I am new for android and and webservices. I am trying to access the web service . I am using asp.net webservices and doing all these work in asyntask.But it gives me error as
05-14 15:28:20.838: E/Error :(28969): Error on soapPrimitiveData() Server was unable to process request.The connection was...
I have an android application in which there is List View Like this one
Now I want to perform two different activities on right/Left swipe of the List Items in the same way How native call log works
Right Swipe of list
I want this type of swipes. Can anyone know how to make it happen. ...
Update -- 09 May 2013 I tried to implement Toast in the broadcast receiver's onReceive method because toast is a native competent of android but it also not getting displayed in jelly bean. My idea was to implement toast in broadcast receiver's onReceive method and afterwards changing its design...