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Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (1) Gee, I wish we hadn't backed down on 'noalias'. (source)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
hi guys
just want to know why program enters while mood if the scanner integer is not matched
while(fareType !=1 || fareType !=2){

System.out.println("Bad Input Fare Type: 1 OR 2 (1: Full fare, 2: Concession) ");
fareType = scanner.nextInt();

if(fareType ==1 || fareType ==2){
@SusHill You're missing a '}'
3 hours later…
posted on April 30, 2019

I know this is not the best way to get the information I am looking for but I thought that the StackOverflow Java chat could help better than anything else. My friend is in a JAVA programming class and is stuck with this project: chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/…
@Yohan Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
Unfortunately, I am not the right person to help her but I wanted to help anyway so if any of you are on Chegg, I'd really appreciate your help on this Lexer-Parser Java Project. Thank you all and I wish you a wonderful night
@Yohan The explanation of the problem is shorter than the actual program required to implement it
Also I don't think I'd be doing you or her any favors by writing it for her
Though if I could give advice, it would be to focus 100% on the tokenizer (part I) first
if that doesn't work, the second part won't either and it won't be clear why
are you there
hi @Neil
@SunishaSindhu hey
I need your help
@SunishaSindhu if I can help I will
@Neil thanks
this is the code
please run this one
GetQtyOnUnitAnUnitB("1 BDL * 24 PKT * 1000 GMS","PKT","")
first like this way
that time you won't get any error
I have uid as autogenerated field in java, but in postgres table the uid is not getting generated automatically.. this uid field i added recently.. i have run commit command now to make sure schema the new uid column works fine..but still facing the same issue
any help will be appreciated
Hi, it is written in a note that, paint() method in applet programming is inherited from java.awt package. But, in a program I haven't imported the full awt package, though the program is working. Can anyone tell me what is happening?
@taritgoswami Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
somebody help me ?
@SunishaSindhu ok, so far so good
what input gives you an error?
GetQtyOnUnitAnUnitB("1 BDL * 24 PKT * 1000 GMS","PKT","BDL")
try this one
Is it wrong that paint() is inherited from java.awt ?
@SunishaSindhu The error happens on this line: double numerics = Double.parseDouble(numericPackingCounts);
the value being passed is "24" which I assume is wrong because it's an int, not a double
ah no, wait my bad
You're taking the string "BDL", stripping it of all non-numeric characters, then calling Double.parseDouble on it
@Neil okay.
So after you strip non-numeric characters from "BDL", you get ""
and that can't be parsed into a double
but am splitting it
if "BDL" is a correct value, you should handle the case when it doens't contain numeric values
actually it should take 1 yeah
StrArray is "2" and "BDL"
you're splitting it incorrectly then
StrArray = Packing.substring((PosOfSingleUnit - 1), (PosOfMultiUnit - PosOfSingleUnit)).split("\\*");
yeah size is 2
from the string "1 BDL * 24 ..."
you're grabbing "BDL * 2"
I'm guessing you didn't mean to do that
2 can parse to double, but "BDL" most definitely can't
@Neil yeah
so now
@OakBot adorable.. and the cat is cute too
@Neil Type /help to see all my commands.
There's something very cat about it rejecting conventionelly_attractive_human_female.jfif
oh lawd he chonkin
@SunishaSindhu What now depends entirely on what you need to accomplish :P
I can tell you what the error is, but only you can tell me what the proper behavior should be
@Neil its okay
you there
Indeed, I am.
and am sorry mahn
really strugling with vb code
that's why
@geisterfurz007 can i share you my vb code and java code
what I have achieved
can you have a look on it
am sorry
Sorry for what? If I didn't want to take a look on it, I would have declined ;)
to troubling you
for that I said sorry
vb code
there is my logic with commented lines
what exactly am trying to do
this is my java code which I converted as same.
Any one know how to pass an array to a stored procedure that takes an array as a param?
@SunishaSindhu Will take a look later; have to complete a presentation ^^
1 hour later…
Hey! Learing Java Spring atm and try to integrate Thymeleaf in my demo project. Unfortunally my variables passed to my ModelAndView not working in the template, can anybody help? Here is the code: pastebin.com/vLgCucbN
erm seems that you are not using it correctly
could you then tell me how to use it ?
i tryed every way i found
nothing works
even that Hello, [[${hoa_version}]]! ?
Is thymeleaf integrated in your spring ?
Dont know if this is relevant: Using intellij with spring boot + thymeleaf
here is my pom : pastebin.com/NHGLMRnf
which point do you mean?
@KarelG the one with the xml config ?
where to place this inside my project? they didnt reference the file
better to read that page as a whole tho
because some adjustments has to be made in your springconfig class as well
I'm just watching a udemy course and this guy doesnt make any adjustments add all
his variables just works out of the box
udemy... is there no something to download so taht you can work on?
so i guess it's more or a less a fairly dumo mistake of mine
unfortunally not :-(
@Traxstar for a sec i read that wrong
and i thought this guy is a goner
what :-D @ColdFire
you know lol
just change m to **
i just want to get that variables up and running :-D
@KarelG any more ideas ?
The longest known cave system on earth is the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It stretches for more than 390 miles, and that's just what has been explored. Scientists believe it may be over 600 miles long. (source)
No russian please.
It's not Russian
Leave off articles. Can say with Russian accent.
It is russian.
Why are you lying
can somebody help with my thymeleaf struggle :-D ?
I was working on that joke for 2 solid minutes, yet no one gives a flying duck
@Nei Ciao, Now it's Italian
my proxy won't let me see images
that's my excuse at any rate
1 hour later…
@TusharGogna This isn't an android room. Read the rules
1 message moved to friendly bin
Oh God, I am sorry. I clicked on Android room. My apologies.
No worries ^^
As payment for stepping into the wrong room, we accept payment in bitcoins or soul
We prefer soul, since bitcoin tends to be unstable
2 hours later…
ok time to leave
6 hours later…
picks nose
Can someone help me with this ? I'm totally lost :(
I have no idea about how to delimit my tokens because every single character has to be one
This is what I have so far, but I'm getting lost and feel like I'm not on the right track

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