"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain (source)
room topic changed to Java: Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language and general software engineering principles. If you would like to ask a question, please note that this is not a help desk or consultation service. If you have an Android question, please visit the Android chat room. For all other queries, please stay on the line. github.com/JavaChat [its-always-friday] [java] [jdk] [jvm] [out-of-context-stars]
ok, here are the steps.. i) if your service up and running then, create a program to hit all required end-points programmatic way, you can use any HTTPclient for that.. like ApacheHTTpclient.
ii) Once you are able to communicate your API's programaticly, then prepare that logic in class with implementation of Runnable.
iii) Use simple Executor and call your Thread with help of that.
I m pretty sure you can do it with-out future as well.
Because if you catch the unknown, you know what it is. Which means you catched a known instead of an unknown, which means you don't know what the unknown is, which means you did catch the unknown which means you now know, which means you caught a known an not an unknown, which ERR: UncaughtParadoxException
I have 2 Pojos (Customer + Account). Account has an accountNum and Customer has custId. Is there a way to persist an Account object but also add custId as a column in Account table so the Account knows who owns it? I'm using Hibernate + Spring Data.
@JennaSloan I know, that's why I'm being sarcastic all the time - but I don't know the context this whole conversation is based on, so ... yeah that sucks for me
@Simmant Check it out when you are home. It is a statement writen by the Java champions. You can find more on that topic reading from here in the transcript as well: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/43979935#43979935 Context is that ballBreaker asked essentially the same question ("JDKs aren't free anymore?") and this was the reaction by Itachi.
@geisterfurz007 thank you for such brief information buddy, in my office few things are I blocked, but I make a note of it so I can check those links from home.. and thank you effort and information :).
Stack discussion is only accessible here
well, my confusion is clear by stack discussion, and I m already using Open JDK :P
@Inject // or something
public MyClass(String name) // possibly even private?
this(name, new Bar(name));
public MyClass(String name, Bar bar)
this.name = name;
this.bar = bar;
Please help me when I got upload an image with its name ,user id and groupdescription it is not uploading i am getting 200 ok as respone but file couldnt seeen on server when uploading image only then it get on server Is there any boundary issue is there any problem in setting boundary as hardcode like ---WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW Please help me
Calming because I was starting to get rather confused on that one :D
@ItachiUchiha The document you once posted (by the Java champions) was all about the JDK and its updates and support. What about the JRE? Does one need licenses for that as well, will there be prepacked binaries/installers or would you have to use the JRE included in the JDK and distribute that in the company?
Feels like a stupid question, but how do you implement deep copy on a class that doesn't have any objects but only basic properties? (example incoming)
public class MyClass {
private final int value;
public MyClass(int value) {
this.value = value;
For example, on that?
I mean, there's no object to perform deep copy on, except for this
Procrastinating! So 50% good, 50% worried about what happens if I am not productive :P Also gotta get ready for college. Byeee! And good luck in the phone queue ;)
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When looping through Class.getFields() , and later printing it out as item.toString() where item is the current field, is there a way of excluding the namespace?
As in, making java.time.LocalDate just be LocalDate ?
Does someone of you have any experience with the development and distribution of modular Java applications? I would like to develop an application that I can sell in the basic version and extend with individual extensions, which I sell separately.
@DragonHawk Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D