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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Anyone here has connections to Global {M} ?
it looks like after Trump has come into power suddenly every framework have started to show vulnerability
@geisterfurz007 ???
I got a mail adressed to an adress that is not used for anything except google services with the title "I heard you are talented..."
He talks about the offerings by that company and how good it is and it feels like a recruitment.
@geisterfurz007 same
We can agree that I am not talented, but I would like to know by whom he got that misinformation and my mail adress
I replied as how I reply to recruiters, dunno if legit
@Unihedron Seriously? :O
why would I lie to you = =
@Unihedron I have no idea. Maybe the gorgeous puns back in the days :>
@geisterfurz007 obviously I'm the bigger man and don't give two cents about you unicode_fire_emoji
I will flipping fight you if you make bad puns again and you're going down
@geisterfurz007 lol
I am still wondering, where he got that mail adress from...
I use it neither for SO nor for github
Only time I used it in any connection with programming was trying to join the hangout call with Michael
why worry so much about it?
let me tell you the real rules of the internet that no one dares to talk about
Because it messes with my mind. How could one get to my mail adress and who told me I was talented set the case it is no spam
one, once you send an email anywhere farther than 5 miles from your home, sixty scam companies have your address
two, you open a browser and a kid in russia has your IP on a billboard
Only thing I use that adress for is darn youtube
@Unihedron I've never had that problem
@JonahSloan it's possible to ignore most problems if you had enough will to look away
lol I am an idiot... I had that mail adress linked on my profile
Still curious why he thinks I am talented lol
probs just being polite
we all know talent won't get you anywhere
yeah its cash and relations
that's not true
unless you mean in specific fields, then yeah, perhaps
in creative fields, you need to shitpost a ton on social media to get your creations looked at
in programming, you need a LOT of experience and projects under your belt to know all those very little, very important small facts that make or break a project
if you don't, get ready to be sleepless for days on end trying to keep a web shop up
if you're a singer, you just need good marketing and looks
the list goes on, talent is worth 0 outside school, and school doesn't do anything helpful towards your life
stay safe don't run off a cliff and into some shark's stomache
@Unihedron School teaches you how to read, write, do math, common sense, ...
Ok, maybe not common sense.
and that you get bad grade when beeing talentless
@JonahSloan I was taught maths from my very kind parents at a young age before I went to school.
And I highly doubt that any of what this list is presenting would mean anything if not for prior parenting efforts.
Depends on your parents, I guess
@Unihedron athletes require talent though
also training
@ballBreaker mostly training
what school really teaches you is how to socialize
made its job well.
or attempts to teach you to socialize..if you fail then you just become a miserable person
or get bullied
Which is the reasons why I am an introvert software dev now
Yeah the later is correct.
you know what socializing is for
being part of a big society
some people, namely introverts, just want to be part of a smaller community / circle, and that's normal
eh you still need to have social skills to be a part of a smaller community or circle
school doesn't teach socializing, it over-emphasizes the importance of it and punishes people in the right instead of helping them
And I am happy with what I have in this ncie little chat here :3
@ballBreaker I highly doubt that if you are in a group with similar interests with people you respect then those social skills wouldn't grow itself for you when you have common sense
But really dishes are waiting! Bye o/
@Unihedron so this chat is a smaller community / circle?
online socializing is not the same as in person
@JonahSloan You're not reaching out by being in this chat, so no.
ello java
@Unihedron yeah fair enough
People tend to gravitate towards people of similar interests
it's not hard to find people with similar interests
so if you're a recluse and can't function in social settings, then the people you hang around will most likely be the same
there's a site for meetups and there's every theme in every city
slaps @ballBreaker with a trout
It's easy to avoid, and no one really wants to avoid social connections with people they know they will like - most depressed people are driven depressed because of bullying / unfair treatment at school at young age when they can't speak up
no one is born depressed
That's not true at all.
Depression is a chemical imbalance
It is not inherently tied to social environments
People who were never bullied still have depression.
There are a lot of factors for being depressed, but I think he was more or less generalizing from the discussion we were having
I mean yeah, I don't have context, but his wording was blanket statementy, which bugs me =P
It wasn't - then it was
@Nexion I am not a doctor. My statements are not absolute. I merely aim to deliver an idea.
But yeah, I know
My mom and I both have clinical depression, and neither of our depression has anything to do with bullying or unfair treatment.
And if anyone was indeed born depressed, I hereby apologize.
It does sound hella depressing to have depression around you before you even learn to live.
I would think a baby would be too stupid to be depressed from depression.
A lot of times depression can come from family situations
So they are born into it, but weren't necessarily born with it... which is .. depressing
I guess in that sense school might be a better environment for people with family problems, but still that doesn't make school helpful on its own.
School's good for making friends
Seriously though, type in "coder meetups" a space and your country into google or whatever search thing you use and you're bound to find one somewhere near you.
(You can try it with other things like mahjong if you're so dedicated.)
@ballBreaker i agree
how to get memory usage of a class?
@Unihedron The thing with that, is that if somebody never went to school.. they likely have almost none to very little experience meeting new people
@RE60K You mean an object?
They would be socially retarded and unable to meet someone even in the situation you suggested
i am making a constraint-satisfaction-problem
I need to analyse effect of various heuristics
i.e. runtime, memory, recursive depth etc.
so i need to find how much memory does it use in total. I wrote a class Solver
@ballBreaker This would be true under the case of severely reduced interaction with people, which would be a result of far more than not going to school.
A lot of poor people who can't go to school from poverty actually have to work for their family, for instance, and they meet and deal with people in their jobs.
Most homeschooled people I've met in my life have a serious inability to meet people
Yeah, that's true
It's very circumstantial
Homeschooling is a different beast, and we'd just be opening another can of worms.
I'm going to go grab some lunch, but yes I see what you're saying
My main point then would be that school just helps with learning social skills in general, but it definitely is not the end-all-be-all
That I agree. It does help, I merely wish it did that job better.
But it can also cause seriously negative effects as well if you're bullied a lot and all that
@Unihedron yeah it's not a perfect system by any means.. would be nice if there was an educational overhaul
gtg , nice chattin' though
@RE60K why not use an existing benchmark framework instead of rolling your own?
are there any?
can you tell any one of them...
I don't even know if there's one that has features as extensive as you need, but I'd assume so. If it's possible, someone should have done it.
A: Calculate size of Object in Java

Hunter McMillenYou can use the java.lang.instrumentation package: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.html It has a method that can be used to get the implementation specific approximation of object size, as well as overhead associated with the object. The answer tha...

Like this?
no not object but whole program
like this
Q: Best way to measure Memory Usage of a Java Program?

iceburnI'm currently using VisualVM, but the problem I'm having is that I can't save the graphs it generates. I need to report some data about its memory usage and running time, though running time is easy to get with System.nanoTime(). I've also tried the NetBeans profiler but it isn't what I want, sin...

use visualvm
A: How to do I check CPU and Memory Usage in Java?

JeremyIf you looking specifically for in JVM memory: Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory(); long allocatedMemory = runtime.totalMemory(); long freeMemory = runtime.freeMem...

// Get the Java runtime
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
// Run the garbage collector
// Calculate the used memory
long memory = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
System.out.println("Used memory is bytes: " + memory);
Something like that, maybe?
once you gc it the memory has already been cleaned
gc() frees up the unused memory
I got that code from here: vogella.com/tutorials/JavaPerformance/…
but when my program has ended, i.e. i have solved the problem I do not need the references anymore they would have been gc'ed
I am getting 37,20,9 ,.. mb in case of deterministic algorithm on fixed data
Hey guys
How to copy strings from arguments into array as doubles?
that's not what copying means
Ah yea, I figured it :)
Anyways, is there library for finding min element in array?
Alright, will check out now.
@Unihedron I am to dumb to get the maven thing going to import the project >.>
Not giving up though :> Maybe I will get to see some code this evening :D
@geisterfurz007 learn how to use maven or help me migrate it to gradle
I will :D Don't know either though >.>
And why the heck does SO chat send each message twice with the second one timeouting?!
move to discord, we even have a typing indicator :D
@Unihedron What is meant with Trigger in the bot.properties?
!!command <- the !! part
@Unihedron Input not matching /morning,/. Help: User-taught command: a very good morning to all from AshuKumar :) good
Ah I see :)
How do I remove the first item from the args array?
~JavaBot at your service
This is sick :)
@geisterfurz007 ~response
The professor has us programming in assembly; I'm thinking about writing code to convert Java code to assembly.
@JonahSloan why? The JVM does that already
@fge Because it's IBM 360 assembly
@JonahSloan then hack the JVM source code (which, btw, is open source) to just do that
1 hour later…
@hans just had this screen from SO xD, I found you!
@ballBreaker Is that Chrome?
So late and still people here :)
4:20 for me mate
10:20 for me ;)
whatchu doin' on here then
Guys 1 quick question
is there a way to print text and array in same line ?
Exm: " The array is 4 51 12 5 12 "
I tried iterating over each element, but when I do that it prints it multiple times
@ballBreaker College starts late tomorrow and I got to play around with Unis Javabot a bit which keeps me up a bit ^^
System.out.print("The Array is ");
for (int i : myIntArray){
System.out.print(i + " ");
I tried that, but do I print i or myIntArray
@geisterfurz007 ahh!
Accidentally sent to early
In the future "playing with bots" will be much different at 10:20pm ;)
But I was mostly checking how to create new commands and how to use the bot at all anyways so nothing big
linux shell is actually pretty fun I must admit..
@SimeonAleksov "The array is " + Arrays.toString(myIntArray)
I've been avoiding change for a while..but there's something .. satisfying about using the terminal
My array is string alraedy, does that changes anythig?
makes you feel more productive doing basic things lol
@SimeonAleksov a pen is not a pencil
Arrays#toString is a utility method that formats the array, unlike []#toString
Never mind, I just added the print statement outside the loop. Thanks tho.
@Unihedron you said I should help with the Javabot... What did you have in mind there?
And what should one use if BOT_CONFIG.getTrigger() is deprecated?
Ah nevermind. Found the doc for it
2 hours later…
@Unihedron Would it be ok for you if I would head on to the privilege thing? So that a user needs to have eleveated rights to execute certain commands? I wanted to ask before I do anything on git (like assignment or something like that) :)
If it's ok with you pouring your time in and it's not a stupid feature that sounds totally unviable, go for it! I'll merge it if it works
and I'll start hosting the bot when it's enough to be helpful
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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