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What time is it where you are Tavo?
9am now
got my ticket for fossasia 2017 \o/
@Tavo 9 am- are you in Hong Kong?
where life is resort-like every day :D
Sounds exotic
I wanna go
well, if you ever visit SE Asia, this is the hub you should use
HK is too far away, and KL is not so well communicated
2 hours later…
@Michael I am a part of the Group. Ain't I? then why doesnt it show my name in ? ?
@Tavo what is that?
open software conference. All weekend long. 20 SGD for the whole event
wow, take me to it
sparkling eyes
@ItachiUchiha this is the closest I can do: 2017.fossasia.org
2 hours later…
hey cats
There was an error displaying this message
@ItachiUchiha you need to set your organization member status tu public otherwise you won't be shown even though you're in
1 hour later…
Hans, you awesome, good morning!
oh you were actually right
my bad
never heard that phrase
but then im no native speaker
I'm not one either, but as a software developer I'm used to definining new terms :P
my windwos ctrl+alt+arrow is rotating my screen. I want it to hit the Back button on Intelli. Anyone know how to set this?
@Hans1984 I never meant it in that way :P
i know you meant it offensive
No man!
its all good :)
You are inverted-freak very awesome!
is there a way to access the java/bin folder (to start the rmiregistry) from a batch file when java is referenced as a symlink in the path variable?
@motaa Like something with %PATH% ?
Good noon
Hi any one around
hello JAva
Hello Everyone!
How is everyone today?
Friday! \o/
fridays move sooo slow
i hate it
then it seems the week tries to catch up for the slow friday
so sat and sun is moving by fast
haha, so its not just me who feels this way :P
Mondays are the best
o/\o @ItachiUchiha
At the end of a Monday, you've got a whole 6 days before the next Monday
mondays are quiet good
you have some energy because of the weekend
but then it gets worse every day
I like Wednesdays
Wednesdays are good days
@ItachiUchiha yeeeeyyyyy. Quite fine. Slept well. Going to ride a bike this evening to get out a bit :>
No lectures today?
I am in one :D
Technical basics and later Math
What is "technical basics" about?
Smaller electronical pieces (diodes, transistors), electronical logic
Ah, for us it was called as "Basic Electronics" :P
Hey, has anyone here ever built or worked with an application that receives email sent to a specific email address?
I need to start the RMI Registry from a batch file. The thing is that the java installation folder is not always the same so I can't just hardcode it in the batch file. But it in the %PATH% variable java is referenced as c:\ProgramData\Oracle\javapath and that will never change since the symlinks will be updated on new updates.
If I "dir" in that folder I can see where it points to and I need to extract the targeting path so that I can start the rmiregistry through "extractedpath\rmiregistry.exe"
@DRich Nope, but I would imagine something like this: Set an interval to check the mail server. Each time you check for new mails. If there is one, load it.
@motaa Is there some regex that will always find only that one?
Something like \Oracle\Java or something?
Or is it the only one having Oracle in it?
@geisterfurz007 thats the exact path C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
here is a snapshot from the cmd line www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=14774465
Yup I am checking something
@geisterfurz007 i updated the link where I marked a red triangle that contains the info I need to extract :D
lol you are German? :D
Good morning, my friends
Hey wonderb0lt
@wonderb0lt o/
Do you have sometime?
hey @ItachiUchiha :)
Can you explain me the difference between Open and Closed Range wrt - github.com/JavaChat/primitive-ranges ?
damn I shouldn't have come :x
Now that you have, you have to explain me :P
In mathematics, a (real) interval is a set of real numbers with the property that any number that lies between two numbers in the set is also included in the set. For example, the set of all numbers x satisfying 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 is an interval which contains 0 and 1, as well as all numbers between them. Other examples of intervals are the set of all real numbers R {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} } , the set of all negative real numbers, and the empty set. Real intervals play an important role in the theory of integration, because they are the simplest...
So, yeah, a numerical range/interval can include the endpoint (closed range) or not (open range)
In CS, inclusive/exclusive are more common than open/closed IMO
the "open" tends to be ambiguous -- will it go to infinity?
OK, that was a stupid question. I just read the code :P
@motaa 1.7k rep in batchfile and I am to dumb getting this to work >.>
@unserializable Oops. The correct answer is it "might"
well the open/closed thing is also the nomenclature that wikipedia uses soooo :P
@motaa have to swap room but should be done in a second
@geisterfurz007 hihi I know what you mean :D
now @geisterfurz007 enters his super secret room :D
where he will be taught "Math" :P
@geisterfurz007 no i am luxembourgish but I live in Berlin :)
@geisterfurz007 Thanks for the response. So you don't think there's a way to set things up so that if an email is received at a certain address then take some action? Btw, I'm going to do additional research of course, but your input is helpful.
@motaa see you this evening!
going to berlin for fun and profit ^^
nice enjoy
@motaa you there?
@motaa paste.ofcode.org/35pxUszyReUGHfUtdTDgkD9 script for the needed info :)
@DRich Ooph... Maybe that has something to do with the server or something, but that is out of my range (as a whole lot of other stuff :D), but if you set the interval to about a minute or something that might have the same effects
@ItachiUchiha Yeah its more like logic and stuff... Real braintraining :)
@motaa Ah ok :)
ye @geisterfurz007
Happy Friday, Java!
Script is tested for my situation, but as long as javapath are the last 8 letters of one of the paths registered, it should work @motaa
Happy Friday @Michael \o/
@geisterfurz007 Got it. So it might be possible to set something up on the server, but if it's not, a recurring batch job with a sufficiently short interval should do the trick. Cool, thanks!
@geisterfurz007 thanks dude it works :D
it actually suffises to do the "dir java.exe" so only one line will be shown :D
@geisterfurz007 what does that line mean? if "!fullP:~-5!"==".exe]" :D
@motaa if the last 5 characters of that variable equal .exe]
It surely is possible with an easier way but I am a bit rusted in batch :>
And as long as it works :D
heyo @ballBreaker
hey, @ballBreaker! How's it going?
hey @Drich and @wonder !
Things are going decently, other than a weird night I had two nights ago
Have an interview at a bank, one of our clients, on wednesday
i'm trying to check if my web service is up by issuing a curl request in a shell script. i am pointing the curl to a service that is down. but my curl --retry isn't retrying. anyone experience in this?
@TheCoder What's your exact command?
curl -o /dev/null --retry 9 --retry-max-time 600 -v -L -w "%{http_code}" ${url}
url = "http://localhost:8080"
I get a connection refused on "http://localhost:8080"
so i expected it to retry
curl -o /dev/null --retry 9 --retry-max-time 600 --retry-connrefused -v -L -w "%{http_code}" ${url}
curl: option --retry-connrefused: is unknown
Which version of curl you are using?
no idea
curl --version
$ curl --version
curl 7.30.0 (i386-pc-win32) libcurl/7.30.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8y zlib/1.2.7
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3
rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: AsynchDNS GSS-Negotiate IPv6 Largefile NTLM SPNEGO SSL SSPI libz
Well, version you are using doesn't allow to retry if connection is refused
Upgrade to 7.52 or > to retry on connection refused
Since ConnectionRefused is not transient and the version you are using doesn't allow ----retry-connrefused (it's added in curl to make connection refused to be treated as Transient) so either upgrade or do something better.
Is it correct to assume that +, - and * operators are also punctuations?
since they seperate two identifiers
punctuations in what sense?
identifier / number + identifier / number
`Punctuation is the use of spacing, conventional signs, and certain typographical devices as aids to the understanding and the correct reading, both silently and aloud, of handwritten and printed texts.[1] Another description is: "The practice, action, or system of inserting points or other small marks into texts, in order to aid interpretation; division of text into sentences, clauses, etc., by means of such marks."[2]`

According to this, YES
in the sense that they seperate / delimit two identifiers or digits
Punctuation is the use of spacing, conventional signs, and certain typographical devices as aids to the understanding and the correct reading, both silently and aloud, of handwritten and printed texts. Another description is: "The practice, action, or system of inserting points or other small marks into texts, in order to aid interpretation; division of text into sentences, clauses, etc., by means of such marks." In written English, punctuation is vital to disambiguate the meaning of sentences. For example: "woman, without her man, is nothing" (emphasizing the importance of men), and "woman: without...
ya I read this too. I wasnt quite sure though in the sense of programming
@dosdebug thanks for your help
In programming, there are no punctuations though
These are operators
Like punctuation in human languages, punctuation in programming languages serves to separate words and phrases. But unlike human punctuation, which is often optional, computer punctuation is strictly required.
so it seems the operators can be called punctuatos then since they serve as a delimiter for the parser
Bad references, sorry to say.
I have changed my url to "http://www.site.com/download/file.txt". It connects but I get a 404. Yet still no retry
I'm guessing a retry doesn't kick in for 404s
@TheCoder Because 404 writes data
do you know what codes trigger a retry?
@TheCoder You already are doing -w, right?
If it's not that status, and it's transient, it should retry
Transient error means either: a timeout, an FTP 4xx response code or an HTTP 5xx response code.
Anyone here familiar with javac AST transformations (the same thing project Lombok uses)? I'm trying to "simply" delete a class from the tree but every AST example I can find only modifies the tree rather than deleting a node.
anyone here familiar eith interfaces in angular
@AtharvaPandey Angular JavaScript?
yes I am tired banging my head to understand interfaces
Property 'getEvent' does not exist on type 'EventsService'.)
I've only written AngularDart applications. What Java API are you using to work with Angular? Do you mean JavaScript instead of Java?
I mean typescript since I am familiar with java I dont think these interfaces are working similar to javas interfaces
Okay, just making sure you weren't mistaking JavaScript for Java, after all, "Java" is to "JavaScript" as "Car" is to "Carpet".
What does your interface look like?
haha I didn't and true well so my interface is having set of variables which I am setting to different fuctions and objects everything is working fine except on this one fuction getEvents where it is saying that property IEvent doesnt exist
Can you post the code? (assuming it's not too big)
I could share it with you if you are on cloud9
getEvents() Observable<IEvent[]>{
let subject=new Subject<IEvent[]>();
setTimeout(()=> {subject.next(EVENTS);subject.complete();})
return subject;
return EVENTS.find(event=>event.id===id);
const EVENTS:IEvent[]= ....
IEvent is the interface
Hmmm.... I'm not sure I'll be much help since I don't have hardly any experience with JS. You might try asking in chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript-types
well I already asked there , problem is since I was downvoted a lot when I joined stack overflow currently I am question banned so I am unable to post any question
@Aro it will be a help if you know how to retrieve buffer size dynamically or just size of the file dynamically in java ?
@Atharva You will be banned from chat too, if you do not start following the rules. This is Java room, not Javascript.
@dosdebug okay no more JS
@MadaraUchiha I had created a room for me and a user and need to delete it so could you please let me know when you will be available ?
Or let me know if you need to ping me the link whichever is fine
in Room for New one and TheLittleNaruto, 8 hours ago, by Stack Exchange
Jon Clements has deleted this room.
Also, next time, please use a moderator flag.
This room is so boring now-a-days
@MadaraUchiha I have been warned not use the flag
That's why
@BatCat Use flags when you need a moderator's action
Don't use flags when you don't :)
Yeah sure
@Madara can I flag a moderator if Im lonely?
@ballBreaker You can, but there's a high probability that your loneliness would increase.
Due to acute chat withdrawal.
How long would a chat ban be for something like that?
Depends on how determined you are.
@ItachiUchiha You have to change your membership to "public" in order for it to be shown in the list.

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