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alive ??
@HarshalValanda & @NiravS need some of your help...
After successful invention of HVHelperClass should we do something new ?
hi any android dev here who used teamcity ?
Yes bro
you can
@HarshalValanda u used teamcity ?
@Erum No i am not android developer
@HarshalValanda So, I'm on my own??
@Ankit @SagarBhut can help you.
@MrugeshTank i am not member of it.
Suggest some idea for doing new demo
you can try car kit demo..
is it inbuilt
you can add more feature in your created app
You're not member, but you're all of it.
even that library is named after you sir...
Ok sir
@MrugeshTank UIPropertyViewAnimator Jordar
Tame link share kari ti ne ae.
Aevu kayk kyo to maja aave
😟 yaad pn nthi
any idea?
@MrugeshTank How to load .shp file in map
heard first time
no idea
4 hours later…
@NiravS need your help
Guys, what is the correct size for custom navigation and status bar?
is this correct?
@HarshalValanda @MrugeshTank @SagarBhut hiii all
how to show only first show 20 results and scroll to load another in tableview swift ios
From where are you getting data?
API? or core data?
i m getting from api
@DilipTiwari Is there two extra param for offset and limit?
like from where and how many result you want?
that is first thing you need
bro how will i procced
i showed whole data on tableview
i need to show eg : 20 rows at one time then scroll to get another 20 like this
@SagarBhut ??
@NiravS hii could u help me
@DilipTiwari From API side you need to set one more parameter as 'pageno' intial value you pass '1' after that load 20 data in your table view then when you reach at the end of tableview using scroll then again call api with value pageNo:2 nd then so on..
i donot know bro i search but didnot get solution @NiravS
bhai to bhai j chhe ne....
easy ma easy solution aape...
@NiravS Rebound...
hse bhai pn aene samjav hu su kv chu ae
@DilipTiwari What did you searched?
@SagarBhut : )
@DilipTiwari It not about search it about technique how you load more data.. Just search related "Pagination API"
i did not getting any way to proceed
here is the iOS code.
you also need API support that is @NiravS and I'm trying to say
@MrugeshTank thanks bro i m checking
@SagarBhut hju apni pase ae project no client che?
1 year ni mathe thae gyu hwe to
@NiravS ok bro thnks
@MrugeshTank mare get type ni API che third party aema

aa rite data pass krvano che to kae rite possible thay ? param ma dictionary pass
mare vu url bne che
invalidURL("https://www.floristone.com/api/rest/flowershop/gettotal?products=[{PRICE:59.95,RECIPIENT:{ZIPCODE: 1179,CODE:B25-4126}]")
je alamofire na pade che
thay thay...
param ne enode kri nakhvana
jo mara param ma me pass to kryu che aevu j khali key "" quates ma nathi
to km thay ?
ohh hmm utf8 ma?
alamofire nu
encoding: URLEncoding.default,
default encoding to kru chu
@MrugeshTank Do you know about custom sizes of navigation bar and status bar?
2 hours ago, by moDev
user image
and iPhone except iPhonex have 44 pt + 20pt (status bar) = 64pt navigation bar height
@NiravS iPhone X ma toh 97+44pts batave che screenshot
ae lakhu me k iPhone X ma alag avse baki bdha mte common che
I'm new to iOS world but screenshot that i have shared shows different. So i should take 64px as height of navigation bar(including status bar) for all except iPhone X
A: What is the top bar height of iPhone X?

Harshal ValandaThere is no specification in Apple Docs Apple Docs According to Geoff Hackworth its 88 Navigation title types : Standard title Large title Increasing navigation bar in iOS 11 navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true

@NiravS Whats up?
Normal Title 88 and large title 140
Basically I need to put one image at the right corner so i have to go with custom navigation bar
Yes you can use custom navigation with 88 px height
88 px includes status bar height?
@HarshalValanda jalsha bhai
@HarshalValanda bhai get ni API che Auth vadi ae badhu done thae gyu pn aema param ma Dictionry pass nae thati.. any idea?
Yes include status bar. you need to set constrain with safe area so working in all devices
@NiravS string thi j pass thay 6e tamare dictionary karavi 6e aem j ne
ha dictionary ne as a string pass kru chu but med nathi pdto
My crated URL is:
"https://www.floristone.com/api/rest/flowershop/gettotal?products=[{PRICE:69.95,RECIPIENT:{ZIPCODE: 1179},CODE:C15-4138}]"
but i need :
so can I do?
extension Dictionary {

func stringFromHttpParameters() -> String {
let parameterArray = self.map { (key, value) -> String in
let percentEscapedKey = (key as! String).addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!
let percentEscapedValue = (value as AnyObject).addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!
return "\(percentEscapedKey)=\(percentEscapedValue)"

return parameterArray.joined(separator: "&")

aama thi dic mathi string ma convert thay jase
"PRICE=69.95& ZIPCODE=987641"
like this
string ma to thay che pn quates nathi avta
toy joe jov
Aela aa dictionary mathi tamare jevi string joi 6e aema convert kari dese
bhai me try kri aem crash thay che atle kv chu
var dic = [String:Any]()
dic["code"] = self.passData["CODE"]
dic["price"] = self.passData["PRICE"]
dic["recpient"] = ["zipcode" : postCode]
Avi dict mate tare json object ma data pass karava padase
    let smembers = dic
    let jsonData = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: str, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions())
    let jsonString = String(describing: NSString(data: jsonData!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue))
also tryed this to
json to data and pass it to httpBody
toy no thay to api vada jode discuss kari le
hmm khali apde bhai key value ma "" quates nathi jata baki full path generate thae jay che
"" khali add krva che
@NiravS kaale kri dau saib...
sware yaad kravjo..
aaj to time puro thai gyo...😆🤣

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