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05:00 - 14:0014:00 - 18:00

What's up?
I need your help about English, not iOS
Ahh sweet okay man.
Q: How many consonant and vowel combine types are there in English?

SangI'm an ESL learner and not so good at English yet. I want to find official documents, links, guides... which tell about consonant and vowel blending together. Which rules tell which letters can go together and which cannot? Example: q must go with u = qu. Is there any good reference? Please g...

I just need information which letters blend with more letters in English
Is this for a program that you're writing?
Example R blend with Br, cr ,tr...
What is it you need to know, which blends with the most, or which cannot blend at all/which can blend.
Example: R blending percentage 90% > H 80 % > ...
I just need 4 letters
I'm not sure about that
This is har stuff to figure out
You can probably make an algorithm that figures it out for you.
How do you feel? Which letter is most?
R T N S are the most used constonants
You only wanted four?
R > T > N > S: right?
How about H?
Yes, only 4
I'm not sure which order, I got it from this:
Actuall yes.
R > T > N > S
For Vowels: E < A < I < O < U
OH, Thanks so much.
No problem :)
If you need help with anything else, just ask!
I make new English keyboard!
Thanks! If any problem about objective-c. Ask here!
You're making a new keyboard? :o
Yes, just small change. You'll know it soon.
Okay haha, good luck with it!
I think I see what you're doing
Put all of the most used letters in the middle-ish
Confidential :)
It's fine haha!
that might be a good combination, but you probably know more :)
Thanks so much!
That's all about my question!
No problem :)
How good are you with umm
views, subviews etc
I don't know.
If I want to clear, I play with it
Ah okay.
I've got a bug in my game
I can read reference and understand method
This guy said he'd help me do it for my project
Game, cocos2d
and I said I'd pay him
but he hasn't been online lately
and my project deadline is soon =/
And it doesn't work.
What type of the game?
Core code?
No animations
Cocos or mainly Objective-C?
Objective C
I'm actually looking for a partner to make the game with
I have a really good idea
Strategy Chess?
No lol
Criminal strategy game
I've searched the app store
and even other platforms
no games like this.
And it'll be VERY popular with some people
I've got a guy doing graphics
Do you have flash web link game?
What do you mean?
Online game or link like that?
It will be online
Only on iOS
not on computer
Well maybe one day.
You experienced with games?
Nothing about game
Just App
Animations and stuff like that
Cocos2D better in game.
It's so difficult to make Game with Objective-C only
Like I said
It's not like angry birds or anything like that
I've already made like 30% of the game
The lay out and how it works
Now I just need to add all of the variables and game data
But I have a problem with my views
I want it all to be in one class
at the moment the main part of the game is like 5 classes
Break your view and send to me. I will hep if any
UiViewController classes
Do you have teamviewer?
Not try with remote desktop yet.
I don't work with server yet.
Go on this
Connect with me on Facebook. We can discuss more.
106 632 553
I added you
Can you see?
My screen
I'm watching!
Still watching?
That's my backup from a long time ago
No function work now?
This is the version that I tried to change, putting it all into one view
It worked for a while but then I messed it up and it's stopped working.
Not sure why.
OK, chat on facebook
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Italians can be that dumb ok
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@DigitalD cos i am creating an accounting soft . and for every new entry it will fear an select query .
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05:00 - 14:0014:00 - 18:00

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