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@jaycp Cool, new site about coding that I never knew of. Triaging...
Only one or two test cases out of 100 are failing, and codeeval.com website doesn't show any test result
it is a java question, i hope this is correct place to ask. no ?
Wow, this site seriously sucks.
true, they don't provide details of failing test cases
my question is generic, for given problem, how to come up with test cases and expected output ?
It lacks robots.txt, has no proper sitemap, has poor performance, and has a poor UI when JS is disabled.
"We've e-mailed you instructions for activation of your account."
That has broken grammar.
agreed, i don't know who made it.
Someone recommends CodeKata in 3... 2...
It's on my blacklist. Thanks!
@wonderb0lt What's that?
yes codekata is great site
Another site where you can do like code challenges which 500s 80% of the time for me
codewars.com is also awesome
But it's everyone's darling, so...
@jaycp I have a clan there.
oh cool. what u do with clans ?
not much
for contests ?
nice :)
but my question: test cases
do we manually calculate the values in 256x256 matrix somehow, and put as expected value in test cases (general test case, not specific to that website)
Use a unit testing framework.
/javadoc Test
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. junit.framework.Test
2. org.junit.Test
3. org.testng.annotations.Test
@Unihedron org.testng.annotations.Test: Mark a class or a method as part of the test.
TestNG is a decent candidate
@Unihedron Vogel is bringing dishonour to the family name..
i am using junit
@Dustiny ?
I guess he just doesn't do it that much is probably more likely
his honour is low
92 is quite high
But at the same time a full 92 points more than mine
you should see the count of <50 honor users in the clan
can i join your clan @Unihedron?
Ahh yeah I've never used the site before, I was just comparing his to yours and the top guys
@jaycp "Stack Exchange"
got it
hey @Dustiny you should be here. New acquisition in the office: petite, cute and very fit
lovely smile also, but not sure that's a thing for you :P
@Tavo Huge thing for me
you are just saying that so we don't think you are that creepy, but it's too late :P
haha I didn't really notice it was a thing until I was seeing a very fit girl but all I could pay attention to was her perfect teeth..lol
Then the next girl had horrible teeth and I couldn't handle it and broke it off
there's some humanity left in you. There's still hope :D
Realization: I like teeth
I take that back then
One other thing is when girls have ears that stick forward a bit
Super cute for some reason
Don't know if that was a good explanation though
^ this is how most of your conversations reads like to me
@Tavo Yeah google images doesn't help either lol
@Dustiny lel
@Unihedron Im going to bite the bullet and watch that at work
same here
@ItachiUchiha lol
@ItachiUchiha Yeah! except the pointy haha
Okay that video is absolutely hilarious
so are your conversations
gosh, I see myself reflected when I was back in uni
@Dustiny agreed
I wanna slap around those kneeees! I bet those knees wibble and wobble all over the place, fckn slut!
@Tavo In that video? Or my beautiful lobster avatar
I think I was never a lobster back in uni
but can't guarantee it, too many things happened in those years
.. you were a bottom feeder don't deny it ;)
haha burnnn
yeah, I was a pillow-biter
!!urban pillow-biter
OMG hahaha
Probably shouldn't have urban'd that
@CapricaSix @Michael Look @Dustiny just used Caprica to search urban..
Now you are gonna burn to hell @Dustiny
@Unihedron You do not have permission to use the command undo
@MadaraUchiha Can you undo that? it's nsfw :p
I just reported you to the caprica police :P
I'm triggered
It was an accident! I had no idea hahaha
The above text has the word "pole" in it
grumblegrumble multi attribute PK....
@Dustiny ffs, it was fairly obvious
I'm loling right now
I vaguely knew the term but wanted a concrete understanding of it
"close relatives with shampoo bottles" ...
well, i'm moving it to trash for reasons :P
now you have it. No regrets allowed
1 message moved to bin
Ahaha well my life is slightly brighter on this cloudy day now
@Dustiny You live in the U.S.?
Canada actually, in Toronto
Canada Day just around the corner!
Explains that. We seemed to be in the same time zone [your time comments] and weather...I'm just outside Detroit meself
@wonderb0lt No it's not. It's down the hall, 3rd door on the left.
@wonderb0lt It is! Unfortunately on a wednesday :\
I'm invited by a bunch of Canadians to celebrate with them and eat some maple syrup bacon. I hope there's poutine
Mid week holiday..woo <_<
@Joe'sMorgue Oh yeah, thats actually quite close.. few hours away
I guess the positive is that I can get drunk on a tuesday night for the first time in a year
here they made bank holidays in a clever way. They are always moved to the closest Monday or Friday (except Christmas and Boxing Day)
Companies get to choose that here.. every other holiday is moved..but I guess because it's Canada's birthday it's always July 1st
Which is understandable
Can't wait for my raise in a month \o/
Random statement of the day #12
a raise... now that's something I haven't seen in a long time...
I seriously doubt lawyers have that train of though :P
^^ that
@Tavo Time for a list of demands?
Yeah I think the lawyers thoughts are more "How can I drag this lawsuit out and make as much money as inhumanly possible"
I was going to say humanly possible, but they're closer descendants of cockroaches
they are relatives to recruiters and project managers
I would agree if my project manager wasn't such a standup guy, but that's probably a rarity
You could add marketers to that list too
@Tavo I'll try not to take him for granted then lol
yeah, don't
the only decent PM I've had is now the lead architect in another company
Do you think maybe it's because he was originally an engineer, and has had a lot of experience in the field?
I mean his project managing is reasonable, that on top of him being a good guy is a nice combination
in general PMs are people that are not good enough on the deep technical stuff and don't want to be developers or anything close to that
@Tavo I still thought it was funny :P
they all claim that "used to be a developer". Those are the worst
@Gemtastic indeed it is ^.^
so they were not good enough, but think they can manage people that could do their job in the blink of an eye, but can't be arsed because they enjoy the technical challenge
so they just try to boss people around with stupid deadlines and random requirements that nobody cares about
@Tavo Ahh fair enough, well I guess that would be a big reason why this guy is good then. He doesn't just offload the work onto you without knowing how to do it himself. Not only that but he is always willing to pick up slack if it's needed
that's why, when I lead a team, I required not to have a PM
@Milind hi there
@Tavo Cut the fat basically haha
Whats the convo all about ?
PMs and how useless they generally are
that sounds serious
Yeah we decided to stop talking about girls for a bit
no problems
talking about girls is shit
there is "Java" always
@Tavo what is a PM?
I'm imagining you doing air quotes when you say Java now
Is Java code word for girls?
no not a code word
@fge project manager
aahh leave it anyway
hehe ;)
@fge Or private message
Dustiny sounds a girl's name
Its a mix of Dustin and Destiny, but yea it does I'll admit that
where you from ?:)
I am in fact a dude though, a bro some might say. A father one might say.. (joking, I think)
Canada! you?
ha ha ha father :P :)
@Dustiny fear the day you have a daughter, as you know what some men will (try to) do with her
@Tavo It is indeed what karma has in store for me
Shut up @Tavo
He is just joking
am i right Dustin ?
@Milind you wish
hey you
sorry dude
You are a girl ?
Sorry :P
than what ?
man ??
pillow biter
whats that ?
ask @Dustiny
/javadoc String#toUpperCase
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. java.lang.String#toUpperCase(Locale)
2. java.lang.String#toUpperCase()
@Unihedron String toUpperCase(): Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the default locale. This method is equivalent to toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()). (1/2)
is there a toUpperCase(Locale) ???
you guys wanna join on fb ?
@Dustiny you've made a friend
@Milind What's fb?
@Tavo I'm going to have a feminist lesbian black daughter, I know it
@Dustiny you wish she'd be lesbian
Facebook in 2015? Is this a joke?
than whats so trending @Unihedron
in 2015 ?
@Tavo I forgot to include hippy in there lol. Yeah probably a hope though
how does any of these platform matters !
anyways. . .you guys wanna join on Google+
whats tha ?
google+. do people actually use that?
google employees probably
i dont know !
Dustin you use FB or Google+
hahaha yeah I bet that's their main user
@Unihedron :P
I use FB yeah
Mostly just to write obscene troll comments on people's stuff
ha ha ha
@Milind We already have a group!
can i join that ?
In order to join it, you must sign away your soul.
can anyone refer me the link ?
grabs popcorn
@Tavo hahaha I'm enjoying your enjoyment of this
which enjoyment ?
I love this sort of childish trolling
goes to steal popcorn from Tavo, finds something that isn't popcorn
You guys are . . .
@Dustiny really?
leave my pillow alone
are you two in bed !
fighting for pillow
ha ha ha ha
gosh... (facepalm)
Good night
is any one sharing the link to group ?
waves hand
Take care milind
Anyone there ?
Where is "there"?
I never would have guessed I could ever feel this awkward in a virtual conversation
ok, time to get going
gnight all
ny ny
anyone help me ? diff between Vector and synchronized arraylist ?
Goodnight brother, dont bite your pillow too hard now
have a good evening all
nah, just the right amount
you people are trying really hard to keep this conversation SFW
/urban SFW
safe for work
SFW is the opposite of NSFW
Is oak broken?
I dunno try to urban pillow-biter and see
Wee, this language is a real piece of work
It is so badly design it is an art
Try and imagine Picasso or Dali designing a programming language and you have an idea
I get what your saying but that almost implies that picasso or dali are bad artists
Not a huge picasso fan, but Dali on the other hand. Love em.
Also which language are you talking about?
Caché ObjectScript
I'll make a note to never learn it lol
Well, my job is to write a static analysis tool for it :p
The worst of it is that I have results already
As in you did your job too well? Or you had result before starting
As in both, really
I started before I was even officially employed, I just couldn't resist the challenge
Oh okay, well that's good then!
Actually there are two challenges
The language itself, and the SonarQube API
I don't know SonarQube but I've seen you complain about the API and lack of documentation for the past few weeks to feel like I know it's struggles
It is
And the dev mailing list is not helpful in the slightest
Friend messages me randomly saying how he was upset about someone on Facebook that he has mutual friends with posted a racist picture, and someone else commented making it even more racist. I said that was dumb, he sends me a link; it was a picture of a border control truck, captioned “How to pick up Mexican girls”
I thought it was funny. Racist, yes, but still funny..
That is pretty hilarious
I knew you would get a kick out of that.
People are way too sensitive these days lol
Yeah, this dude is....
Classic case of "I'm upset because I'm offended" .. "why are you offended?" .. "I don't know, because it's wrong?" .. "why is it wrong?" .. "I dont know because people say so"
Hard to describe
Basically "I'm upset and offended because people say I should be" or "Im offended because someone somewhere might get offended"
I don't know if i've ever been offended in my life, so I don't really understand the whole thing
I bet even 90% of mexicans would laugh at that
But yes he sounds interesting haha
He's a C# developer.
Enough said
haha burnn
Mines probably closer to this
Just replace dog with tiger
@Dustiny I find that offensive!
[Why? Because it messes with you!]
Hahaha :O
I'm offended you would want to mess with me
Parsing failures down to 48
One week ago it was 962
grats mang
@fge What are you parsing?
@Mr.777 Caché ObjectScript
The language with the worst design on Earth, really
@fge Never heard of it before
Do you think it's good to know Cache ObjectScript?
INTERCAL has a pretty hilarious design
"If you do not say PLEASE enough the compiler won't think your polite, but if you say PLEASE too much then it will think your too nice"
My code changes keep working on the first try. I seriously don't know what's going on today. This never happens.
There are some absolute bonkers programming languages out there omg lol
@Dustiny Actually, dog fits you pretty well
But you all know I'm a dog
That was the issue
@Mr.777 no :p
@fge hahaha I was actually reading it
@Mr.777 really, it's not worth the trouble, unless you are some sort of masochist :p Or want to make a name in the medical business
Since it appears that this language is used a lot in there
Well, since I parse it and make a static analysis tool for it, I have to learn it, of course
Hahahaha I thought, you are working so this might be worth learning ;)
Learning the language is but a side effect of my job, since I develop a Sonar plugin for it -- the plugin in itself is still Java
I read that as Solr for a second and was about to feel very sorry for you
Hey, im in need of an advice. I'm using spring, I want www.example.com/item/1 and get a fully rendered page not just json so i need to return jsp, but i also want jquery or angular to handle the frontend but since it ain't returning json I can't handle it. So is it a good practice to have spring render the page and duplicate it with the controllers returning json for jquery/angular to handle or is there another more elegant way?
Just return the jsp in your controller
You can add .jsp references to your ModelAndView in your controller, it will get passed through the JSP rendering engine before being served as HTML
WOOHOO, victory
Yes i know, but I can't manipulate the data with jquery/angular then or can I?
Lol SO Career:
Senior Software Develoepr (Java)
Rogue Wave Software Canada
Ottawa, ON, Canada
What does a Develoepr do?
Required Skills and Expertise:

Masters degree in Computer Science, or equivalent;
Who gets a masters in computer science?!
Why would they want someone with a masters over a bachelors?
@fge 0 parse errors?
and 2 more years of experience potentially
@JohnSmith What do you mean, manipulate the data w/ Jquery or angular?
When are you talking about manipulating it?
@Mr.777 eh,no, 22 out of 6797
That's so close. I hope there won't be any showstopper :D
And most of those 22 are due to a SPOF which I'm aware of
I am confident that I'll be able to secure the time to kill that SPOF
Single point of failure?
Single point of failure?
@nexion I think this is accurate description of your day right?
That is what SPOF means
As an ex systems engineer I am aware of the notion :p
@Dustiny Hahahahahah
@Dustiny in my case it's "my code works and I know why" -- unit testing rocks
@fge Being a systems engineer is fun, no?
@Dustiny Exactly.
Eh it was in reference to Nexion
@Mr.777 up to a certain point, and I have reached that point where it's not fun anymore
@fge Being a systems engineer is fun, no?
Also I need to get better at budgeting. If I don't spend ANY more money, I'll have $17 after paying bills on the first =P
@fge I agree, TDD is really awesome if one knows
@fge Being a systems engineer is fun, no?
@fge I agree, TDD is really awesome if one knows
@Nexion Same here! Budgeting is not my thing
The problem with systems engineering is experimentation
@fge Does that mean, you know everything about systems now?
A problem you don't have with code
@Mr.777 of course I don't
@Mr.777 Are you writing from a mobile phone? I'm confused how else you would be posting the same thing multiple times
@fge Then don't you think it's still fun?
But had I had the means to experiment when I wanted to, I'd probably still be a systems engineer today
@Dustiny I don't know :P

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