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"Don't use all-or-nothing thinking. Take each day as its own day, and don't worry about it if you mess up one day. The most important thing you can do is just get back up on the horse." -Henry Cloud (source)
5 hours later…
S.O.P("Good Morning");
@Simmant methods and fields should start with a lowercase letter
good catch XD
Mornin' o/
@JennaSloan To prevent the application from eating every bit of CPU time and memory available while reading a stream. I increased to 100ms though which finally has some decent effect.
i have a que which isn't related to java,but it's a very very basic question
can i ask it??
depends on the topic
if my server is in hang state,will it ping or not??
you will need to give more info than that.. and depending on your case it may be a question for serverfault/superuser...
that is the only info...
Alright... Guess I will install Java 10...
Anything that will break my Java 8 code?
then I doubt you will get a useful response in this room
@Fawkes What do you mean with hang state?
it is not responding
In that case chances are that it won't respond to a ping either. Easiest thing is to just try it out.
well i said that only,but the interviewer said that it will ping because of NIC
Then again it depends on how everything is programmed. If each request is handled in one thread and only one thread hangs, a ping should still come through as long as there is a thread available
but i thought at the end it is the system which respond back not the NIC
NIC is only hardware
how can it itself ping
the OS or kernel will ping
Where do you get from that it is only hardware?
NIC--network interface card
oy! Google brought me to Network Information Center
but these days everything is virtualised so its hard to say
Still. The server you run is not necessarily the thing that receives the request. IIRC pinging is not done with a normal http webrequest but I would have to read up on that.
@geisterfurz007 if you named any variables "var", yes.
Anyone who does this should be beaten... scans through code for potential var occurences
Anything else I should know? I know Jigsaw was introduced with Java 9 but never understood that :D
Just try to compile something; if you get an error, it broke something.
Fair enough
Fancy! I am installing Java 10 :o
> But if you are a support customer, you can get Premier Support until 2013 [...]
That is insane! until 2013!!!
Article was released April 10th this year :D
The reason why the bundler wasn't killed is because Process#destroy killed the cmd process -.-
Nice! So I only had to change to a new JDK to solve the problem :)
Morning :)
Hiya geis ^^
That is so lame!
The gradle plugin for JavaFX doesn't work for Java 10 and the maintainer refuses any PR, etc because he is working on an entirely new version of the plugin.
So I can either figure out how to build the plugin myself or download JDK 1.9 and run with that.
How do I build the plugin myself?
Snapshot version fo the plugin works
I have gradle.properties in my .gitignore but I don't get a warning when it get's added?
What do you mean?
If an ignored file gets added, that's because Git has a cached version of the gitignore
Or I accidentally commited and pushed it before so git didn't care about gitignore which I found out later :D
It doesn't add ignored files, ever. But when it does, it's because of a cached gitignore
Oh, lol
Just had to add this comment...
// I don't know why I need this, tbh. When this code runs, currentProcess is already null. However if I don't do this, the processes keep running.
@geisterfurz007 Maybe you should consider looking up the manual. (//help)
That's a comment, woofer.
It's super strange... If I don't add a shutdown thingy to my Console, the processes just keep running and block the proper shutdown of the JVM. If I add the code, I get an NPE because the process is already null.
Huh, weird
I add a null check and everything goes smoothly. I don't get it.
Ignore me
Just please ignore me.
Damn, I am stupid.
I have 5 consoles running and only ran a process in one of them...
Of course it is null in the other 4 ones.
I need more sleep.
Or coffee?
/8ball     Simulates a magic 8-ball.
/about     Displays information about this bot.
/afk       Allows users to mark themselves as "away".
/cat       Displays a random cat picture. :3
/define    Displays word definitions from the dictionary.
/ej        Displays items from the book "Effective Java, Third Edition" by Joshua Bloch.
/facepalm  Displays a facepalm gif.
/fatcat    Displays a random fat cat.
/groot     I am Groot.
/help      Displays this help message.
/http      Displays information about HTTP status codes and methods.
###################### Help ######################

==================== Commands
//about            | Let me tell you a little about myself...
//alive            | Used to check if the bot is working
//apples           | Apples!
//ban              | Bans a user from using the bot. Only usable by hardcoded bot admins
//ban-room         | Blacklists a room
//blame            | No description was supplied for this command
//cat              | Sends a random cat picture in chat
//declare          | Changes a commands status. Only commands available on the site can be edited
Now my chat is Suraj asking for help in a sea of help.
neither bot can make coffee?
There's that ^ @SurajRao
thats wasting coffee
Meh, I got a bunch of commands I wanna add. I'll add coffee and tea to the list owo
I am too dumb for this ._.
I read a character from the inputstream of my Process. How do I properly get the character displayed in the correct encoding? I know that the underlying commandline uses codepage 850. I hoped this ugly bit would work but it doesn't: new String(("" + (char) character).getBytes("cp850"), "cp850");
Not working in the sense of not properly displaying the output.
Nice :)
wtf is that?
At least I figured out already that I shouldn't use the same characterset for getBytes and the constructor.
@ColdFire Just a little bit of the output :)
New output \o/
How do I get from
to "─"
The problem is that if I use an InputStreamReader, the processing of the output of the process is completely broken.
How do you handle this properly? >.>
How can I //halp?
Fix my issue pl0x.
How can I //halp?
I read an InputStream by calling read in a while loop (how innovative, eh?) and push the characters read to a textArea. The problem is that for some output (for example a fancy box of the react-native bundler) the text in the textarea is completely messed up.
(Making screenshots)
^ How it should be
so... what if you do not push them to a textArea, but simply to a list of chars, or a stringbuilder?
that should work
if that works, then the fancy boxes are borked
How it looks in mine.
oooo, encoding
have you not watched the top starred (thingy) message yet?
thats it
go watch it
Mkay, thanks.
i think that is exactly your problem
except he showcases it with palindromes
Damn, I wouldn't complain about that. Will get myself a snack and then look at that thingy. Thanks. If that doesn't work, can I ping you about it (in case you have any fancy suggestions)?
you can always ping me
it will not always be appreciated
Oh, I don't care about that last part :D
Cheers and later o/
@geisterfurz007 we are all assholes in one way or another
Yeah that might be something to work with.
Then on the other hand...
I have no clue what to work with that.
you need to... well... fix it
if you need any more guidance, ill be happy to provide them
but now... lunch
@Wietlol That's good!
@Wietlol That's not good... Enjoy :D
Good Morn WeedLol.
While the video was interesting it still doesn't help my problem :/ Because the InputStream only gives me single bytes, I don't really have a clue how to determine which is fine to print immediately and which I should stack up (and how many) to make them a proper character.
This character for example fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2500/index.htm is 3 bytes in UTF-8 (0xE2 0x94 0x80) which appears to be what I get.
My only alternative to getting that right, I think would be using the InputStreamReader and that will take a bunch of time as well because I need to figure out again when the reader is waiting for input which worked super well with the Stream. I also tried using the Stream for the checks and the Reader for the reading but the results remained the same for some reason.
I think!
I got something!!
Either it is because I wrapped the InputStream in BufferedInputStream or because I fcuked up changing the available to ready calls before
But it works with the Reader now!!
I fucked up the availaible to ready calls
This could have been so much easier -.-
Thanks @Wietlol for coming back and solving this :)
you have something?
anyone knows android
i know android
and android knows me
posted on August 01, 2018

archive - contact - sexy exciting merchandise - search - about ← previousAugust 1st, 2018nextAugust 1st, 2018: The HOW TO INVENT EVERYTHING Kickstarter is live!! It's my new book and I'm SO EXCITED about it, and if you have any interest in it this Kickstarter is the best way to get it: you get bonus things like a time travel bandana and postcards, AND you're supporting indie bookstores -

@geisterfurz007 buffered stream shouldnt matter much
@User This is not an Android room. Please take your question to a room dedicated to Android. If you came here because you don't have access to the Android room (room 15), remember that there are other rooms too with Android as the topic.
but many stream handlers require you to send a buffered stream
they are then able to process the stream better
@Wietlol Yeah it didn't in ze end
what solved it?
or wasnt it solved in ze ende?
I think I failed one exclamation mark in the outmost while-loop when I first tried using the InputStreamReader which ended up stopping the reading.
Or something like that.
But InputStreamReader was the correct solution with Charset UTF-8.
Our gitlab will be updated in two minutes and it will be down ._.
I am the only one of the devs that uses it.
ow yea, you can ofcourse pass the encoding to the reader
how lame
Lame, yes. But wörks.
The IRS has a special Criminal Investigation (CI) branch made up of 3,500 employees worldwide whose main job is to investigate tax and money laundering. CI special agents have badges and are allowed to carry weapons but do not have uniforms. Qualified retired CI agents are exempt from concealed weapon laws. (source)
@geisterfurz007 I am the only dev that uses brains
too bad I dont use my own
I don't use mine either.
Or anyone elses. ._.
i save my brain for tonight
where I will be bashing by head against the desk because of really difficult things
you remember me talking about making a pattern matching engine?
Oh god, yeah that thing.
i kind of need a multiplicative recursive method that outputs a tree based structure of nested rule matches that will then be flattened to a stream of lists of match trees
you see?
@Wietlol lol
That sounds like too much fun with Streams.
Where do I sign up?
HA! The text of the image when you hover your mouse on it adds even more!
Since when does IntelliJ include a Markdown preview?
@geisterfurz007 you sign up by being online tonight
at some point I will come here crying because I lost overview
In that case I have to take that back. Tonight I gotta sleep
Although the idea of you coming in here crying might change my mind :)
tonight is from about 20:00
somewhere between 21:30 and 22:00, I will come here
we should put a countdown website online
Yeah nah. I will likely sleep at 21:30 already.
why sleep before 3:00?
21:30 > 3:00
why sleep after 3:00?
that makes no sense
why sleep at 21:30?
Because I have to get up at 5AM
(what is AM?)
what is this nonsense of 12 hour notation?
5 then.
iDunno. Writing o' clock feels weirder.
just 5
we use 24 hour system, or we dont mention time at all
its like... we use ISO 8601
we dont do 18/01/08
or 01/18/08
or 010818
or 1818
or !@#$%^&*()
we also use UTF-128
we dont use ASCII
How didn't I think of that earlier?!
What do you think about the new icons in IntelliJ?
you mean in 2018.3?
im not sure what the coverage icon is supposed to mean
the debug feels... revolutionary though
but I dont like the breakpoint color
its too... grey
I think I mean 2018.2 Click
I think I also mean 2018.2
I simply updated a few days ago at home and it went straight from 18.1 to 18.3
Good, good :)
lol wat?
How can it install 2018.3?
i dont know
i might rememberry it incorrectly
why not?
have to check when im home
I guess I use EAP
but the icons came in 18.2
I was confused because in the Jetbrains Toolbox I could only upgrade to 2018.2.1 RC
run with coverage
this looks like "start visual studio"
Tbh though, the old icon wasn't really self explanatory either (at least not to me)
i dont like either icons
but "start visual studio" to me sounds like "we are going to hell"
its like reading the release notes
> We successfully copied all inconveniences and bugs of Eculipsuh!
> Therefor, you might experience some crashes during the update.
> Please beer with us, because we need some more.
I cannot even download the new versions :')
Because with this proxy you cannot do shit :)
1 hour later…
I hate this camera module so much.
Not only is it the most annoying this to get running for android AND iOS, it also doesn't give a fcuk apparently if I tell it to take a darn picture!
@geisterfurz007 on a side note, no android here
and especially no IOS here
I didn't ask an android question. Also: I don't have another room to rant at :)
Is there a cleaner structure than Map.Entry[] top5Downloads = new Map.Entry[5]; ?
it is for <date, #of dls>
Map.Entry[] ?
what is this evil?
List<Pair<X, Y>>
Using Class<SomeCustomClassWithConstrutorParams>, can I initialize it using the constructor with params? newInstance() doesn't take args
Q: How to create instance of a class with the parameters in the constructor using reflection?

user471011for example: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Car c= (Car) Class.forName("Car").newInstance(); System.out.println(c.getName()); } } class Car { String name = "Default Car"; String getName(){return this.name;} } clea...

@Zoe not really a googleable question eh?
not sarcastic
what means the M2 in that version?
it means they have 2 versions
Q: What does M1 mean in a maven repository?

Fred HaslamI've been using maven for a while, and I often review repositories before selected what version I want to use. I don't entirely understand what the extensions mean. I know that when I see extensions like -RC1 and -RC2 that means release candidates. When I see a version without an extension, I...

should I get the last one?
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens not really a googleable question eh?
not sarcastic
np :D
ya, noticed roughly 10 seconds after I posted that XD
i wish my issues were googleable :(
but googling "how to fix life in Java" doesnt give me much helpful results
How can you fix what you don't have though? :thinking:
> Seems like the answer is "no" for Java 1.1 - Jul 2016
i like kotlin reflection though
val wietlol: User = User("Wietlol")
val zoe: User = User::class.primaryConstructor!!.call("Zoe")
FCKU tho....
what is primaryConstructor!!?
Can someone help?
@JBis Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
@OakBot Sorry bot.
@JBis Type /help to see all my commands.
@OakBot No.
1 message moved to friendly bin
Come on. If you reply to him, at least read the message.
@geisterfurz007 Fair enough. Let me try again.
I am attempting to check if two strings are equal. And it says its not equal even when it is.
Heres code
1 message moved to friendly bin
Try to read it again :)
> Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets.
Oak even gives you a link :)
@geisterfurz007 better?
@geisterfurz007 Thanks. I don't just want to copy down answer. Want to really understand it. According to the answer "test" == "test" // → true.
So why doesn't my code work?
I don't think your code does work, does it?
It doesn't.
P.S. Thanks for help
Aight. First to why your code does not work: As the answer mentions == tests for reference equality. Every Object in Java has a reference. If you flip your String around it has a different reference because you make a new String (you first take the empty String and then put stuff at the end of it) so n points to a different reference than reverse hence n==reverse results in false. As the answer mentions there is an equals method which should be used to check if two Strings are equal.
@geisterfurz007 Ah.
Is that the same in js? I don't think so.
It is not.
so it's java being java again
@geisterfurz007 thanks for help!
No problem!
Will be back soon.
Is it always better to write things in less code?
I seem to be writing things in much less code then teacher
@geisterfurz007 i also have 18.2 at home
@JBis not always
it is always better to write things in clear code
you can go to codegolf.stackexchange.com and find a lot of small code snippets, but none of them is good
I often write things in much larger pieces of code, but my pieces of code are usually much more robust, easier to understand and are open for modifications
"better" is very objective though
you can think my code is worse because it is more code and "more code is bad"
i often find my code isnt large enough
on a side note
@JBis ^ that is a nice view about palindromes
@Wietlol I'll take a look. Also I'll send example.
@Wietlol Started watching
Seems pretty good
brb with code
@Wietlol Calming :)
Grr. Why can't I define multiple variables in for statement?
remove the second int :)
1 error on wall, 1 error. Fix it. Compile it. 12 more errors on the wall.
@geisterfurz007 thanks
I know its probably boring for you so thanks for helping a newbie
(not to programming just to java's really annoying strict rules)
what language are you used to?
@Wietlol php, js, apple script, etc. They are strictish just not as much as java
@Wietlol still beginner in most of those too
but I can write a code without it throwing 10 errors.
it wont throw the errors before you run them, but when you run them, they will crash :D
@Wietlol you know what I mean
can you help with link
what about it?
@Wietlol Its doesn't work I get bunch of errors not sure why.
Test.java:15: error: int cannot be dereferenced
and Test.java:16: error: cannot find symbol
+ more

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