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Hi y'all.
11 hours later…
Hi all !! need a favor , i am facing problem regarding proxy configuration in selenium ...
i am working on MAC PC so i need the proxy configuration to be affected in MAC and the process starts in safari browser .....

any help regarding the same would be helpful.......
3 hours later…
I can't seem to get the path to my file right when it is built and running from a jar. It is working in NetBeans deployments but when I actually build it it isn't finding the file. Even though I have extracted the files from my jar and verified that the file IS there with the path I am using..
Q: How to I get the file path of my file?

AlexThis has been something that keeps popping up and in the past I have managed to find a solutions online that never really stuck with me. Now that I'm using this site I figured I would ask and hopefully understand how this is all being stored and be able to solve this in the future without the aid...

hi all, I want to convert double to string in java. But i don't want the string to be in scientific notation. What's the best way to do that?
@crucifiedsoul Have you even tried anything?
@talnicolas: I have tried Double.toString(). But it gives data in scientific notation
what do you want it to be? you dont wan't the e or E but all the numbers instead?
i don't want scientific notation. i just want plain value like "0.0000000000001"
double doubleNum = 0.0000000000001;
BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(doubleNum )).toPlainString();
@talnicolas i have a query
i need to convert a time which in the form of string to long
and get the difference b/w two times in hour
i have start time and end time in the form of string
@user1195292 I'd suggest you just look up on stack overflow questions regarding difference between time and time conversion (probably you gonna use Joda time)
there are loads of them
but i am not getting hpw can i manipulate string
Q: how to convert string into time format and add two hours

user48094I have the following requirement in the porject. I have a input field by name startDate and user enters in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. I need to add two hours for the user input in the startDate field. how can i do it. Thanks in advance

just use a simpledateformat
@talnicolas Thanks. BTW, It would String num = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(doubleNum )).toPlainString();
friends help me if u got a minute ..
if your string is

String time = "10:23:14";

you could use

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
Date d = df.parse(time);
dateFormat.parse(sTime); cannot be resovled
.parse () cannot be resolved,its asking for typecast
@user1195292 got it working?
@AshokRaj yup i got it working
roundabout solution
Q: File path is working in NetBeans but not in built JAR file

AlexI have a file holding default information that I use to load the textFields of my application. I looked up how to get this built into my jar file when I build and I was told to put it in the source packages and it would be brought along, so I have done that. File Structure: Project -Source P...

@user1195292 how?
@user1195292 happy about that
Q: JTable cell returning null

Ashok RajI am using JTextField inside JTable cells, I use a TabelModel which has the dynamic data of the Jtable. Now, when I click a button I am reading a Cell value. Problem is the cell which has the present focus doesn't return the updated value. for Example: consider this program- import java.aw...

2 hours later…
How would you make some thing that saves like the save as in word
@lancegerday is that a question?
Can anyone tell me why spaces are ignored in my JSSE Java reciving socket/
I get strings with spaces removed
@user1220811 are you just getting the raw data and print it out or you are doing some treatment to the data you receive?
@user1220811 and how are you getting those Strings
SSLSocketFactory sslsocketfactory = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
SSLSocket sslsocket = (SSLSocket) sslsocketfactory.createSocket("localhost", 12120);

toServer = new PrintWriter(sslsocket.getOutputStream(), true);


InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(sslsocket.getInputStream());
fromServer = new BufferedReader(isr, 1);
while(( thisres = thrbr.readLine()) != null ) {
jepcontents += thisres;
*The String is thisres * Ok I will try
mmh if you try to pass ("Fly star");, is the white space removed?
the whitespace is still there
readLine() strips EOL characters
any advice?
if you want to get the \n \r ... and all EOL character I'd suggest you don't use readLine and implement your own line reader
what's the easiest way to do that?
well you could read your inputstream character by character, build your string by yourself
with read?
ok ty for the help
3 hours later…
If you set a round image on a non-opaque JButton, will it then highlight only when you hover over the image, or the full square image around it?
Hello everybody
Has someone ever used Chesspresso in order to develop a chess game ?
Ok, otherwise do you know another java-based chess library ? I've also been trying ICTK, but the project seems to be dropped.

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