And the problem was in : If you add a semicolon to the end of CATALINA_HOME, then try to use that variable in the PATH, you'll end up with C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.35;\bin and that path won't resolve. In fact, DON'T put a semicolon at the end of each and every variable.
> [Thompson’s rule for first-time telescope makers] It is faster to make a four-inch mirror then a six-inch mirror than to make a six-inch mirror. -Bill McKeeman, Wang Institute
@geisterfurz007 could you say why this doesn't work? operandValue.entrySet().stream().map(key -> key.getValue()).reduce(Integer::max).get().stream(). collect(Collectors.toList()).reduce(Integer::max)
The problem is that you are currently trying to do something like this: List<Integer> listFromKeyA = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> listFromKeyB = new ArrayList<>(); Integer.max(listFromKeyA, listFromKeyB);
@Dax It might help to place a comment after each statement to remember what type your Stream currently is.
Is there a way to connect to a database that you don't have the password of, as long as the connection and password has been set in the webserver or something like that?
Let's say I have the database 1.1.1 and the password 123.
I usually would connect via JDBC passing both parameters, but if the password is not given to me, and it's set in some kind of configuration in the server, is it possible?
You can read files and you can read environment variables.
If it is defined as something like a datasource in the internal server config, I am not sure if there is a fast way (except for using JPA or parsing the configurations xml files).
If there is anything else in your application you can do without that password, do it now. If not, I would try to do something else that helps you or your company. Parsing the internal xml files of the application server should not be the way to go to find your database password.
One last question, I got the error: "This driver is not configured for integrated authentication. ClientConnectionId" when trying to load this one page from the server.
Do you think that it means that the JDBC driver was not configured at all? Or rather this one database that i'm trying to access is not authenticated with the server?
And yeah, you're totally right, xml parsing does't sound like the safest option!
No idea. I haven't faced that problem before but maybe it raises when you don't configure user/password and the driver attempts finding another way to authenticate. Take that assumption with a grain of salt though.
A point p is within a square s if p.X >= s.X && p.X < s.X + s.Width and the same for p.Y with s.Y and s.Height. Depending on where your origin is (top left or bottom left), you need to pay attention to whether it's <or >= on which condition.
@JBis That might actually be the problem here. You un-learned to see the essence of a problem, because you're probably currently searching for a formula that involves the side's length etc.
Assuming the origin is in the top left, then you have 4 variables: top = s.Y; bottom = s.Y + s.Height; left = s.X; right = s.X + s.Width. The point has X and Y. So either it is "on-top-or-bottom AND within-left-and-right" or it is "on-left-or-right AND within-top-and-bottom". That's what Jenna's code does. :)
And now extend this code with a small region of 2 pixels around the actual perimeter inwards and outwards, and you got yourself the basics of implementing a UI size handle grip zone. Yay.
I discussed the influence of the chosen programming language for the success of a company earlier. I told him "Imagine trying to build a huge scientific application without having a language like Matlab invented. Or implementing a Calendar app with Java base libs." And he concluded "Or implementing anything with Java." lol
In the end, we could do away with genders altogether and identify as human. And for identification purposes, we have "Penis" and "Boobs" which are checkboxes. Done.
@ArunRaaj That's not something that would identify you. Sexuality is nothing that makes you optically identifiable. The reason why there is the "Sex" on your passport is the same reason why it has the color of your eyes. It's some body feature one can check for. But apparently, people are starting to confuse Sex and Gender, otherwise there would not be a demand for "Undefined" on the passport.
> Since you Wattpad folks seem to have the collective intelligence of an average domesticated turkey, I have put this here in order to tell all you monkeys that this book is in no way an accurate representation of anything, and exists purely for comedic purpouses