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Yea my holidays kinda just started, not sure where "Fachhochschule" falls between college vs. university
former :D
At least that is what I call it always
in the netherlands we just call it school
Haha ok, also holidays = summer job :p
@NewbieJava Where are you from?
Jermany I think
Ah, Nice!
holidays.exists() == false
I have holidays right now but an exam in Java tomorrow xD
about java*
holidays.isPlannable() == true
@NewbieJava Good Luck! Is it theory based?
NewbieJava isnt here any more
I read "Is theory luck based?" :P
he got shut down
(Except if he threw a security exception)
@Pigman168 "Luck is theory based."
I'd say only partly. So it will be about basics, methods, sorting algorithms, lists, trees and runtime
You don't have to create an application?
trees >.>
sorting <.<
Is that HashMap stuff?
We aren't that advanced, I'm in my first semester xD
trees >.>
forests <.<
@NewbieJava We did not have that in our first semester ;)
Lists and trees are so annoying honestly
That's already more advanced than my first semester :o
Lists are amazing \o/
our first semester was about bitwise operations
and byte storage
@Wietlol That topic can be covered in 2 weeks lol
A semester is a half-year right?
But our summer semester was only 4 months
our semesters dont last half a year
but we also didnt take a full semester doing it
more like 1 month
Ah, I see
note that this was year 1, week 1, day 1 of college
i never heard of "byte" before that
Are you in first year of uni?
or operation
im not in any school at all
i work full time
Oh, I see
but i will start after this summer again
Need ideas for a new profile pic :s
for SO?
how about this?
You know, I would if the guy sitting next to me wouldn't see it
Hahahah, love it
Hey Sayros o/
Give it 20-ish minutes and I'll have a brand new picture.
You actually used it >.>
Reflection is easier than I expected it to be :O
At least for the stuff I need :P
What are you using it for?
Easier access to methods.
Oh, I only saw a .getMethods() somewhere one time
I have 3 forms that consist of different amounts of pages and have to be filed differently. I will be using reflection to access the methods in a much shorter way:
Way 1: Check which form should be filed, access each method individually based on the result.
Way 2: Use the enum value of the form and registered values in that enum to completely get rid of it
I don't know which one is the shorter one tbh... But I needed the values in the enum anyways and if I have access to these features, why not use them
And looks fancy as well :P
The code of those methods that are accessed still looks like shit, but now it is in each seperate method and not in one huge mess of switch-case branches
Ayy theres my new profile
baha nice
No, thank you! :D
\o time to go home
Quack o/
Quack \o
How are you doing? :)
@geisterfurz007 In a hurry as usual, but fine. :) And you?
Splendid! Got something done after 5 hours thinking about how to approach it :D
@geisterfurz007 ooh :)
Technology is amazing: a dinosaur taco holder.
Meanwhile, I waste my time on theoretical computer science. :D
Who could have thought that humanity is thus far already?
@geisterfurz007 indeed! /drops monocle
Well... need to rush to get my train... Enjoy your day :)
@geisterfurz007 Have a great day, pal!
Hi there
a question a bit far from Java maybe, but related to maven
what is <version>${vaadin.version}</version> related to ? (vaadin is a framework on GWT)
where can I check the value of ${vaadin.version} ?
maven central?
sorry ?
I'm not very used to maven :/
do you want your current vaadin version or the most recent vaadin version?
currently with this I have 8.0.6
but i want to have 8.1.0 for some of the sub-artifact of vaadin
then you have to change that in the pom.xml
(i think)
havent used maven for quite a while now
somewhere there, you specify the vaadin dependency
and you specified the version of it
when changing that and synchronizing the pom with maven, you update your dependencies
Hi, where did you get this chunk of dependency ?
Normally, if you have the whole pom.xml, you can se where it comes from
@MarouaneGazanayi I've no other vaadin.version in the pom and nowhere else
vaadin just release a component in vaadin-server 8.1.0 so I need, but it has as dependencie vaadin-otherStuff 8.1.0 , ... and if I put the whole vaadin in 8.1.0 i does not work, but i can't try now, it's at work
Can someone explain me a small method in a double linked list?
I bet it's not going to work if there's only one item in the list
@JennaSloan Thank you very much!
It's the sample solution according to our professor

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