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Over here we can talk directly on it :P
okay well @rlemon what we are making is kinda google hangouts with some cool hippy stuff
remember my CSS faces ?
and add some more group chatting stuff to it.
I like the idea of a stand alone google hangouts... but then I think ... it's like 1 min registration to use g+
It could fly - but you will have to have it rock solid from the start and AGGRESSIVE marketing.
@rlemon i have g+
@rlemon Its a different concept then Google Hangouts though
more like but written in pure html5
and adds more to it
like actual video/voice calling x-platform
Google hangouts is the same as that (meat and potatoes wise) just they present it differently. they want you to use it for XYZ and not ABC
have you used them recently?
nope its not
@rlemon hangouts is not really chat
@rlemon the focus is chat + all cool stuff + video/audio
have you used them recently.
does google hangout allows u to make 2d avatars
then what the hell are you smoking
and perform something like
(slap@rlemon) which slaps your avatar ?
@Abhishek no, but this type of stuff doesn't usher in millions of users.
i'm not saying don't
dosnt worth em :p
ffs you people
tapeer is more like SO chat with more features
there are a ton of people who sit on
i'm just saying you got a fuck load of work to do
you're re-inventing the wheel and putting some tassles on it.
why do you think we made a team , and got some volutneers
for me to use it those better be some damn good tassles.
@rlemon wanna join ?
@rlemon heh, it's basically what every "new shiny thing" is
33 secs ago, by rlemon
you're re-inventing the wheel and putting some tassles on it.
my primary motive is to steal xats market share.
sign me up... but tbh I don't have LOADS of time :P
google helped last night by declaring xat a reported attack site :3 , + there are tons of people who are frustrated of xat because there is nowhere else to go , and they do like to chat.
as all of my current projects sit idle
@FlorianMargaine can u explain him , i am kinda too hyper to talk atm
btw @rlemon current objective is to create a chat like SO
then i will focus on video-calling
I can just send him the mail you sent me
@FlorianMargain do it :-) if he likes he can be a huge help
Octavian and I were going to build a SO chat + jsFiddle for group prototyping.
nah, @rlemon's not going to be of any help. All he knows is C++.
but then we're like... why would people use this instead of just jsFiddle + SO chat???
or SO chat + anything really. collaboration to the max.
@rlemon with us there is a reason why people will use us instead of xat :P
don't be disturbed by me, just trolling trough
and the reason is simple . xat sucks , no mobile , there customer care asks to switch to IE because firefox throws exceptions when Adobe CS 4 is installed , and it costs a lot - we are free
but the more and more I researched it the more and more I saw it was fruitless to even try to compete in that market.
@rlemon sent you an email
don't hesitate to ask questions
I'll look at it more when i'm at home.
gotta go
Am staying in here cya and @FlorianMargaine thanks for standing with me onit :-) everybody i have talked to dislikes it but i have coded something in past and after writing a pure js ( okay with 80% c++ init ) encoder and handling 200 instances of the broadcaster on the same machine i think we can build something like this .. shouldn't be that hard now
am gonna go and code my work project ping me if needed , @GNi33 if the talk has intrested u and u wanna join we would love some help as u can see we are a bit 2 people team with 18 volunteers
i'm not entirely sure, if i know, what you guys are onto though
@GNi33 well we are making a chatsite
like Stackoverflow
but with additional features like
1. Video/Audio chat
2. Social Networking integration like facebook
3. A robust avatar system for hips
css 3 powered humanish avatars
4. And perhaps it can be simply moneytized , teens!
@FlorianMargaine o/ welcome back
@Abhishek added a dev branch to the repo
you will have to teach me this a lil bit
how do i update the changes u made on my local machine ? [ i am used to of coding directly on the server with others so idk how git properly works ]
git pull origin dev
or you can watch the source online
there is just the structure yet
when you made your changes
you git add, git commit
and then git push origin dev
to switch branches
you git checkout branch-name
if you want to create a branch, you git checkout -b new-branch
okay thanks :-)
and btw
anytime you want to work on a feature
create a new branch, work on it, then git checkout dev and git merge feature-branch-name
i did git pull origin dev
and my code is gone (x
though it wasnt useful anyways ^_^ other then the todo and some css
don't worry
you still have it
just git checkout master
on server
and you get your code back
the branches are still there
stays already on master :-|
then if you git checkout dev, you go back on the branch you just pulled
oh :|
then git reset --HEAD
error : Unknown option head
so it's just a matter of using git :p
and btw theres only the loading screen that matters
@Abhishek git reset --hard HEAD~1
@FlorianMargaine to be truthful the code i had doesnt even matters a lot :P now does it
and i can always just use git clone
well the thing is
your code is still there
in the repo, it's just a matter of getting the right branch
[Abhii@localhost Tapeer]$ dir
app.js controllers helpers models routes validators
config.js dependency.json lib public Static views
looks good this way [aye]
no xD
delete and git clone
[Abhii@localhost ~]$ sudo git clone [email protected]:tapeer.git
[sudo] password for Abhii:
Cloning into 'tapeer'...
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 31:06:3b:0d:cd:23:1a:41:dc:f2:c5:7d:9c:24:07:e6.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? y
Please type 'yes' or 'no': yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
the heck
you just had to git fetch actually
** facepalm **
you have to add your public key
i did
okay task for today learn git
@Abhishek btw, just added the package.json, so npm install will install the dependencies
i pulled it
i am starting to create index.html
@FlorianMargaine public & static ?
why u made two folders ?
I didn't
I only made public
you still have your old Static :|
and its empty!
what mess did you do
just git pull origin dev
without git checkout dev
just git fetch
so probably it pulled it to my master
changed nothing :D
[Abhii@localhost Tapeer]$ git fetch
remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done.
b1b7c40..8b70ef4 dev -> origin/dev
delete the folder
and git clone it
then cd to it
and git checkout dev
thats what i am trying to do
no git pull or something, git clone will already take the latest version
now lets get this clear
if u make changes to dev
i do git checkout dev
then git pull origin dev
then they are visible for me , Aye ?
and if i make changes then i do git add
we'll try soon, wait
then git commit -m "Hello"
i am making changes :-)
did some changes already :D
wait say we are on commit a
u make changes
and i make changes to the same file
we both commit to server .. erm this will mess up versions ?
I have no idea :D
@Abhishek get some help on the js room, brb
@Abhishek just git fetch :D
@FlorianMargaine i made changes :-$
small ones
lets see how good is git shall we ?
try a git fetch
and see if you can merge with what you have
alright, afk
brb in an hour or so
does it work? what did it do?
@Abhishek did you get how I wanted to design the website?
where email ?
@FlorianMargaine git starts to work now and i understand it
I'm sending ya an email
explain to me then :(
Okay when u changed it I tried to do git push
it refused and told me to git pull
when i did a git pull it merged ur changes with my dev repo
and then allowed me to git push that is if u make changes it will tell me "Hey U CANT PUSH U ARE OUTDATED ATLEAST SEE WHAT FLORIAN Has added"
power shortage
@FlorianMargaine see now
made it more mhuman
@Abhishek :) always wanted to do something like that
Join us
we are kinda outa resources lol
i am probably going to have to write most of the C++ part of this [which is hell sure gonna be here]
cause we are talking about audio and video
[good thing is i can re-use my code for work]
yep, sounds like a really cool thing
you have assembla
@FlorianMargaine .. u are gonna have to do this :-D
@GNi33 get an assembla account and then Florian will add yw
assembla? is that something like github?
allows to make private repos for free
@GNi33 added yew
ah, i see. thanks
i seriously have no clue how to use this (XD)
i am used to of using ssh directly at server
there will be no index.html
these are views, not static assets
(x_x) thank god (XD)
i was about to write one (x
but u stopped me from
@FlorianMargaine so what will be the drop page ?
see this project
the app.js file is calling all the routes
  app.get('/home', [app.requireLogin], function(req, res, next) {
    // Get the last messages - for SEO matters
    // Number of messages to get
    var nbMsg = 10;
    client.sort(['messages', 'desc', 'limit', '0', nbMsg, 'get', 'message:*->message'], function(err, replies) {
      res.render('home', {
        page_language: 'fr',
        page_title: "Page d'accueil",
        meta_description: "Page d'accueil de ce site de test.",
        messages: replies,
        error: null,
        message: null
it's using client.sort a redis client, but it's not what's important
see it's using res.render('template_name', { some: options } )
that's what renders the template
app.configure(function() {
  // Defines the view folder and engine used.
  this.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
  this.set('view engine', 'ejs');
this configures where the templates are
wait you are going to use a tempate engine :o , this means i have to learn it , this means we need to choose which to use first
Plates ofc
@FlorianMargaine now that looks good
okay then we are using plates
so far the template engine i have used is jade which made me feel my life worths nothing :-|
I have a feeling this is going to be great !
@FlorianMargaine @GNi33 owner / member ?
well, keep me member, of course, i have no idea how much time i can put into this the next months
db: mongodb?
@GNi33 i am sure we all are going to love this :D
hell yes!
unless you wanna use mysql :3
or redis
not redis
it's a PITA
oh wait
well, with couchDB you'd have a great guy out there with Octavien
if something gets torn up, he would be one you can ask

**Best used** : For rapidly changing data with a foreseeable database size (should fit mostly in memory).
but we cant fit it all in memory :-\
we can
we use mongodb for the persistent datas and redis for
two databases ?
nah , lets just use mongodb with a lil bit of memory based caching
memory based caching = redis :p
read more
okay then lets use redis aswell
i added some stuff in /mobile/login.html
will push it

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