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Good morning
@HarshalValanda Good morning, buddy...
Good Morning All
2 hours later…
@MrugeshTank hello
@DilipTiwari hello
I have a query?
how will i save username and password of every user login details in an app
can i save these details without registering the user
Didn't understand your login.
You want login without registering ?
if response from json is success
and tell me also for user registering
I have a question Can I ask here?
My answer is deleted. I don't know why i my answer is deleted. what's problems?
2 hours later…
@MrugeshTank Hellooo
i have a small question
this code works well let update = storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("updateuser") as! UpdateUserProfileViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(update, animated: true)

but when i put them in menu condition it doesn't work
@DilipTiwari just save details in userdefault
if i have many users?
but i don't have logout option
@DilipTiwari Many users at same time login ??
No only one user at one time
Only one user at a time.
no logout, then how you manage many users?
ok i understand
now query is that if i am developing new app with registering details and save details in within app how could i do that if there are many users?
suppose 500 users with logout option also
i have one another question @MrugeshTank link is pastiebin.com/590da88c21a4b
in this how can i check for nil in swift 2.2 if i am getting key value"result":"Sorry you have not enquired for this project." and app crashes but if i get objectforkey then app works
pls give the solution or any one
let username = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("username") as! String

if username != ""{
@AmalEl-galant it is for what?
@DilipTiwari to check if you there is key stored or not
it is for login @AmalEl-galant
@DilipTiwari yes ex if you store username you get it and then check if it not equal nil so he will continue but it nil so redirect to login page
ok if many users login at a time ?
with the same account ?!
when user are different with login and password
i have a small question
this code works well let update = storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("updateuser") as! UpdateUserProfileViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(update, animated: true)

but actually i have slide menu and i want to put this on menu condition but the same code doesn't work any one know why
@DilipTiwari what's the problem it's mobile application and this values stored in each phone not shared memory
ok @AmalEl-galant thanks for the reply
@DilipTiwari urw
r u working on swift or objective c @AmalEl-galant
both or swift?
@DilipTiwari swift but i'm beginner
How many apps you have developed ?
using swift
actually i started swift from 2 months only so i created only one project
it has been fully completed
I have also developed only one app on objective c and now i am working on swift i am als a beginner
i was working as android developer then cross platform but now ios using swift

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