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When a fellow says, "It ain't the money but the principle of the thing," it's the money. -- Kim Hubbard (source)
5 hours later…
Good morning!
Good morning.
1 hour later…
lol! I just found code in the app thhat I am rewriting in React Native currently where after an error occured an alert is shown asking the user if the error log should be sent to the developer and when you click ok it doesn't do anything but close the alert
That's how you do customer satisfaction! "Got an issue? I will put it in the bin for you :)"
For submitting customer complaint forms, please compile the document and then move it to the following folder for processing: /dev/null
who needs feedback anyway?
Certainly not us! Our work is always perfect :)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@geis, what was your quarrel with React Native btw
don't know, read it up, there was a pretty solid rant about it yesterday
I don't give a shit anymore
Yeah, it's hilarious when someone has anger issues because of work, CF. Quite amusing indeed
well it is , your wording are hilarious indeed
also we can't really do anything about it
You could try not to make fun of it at least, that would be a great start, CF. Not just hammering around on it with xD and lol would really be a good start. I don't mind the question by wonderb0lt but I certainly do mind useless shit being thrown in that just annoys and with that angers me more.
hmm shouldn't you be concerned about anger issues? in general i would try to get some control on my anger if i had anger issues
well my behavior aside
My aight was the reply to "read it up" by the way, which I did and didn't scroll down again before typing
In case you think I'm trying to antagonize you even more
haha i dont think he took it that way
Don't worry about my anger issues; I will get it under control some day.
No worries, I did not @wonderb0lt :)
good good :)
also you should not take my comments so seriously
It doesn't matter how I should take them, CF
@ColdFire Anger issues?
Someone getting mad at you isn't anger issues
Especially when you never think about the way you behave
> Build completed with 332 errors
there is a branch in my company that does not allow a release of builds if there are warnings on it.
luckily I don't have to enforce that. It is in some situations just waste of time
oh, I have 0 warnings
just 332 errors
> Build completed with 332 errors and 0 warnings in 12 s 343 ms
@geisterfurz007 ok
pff, who cares about errors?! ship it!
1 hour later…
The dinosaur with the thickest skull was the Pachycephalosaurus. Its skull grew up to 8 inches (20 cm) thick. (source)
That's pretty thick - I wonder if it would be bullet resistant. Probably not though cuz I guess it would just shatter on impact
Unless the bones were elastic enough
on a site note: don't google that
3 hours later…
@Wietlol Do you have any tips to get the Stanford CoreNLP code to "work" right? I ran it against 3700 datapoints, besides taking a long ass time, it was misidentifying positive sentiment as negative/neutral well over 50% of the time, but misidentifying negative sentiment as positive/neutral less than 10% of the time.
It also nearly set my sad little laptop on fire....core temps hit almost 100 C before I put a cooling pad under it.
I was using the Simple API, so maybe that's a problem. I'm reading through the not-Simple API, which may or may not be simple.
Lol. This has got to be CG: old.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/d3a4m5/…
1 hour later…
Is it bad style to use a "for-each" for searching for an element, and then break when the element is found?
The "blueJ" book I am currently reading says so.
Is this really true?
It advocates for the use of while loops for searching for an element
It's not bad form. A while loop is more intuitive while( storageElement != whatIWant)...
But for-each is fine. Saying it's bad form is stupid imho.
It sounds like you prefer the while statement too, is that correctly interpreted?
@SebastianNielsen Don't see why it would be. Iterating over elements when you've found what you're looking for is kinda pointless
@SebastianNielsen Can you post an example of each?
Your code would likely become more readable if you refactored the loop into a method. In that case, you could replace the "break" with a "return" statement, which is cleaner IMO.
@SebastianNielsen I don't really care. Whichever one pops into my head first when I need to do a search is what I end up using.
That being said, methods are the way to go.
@d0n.key don't duckduckgo it either

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