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Morning? So nuts haha, I guess I'm usually on in the "morning" but it's your guys' night
Nothing like working at 10pm :p
Greetings from beyond the grave
@ItachiUchiha You alive over there?
@Kylar Hey!
@fge Wakes up!
What's going on?
Lol nice name
It's to die for!
Oh man hahahaha
Dad joke of the year award goes to Joe's Morgue
I used to run a BBS [if you know what those are] of the same name...
Bulletboard system?
sorry Bulletin board system* lol
Late 90's fad
I vaguely remember them. I was born in 1992 lol so Im a young gun.
I knew what you meant...You get good at reading typos when you run a BBS
They were sort of like a mix of chatroom and forum right?
Yes...Single callers
Oh okay now that I'm looking at it, it seems a lot more extensive then just for chatting
MOST only had one line, and it was a direct connection via a device called a modem...Similar to a cablemodem, but used phone lines
Oh yeah I remember those lol
Yeah, but back then speeds were 14.4...VERY few had 28.8...
Classic dial up tone, makes me cringe now thinking about it
Land lines..I'm SO OLD
Well I'm not old and I still remember using them until I was around 12 !
But on the other hand, you probably remember using rotary phones..
In all fairness my grandparents still own a rotary phone as their land line lol
I saw an extreme video today....
It's kinda WOW....
Hmm what kind of extreme
Like sporty extreme, or gruesome extreme, or violent extreme? lol
So many extremes
damn I didnt click it fast enough
Wrong paste!
Like WOW...
SHOCKING extreme
Damn I've seen people do stuff like this all the time.. I always think "I hope something happens to them someday" BUT NOT LIKE THIS
Uber extreme haha I've watched it 5 times now
He SURVIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So unlucky and lucky at the same time lol
I noticed how little that rig moved when it hit the remains of the car....
yeah thats what I was thinking too, if that was my SUV I would have also been screwed
That rig just tore it into smaller pieces..
Car splinters....
Yikes, broken vertebrae.. They should show this video in driving lessons now a days
New drivers need to see that video...
Was that a response to what I said or did we just think of the same thing at the same time ? haha
Can any one explain exception handling and object sharing in Java
@ZartashZulfiqar The link above should explain it...
Sorry @ZartashZulfiqar I handle comic relief in this room...Not much of a teacher...
Please don't make joke just give answer. If you know!
There should be fun but in programming :)
People don't like the way I code...I write for loops that can run forward or backwards in the same loop
High functionality, low readability.
Then write a loop that can run forward / backwards :(
   private int cycle(int row, int start, int end, int lowLine)
   {  // WARNING: Reversible Loop!
      int inc = (start > end) ? -1 : 1;
      end += inc; // Setup for direction
      for (; start != end; start += inc)
lmao my brain
As long as start != end, it will run....
@ZartashZulfiqar In all honesty your best bet is to Google that, exception handling and object sharing are more then most people care to explain
Joe I feel like you purposely try to get low rep
Just ghosting along the web
I'm just a bit of a smart mouth...
I'm not very good a explaining how to code...
I understand Joe
hi anyone have experience with Google SpreadSheetService?
I'm in the same boat. I'm a terrible teacher
..of code
If you want to know about being a bottom-dweller though..
It's been a while since I've been in this room...
Joe that was not reversible loop :P
If start is larger than end, it counts down, if start is smaller, it reverses and counts up....
Bi-directional loop?
I understand that you willl create a loop which automatically forward and backward..... and that will be bi-directional. :)
And that never terminates......
It will stop...
@Joe'sMorgue Come around more often, specifically during the day time when I'm actually around
throws ExceptRightNowException {..}
@Joe'sMorgue Please tell me why you are using int row and int rowLine
It's walking through an array, and does not go outside of the array.. Sometimes it needs to walk it backwards
ooh sorry int row and int lowLine
lowLine is the lowest row it made changes to, row is the current row.
During initialization, it walks through the array from top down, normally it does bottom up.
you are not using them in function then why you are passing these value? :P
They are used later in the method, I only showed you up to the bi-directional loop.
:) please complete :( so that I can understand whole loop working :D
   private int cycle(int row, int start, int end, int lowLine)
   {  // WARNING: Reversible Loop!
      int inc = (start > end) ? -1 : 1;
      end += inc; // Setup for direction
      for (; start != end; start += inc)
         if (line[row][start] == emptyTile)
            lowLine = moveTheLetter(row, start, rnd.nextInt(2), lowLine);
      return lowLine;
Yeah...lowLine just gets passed from here...
thanks :)
that was nice
Oh I understand :)
What do you do?
Not much....I'm autistic. I have a game I'm working on, a guy in this room helped me get the PC ver running, and he's been helping me with the Android ver... The problem is, I get burned out easily, and when I do, looking at code such as that is nothing more than a bunch of words, and they have no meaning, so I have to focus on something else for a while...
Who was helping you with it?
If you talks with @kiheru, take the opportunity to learn from him. He is a good teacher!
He has TRUE talent at coding...
I don't think I've seen him around here yet actually.. been around for about 3 weeks , 4 weeks maybe
I haven't been in this room for 3, maybe 4 months...sometimes I have to step back that long...
That's interesting though, is it mild autism?
I'm just a bit curious since I don't know much about it, but I do know it can vary greatly person to person
Also I realize that's pretty personal so you don't have to answer
Yes it is...
I tend to look at things from a different point of view, hence the code above...
Yeah it's very out of the box, but very interesting at the same time
It kept the code cleaner.
Sometimes, I'd hit the array left to right, sometimes right to left. Other's I'd start at the right, and go to the middle, then go to the left and go to the middle. One method handles all 4 styles...
Huh that sounds interesting, I'd like to see it work at some point! I'm getting so tired though, time to head to bed! It was nice to meet you Joe's morgue
MOST coders will avoid it at all cost. the // WARNING: makes it clear as to what it is
Hopefully I'll see ya around here again sometime
Mainly I came here to say hi to a few friends who are here, but AFK at the moment...
Ahh fair enough, well either way, enjoy your night
You too
@Joe'sMorgue heya
I am loud and alive :D
@ItachiUchiha toprightnews.com/…
That was horrific
People need to pay attention and not try to cut past everyone....
Can you believe the driver of that car survived?
Hey Itachi long time to chat haha
1 hour later…
@Joe'sMorgue Unbelievable!!
@Kerppag Heya
@Joe'sMorgue why don't you just do at the beginning of the method if (start > end) return cycle(row, end, start, lowLine);?
This way your loop remains a classic one
Hello Hello Hello~!
@ItachiUchiha where you from friend
@Ghanshyam yes?
from which country
Sep 26 '14 at 12:35, by ItachiUchiha
I live in the Leaf Village :)
Leaf Village from which country
Hi Every One
hi @ItachiUchiha
i have a simple problem, I already shows images from json to custom listview and that list view i added a download button now i wanna to click on that download button the showing image will download to sd pleas any idea.
@ItachiUchiha plz any idea about it
@Hope android? javafx?
Then have a look at the room topic
I don't do Android :/
@fge i asked from @ItachiUchiha not all room
and I presume from the one who manages this room, he hates android.. :/ haha. xd I dont know, maybe
@Hope and? There is a room dedicated to Android, you know
dear bro
use this
to download
i say i asked question from @ItachiUchiha
And how is that relevant?
Have you at least asked the question in the Android room?
uh oh, le runs on a corner
@fge I guess you are wasting your time here :D
Good Morning!
can Anyone tell how work thread duration of chat getting a data from database
@Ghanshyam Can you tell me what are you trying to ask here?
Actually if more than two group like example if chat in one group two person and other one two also how to implement thread on data access from database
@Ghanshyam sorry, I can't make sense of what you are trying to say
like java chat group how actually work with implement thread
What is an implement thread?
Hi guys
Good Morning
you can execute a prgram in thread
specify time there
means when i want like in every one second execute
morning everyone
Are these three variants generates line-separator according to OS:
String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%n").getBytes()
o wait...
I was running this code on Android(linux) and viewing the generated file in Windows. facepalm!
@mr5 why the .getBytes()?
@fge I was trying to get the length. I thought it would return "\r\n"(which would be 2) then I realized I'm running it on Android
The length?
Do you realize that in UTF-32, .getBytes() will return 8 for "\r\n"?
There is no 1 to 1 mapping between a byte and a char
I was referring to the length of the array
not the bytes itself
But the generated array depends on your character coding
So what you are doing is pretty much useless
/javadoc String#getBytes(Charset)
@fge byte getBytes(Charset charset): Encodes this String into a sequence of bytes using the given charset, storing the result into a new byte array. (1/2)
See the difference between this one and .getBytes() without an argument
@fge Anyway, I'm using the one with no parameter. I'm guessing the default is not UTF-32 encoded, is it?
The default depends on your OS and JRE implementation -- which is why you should never use it
Okay. Thanks for reminder!
wow. Just wow. Bumped into an emoji-based programming language called Fourman
hi guys
is there any Spring framework guys here
@prashu132 yes, we all hate it with the same intensity
hate it?
i need some one who can help me in it
you can give it a go
is there anyway to autowire some static variables on a spring non-managed classes in the start of application
!!urban afaik
@Tavo afaik as far as i know
the reason behind that is that creating static variables makes you use static methods to access them, which means you don't need to instantiate a class, which goes against good practices
but then it could be just that whoever created Spring and no willingness to do it for an unknown reason
and that's my advice for today. Back to my Splunk reports
Non static methods can access static stuff though, it's the other way around that doesn't work
@Gemtastic you are absolutely right. Where I said "makes" I should have said "encourage"
lost in translation
I have this song as my ring signal for the pure monstrocity of answering the phone when that signal is running XD
in a simple way is there any option where i can run some code in the start up of a spring application
@Tavo It happens. I just felt like I had to point it out since newbs might not notice it.
@Gemtastic agreed
and I bet your co-workers hate you every time your phone rings :P
@prashu132 have you searched that around?
nah, I'm kinda alone at my table most of the time and the bosses that sit here sometimes are old enough to appreciate the nostalgia. (actually noone calls me so I'm good on that point)
I'm sure DuckDuckGo or Google have something to say
i was thinking i can use WebApplicationInitializer onStartup method
@Gemtastic I get the eventual call from recruiters, which is even worse
then i found using this one "ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent>"
@Tavo I'm not good enough to be recruited yet :p
Though I still managed to get a job :D
@Gemtastic first step towards world domination
Or earning a living. Today is the first time since september last year that we actually have enough income to cover our basic living expenses.
yet another little step towards world domination ;)
@Gemtastic What did you do all that time since September last year? :X
@MadaraUchiha I've been studying since august. September was the last month of my better half's 3 month contract that came with his education
@Gemtastic No, I mean, how did you manage so far?
Also, aren't you getting paid to study?
You know what I find hilarious? I saw a job ad on facebook for a C++/java programmer, and a guy tried to be funny and submit his application as C++ code. And he couldn't even get the main method right...
@MadaraUchiha €270, but just our basic costs are at 900, not counting food...
@Gemtastic lol
It used to be at €600 but then we bought an apartment so the loans puts it up to 900
In case you wonder, we've had savings to live off of so we've managed, barely.
Why does my browser uses different kind of character encodings?
Mine still can't tell what it's supposed to be. Oh OSX~
@Gemtastic How old are you again?
@MadaraUchiha old :P
@Gemtastic You bought your own apartment at 26
Well, 25 actually
@Gemtastic That is unimaginable here in Israel.
same here in UK
It's actually kinda rare here too
I'm not sure I'd be able to do it with all the money I'm making and with the little money obligations I currently have.
The most common version is that your parents buys one for you if you get one in your mid to lower 20's
I was about to last year. The bank didn't give me the mortgage because there was a Chinese takeaway next door
Also, we take a lot of loans, we don't buy it straight off
@Gemtastic Here, you need to have 25% of the apartment cost on your own
Before you can be considered for a mortgage
here too.
Only 70% of the apartment's value is a loan
25% of any spitworthy apartment here is approx 300k shekel
Which is about 60k EU
@MadaraUchiha what is the average salary there?
You've got some really expensive apartments O.O
And how much time will it take you to save that amount? @madara
because 60k here is not much...
@Tavo It's not the average salary that's the problem
It's the average living cost
Average salary remains, cost of living steadily climbs
Government CBA to fix it.
^^ true
If you don't work in tech, you're screwed.
well, wage is supposed to climb along with the living costs
^^ true
I make more than both my parents combined
@MadaraUchiha I'm sure finance doesn't struggle either ;)
And they work they asses off.
@MadaraUchiha WAW
You're lucky rich
@mr5 I work at tech, they do not.
That's the price difference.
@MadaraUchiha How long you've been in tech industry?
Here tech is cheap, real cheap!
A 23 y/o starts with a salary higher than anything his parents ever made.
@ItachiUchiha here as well :( poor us
@mr5 A year and a half, approximately.
@ItachiUchiha Here it's all we have.
I'm home!
If you are in tech, you are almost screwed!
We don't have a lot of manpower, we don't have a lot of space for agriculture, we don't have a lot of water, we don't have a lot of natural resources.
And I did some pest control, a few spammers around chat.SO in the past day
@ItachiUchiha That's kinda what happens when you overflow the market with engineers :/
So we export tech
So tech is in high demand, and has good salaries
Girls don't want to marry you!
The rest is mainly meh.
@MadaraUchiha is Israel really that bad?
I thought the country goes pretty well
@Tavo Like I said, a person can make an honest living with any job
@gem can't agree more
Israel, here I come!!
But a young couple, at the current state of things, cannot buy an apartment on their own
@MadaraUchiha that's in most places though
Here IT is expensive because we have a shortage in supply.
@MadaraUchiha o.O so you're managing an Anime website. Cool!
Not without help from the parents or one or both of them working in tech.
same here in india
@MadaraUchiha We got pretty lucky since we bought it off of my brother at a discount
@Tavo And yet here says @Gemtastic that she had bought an apartment at 25 :)
"take on the existing loans and pay €10 000"
Even with loans and stuff, that's a wonderous thing to me.
oh, I feel the same about it
@Gemtastic 10k EU for an apartment + loans?
loan is best solution for this
@SameerKazi Loan is never the best solution
To anything.
@Gemtastic It's over half a million in our currency though
the average apartment here in London is over £300k, which is around 420k€
When you loan, you lose money for sure.
And a lot of it.
@MadaraUchiha The most amusing part is that we got the loan based on "I have a one year employment and my better half has a good chance at a job this fall"
And then I started studying and he didn't get a job. Lel
@Gemtastic wow
here the banks would have laughed
@Tavo I don't live in the big cities though, I live in a suburban municipality to one.
@Gemtastic Still, I don't think you appreciate how much people here would drool had I told them I know a couple who, without a steady job for either person, got an apartment of their own at 25.
@Tavo Well, we've managed fine and we're paying off the loan with a bit more than €100/month
@Gemtastic hats off
Seriously ^
@MadaraUchiha I don't think they'd drool; more like bite a napkin
@Tavo to be fair though, we don't buy anything else but food.
Because you're making a lot of money
@Gemtastic at 26, I'd rather have made that investment and spend a couple of years broke
@Tavo well, that's what we're doing kinda
But I just turned 26 so you should probably talk about doing it at 25
@Gemtastic it'll pay off :)
Actually, I was still 24 when we talked to the bank
well 25, 26
ok, ok, 24
@Gemtastic Alright, we get it. You got the apartment when you were 12.
@Tavo The value of the apartment already went up with at least €20 000
@MadaraUchiha No, then I lived in a villa 8D
But i didn't own it
My uncle did >_>
The other day I had a chat with a friend of mine who lives in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Apartments there are so cheap that I could buy one without a loan
That's kinda interesting
I get that the country isn't rich but...
shame there are no jobs and I would hate living there
besides that, it's a great opportunity!

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