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@geisterfurz007 I got it now through this stackoverflow.com/questions/9361623/…
And the problem was in : If you add a semicolon to the end of CATALINA_HOME, then try to use that variable in the PATH, you'll end up with C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.35;\bin and that path won't resolve. In fact, DON'T put a semicolon at the end of each and every variable.
Your choice to ignore me but in that case please don't prepend a ping to me in front of your messages.
@geisterfurz007 No, i have not ignored you... you been taking me through resolving this.
@JWizard Please remember that this chat room is not a help desk. :)
@Michael Okay, noted. But what have I done wrong?
a double rainbow I picked up just now :D
Please help me figure out my mistake in selection sort
Hi guys I have an android question can any one help me
Please visit the Android room, @Amal.
posted on September 24, 2018 by CommitStrip

Nevermind, I got my mistake!
that xkcd xD
Hi guys! I am stuck again, I have a Map<String, List<Integer>> for example a, 1,3,0,5
b, 2,5,6,8
how can I get a list containing the just the last element from the List , in this case 5, 8
/javadoc List#subList Dax
Misread ^^"
Take a list, loop over the keys of the map, take the last element of each list and add them to your freshly created list.
I try to understand and work with stream
Map every entry in the map to its value, map the value to its last element and collect them.
that is why I try not to work with loops
I try that thanks!
No problem, good luck!
@geisterfurz007 Optional<List<Integer>> x = operandValue.values().stream().reduce((f,s)->s); this doesnt contain the right values
operandvalue is the Map<String,List<Integer>>
I would have done something like operandValue.stream().map((key, list) -> list).map(list -> list.get(list.size() -1)).collect(Collectors.toList());
That does essentially step by step what I mentioned a few messages above.
/javadoc Map#stream
@geisterfurz007 Sorry, I can't find that method. :(
I see, you said that, I remember :)
operandValue.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> entry.getValue()).map(list -> list.get(list.size() -1)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Let's make it that because one cannot stream Map directly, mb.
I really like Map.forEach.
the second map doen't work
@Michael Yeah that was what I had in mind with my first snippet of code.
What "doesn't work"?. I didn't really test it, but I thought it should work :D
no, we do not have the "get"
Oh boy that is a lot of text..
@geisterfurz007 Not really. Most of it is empty whitespace.
Still a lot of text there.
> Whenever possible, steal code. -Tom Duff, Bell Labs
I didn't know SO was around back then!
> [Thompson’s rule for first-time telescope makers] It is faster to make a four-inch mirror then a six-inch mirror than to make a six-inch mirror. -Bill McKeeman, Wang Institute
@geisterfurz007 could you say why this doesn't work? operandValue.entrySet().stream().map(key -> key.getValue()).reduce(Integer::max).get().stream().
the reduce is the issue
Failure is on the reduce.
bad retuen type
why you see it directly and I kill myself and cannot find my way
What do you want to do with that code? Get the max from all lists by taking the max from each list and then the max from the resulting stream?
what is it that should focus
the max of each list, build a list of them, and then find the max of the formed list
The problem is that you are currently trying to do something like this:
List<Integer> listFromKeyA = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> listFromKeyB = new ArrayList<>();
Integer.max(listFromKeyA, listFromKeyB);
@Dax It might help to place a comment after each statement to remember what type your Stream currently is.
Something like this (those are autogenerated by my IDE). That way you always know what stuff you can do where.
For finding the highest number in a Stream<List<Integer>> you also might want to take a look at
/javadoc Stream#flatMap Dax
@geisterfurz007 that was smart
I use intellij, what should I google to see how I should change my settings to see the return data type of each section
No idea (pun intended). It just showed up for me. If you don't have it in multiple lines I would try that but if not, no clue.
Oi! Just found it. Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance and then for me the bottom most setting: "Show chain call type hints".
Is there a way to connect to a database that you don't have the password of, as long as the connection and password has been set in the webserver or something like that?
@geisterfurz007 must be a new setting, mine has no such option
Could also be that it is exclusive to the Ultimate Edition, not sure.
Let's say I have the database 1.1.1 and the password 123.

I usually would connect via JDBC passing both parameters, but if the password is not given to me, and it's set in some kind of configuration in the server, is it possible?
What kind of configuration in the server?
You can read files and you can read environment variables.
If it is defined as something like a datasource in the internal server config, I am not sure if there is a fast way (except for using JPA or parsing the configurations xml files).
I'm not sure myself, I just heard that they'll not give me the database password, and somehow i'll just call the connections in my application
and i'm like "ok..."
but I assume XML would be a good guess
The easiest thing would be asking "them" whoever they might be.
Because chances are quite high that they know what they expect from you which is not the case for some randoms online ;)
I'll have the chance to ask those people, but probably just next week, so I was just wondering what could that be
but you gave me an Idea already, thanks a lot!!
If there is anything else in your application you can do without that password, do it now. If not, I would try to do something else that helps you or your company. Parsing the internal xml files of the application server should not be the way to go to find your database password.
One last question, I got the error: "This driver is not configured for integrated authentication. ClientConnectionId" when trying to load this one page from the server.

Do you think that it means that the JDBC driver was not configured at all? Or rather this one database that i'm trying to access is not authenticated with the server?
And yeah, you're totally right, xml parsing does't sound like the safest option!
Fun Windows tip: Pressing the Windows key in conjunction with the period key opens an emoji keyboard. 🆒
No idea. I haven't faced that problem before but maybe it raises when you don't configure user/password and the driver attempts finding another way to authenticate. Take that assumption with a grain of salt though.
Shame that the red heart shows as black tho :/
It's red on my screen.
It ain't on mine (the left one).
Left one is the same as ♥
Oh no! It's not. But also black :D
@Michael on mine too
What browser do you use?
Vivaldi, i. e. Chrome basically
huh. Firefox is the problem then ^^
Show chain call type hints didn't help me anyway, it should be another setting
@geisterfurz007 black and red
black and orange*
@Dax Do you have your calls on multiple lines?
yes i do
That is 100% the setting that shows/hides the stuff in the screenshot for me.
Good exercise to write them your own ;)
Also, Microsoft is adding dark theme to File Explorer. \o/
@JennaSloan Yeah that stuff :D So it is at least somewhat justified ^^
@Michael !!!!! When=?
10 years from now, dark theme is going to be the standard. We will wonder why user interfaces were designed with a white background.
Don't some people say that dark theme is bad?
In 1809, which is going to be released sometime in October.
@geisterfurz007 I dunno.
I just feel like it's so much easier on your eyes.
@Michael Because why would it be september as the month stuff of the update id tells :D Microsoft is strange.
@geisterfurz007 Yeah, it doesn't make sense. 1803 was released in April, I think.
@Michael It used to be just green text on a black screen
i.sstatic.net/NbbWM.jpg Don't click this. Looks like rubbish.
I think this is nice :)
@geisterfurz007 Oh nice, thanks.
lol not
@geisterfurz007 I had written like stream. and then next line
when I changed it to .stream next line
now I have the data types
I learned alot today :) thank you guys specially @geisterfurz007 with one one those red hearts
Anyone here good at math?
Oh boy.
I wrote good exams... Don't know if that counts.
(I don't know anything about the stuff I wrote a few months ago so probably not)
How do you know if pair of coordinates is in a square?
xCoord > xSquare && xCoord < xSquare + widthSquare
Same thing for y.
(Change to >=/<= if on the line counts as in)
And what about if I want to find if its on the perimeter of the square?
change the < to <= and > to >=
Only on the perimeter?
I mean only on perimeter not including the space inside
Don't you know geometry?
@JennaSloan No.
Maybe I can figure out one sec...
change the < and > to ==
oh, and the && to ||
@ColdFire When @ColdFire is amazed at my stupidity
CF is amazed at about everything he didn't see the last 2 hours so don't worry too much.
CI, CD and CF
There are four lines that the point might be on. (left side -> xSquare && in bounds of ySquare to ySquare + heightSquare, etc).
I'm so confused....
Heres what I got so far
That is a square
That is a square.
Good job!
@geisterfurz007 Thank you, I try.
one sec
At least it's not oblique
Dang it @Jenna!! Stop using words I have to google!!
A square has four EQUAL sides.
A point p is within a square s if p.X >= s.X && p.X < s.X + s.Width and the same for p.Y with s.Y and s.Height. Depending on where your origin is (top left or bottom left), you need to pay attention to whether it's <or >= on which condition.
JBis right now:
@LWChris We had that one already ;)
@geisterfurz007 But you forgot about the second condition for each dimension. You need 4 checks, not two :)
You got to (x,y) and then go out the length
20 mins ago, by geisterfurz007
Same thing for y.
Oh, up there. Well, my mistake.
@geisterfurz007 Only saw this msg.
the sad part is I was in an advanced geometry class....
Yeah that is for the current thingy where the point has to be on the perimeter of the square.
Something like this: ((y==top || y==bottom) && (x>=left || x<=right)) || ((y<=top || y>=bottom) && (x==left || x==right))
googles probaly
@JennaSloan Lookin' good
@JennaSloan thats for finding if its on the perimeter?
@JBis That might actually be the problem here. You un-learned to see the essence of a problem, because you're probably currently searching for a formula that involves the side's length etc.
I like the circle better (x+h)^2 + (y+k)^2 = r^2
I sorta get it now
@JennaSloan @geisterfurz007 @LWChris thanks for help with basic geometry!
It should also work with rectangles
A square is a rectangle
you did well removing that one ;)
Assuming the origin is in the top left, then you have 4 variables: top = s.Y; bottom = s.Y + s.Height; left = s.X; right = s.X + s.Width. The point has X and Y. So either it is "on-top-or-bottom AND within-left-and-right" or it is "on-left-or-right AND within-top-and-bottom". That's what Jenna's code does. :)
And now extend this code with a small region of 2 pixels around the actual perimeter inwards and outwards, and you got yourself the basics of implementing a UI size handle grip zone. Yay.
I discussed the influence of the chosen programming language for the success of a company earlier. I told him "Imagine trying to build a huge scientific application without having a language like Matlab invented. Or implementing a Calendar app with Java base libs." And he concluded "Or implementing anything with Java." lol
@LWChris Got it.
Thank Jenna, it's her code.
(I hope Jenna is a female name)
hi...how is the request/response encoded in java based web app? do you write some code explicitly or protocol performs that?
@LWChris Last day of computer science be like: Teacher: "Ok, class so what did we learn this year?" Students: "Don't use Java"
@LWChris did you just assume her gender?
@JennaSloan Thanks!
@ColdFire Did you?
no i know jenna's gender
@ColdFire And more importantly, did you just assume that I assumed her gender?
@LWChris did you just assumed that i assumed that you assumed her gender?
i have seen that lady somewhere
That's irrelevant. (Derailing I, Section 2, Exercise a)
If someone makes a valid point, declare it irrelevant without backing up your statement.
Yes, my gender is female.
@JennaSloan Did you just assume your own gender?
Lol. Now it gets meta.
lol wtf
well US has 76 genders
@JBis No, I did that more than 2 years ago
not that i know more than 2 of them
And I though Germany was weird for accepting the third as official one
@ColdFire I disagree wattpad.com/…
In Germany, we have "Male", "Female" and "Undefined". So basically... Gender g; became Gender? g;
wow that is more than 76
> Frostgender: A gender that feels cold
In the end, we could do away with genders altogether and identify as human. And for identification purposes, we have "Penis" and "Boobs" which are checkboxes. Done.
what about mule?
What's that?
@LWChris You'd need a lot more checkboxes than that
every country has that. i hope urs too
> Autigender: a gender which can only be understood in the context of being autistic
@JBis That list doesn't have "Male" or "Female"
@JennaSloan No, because I don't try to define the person, but I try to select some easily verifiable checkmarks
@JennaSloan Those are so 2016!
mule who's got no interest in boys n girls
@JennaSloan Yeah that's the best part
@geisterfurz007 xD
You cannot copy paste from that site?
@geisterfurz007 Yeah its so fucking annoying
Like gimme one good reason for that
Some people would make fun of that list by copy-pasting those in a chat and laugh about them.
> Circgender – A gender that feels so magical and grand as to be indescribable.
The tags
@ArunRaaj That's not something that would identify you. Sexuality is nothing that makes you optically identifiable. The reason why there is the "Sex" on your passport is the same reason why it has the color of your eyes. It's some body feature one can check for. But apparently, people are starting to confuse Sex and Gender, otherwise there would not be a demand for "Undefined" on the passport.
> When I look at the internet I feel bleachgender
undefined is an insult.
that the person is still not defined.
Not to the people who want it on their passport. But I think the official term is "Other" anyway
> Since you Wattpad folks seem to have the collective intelligence of an average domesticated turkey, I have put this here in order to tell all you monkeys that this book is in no way an accurate representation of anything, and exists purely for comedic purpouses
Very calming...
At least honest.
@geisterfurz007 "monkeys" Is that racist?
It doesn't include those who identify as a freshly harvested grapefruit.
yes, because people of some specific race look like monkeys
That is a questionable comment.
> Bruh i'm uglygender.
they call themselvs chimpanzee
they can be found in zoo
@ArunRaaj Fair enough.
I identify as Java. I can work with anyone but no one wants to work with me....
get married
Arun on a rampage. Absolutely brutal.
surveys say ITians get angry over everything
Who would say something like that?! NOT TRUE!!
I gtg do hw
"You find yourself in a room. There are two doors. The left door is labeled '🚹'. The right door is labeled '🚺'. Which one do you choose?"
Cya people soon and thanks for help
Have a good day JBis :)
@JennaSloan I ask for a manager ;)
@geisterfurz007 Thanks you too :)
u dont need to choose, if it is '🚺 then girls will kick u out
if it is 🚹 then take rest then go anytime
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