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@Leigh Makes some sense. If they weren't encrypted we'd probably end up having cpu viruses :D
Man, I haven't used SO for so long, I can't even get links right...
Definitely a vector for interesting research though, fuzz the update routine to see if you can cause CPUs to die horribly :p
@Srle !!
Anyone toyed with AOP?
@blackbee anything from js console ?
Do you think it would still be effective if it could only be applied to interfaces?
@Bracketworks a bit, but not with the extension
I meant in the broader, language-agnostic sense @Ocramius, but either way.
@Bracketworks I think it depends on the use case... didn't use it enough to tell you if I'd want it on interfaces
@Sirle.. i am using firebug it says Reference Error in $ only when i run with xampp
i have tried adding async but it doesnot work either
@ircmaxell do you think using a scheme where to key exchange cost a lot of cpu, so much in fact that it would make it impossible to break?
like requiring a lot of cpu computation over a small amount of time?
nothing is impossible to break
@Bracketworks for example, applying it to interfaces is nice for protection purposes, but the use case of caching, for example, may completely defeated since your object is slow in some cases (implementation details)
add difficulty by requiring more cpu computation?
so you may want to cache your SomeHttpResponder and not a NullResponder
@blackbee can you copy error from console here
@Ocramius I see what you mean.
damn.. no error is being shown now...
@Bracketworks why that question btw? :) You made me curious
@ircmaxell could you break your own system?
@Ocramius I'm just pondering the semantics of aspects.
what do you mean?
@ircmaxell are agree nothing is impossible to break. Would you be able to break/ go through the system you put in place?
just because you don't know how to break it doesn't mean it's impossible
and yes, given enough time, energy and money, I can break even the systems I put in place
@Srle there is no error now...but iff i click the link
should turn to
http://localhost/xampp/www/testing.php# or may not
but after that no change
@Ocramius I'm trying to find a balance between interfaces, behaviors (traits strongly assigned to interfaces), and aspects (which would be strongly assigned to interfaces)
so in the end of the day all matter is time, energy, money and a good brain?
@Bracketworks since I see aspects as extremely orthogonal to the interfaces they're applied to, it's hard to bind an aspect to an interface
@Ocramius True, but I don't like the pattern-matching most often implemented in AOP.
I would think if bound to an interface, since varying implementations can exist it maintains a broad scope of access.
hoi @Srle you there?
But it does limit the cross-cutting capabilities, moreso than straight pattern matching.
@blackbee dont know where is the problem
can u try it on your system
Moreover, I'm thinking that aspect/interface binding shouldn't be 1-to-1, rather 1-to-M, where the same aspect can be bound to multiple method declarations spanning multiple interfaces; for the prototypical "logging" functionality.
Much to consider ;)
@Bracketworks which is why decorators are a better fit for that role
@ircmaxell But proxying for everything an aspect could achieve carries a bit of boilerplate, no?
in PHP today, perhaps
but that's solvable with code generation and a lot of other ways
@Srle if i use this: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> it works.. but thats when i am online...
can it be possible that the jquery10.min.js on my folder is having issues with privileges. i am working in windows though
i didnt have similar issues
Do you think AOP solves a problem that's otherwise unsolvable, or unrealistically difficult to solve @ircmaxell?
@Bracketworks You may be interested in looking at github.com/ejsmont-artur/phpProxyBuilder
@Bracketworks not at all
I think the majority of AOP implementations seem useful for non-well-written OOP code. But if you follow SOLID principles, it's pretty easy to avoid the problems AOP tries to solve
Hmm, figured that..
@Danack Thanks :) Will do.
Anyone have any Pull Requests lying around that they want a security (or general) code review of?
hmm... would have asked that some weeks ago
@Ocramius was close to ask if it's okay that the pull request is one just after the first empty .gitignore commit ...
@Danack Checking out github.com/lisachenko/go-aop-php now; pretty interesting approach.
@ircmaxell you have not enough work?
no, for a workshop
@ircmaxell yeah, I just read your last tweets
does anyone here joined stackoverflow when it was beta site?
Yello! Yay! Yello! Turn Up The Volume! :D
posted on June 04, 2013 by Andi on Web & IT

We are excited to announce that IBM has partnered with Zend to offer a self-service Enterprise PHP platform on IBM SmartCloud PaaS. This IBM offering will ensure that IBM customers have a single point of contact for their application delivery requirements. IBMā€™s customers will get the benefits of Zendā€™s solution and expertise in enabling enterprise PHP, coupled with IBMā€™s innovation and su

Anyone wanna guess what this does? (more specifically, whats $p)
$o = new stdClass();
$p = new $o;
anyone use server grove?
@Bracketworks the autoloader stuff is mind blowing
@ircmaxell I have a PR, but it's merged already
@Ocramius It is; I wonder how it fares for efficiency.
@Bracketworks shouldn't be a problem - it caches the generated classes
I actually used it some time ago - currently thinking of providing such an autoloader in proxymanager
@Ocramius where's the actual commit? all I see there are CVE commits
@Ocramius True, but (and I didn't delve too deep into it) once a class has been loaded, the aspects are commit to it, no?
@ircmaxell really nasty one, heh
=== ftw
now, is that worth breaking out all 6 thumb drives again and re-synching :-D
bah, the prior commit is uninteresting
@ircmaxell well, you don't need the commit
you can just paste the code from the existing class (rename everything to avoid people from googling it) and then just ask for the vulnerability ;)
nah, no rename necessary
well, you'll have cheaters :D
I'm off, ttyl
not to mention credentials are stored plain text ;-)
@ircmaxell no, they're not - the credential callable is there to allow throwing in the hashing method
I just made it simple and skipped the hashing for the sake of testing
well, you're still doing a string compare, which is not good ;-)
you have a timing attack vulnerability in there
information is leaked in the comparison using !==
@ircmaxell ping me on irc in private later please
or well, I'll ping you as soon as I'm home :)
sounds good to me
should this be issued in PHP bugtracker or should it just be ignored? 3v4l.org/WXgMo#v5311
confess your sins, evil php people
@Wes we spam not enough!
@Wes just shows you don't come into chat often enough
@DaveRandom i only trust what bruce dickinson said
Iron Maiden just make me think of I. Ron Butterfly
@DaveRandom aha. i miss "those simpsons" :(
@tereŔko Ahh yeh I saw that on the list last time I got sucked into numberphile, but I had to stop watching cos by that point I'd already wasted like 2 hours of supposed-to-be-working time, I'll watch that later when I can put sound on
love that one @DaveRandom
@tereŔko a question about your ACL answer
$controller = new SecureContainer( $controller, $acl );
Wouldn't this cause problems because you're naming the variable the same as one in another object? Wouldn't the override the object instance? (Shouldn't you be naming that variable differently?)
objects are not tied to the name , but to the handler
when i assign different object to the variable , it does not overwrite the object .. the change is only in the handlers value, causing it to point to a different object
$foo = (object)[ 'a' => 1 ];
$bar = $foo;
$foo = (object)[ 'a' => 2 ];
var_dump($foo, $bar);
posted on June 04, 2013

ThinkInLAMP is pleased to announce the first Shanghai PHP conference 2013. This event will be held on Sunday June 30th 2013 in Shanghai, China. A community oriented conference which is organized by an excellent line up and socials. This event will concentrate on PHP languages and web based technologies used today; extension, latest dynamics and new applic

If for instance you wouldn't have stored it in the SecuredContainer, that object would no longer be accessible right? It would be a waste of memory.
@MadaraUchiha no , it would not waste memory. It would be cleaned up, because its refcount would drop to 0. But yes, if the original controller instance would not be stored in the wrapper, then the data would be gone.
@Feeds , please tell me what chinese developers talk of now that github is closed down for them - do they look at their own feet?
@tereŔko I see. Thanks.
@Ocramius bitbucket.org
@MadaraUchiha you might find this relevant: youtube.com/watch?v=bxxIXPc9IR8
@tereŔko I like the lengthy lectures you post, I'll watch, thanks :)
@MadaraUchiha ha ha ha
@MadaraUchiha 10 years ago you would have had to visit conferences to actually see any of them
hell ... if 10 years ago you had a question "how --insert anything-- works?" you would have to hit the library .. and hope that you are not in a small town which has only 1000 books
,, exactly
Well... there was Yahoo ...
sooo guess what i found out just now.. Windows 8 will updates itself.. and forces you to restart.. you can't delay it.. can't stop it.. it just decides.. "I'm going to update and you have 4 mins to stop everything and prepare for the update.." WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA??!!
@Bracketworks and AltaVista
@MadaraUchiha Hahahaha
And Excite, and AskJeeves
@TheSnooker you actually can stop it : shutdown -a , in CMD
@MadaraUchiha That was mighty quick
@tereŔko I've been looking for the setting where is it?
@Bracketworks Bookmarks
I have my memes on speed dial
so i can rip it out by the roots!!.. it totally made me lose my work because I assumed I would be able to delay/stop the shutdown
but no.. poof.. it just resets
Free up some space! Remove the CSS3 generator and get Sass!
so angry right now.. how is that considered good design.. it's akin to hijacking my computer.. since when does my computer dictate things to me!?
also, am i the only one who hates new DeviantArt layout ?
@TheSnooker install BSD or Linux
@Bracketworks webcrawler is the first search engine I remember using. That was on my Amiga 1200 :)
@tereŔko or os x. It does some things wrong, but doesn't dictate anything. you can change the configs enough.
@tereŔko can't this is a work laptop.. I just got it... :-/ I run CentOS/Win7 at home.
I was jsut shocked that my laptop was like "Hey I'm gonna shutdown in 4 mins.." and then actually did without even giving me an option to stop/delay it..
I mean seriously.. how can that even be considered a good idea
@vascowhite Oh my
you can disable it somewhere in the settings
I remember BBS searches from a C64.
You'd dial in, queue your search, disconnect; dial back later for results.
Yes, me too, was it fidonet or something similar?
__ / \ /|oo \ (_| /_) _`@/_ \ _ | | \ \\ | (*) | \ )) ______ |__U__| / \// / FIDO \ _//|| _\ / (________) (_/(_|(____/ (c) John Madil Traditional FidoNet logo by John Madil FidoNet is a worldwide computer network that is used for communication between bulletin board systems (BBSs). It uses a store and forward system to exchange private (email) and public (forum) messages between the BBSs in the network, as well as other ...
I can't remember that; I just remember it was a local hub that dialed out to others.
Oh the days; how simple and horrifically complex they were.
I remember using that on an Amstrad CPC464
ok ... now that we all feel old .. did anyone watch GSL finals this weekend ?
@tereŔko Nope. Travelling/working all weekend :(
well .. it should be on Twitch
I learned basic and Z80 assembler on that 464, I still have it somewhere, but I think I scavenged most of the parts out of it for various projects when I was younger.
@webarto <meta name="keywords" CONTENT="inception,button,dave,davepedu,pedu,instantly,add,stress,tosh.0 sucks dick"/>
@Happyninja Seems legit.
",tosh.0 sucks dick" is legit?
@Happyninja I'd heard that too, it must be legit :)
@Happyninja Yeah, apparently he doesn't like tosh.0.
@MadaraUchiha this is totally normal?
@bwoebi Yup
@bwoebi At the end of the first iteration, $item is a reference to the last element in the array
That gets overwritten in the second iteration every time (because we name the variable $item again)
@vascowhite How is this question off topic?
//So as the iterations go it gets overwritten again and again

array(0, 1, 2, 0); //Points at first
array(0, 1, 2, 1); //Points at second
array(0, 1, 2, 2); //Points a third
array(0, 1, 2, 2); //Points at fourth.
@cheesemacfly I don't suppose it is really, but there is no RTFM close reason.
So a RTFM question should be closed as off topic?
@cheesemacfly In the absence of anything better, yes. If you don't agree that it should be closed don't vote or use a different reason. It's an individual choice.
@MadaraUchiha yeah. But why the hell is this reference not scoped (to the foreach)?
@bwoebi Because PHP has a functional scope, foreach is not a function.
It may be coherent with the design, but it confuses everyone seeing this the first time
The scope of variable is the parent function (or file, or global). Nothing more, nothing less.
@bwoebi That's why you shouldn't use references unless you know you need them :)
References in foreach are rarely needed.
I mean: why won't it be auto-unsetted at the end.
@MadaraUchiha they're often needed?
@bwoebi Why would it be? Would you expect it to be unset?
// Simple examples like: incremnt all values of an array
foreach ($array as &$value)
You can also use array_walk, but I think the foreach looks better
@bwoebi 99% of the cases, anything that can be solved using &$item can be solved using $array[$key].
Your example is one of them.
@MadaraUchiha not really, but I never had needed myself the last variable from the array after a foreach
@MadaraUchiha The latter is slower as it'll need a) one more variable to be created and fetched and b) one hashtable lookup
@bwoebi WRONG
So I see no reason to not use references here.
@MadaraUchiha no it's right.
@bwoebi Wouldn't the incrementation create a new copy for each item?
(If it were a function I know it would have for sure)
@vascowhite I do agree it should be closed but I don't feel the question is off topic. That said, a little research brought me this: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/135298/208062
@MadaraUchiha no? it's by-ref?
my friend just made me laugh..
I asked him if he's good with Arrays of Arrays.. and he said.. "Yeah I've seen inception"
@bwoebi I know for sure that functions that change references will create a copy.
by ref: 2.33082604408264
by array[key]: 8.41702914237976
$tmp = $array = range(1, 1000);

$t = microtime(1);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1e4; $i++)
        foreach ($array as &$value)

print "by ref: ".(microtime(1) - $t)."\n";

$array = $tmp; // reset

$t = microtime(1);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1e4; $i++)
        foreach ($array as $key => $value)

print "by array[key]: ".(microtime(1) - $t)."\n";
This is the little benchmark I used
@cheesemacfly So vote as NARQ, it's your vote, your call. The important thing is that they get closed.
It's about four times as fast with reference.
@MadaraUchiha convinced?
Yup, lemme finish what I'm doing, I'll show you an example where it's actually slower to use a reference, ok? :P
@vascowhite ok, was just wondering if it had to be handle this way or not
@cheesemacfly There aren't really any hard and fast rules for this, just general guidelines. As I say, the important thing is getting the poor questions closed.
Ok, got it :)
hi guys, I have a problem with php and mac, in my netbeans project php doesn't work, for example a simple .php page like pastebin.com/fVS9CUQk when it's opened in the browser I just see "this is html" and no more, I have apache activated and php is active, why this?
@MadaraUchiha must be writing a very complex caseā€¦ He's needing so much time...
@bwoebi Nah, I'm watching a 50m long video, that's all.
Guys, quick question.
I have a file on an SD card I'm trying to copy outside
It gives me an error
@MadaraUchiha is your sd card fat formatted?
Not sure, it's an SD card for NDS R4
How can I tell?
@MadaraUchiha rename it using the CLI
@Pheagey Tried to copy it, tells me the command's syntax is wrong :X
I'll try renaming though
@Happyninja Yeah FAT32
@MadaraUchiha try a simple name like asdf.sav, remove any file locks on it, then try to copy
@MadaraUchiha i've seen in the past, is transferring it using nix system an option?
F:\games>rename "4999 - Pok?mon Platinum Version v1.1 (Usa).sav" platinum.sav
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
o wow...
@Happyninja It is, but I'd like to avoid it (mainly because I'm too lazy to switch to Ubuntu right now XD)
virus scan it?
Hey all
@MadaraUchiha is creating an image the disk a viable option?
@Happyninja Not sure what you mean
@MadaraUchiha F:\ refer to a storage unit. can you create an image of that storage unit?
How can I do that? :P
(This is starting to sound like switching to Ubuntu is faster :D)
let me check, i have a portative version of norton ghost somewhere with explorer
@MadaraUchiha try this: rename "4999 - Pok?mon Platinum Version v1.1 (Usa).sav" "platinum.sav"
@Pheagey Same error
Wow, what a pussy.
Q: Ban LMGTFY (let me google that for you) links

John NolanI've just asked a question on Stack Overflow which was a prime candidate for googling. I admit it was a poor question and with a little bit of research I would have found the answer. It annoyed me that someone put a let-me-google-that-for-you link in the comments. It got right up my nose. I find...

I'll just switch to ubuntu :D
@MadaraUchiha wow...
yea switch
> I've just asked a question on Stack Overflow which was a prime candidate for googling. I admit it was a poor question and with a little bit of research I would have found the answer.
WTF is that shit.
@Bracketworks Ban the "Ban LMGTFY links" guy...
@Pheagey lol

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