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@dilip Tiwari, I have not worked with JSQMessagesViewController
But tell me for what is the purpose to use it and send me the reference link for the same.
@MilanRathod bro i want to create a chat page which user can send or show messages between that
so i have used that one JSQMessagesViewController
4 hours later…
@DilipTiwari Have you downloaded a demo for JSQMessagesViewController and tried to implement it?
yes bro @MilanRathod already downloaded
i m not using firebase i m using php as backend to show and send image or text messages to server
@DilipTiwari Please tell me where did you get stuck in the code.
my chat page show all text messages followed by image messages that's the issue @MilanRathod
even if i send one text mesage then image message then text message

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