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Hi good morning:)
Bye bye :)
good morning Everyone :)
@NarendraPrajapati morning mates
vgm @shihab_returns :)
Good mornning
@QuokMoon assalamualikum..
kaisey ho...
@shihab_returns Walekum Aslam i am good bro.. you say ??
alhamdulillah...i am good...@QuokMoon
Hello, moderator(s)... I posted a Question here: superuser.com/questions/823337/… ...... I kinda need some Urgent Help and CAN NOT FIND SUITABLE --CHAT-ROOM---, Can you assist or guide me to the right place where I could get Some HELP??.... Thank you
Windows 8 uses Javascript to execute some Metro apps, and WWAHost is the process that hosts this.
and probably you dont able to access your window app ??
@QuokMoon VGM
I was giving permission publish_actions for post link in friend's wall, but it work only for a freind who already have our app in facebook applications list,

Is there any way to post link on any friend's wall whose have our app or not in facebook app list?
@QuokMoon please help on @KrunalShah's issue if you can
1 hour later…
hello friends...!!!
hows u dear?
i m fine.
@Erick Kya Gayo bhai?
1 hour later…
@X'Factor bol bol
@Erick hello do u work inapp billing
Hello guys
can anyone help me in making swipe view
in android
listview or activty? @Adi
I dont know anything about swipe view just strating and trying to learn the things
so any help any suggestion would be helpful
I want to make a trial app with different image in each swipe view
any android dev there?
@shihab_returns help Unity Begineer
@SaadChaudhry tu ehna kehta bda hai 22
let him come he will help you solving your issue
oks dude
@SaadChaudhry here
@UnityBeginner ask ur prob.
please check where Unity is stuck
@shihab_returns have you worked on any calling app?
IS www.NerdTests.com safe. I know it is irrelevant but I want to know
actually i made around 7-8 calling apps
n i am stuck in a issue
wao..can ask i can should help.
when we attend a call it goes in offhook state
n when we dial a call
@SaadChaudhry alreaqdy download twitBoost..today will see
as we have dialled it goes in offhook state
hmm...got ..then? @UnityBeginner
i want to know the state when the call starts
in outgoing call
can yu help regarding this
when it needs you? actually now i am log out from ofc. if go home then can communicate ok?
@UnityBeginner yes
Is it possible to fetch the exact time when the callee has accepted an outgoing call.
do you know about Telephony PhoneStateListener ??
3 states incoming, offhook, idle
i am not yet done but i am sure that you can get call duration in phone idle state than add this duration to your current time..it should be current time
no @QuokMoon i want to know the stage when the callee has accepted an outgoing call.
Q: Check if receiver picked up phone

AndroidDevIn Android I need to determine whether an outgoing call has been picked up by the receiver. This does not seem possible as TelephonyManager does not provide that state. Someone else suggested looking at the call history list and checking the duration of the last called number. That's not good bec...

@UnityBeginner you were asked me accept time
22 mins ago, by Unity Beginner
Is it possible to fetch the exact time when the callee has accepted an outgoing call.
got 1 link
Q: Cannot detect when outgoing call is answered in Android

Matt QuirosTo detect when an outgoing call is answered, I tried creating a PhoneStateListener and listening for TelephonyManager's CALL_STATE_RINGING, CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK, and CALL_STATE_IDLE, from this question, but it does not seem to work, as explained below. First, I registered the following permission ...

checking this
i asking you will you able to Call duration in idle stat
no i haven't tried that
call duration of last call?
yes or check number
bro the task i have to do is
in the outgoing call after 30 secs the phone vibrates for 2 secs
i did this when phone goes in outgoing call state
but i want this to work when the call is accepted by the opposite receiver
Cannot detect when outgoing call is answered in Android
ohk ..i dont know but its should be feasible cause Call recorder app is availble in google play
yes but it satrt the recording on offhookstate
n i too have made callrecorder app
every call recorder app records the ringingtone also on outgoing call
Why, in Ubuntu are some apps Shift-Ctrl-Q to close, and others are Ctrl-W?

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