do we manually calculate the values in 256x256 matrix somehow, and put as expected value in test cases (general test case, not specific to that website)
they all claim that "used to be a developer". Those are the worst
@Gemtastic indeed it is ^.^
so they were not good enough, but think they can manage people that could do their job in the blink of an eye, but can't be arsed because they enjoy the technical challenge
so they just try to boss people around with stupid deadlines and random requirements that nobody cares about
@Tavo Ahh fair enough, well I guess that would be a big reason why this guy is good then. He doesn't just offload the work onto you without knowing how to do it himself. Not only that but he is always willing to pick up slack if it's needed
@Unihedron String toUpperCase(): Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the default locale. This method is equivalent to toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()). (1/2)
Friend messages me randomly saying how he was upset about someone on Facebook that he has mutual friends with posted a racist picture, and someone else commented making it even more racist. I said that was dumb, he sends me a link; it was a picture of a border control truck, captioned “How to pick up Mexican girls”
I thought it was funny. Racist, yes, but still funny..
Classic case of "I'm upset because I'm offended" .. "why are you offended?" .. "I don't know, because it's wrong?" .. "why is it wrong?" .. "I dont know because people say so"
Hey, im in need of an advice. I'm using spring, I want and get a fully rendered page not just json so i need to return jsp, but i also want jquery or angular to handle the frontend but since it ain't returning json I can't handle it. So is it a good practice to have spring render the page and duplicate it with the controllers returning json for jquery/angular to handle or is there another more elegant way?