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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 17:00

All Good MorNingsssss ...........!
im using this code but its giving me some error
static final Comparator<UserAppsBean> byDate = new Comparator<UserAppsBean>() {

public int compare(UserAppsBean ord1, UserAppsBean ord2) {
Date d1 = ord1.getUserInstalledDate();
Date d2 = ord2.getUserInstalledDate();

return d2.compareTo(d1);
// return (d1.getTime() > d2.getTime() ? -1 : 1); //descending
// return (d1.getTime() > d2.getTime() ? 1 : -1); //ascending
@all hi guys
can any body give the usefull links to draw the heart shape image view using canvas in android
@ErumHannan hi bro can you please help me to draw the heart shape image view using canvas in android
i never worked with canvas
tag iAnum in Ios and android choas overflow
can u pls tell mw what error in my code in sorting objects date wise descending order
GM all
@ErumHannan what some error ? ?
good morning
12-02 09:50:36.073: D/AppManagerActivity(23884): installTime:Mon Dec 01 17:13:57 GMT+05:00 2014
12-02 09:50:36.073: W/System.err(23884): java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Mon Dec 01 17:13:57 GMT+05:00 2014" (at offset 0)
12-02 09:50:36.073: W/System.err(23884): at java.text.DateFormat.parse(DateFormat.java:555)
12-02 09:50:36.073: W/System.err(23884): at com.example.cleanerapp.AppManagerActivity.getUserInstalledApps(AppManagerActivity.java:274)
12-02 09:50:36.073: W/System.err(23884): at com.example.cleanerapp.AppManagerActivity.access$0(AppManagerActivity.java:234)
my date is this format : installTime:Mon Dec 01 17:13:57 GMT+05:00 2014
but i want in this format like this : 24 Nov 2014
for that i used SimpleDateFormat writeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
@ErumHannan then wht u tried ?
i will delete msg later
plz use pastie.. this is not even well- formatted
wht is installTime.toString() ?
installTime:Mon Dec 01 17:13:57 GMT+05:00 2014
install time is = what i paste above
why its happening ?
Good morning All Smart Developers :)
@SweetWisherツ i also used this code for sorting
itz not issue of sorting..it is about parsing the date
how are you saving date in installTime??
I'd have just used Comparator to sort list according to dates, but, then again, I searched for it on internet and found it pretty quickly.
Date installTime = new Date(p.firstInstallTime);
12-02 10:11:31.443: D/AppManagerActivity(26498): installTime:Fri Nov 28 10:15:43 GMT+05:00 2014
SimpleDateFormat readFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss a", Locale.US);
readDate = readFormat.parse(installTime.toLocaleString());
use it
i m getting problem is saving this format in my required format i.e 28 Nov 2014 for that i have used SimpleDateFormat writeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
@SweetWisherツ, @DroidDev Hi
still error 12-02 10:17:15.053: W/System.err(27911): java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Dec 1, 2014 5:13:57 PM" (at offset 0)
@SweetWisherツ have you worked on realtime GPS tracker??
Good morning all :)
(: lla gninrom dooG
@ErumHannan then use MMM dd,yyyy hh:mm:ss a
@Shadow Mrngs:)
i cant convert this format only in date i dnt want time
please fisrt be clear with parse n format method.
First u need to parse date nd then format it to desirable foamat
yes i m trying to parse it first and then trying to covert in my desired format
Q: How do I convert the date from one format to another date object in another format without using any deprecated classes?

PhoenixI'd like to convert a date in date1 format to a date object in date2 format. SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd, yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(2012, 8, 2...

then is nothng difficult, you just need to use correct sdf
wht is installTime.toLocaleString()
Good morn :) @SweetWisherツ
can u see the SDF here ?? @ErumHannan
use the same
why are you using Locale ??
I am able to parse it successfully using SimpleDateFormat readFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy");
yes i just tried and lets see whats it giving me
Hi All
see. if not done, try to rectify. google. try again. tehn ask Erum.
Anyone worked with quick blox chat API
its fine for reading but the issue is when i m trying to convert in my desired format for that i m using SimpleDateFormat writeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
try {
writeDate = writeFormat.parse(readDate.toString());
} catch (ParseException e2) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
but its giving me errror
12-02 10:40:06.983: W/System.err(11540): java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Fri Nov 21 16:53:40 GMT+05:00 2014" (at offset 0)
@ErumHannan google
yes doing
Did you try adding Locale as SweetWisher suggested?
she suggested me to remove Locale
shw ur updated code
A: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date

assyliasYour pattern does not correspond to the input string at all... It is not surprising that it does not work. This would probably work better: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); Then to print with y...

try. check date format.
Keep googling like this.
Please learn to format code properly. It will be good for you.
u r doing wrong
parse give date in string
use the same string in format to convert in desirable format
Good morning guys @SweetWisherツ have any idea on MAIL Api in android
writeDate = writeFormat.parse(readDate.toString()); writeFormat.format(readDate);
@Harish Nop-
20 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
First u need to parse date nd then format it to desirable foamat
@MysticMagic ssup?
all well. you say
@DroidDev @SilentKiller hello
format in desirable format ? this desirable format in string is fine but i need in date type
converting in date giving me not correct format
m gr8 (as usual)
@ErumHannan seriously, you need to put some more efforts
just gave hardcoded i/p string which you said is your installTime
And I am getting proper o/p.
i m getting proper o/p but in string type
now converting proper string output in date type instead of string type
@ErumHannan then convert it in date
so that i can easily sort objects on the basis of date
@SweetWisherツ doing but converting in date is again lossing my desired format
youtube not accessible in Pak
when u convert to date, you will obviously get that format only
u have to deal with it only to sort it, else use toLocaleString()
@Aamirkhan ??
wht happened?
let's work than :P
What is the task of owner of room?
following This to install Google Play service on Genymotion, any other short cut trick? 0_o :P it's boring
@SweetWisherツ @MysticMagic see
6 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
when u convert to date, you will obviously get that format only
can you please try to format your code?
@DroidDev maintain room
@Aamirkhan no other way, I am afraid. That's the only hack you can get
ok, so let's play with that
will be back once i do it successfully
@MysticMagic What do I need to do to become one?
@DroidDev hehe. help us maintain room :)
@MysticMagic how?
@DroidDev You need to pay 1000$ to [email protected]'s paypal account :D
@MysticMagic format
@Aamirkhan done :)
the way you are already doing @DroidDev .. helping people, telling them to google, remonding rules etc etc
just keep doing so
can i sort date in objects while putting date in string type ?
@MysticMagic oh! so that means I am already qualified to be in owner's list?
@ErumHannan NO IDEA ANYMORE about your issue. sorry!!!
@DroidDev yes :P
ok :D
saturation point.. brb
are you getting wht I m trying to explain ?? @ErumHannan
Ohooo @Prince:) welcome
when converting in date format then it will b default call toString method and will return string
@ErumHannan grt then dont convert it to date. or if u want then u will get the same...
@ErumHannan do one thing. in your object which u need to sort acc to date, keep two things:
1. Date obj for comparing purpose
2. String object for display purpose
do one thing.....keep two things:
now any issue?
lol :P
@DroidDev huh :P
else u can put ur logic while displaying it
What I usually do is to convert time to milliseconds to preform every single kind of operation
and then convert those milliseconds into any required format I want
@DroidDev what I usually do is..
forgot :/
its easy as hell
here is method for converting milliseconds to any required format
that I made
public static String getDateTime(long seconds, String format){
		// Create a DateFormatter object for displaying date in specified format.
		SimpleDateFormat formatToReturn=new SimpleDateFormat(format);
		return formatToReturn.format(seconds*1000);
adjust the logic of seconds according to your needs and Voila!
@MysticMagic well....I had to fight with dates in many of my applications(chatting apps are pain), so I decided to do something about it and above is the result
Thanks :-)
@DroidDev hmm. (Y)
@Prince weccum always :)
Droid+Dev how are you doing ?
Hehe thanks upto infinite
@Prince ala bhura
@Prince me iz fine, somewhat frustrated on meself (because me no wantz to work, but me needz to) and me iz trying to convince meself to do work...
wondering if that made some sense
@DroidDev me same pinchz :P
Slade bhura kem che
@MysticMagic this piraty language no suite you :P
@MysticMagic yes it makes sense
but it gives me null pointer exception in date sorting
@Prince moje moj..bhu busy ne tu to?
@ErumHannan NPE means something is NULL!!!
i m getting in date sorting while my list has objects and objects data are displaying in log
wait i m posting code
Slade cell
If you cant debug and resolve NPE, I can't help much.
wait i m trying to resolve and loking into logs
All the best. See where you get NPE. Put a debug point on that line, check what is null. Think why? And Resolve.
@Prince su?
@Prince ohhk
@Prince hey hw r u?
@MysticMagic no NPE now but on scroll of list item it crashed
@Slade nice work man. Although code needs some cleaning (which I was totally willing to do, if I wasn't sitting at my office and will do, if not done until this weekend) :D
that was working fine before but have added new filed to display date
@DroidDev thanks .. cleaning means hw?
@Slade comment removal, whitespace removal, documentation and I'll also see, if there's a way to optimize it, but sadly can't do before weekend. I have starred the repository to check code in free time though. :)
@DroidDev yeah sure.. welcome.. :)
@DroidDev actually i m new for github thats why..
@Slade I also don't have much code on github, but, I intend to change that situation. You can see my repositories here :)
@DroidDev ohhkk
@DroidDev why u didnt post screenshots?
@all gud mor
@Slade never occurred to me, plus, only two are working, I am still working on audio mixer, its not complete. Feel free to edit, if you want. I'll walk you through project if you want to contribute, its pretty awesome though. :)
@DroidDev sure sure..
@DroidDev but atleast you have to put screenshot in readme, so any user can understand easily what project want to tell.
@Slade I was making that project to mix two audio files. The user can record his/her voice and then play it. While playing, he/she can press the instrument button shown on screen to mix the other sounds in audio. The sounds will be mixed in the recording at the point where the button was pressed.
@Slade ok, I'll do that on weekend too :)
@DroidDev ohhhoo.. i think in future it will help me in my project :P
@DroidDev gud :)
@Slade Even more reason to complete it then :)
@DroidDev hehehe.. sure buddy..
@Slade I am done with audio conversions part. Right now, only thing left is to make passes through the original audio and mix the audio at the point when the button was clicked. The logic mixing is also there in code, the one thing that remains is just to put it on clicked time. Sadly, I am not able to find time to do it these days :(
as soon as i m trying to scroll my listview it crashed i just added one textfield in it and showing 12-02 12:10:09.773: E/AndroidRuntime(5851): at com.example.cleanerapp.UserAppAdapter.getView(UserAppAdapter.java:197)
12-02 12:10:09.773: E/AndroidRuntime(5851): at android.widget.AbsListView.obtainView(AbsListView.java:2285)
12-02 12:10:09.773: E/AndroidRuntime(5851): at android.widget.ListView.makeAndAddView(ListView.java:1790)
12-02 12:10:09.773: E/AndroidRuntime(5851): at android.widget.ListView.fillDown(ListView.java:691)
on logcat if i comment 197 then it is working fine but what is the issue with this onScroll its throwing error @MysticMagic @SweetWisherツ
@DroidDev oke oke..let me give time.. i will do it
@Slade ok sure. I'll add you as contributor to repository :D
@DroidDev :D
@Aamirkhan Assalamualikum..
Hello to all..devs...
hello everyone
@shihab_returns Walaikum Assalam brother
@DroidDev @Aamirkhan @007
how are you?
:) @Aamirkhan
@shihab_returns i want to track my application log from client's device
any way to do that?
use ACRA ...
@Aamirkhan though this are for getting crash report
but i think that can be used to get Log also
ok thanks i m checking
hello guys
@Aamirkhan you can also use flurry to log events
@Aamirkhan @DroidDev busy
@UnityBeginner somewhat...
have you ever used genymotion avd?
@DroidDev ohk , checking
actually i have a apk of app
yup, my whatsapp is working on one
n it will execute on 10 inch tab only
n i dont have 10 inch tab
so suggest pls where i can test
hello @jayachandrachillipuri
@DroidDev @Aamirkhan panthers suggest pls
Any IOS Dev right Now, here??? Need Some Help..
@UnityBeginner Don't ping again and again
@jayachandrachillipuri ask your query here
ok aamir bhai
@UnityBeginner on emulator, of-course...
@shihab_returns I guess not.. Try in IOS developer family
on eclipse emulator?
@SweetWisherツ kaisey ho ? waht about Anil Prashad,,??
@UnityBeginner yes, you can test on that too...
@UnityBeginner Before Asking Question, You should put your 100% effort, i am sure you have not put 100% effort on current query, every one is busy here , Pinging again and again will just create distrubance
@shihab_returns Alhmadulillah ...Anil can help if he is not sleeping :P
(y) & :) ... @SweetWisherツ
@UnityBeginner Aamirkhan is totally right. This is not a very big problem and you don't even need any effort to get the results. I am not sure why you are asking this
actually its ver slow
@ErumHannan done?
n i am not able to download genymotion
@ErumHannan what is line 197 ?
smart developers!
@LalitPoptani hi :)
hiyalo there
do anybody have setup of genymotion avd?
You can download genymotion from here
i tried but its free version not get downloaded from here
yeah me. simple. just download it @UnityBeginner and then u need to install every emulators in exe of geny motion.
thats why i asked if some one have then pls send
for free version itself providing
can you email that @Shadow
link is here
its very heavy
lol yeah. even for each emulator download itself it will take minimum 100+ mb :) @UnityBeginner
ok downloading this
actually i am a small learner
i dont have this much of knowledge
hehe nothing is small, big,fat,lean learning :P cool. and it's not ending there :P still it is. integrate geny motion plugin in eclipse ie help->install new software and add this link. plugins.genymotion.com/eclipse and then genymotion visible in eclipse. only one thing u need to do is you need to integrate downloaded software in that as it provides an option as browse.
@MysticMagic yes done now every thing is working fine no error
sorting working successfully
Congo :)
how can i show progressbar in asynctask preexecute without dialog
@ErumHannan without progress dialog?
elaborate. and did you google?
there is only single picture of loading
you will have to create custom progress dialog
can i make progress dialog without any text ?
only single picture of loading will be shown and nothing else
Hmm.. Use ProgressBar
any tutorial ?
google "Android circular progressbar"
If you can't find any good one, I will assist.
click on the ImageView to show menu option, how to do this
Q: how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data

AniI have a ListView in my second activity.OnItemClick of it I called a webservice and trying to fetch data. And after that I am moving to third activity which also have a ListView having description of previous activities ListView item. I want to display a progress dialog before populating this Li...

here they have not mention style
see the answer which is accepted. It has screenshot.
Please read :)
openOptionsMenu(); in clicklistener? @W-I-Z-A-R-D
@MysticMagic ok i saw this i will try thank you
@MysticMagic yes it works ty :)
:) welcome
i have doInbackground which calls another method and now i want to update values for that i m using publishProgress
good. that's how people usually do
but my textview is not updating
every time its only updating in onPostExecute
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 17:00

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