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How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue. (source)
3 hours later…
reads a book
5 hours later…
@OakBot that's not okay oak! It is your own blood in there
@KarelG Type /help to see all my commands.
Hey Gem! I like the new picture :)
2 hours later…
@geisterfurz007 Thanks!
in this code: circles[i] = new Circle(radius); where radius is a double, if I enter a string, for example, would the object still be allocated?
It would if your constructor for Circle accepts String instances
elsewise no?
nope, otherwise you'd receive a compilation error
so the compiler just checks the type before allocating the memory?
the compiler checks the type before making your bytecode
No, the compiler just says "this ain't valid java"
it happens at compile time
it's not allocating anything
allocating memory is for the runtime
alright, thank you
Hi everyone. I am really stuck up with this issue. stackoverflow.com/questions/59828270/… which chat room do I enter into to get a solution?
I am not sure if that question isn't better suited for SuperUser instead of stackoverflow
posted there as well; how do i find a sol for this ?
heh, ok
No, idea to be honest, sorry
@geisterfurz007 :(
@Sara how do you start it?
usually this gets solved by using systemctl
@KarelG There's not systemctl on windows
Or is there in win 10?
windows servers are crap
And the sun sets in the west.
ServerFault is another good stackexchange site to look for answers @Sara
@Gemtastic not always
sometimes it is west-south-west
@KarelG started open ssh server as a service
Ah yes, argue with proverbs
In a few months the sun will never set
@Sara eh, i missed that your server OS is Window one. What I suggested is for unix based servers
and their linux co-variants
@Gemtastic ok
Good luck Sara
@Gemtastic tq
I like that I get pinged by just Gem too
lol. @Gemtastic :)
1 hour later…
posted on February 19, 2020

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousFebruary 19th, 2020nextFebruary 19th, 2020: Who was the first person in history with the power to end civilizations? NOT ME, THAT'S FOR (THANKFULLY) SURE– Ryan

@KarelG are you around?
Sweet! I have a teeny tiny question regarding SessionScoped/Stateful. Remember when you suggested storing the username and other stuff in a serializable SessionScoped bean that I could inject into a state object in which I could use that information to construct a full state again?
So I have a @Stateful bean called State (ironically) and a @SessionScoped SessionState (containing the serializable information I need so it can be restored from the session). That SessionState is injected into the State object when needed and on PostConstruct of the State the information of the SessionState is used to load the information (like full userdata) into the State. That State is then injected into other places that need it to check user properties.
One of those applications is an AuthorizationFilter that redirects to the Login page if the user isn't logged in yet. Now here is the thing: Once one user has a session, everyone is logged in!
So it feels like the SessionScoped SessionState is shared between all users which it shouldn't be if I understand things correctly?
Am I missing something completely or is this weird?
Anyone know how to use a SoapActionCallback ?
@geisterfurz007 That does sound weird
I'm told it's for generating the header of a soap message
@geisterfurz007 SessionScope is a per connection basis
Yeah, that's what I thought too! But when a coworker from another computer logs into the application, I am logged in too! Under her name.
you can have session data and not be logged in, but it also can't be shared with another user
@geisterfurz007 check that you're not somehow saving that information in static instances somewhere
What neil is saying. it sounds like something is saving it globally, and it really shouldn't be the session bean
it's difficult to mess up session scoping, but you get into all sorts of interesting problems when threads share information via static instances
this also includes constructors instantiating static class members that were previously not instantiated
This are the SessionState and the headers of State and the filter
The filter is the issue, right? Because it's only created once?
OOOoooh mama, yes it is
Ok, so how would I make it that the filter actually respects the sessionscoping of the injected State?
@geisterfurz007 hmmm ur filter is having a shared instance. Probably you're injecting a bean that has accessible properties
@geisterfurz007 the filter should have access to the session data though right?
ah you've placed your code... lemme check
I don't know if injection is the proper way to do that
*pats geister's head*
injecting a stateful object in a filter?
*pats again*
If I make it @Stateful I get an error on deployment that tells me I cannot use a filter as webcomponent which sounds reasonable but I cannot make it SessionScoped without making it Serializable which I am not sure is so good
that gets shared per container
Yeah, I learnt that the hard way now, damn :D
@KarelG what is the right way of doing it then?
Writing to the HttpSession loggedIn=true when the user gets logged in which is something I can read again in the filter?
use an auth service
spring security has one built in for simple auths
I have no clue what that is but I will look into it with JavaEE, thanks so much!
Thanks @Neil and @Gemtastic too for the comment about static/globally saved instance :)
do you use spring?
use http basic auth then
Not sure what you mean. Authenticating the user isn't the problem. Storing the information that the user is authenticated is. The idea is that for everything the user could access except for the Login page and ressources required for it, he should get redirected to said login page
@geisterfurz007 That knowledge has come from so much headache, you have no idea :)
@KarelG I think I will use the formbased thingy of that because that is what we want to do. Thanks a bunch! I thought I could get away with a filter like that :D
@geisterfurz007 ok. But that doc is kinda robust
or "rough"
spring-security have added many adapters and services you can expand up, so that it's more easier to tweak
Yeah, we are stuck with good old "old"
@geisterfurz007 There is a built-in system for this if I recall
though maybe it relies on tomcat libraries or something
/javadoc CustomFormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition
@geisterfurz007 Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
worth a shot
I'd say you had a 50% chance
It does exist though
oh wow
thought you just made that up
I copied it from a baeldung post (that had a typo in it...)
it is not even in the javax.noclue package
im impressed
javax.security <--
Aug 13 '18 at 11:51, by geisterfurz007
I used both javax.persistence.noclue.timeout and org.hibernate.timeout as hints with 5 and 3 seconds and either one went over 10 seconds
Henlo boomers :P
Is there a Henlo here or is that a joke about Java being old
@Sara Did you get your issue figured out? What command are you using to start tomtcat?
@dustytrash I am using tomcat 7. So, tomcat.exe starts the server. But, couldn't start it in background yet, from SSH
Using SSH doesn't matter. You want to run the command in detached mode
How do I proceed?
start tomcat.exe /k will this work? Do you have anything else in mind?
Yeah I was going to suggest prefixing it with start
Let me try tomorrow. Will update ya.
1 hour later…
morn :P
@Sara the only way I start tomcat nowadays is from a Spring Boot Web App ;)
"Make Jar not War" Josh Long
I should downvote myself as in not constructive... :D
@Zoe Hey! She's back! :D
@Michael For now ^^" There's a new post from SE that me and several others hope leads somewhere. if it doesn't... Well, I'll re-show myself the door :')
@Zoe Post? What post?

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