving me an error.
@Michael I'm not Zoe, but I usually do "cow" + str(1)
@Ungeheuer Ah, nice. Thanks.
Much more verbose than Java. :P
@Michael In Lua: "1" .. 1 is the string "11". Very nice.
Not a java question in particular, but how do you guys handle applying data rights headers to files in prep for a release? We have a token at the top of the file and tool that replaces all the tokens with content. I'm debating with myself over when the data rights should be applied: before doing the git tag so the header is always there, or we just apply the headers when preparing the release we send to the customer.
I didn't see a version control or git room here
@Ungeheuer Don't know, I've never had to do that.
I'm thinking about setting up a hook (I have no idea how that works, noob af here) that just does that automatically when someone tags.
@Michael Our customers sometimes get to see source code based on the contract, or there are plaintext files we as part of the release, like configs and shit.
I would be disinclined to include entire header in your main development branch.
But you should keep a copy of the exact source code that you send to each client. So, you could create a tag every time you release code to the customer, and that tag could do the token replacement?
The way we do things now, we tag the HEAD commit on master when it's release time. I agree that it would make sense to leave the tag in the same state master would be in, that is, no data rights license applied. Then when we need to package the release to send to the customer a developer will use the license tool to apply the headers to the tagged code.
I'm working on our team's guidelines/policies for how we do everything. What code style we use, how we use git, etc. This was something I was stuck on in terms of best practice.
I found a subreddit on Reddit, r/javahelp. From what little I've read, the people there are about as intolerant of bad questions as they are on Stack Overflow.
Having said that, the Reddit format allows for richer comments and extended discussion. I figured I'd mention Reddit in case anyone reading this is interested in an alternative.
@Ungeheuer Given my current set of skills, I would probably tag the code that is about to be released and then apply the headers to the code in a local copy without committing anything to version control. Then, I would ZIP the source code files, giving the file a name like "company-version-releaseDate.zip", and save the ZIP to a special location so the file can be retrieved later, if needed. However, that solution may not scale well.
@Michael I like that. This is what I did on one project, I'll suggest that as our team-wide procedure.
1 hour later…
@Michael yeah, what Ungeheuer said
Whenever you have a non-string to append to a string, you need to convert it to a string with str(input)
Alternatively, you can "string{}".format(inputNum) if the string itself is hard-coded
1 hour later…
@Zoe Ah, that's a lot nicer!

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