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03:00 - 18:0021:00 - 00:00

1 hour later…
Good morning everyone
is it possible to view the console for jetty server? @all
Hello everyone
any one knowing less css here?
less css?
Are you familiar with Less compiler?
Sorry, getting desperate. Any idea how to find out what can cause a JavaFX PrinterJob to not print?
sorry no idea @Himanshu
Its Ok @greenhorn
@dgood1 can you add some more details
@himanshu you are in wrong room..
OK @ItachiUchiha
morn all
Can anyone give me any pointers on how to parse this "JSON" (I'm not sure it's really well-formed JSON, but I can't change it).

I've tried with Gson (and POJO) and org.Json but haven't been able to retrieve anything.

@kaderud That's valid JSON, you shouldn't have any problems.
@MadaraUchiha I wonder why I'm not having any luck parsing it. Care to help me with some pseudo code or something to get me on the right track?
@kaderud I'm not overly familiar with parsing JSON in Java
import json

But opening my JS console and typing JSON.parse(`PASTE`) gave me a valid object
Oh yeah, parsing it in JavaScript, or even C# is no problems, but since Java doesn't have the "dynamic" keyword, or implicit typing, I'm having a bit more difficult in Java.
@kaderud You just need to model your POJO in a way that a JSON mapper can map into it
Yeah, and I think I've just done that, but need to double check it. But I would've thought I would get at least some value back even if the Pojo wasn't 100% exact.
@kaderud lol, this is Java
user image
It's that easy you mean, if I've not done an exact Pojo<->Json?
@MadaraUchiha hahaha
a bit bias, but funny
A: How can I convert JSON to a HashMap using Gson?

Tito CheriachanHere you go Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>(){}.getType(); Map<String, String> myMap = gson.fromJson("{'k1':'apple','k2':'orange'}", type);

Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, YourPOJO>>() {}.getType();
Map<String, YourPOJO> objMap = new Gson().fromJson(yourJsonString, type);
should do the trick
The above won't work for me as I need to be able to work with the data, as in need getters/setters, and as such, the Pojo-model has always worked for me in the past when parsing Json.
This Json however is giving me a headache as the Pojo model wants to create a class named "_1002001" which is named after the first object/record in the Json, and that's just not gonna work, since there could be thousands of records in the Json file and all users are unique so it won't work modelling it that way.
@kaderud Your POJO still can have getters and setters. You'll get out a Map from String ("1002001") to a type of your choosing.
then how would I get, for example the "name", or the even lower in the tree, "country"?
@MadaraUchiha I love how they're both super creepy
oooohhh, IntelliJ can create a builder for you. oooohhh!
good boy IntelliJ
Gives CaptKrunch and 21 which is correct if I look at the JSON.
hey @wonderb0lt. Do you have your driving license back already?
@Tavo Nope. But I get it back without further bureaucracy. They just have to print it and I'll have it in 6-8 weeks
6-8 weeks? Are they drawing it by hand?
do you have to fulfill a quest as well? Slay a dragon? Rescue a princess?
@Tavo Well it IS a federal agency sooooo...
ah, bureaucracy...
I just had a thought about Agile... :D
Agile Bureacracy?
Nope. I just went there, gave my eye test, photo, signature and around 120 euros and I was good to go
oh well. I'm helping my gf to implement it in her advertisement agency. Why not in bureaucracy? It might even work :)
Hello :D
anybody have any experience with selenium? :'
I wrote a set of tests like 3 years ago
so not much, no
so you wouldn't have an idea of why searching for a string in the DOM isn't working
@wonderb0lt It took me 3 days to get mine
Though I'm gonna have to get a new one soon since I'm changing my name-..
@Gemtastic Well in Germany the cuckoo clocks run a bit slower than in your progressive liberal heaven
Liberal heaven :')
(Denmark is still better 1397 best day of life)
Well, being german you'd think you'd have optimized the process already!
I suppose I'm the best of both worlds then? part danish
Yep. Go you!
Are you getting married or are you just not liking "Gemtastic" as a name?
Well, John snow and I kinda are an item again since I had to take on Ruby on Rails back to back with swift
One doesn't have to get married to change once name though. Maybe I just finally had my gender corrected? (I wish I could change it to the third option like in germany)
@Gemtastic I wish I could change my (last) name that easily. Stupid progressive liberal country
Last names are a bit hard here as well, unless you did get married
Like you need to have it royally announced true monarky style
@Gemtastic I thought Swedish names are just interspace("f", englishName)
I asked my GF if she would marry me for a name change. She said no. I also asked her if she would marry me for fiscal reasons. Also no. Women, pffh?
!!> 'Steven'.split('').join('f')
@Madara did you see the profile message?
@MadaraUchiha "Sftfefvfefn"
Is that not a valid Swedish name?
I think that counts as offensive
@Gemtastic Whose?
ShaU of course
Stack overflow really needs to learn to deal with that loophole
@Gemtastic Reload
Still there for me
Also, new user
teehee banned for 6h
@Gemtastic Now?
Took a bit of time for cache to catch up
Gone ^^
Well, THAT profile is gone
@Gemtastic I've informed the other mods in the mod chatroom, if he comes back, mod flag any message (including your own) and let them know he's at it again.
Will do
@Gemtastic Have you seen the video of the guy who teaches Haskell using Swedish names?
@MadaraUchiha As I thought; the new user is a new account
Yup seen that one
@Gemtastic I've already exterminated him
Thank you
@Gemtastic His perfect pronunciations of the quasi-swedish killed me :D
Haskall circlejerk
best subreddit
Haskell is a great language to learn, and then never use again.
I've looked into it very shallowly, but now my focus is upon Common Lisp
Which looks like a really interesting language.
@fge I'm curious: Did you get the chance to work with CL?
I'm gonna become a Swift expert consultant so I'm all in swift atm.
@MadaraUchiha since I don't know what CL stands for, the answer is probably not
@fge Common Lisp
Then no
I have worked a little with Scheme, but not LISP
@MadaraUchiha the TARDIS video is great
@fge I know
My mind was blown, those requirements were very rigid
Solving all of it at the DB level is amazing
I seriously need to sit down and write something big with Postgres
PostgreSQL is the best open source RDBMS by a very wide margin :)
@fge Absolutely
That range type with the TARDIS vid oh wow, that is so freaking useful I'm surprised it's not in SQL proper...
Now you've motivated me to look at it
@Michael FYI the bot is borked :(
in Regular Chat, 1 min ago, by OakBot
@TodoPertin An error occurred retrieving the tag description. D:<
Morning, Java!
@ShadowWizard Yikes, thanks.
@Michael got idea what it fails?
Probably something to do with the way it parsed the tag information. I believe it screen scrapes the info, so SO might have redesigned the page.
I'll look into it.
Hmm. Not sure what's wrong. The HTTP request for the tag page is returning 403. But when I put the same URL in my web browser, the page loads fine.
@Michael maybe SE got flooded with such requests so blocked it.
What is the exact URL you try to scrape, for example?
@Michael hmm.... when sending the request, try also sending browser headers
Like what?
@Michael don't remember exactly, can take a look at something I made long ago. Anyway, ideally, you can use the API, e.g. api.stackexchange.com/2.2/tags/php/…
Though without a key, you'll exhaust the quota quickly. :(
@ShadowWizard Interesting. I'll have to look into that. Thank you.
When I make the HTTP request with a HttpClient object, it works. o.O
Before, I was just doing new URL(url).openStream().
@ShadowWizard lol too many requests from this IP, guess someone in our company is scraping SO too :P
@Michael huh, wasn't aware there are other ways. lol
So you fixed the bot? :)
Guess the HttpClient is sending headers by itself.
@wonderb0lt the "free" API doesn't care for IP, every request counts towards the daily quota.
even yours?
like, really everyone's?
{"error_id":502,"error_message":"too many requests from this IP, more requests available in 63214 seconds","error_name":"throttle_violation"}
@wonderb0lt of course, only with an API key you get 10000 quota, which is reasonable
good morning Java
@wonderb0lt oh, thought you mean the quota. wow
Shutting down. See you later.
OakBot Online.
/tag java
@Michael Java (not to be confused with JavaScript) is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language designed to be used in conjunction with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). "Java platform" is the name for a computing system that has installed tools for developing and running Java programs. Use this tag for questions referring to Java programming language or Java platform tools.
@ShadowWizard Fixed.
Mornin homies
mornin homeboy
@ballBreaker o/
How's your days goin' gentlemen?
so far so good, yours?
pretty okay
<-- actually has a smartphone now
@DRich Not bad, just started.. had some spicy mexican food last night though, enough said lol
@Michael wow, thanks!
Will the bot update itself in all rooms?
/tag php
@ShadowWizard PHP is a general-purpose open source programming language that is especially suited for web development
Factoid of FreeNode's ##java javabor on PHP: <javabot> php is the solution of choice for relaying mysql errors to web users. For more info, please read http://me.veekun.com/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/
@ShadowWizard Yep.
@fge :D perfect
@ballBreaker Best of luck with Mexican today. Hope everything is alright in the end.
I should be okay..
I'll learn my lesson one of these days
the cleanest way to do web services
@wonderb0lt What universe do you live in? xD
@Michael The one where you clean yourself with SOAP
@wonderb0lt will be here all week folks. Please don't forget to tip your waitresses
throw new TomatoAtWonderboltException()
Tip your waiters too, sexist bastards
@JackDaniels That's JavaScript, not Java
@wonderb0lt are you able to help thou?
3 messages moved to JavaScript
@JackDaniels The JavaScript folks might be able to help you better.
@wonderb0lt thanks! i'll go have a luck!
sorry I had too much caffeine
damn Enter didn't autocomplete the name :-)
wtf is wrong with me. I guess I need that coffee! :-)
@Michael do us a solid and please don't move chunks of code to our room :) Feel free to direct him to us, but we bin large code dumps
@SterlingArcher Oh, ok. Sorry!
No worries!
@SterlingArcher So do we ahem @Michael
@SterlingArcher He's just a monkey, he doesn't know any better
@SterlingArcher You mean, you don't like your chat filled up with other people's shoddy source code?
@ballBreaker Also, bananas.
@Michael Bananas
I claim banana shenanigans
What does the D stand for
Dick Rich?
Dick Richard?
Dick Dick?
<-- thinks he's a comedian
Puh! I just handed in my technical report on my examination project. Now all that remains to be done on that is my instructor sends his grading to my school.
@Gemtastic What was the project?
Building a time report application in Ruby on Rails with an engine I've made myself
I had to learn Ruby, Rails and Rails engines for that. It was hard.
@ballBreaker I think @DRich is plotting your demise as we speak.
@ballBreaker Danger B]
Danger Dick?
@ballBreaker sure, I'll go w/ that
lol sorry, I had a friend named Richard, and I couldn't not call him Dick, especially knowing how mad it made him
The punnisher and Danger Dick on new adventures XXX
@Gemtastic >>STING<<
steals wonder's thunders
double >>STING<<
"Image not found" ?
You could've at least went for the one which is mirrored glavnoe.ua/UserFiles/Image2012/03(923).jpg
@DRich It was really bothering me why I thought I knew where Alexandria was/ have heard of it before
Then I realized that it must be because Dave Grohl references Arlandria all the time
Which I'm pretty sure is just a way of mentioning Alexandria, without directly mentioning it
He's from Virginia isn't he?
googles this information
Oh yeah, I'm right.
Look at me, super smart
I also get "image not found"
2 messages moved to Trash can
It's a picture of String, the musician
No it wasn't
Not to us
We got "image not found"
that's annoying. sorry then
Meh, I removed them so you wouldn't look too stupid
Oh weird
@Gemtastic Hmm, you'll need to remove more than just that I'm afraid
@Gemtastic You're always looking out for me <3
@ballBreaker I don't know a whole lot about David Grohl, but "Arlandria" could be a portmanteau of Arlington and Alexandria, two cities that are next to each other in northern VA
@ballBreaker I said "too stupid" that doesn't mean he'll look bright ;P
@Gemtastic Ah, no I was talking about myself I guess there haha
@DRich Ahhh true, that makes sense
Arlington is a bit of an affluent area now
Hasn't always been, but it's very popular with the 23 - 28 yo crowd that stays out late on weekends
Hmmm, interesting
I lived there for a year
Damn hooligans
w/ my wife before she was my wife
Couldn't handle the kids on your lawn anymore?
hahaha, we had an apartment
and we wanted a house
and we couldn't afford the $1M price tags in the area
hahah yeah that's fair
Did you grow up there?
no, I'm from NY
I didn't get down to Alexandria/Arlington until I was 23 or so
Which was how long ago?
... ^_-
40 years?
No way
No? you don't figure me for a 63 yo Java hobbyist ?
I don't know if I can accept that there's a 63 year old in this chat hahaha
It was more on the order of 8 years ago
Isn't that ageism? ;-)
@kaderud indeed it is :P
Programming fights dementia and keeps you mentally healthy longer!
I recently started unobfuscating code as a hobby.
@MadaraUchiha Do you like cryptography?
It's like a crossword, you start with the smaller functions, rename the variables and function names, and work my way up to the larger functions
@Unihedron It's a topic I really want to get into
But don't have enough time/energy
@MadaraUchiha Haha, puzzling is fun.
And there's a special kind of charm in figuring out what functions are supposed to do. Deobfuscating code tells you a lot about what the author is.
@Gemtastic Hiya!
What's up? :3
Just checking by...
Today is the first day of the public examinations I have to take, and I'm glad it was over. It spans across for another two weeks.
Studying is boring.
It depends on what you're studying I suppose
I'm learning swift and I've just learned some RoR. Those have been fun to study
College entrance exams...
Well, I wish you luck with them
@DRich hahah that makes more sense
thank you
Entrance exams; studying a buncha bull to get to study the thing you really wanna know
@Unihedron I agree.. T_T. Also nice to see ya!
It's awkward because when I get bored, I want to do something to take a break, but I know if I start writing code the day will just pass by without me getting back to studying again.
Hey @Uni!
hi you!
oh, hi Terry!
Peeking at the office365 mail api so that I can build a time report app that will send the report as a mail to the one who's gonna have it
So, I'm Terry now? Whatever happened to Jerry?
Oh, I misremembered.
@Unihedron ^_^
Progressive has the worst commercials
Listening to di.fm
they have Flow doing some sort of Def Poetry Jam thing
It's awful
It's the audio equivalent of peeling back your cuticles with a cheese grater
I don't hate either of those things independently of one another
@DRich Lol. I feel you, bro. xD
but for some reason when they're put together, it's just terrible
@wonderb0lt I have some follow-up issues, discovered that in the json payload (it's a big file I'm getting, ~1Mb), there's also an Array object connected to each Users (the objects named "1002001" & "1003001").

The Array object is named as such, "tags_1002001" (and so on, _####), is there a way to *not* parse these? Now I'm getting a IllegalStateException.
@kaderud good question, I'm afraid this exceeds my (limited) Gson knowledge. But that's a good question to search for / ask on SO
@wonderb0lt np! i'll go look around! thanks for your help so far, got me started in the right direction!
@DRich That's insurance right?
@ballBreaker Yeah
Quick Java-SQL question on the off chance that anyone happens to know the answer
Statement stmnt = conn.createStatement();
System.out.println("Create Statement");//<-- PRINTS

ResultSet rsTopNodeCount = stmnt.executeQuery(sqlTopNodeCount);
System.out.println("ResultSet rsTopNodeCount");//<-- DOES NOT PRINT
Can anyone tell me why the second println doesn't print?
There are no errors or anything
(sqlTopNodeCount is a string btw)
Hmm no idea lol
You want it to print out ResultSet rsTopNodeCount though yah
yes- I want that exact set of characters
not the value of rsTopNodeCount
What I'm actually trying to do is determine whether or not that ResultSet rsTop... ); line is executing
@DRich Hmm I've never used whichever library that is
I've always used hibernate for my sql tings, so I'm not of much use
@DRich if you comment out the ResultSet line, does the second PrintLn, print then?
You've never used Java.sql?
@DRich Nope
@kaderud I would assume so since the first println works, but give me a moment and I'll test it out
oh, and I guess you'd have to comment out rsTopNodeCount.next(); as well.
If it does, then I'd say you get an exception in ResultSet rsTopNodeCount
@DRich yeah are you catching the right exceptions?
@kaderud Okay, so commenting out the ResultSet line does have that second println work
I am catching a SQLException
but that never pops up
Do you print the exception or just { } ?
Catch a base Exception lol
There it is
and see what happens
I don't print the exception
I just left that spot blank and forgot to populate it
... I guess
that's usually it :)
now I'm getting my exception
Thank you both!
^_^ anytime
(newbie mistake, I'm so embarrassed)
Don't be. I think we've all done it at one point in time.
We've all been there (but I'll never admit to it)
lol @ballBreaker
brb lunchtime guys
I was actually doing a catch (e) {} a couple of minutes ago to try and find another bug :)
okay, now to figure out what the problem is
what does the Exception say?
Invalid object name <Table Name>
So I added "Use [database]" to the query
and I'm no longer getting the original error
I've moved on to an error that says "The Result Set has no current row"
even though the query run in SSMS returns a single row
I don't know if you can put "use database" in the query, I always put it in my DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://server.domain.org:1433/databa‌​se","user,password");
Apparently you can put "Use database" in the query
but I think your approach is better
Also, for posterity's sake
@kaderud I used jdbc:sqlserver://ServerName\\Instance;databaseName=name;
The Open-Plan Office Paradox
03:00 - 18:0021:00 - 00:00

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