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2 hours later…
Gm @all
Good Morning All
@MrugeshTank ok bhai
1 hour later…
any suggestions for following
Q: How to load .js file into HTML in UIWebview in Objective-C

Anilkumar iOS developerI am doing some waves animation in my existing iOS app. Its implemented by Objective-C language. So, I have .Js and HTML pages. In HTML page, I am loading .js file and trying to loading HTML file with UIWebview. But, Always its showing Blank white screen, I searched so many forums too, I found ...

@NiravS lavo shu krvanu htu tamare?
could anyone help me how to align text to left in webview swift ios
Meating ma hto hmna ayo bhai
@MrugeshTank ak api che third party aema param pass krvana che
as a dictionary pass krva pdse ne get type ni api che
aa link ma demo code che buy pr click kri ae atle api call nathi thati
@DilipTiwari Webview display content as per your HTML code.. So implement is HTML side. Or you manually set HTM code
@NiravS how can i manually set
but first tell me what is your need ?
what should you display in webview ?
only text
my code :-
let fullDescriptionSingle = (keyValues as AnyObject).value(forKey: "full_description") as? String
self.webView.loadHTMLString(fullDescriptionSingle!, baseURL: nil)
this is how i m displaying html from string
text is already showing in webview @NiravS
<p align="right">This is some text in a paragraph.</p>
where i will put this
i want to align left
let str = "<p align="left">\(fullDescriptionSingle)</p>"
self.webView.loadHTMLString(str!, baseURL: nil)
like kind of this
may it's vry
ok i m checking
// somexampleHTML
let pageHtml = "<html><p style=background:aliceblue>"
+ "<b>Hello friend,</b> " +
"how are you?</p></html>";

// Use loadHTMLString to display content.
// ... Use nil for baseURL.
baseURL: nil)
like you may write your own html code
1 hour later…
@HarshalValanda bhai jojo ne free thavto
@MrugeshTank @HarshalValanda tmey amara mrugeh sir ni jm busy thae gya?
ela bhai reporting krto to..
swar maupdate magyu tu,
ema bhulai gyu
@MrugeshTank ok ok bhai
aa joe leje ne
dwndl kri
joi lau halo
project j chhe ne?
Execution failed for task ':app:transformDexArchiveWithDexMergerForDebug'.
> com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzdyu;
hi all what is this issue
@Vijay ask a question
how are you guys
i am doing pushnotification
i have and issue @lnteliJ A,iya
Execution failed for task ':app:transformDexArchiveWithDexMergerForDebug'.
> com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzdyu;
@SagarVasoya or @Ankit can help
Hello there any iOS helper?
Error:(97, 0) Could not find method multiDexEnabled() for arguments [true] on object of type com.android.build.gradle.AppExtension.
<a href="openFile:/var/www/html/givazon-React/android/app/build.gradle">Open File</a>
@Vijay show your build.gradle
build gradle or android/app/build.gradle?
    apply plugin: "com.android.application"

import com.android.build.OutputFile

 * The react.gradle file registers a task for each build variant (e.g. bundleDebugJsAndAssets
 * and bundleReleaseJsAndAssets).
 * These basically call `react-native bundle` with the correct arguments during the Android build
 * cycle. By default, bundleDebugJsAndAssets is skipped, as in debug/dev mode we prefer to load the
 * bundle directly from the development server. Below you can see all the possible configurations
@Vijay its a react-native . I dont have enough knowledge
yeah that is okay
if get any issue like such as what you wil do in android
downgrade version. use 11.4.0 , add multidex
ama result to aave chhe
kaik load thyu tableview ma
ha ae click kr atle detail view khulse
aema Buy nu btn che
ae pr click kr tyare je api che ae call nathi thti
howt o add multiDex @IntelliJAmiya
getTotal() & getTiotal1() avi be api che alag alag rite lamofire cll karayu che toy nathi thtu
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
@MrugeshTank bethu?
jou halo hve e
ava sandha ka marya ??
bhai ae testing mate hta
every possible way I try
check this
It's way to call API
post man ma call thay che
aavu thyu mra thi to....
ha to aa pass thay che URL ma?
brobr che URL ma product= kri ne aa pass kri jo ne
ha ae j ne.. JOSON ne load kravo atle avu thae jay che
capital mathi small pn the jay ceh
tme kaek kro JAADUU
ene kem joy chhe?
tara o/p ma che am j
but pne cll kri atle gt '\' add thaay che ae prob kre che
ha e \ (backslash) to " (double quote) ne dsiplay krva lakhvo pde
output ma \ n aave, saib
ha pn je invalid URL kre che aema ave che.. baki done che jone postman ma pn run thay che api
to bolo su krsu?
postman nu j screenshot aapyo saib....
check kro ek vaar clcik kri ne
html aave chhe
json ni badle
bethu ??
Agharu coding
ok ok
header ma auth pass krvu pdse ne postman ma
me call kri mare json ma ave che
@MrugeshTank haa
basic auth
hve to auth y pass kryu
@HarshalValanda aa master ya
hu call kri ne apu wait
sms kro...
call receive krva mare baar jvu pde
API call kri ne apu am bhai
clear lakho ne...
me kidhu call kru etle phone call nu kidhu hse
@MrugeshTank ha ha : )
hwe API joe ne responce ave che
su krsu sir ?
auth ma nakhvanu hoy?
me to header ma nakhyu
header ma nae
ha aej keto to
header ma mele avi jase
auth ma nakhvanu
@MrugeshTank : )
aavu amne n avde ne pa6u
@HarshalValanda harshal bhai ne ras nathi apna ma aevu lage che
@MrugeshTank mjak kro ma ne bhai
km krvu ae kyo
@NiravS Work chalu 6e bhai aaje apavanu 6e
kro call aa nakhi ne
"https://www.floristone.com/api/rest/flowershop/gettotal?products=[{"PRICE":69.9‌​5,"RECIPIENT":{"ZIPCODE":"11779"},"CODE":"C15-4138"}] "
@HarshalValanda hmm
ahya hu ane mrugesh banne dhandhe lagya chiae tmari jarur hti sir @HarshalValanda
harshal bhai ne interview ma aavi j auth api puchiti amne yad che harshal ae kidhutu
tme moklyu e url
bhai ama aej url che juao ne
same to pyu che
baki me tmne apyu ae web mathi copy mari lo
product code chnage kri ne
lavo url and auth key aaapo
"https://www.floristone.com/api/rest/flowershop/gettotal?products=[{"PRICE":69.9‌​5,"RECIPIENT":{"ZIPCODE":"11779"},"CODE":"C15-4138"}] "
@NiravS aa web mthi copy maryu e
uname: 451093
pw: EEEGZr
@MrugeshTank ha bs jo aema tme call krayi ne ae product ane price joe ne add kri do
xcode log mathi
atle done
baki mara url mathi code ane price copy mari lo
@MrugeshTank ka tme avu kro bhai?
to pn aa bdha URL ma fer shu chhe e to kyo
bdha ma alg alg error ave chhe
"errors": [
"An Internal Server Occured so Could not Process Your Request. Try Again Later"
agal pachal kyay space ve che
bdha ne alg alg error ave chhe
nakki kro
sachu shu chhe?
hu call kri ne j kv chu
URL ma shu exact hovu joi e
atyare cll maryo me
mare chale che
tme aapyu e muku to pn mre to error j aavi
ela bhai aagha rejo.
mre chhe saib
: )
su yar
auth ma bsic auth rakhjo
code and prize Xcode mthi nakhi
to pn error avi
select kri ne
aela @MrugeshTank
Aa working 6e last ma api ae
hmm jo bhai ne thae gae
vh harshal te bachavi lidho
jo aema last ma space che
mane ahya thi dekhani
Remove space
@HarshalValanda ya i m trying to say this
harshal hwe aa api code thi km call krvi??
niche thi 2 back kari nakh and upar thi ek var
to have @NiravS su karvanu 6e
code thi a api km call krvi???
@HarshalValanda goo.gl/QZGrWb
aa demo ready che
juao ama code km kriae?
@MrugeshTank call thae API
em kyo ne space avi gai ti
sir kidhu to khra me
agal pachal kyay space ve che"
chalo hwe code kyo km call krsu
Wait let me try
You can use quote like this:

let str = "https://www.floristone.com/api/rest/flowershop/getproducts {\"PRICE\":\(price),\"RECIPIENT\":{\"ZIPCODE\":\(zipCode)},\"CODE\":\(code)"
let price = 69.95
let zipCode = 11779

let code = "C15-4138"
bhai ae me ane mrugesh . ae beye kryu tu
pn na thyu tye to harshal sir ne medan ma lavya
mara code ma juao run kri ne
direct aa j print thatu hse
record pr click kro tle detail view aema thi BUY pr click kro
ane xoce ma juao
log ma
response ma aavu avyu
errors = (
"product code is required"
request aam kri ti
"PRICE" : "59.95",
"CODE" : "C23-4886",
"ZIPCODE" : "11779"
to done hse khali code nae mlto hoy manually add kri do URL ma ne call kravoto
jo code thi atlu kryu hoy ane avu avyu to ae km kryu ae code apo dpaste ma
hu thodivar bar jv chu mate run kri ne code apjo ne
let myDic:[String:Any] = [
"PRICE":"69.95",//String(describing: self.passData["PRICE"]!),
"ZIPCODE" : "11779",//String(describing: postCode),
"CODE" : "C15-4138"//String(describing: self.passData["CODE"]!)
aavu manually kryu
to y same j aave chhe
hello any android guy there ?
I came across an issue there is no good android pdf reader which can open password protected files
can anyone sugget me that
Hi @MrugeshTank
I want to do background task for a specific time to upload data from database. How it should be done?
This needs to be done when internet is connected using AFNetworking
@AnilkumariOSdeveloper can you guide
@moDev I have idea about only iOS
no idea about Android

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