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hmmn, seems i have a day of switching ext/mysql to mysqli on some internal projects tomorrow
I like it how stuff in PHPStorm gets fixed just without much of a hassle: youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-18079#
Be prepared guys ....
[tag:cv-pls] http://stackoverflow.com/q/12419279
[tag:cv-pls] http://stackoverflow.com/q/12241288
@HamZaDzCyberDeV one at a time
something happened but it also looks like that something does not happen, too :)
Ah too lazy :p
markdown doesn't work on multilines
5 seconds pause
my pixels!
@Ocramius you broke down the beautiful queue of cv-pls :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV I want refund for used pixels! :P
We should have a strict (and proud) only PHP cv-pls postings in this channel :)
Those C++ ones are OT close votes ;)
@hakre ok ...
@HamZaDzCyberDeV not really, but there is one chat dedicated to close votes.

The closing room

Hmmm ah didn't know that
ok I'm guys off, good day/night everyone !
@HamZaDzCyberDeV bye
or evening:)
a very fine good morning sir!
I am searching for an idea on how to solve a riddle:)
php room seemed to be very active now so that's why I wanted to ask the question here
Imagine you have an advertising system where users can post ads. users can create millions of ads, but only 10 can be viewed at the same time. ads are live for a random period of time. one can be active for 5 minutes, other for 10 etc. how would you deal with the problem of automatic pushing next ads one the previous ad has expired? there is no point in checking all the ads fro their expiry time every second because that would just kill the db.
you can put the random in the past and pre-calculate this.
@hakre we should accept too
@Jocelyn okay, let's be generous and accept , too. ;)
@NikiC: I found the culprit, PSR-0 is not supported, now using this one:
$spl_autoload_register_psr0 = function ($extensions = null) {
    $callback = function ($className, $extensions = null) {
        if (!preg_match('~^[a-z0-9\\_]{2,}$~i', $className)) {
        null !== $extensions || $extensions = spl_autoload_extensions();
        $extensions = array_map('trim', explode(',', $extensions));
        $dirs = array_map('realpath', explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path()));

        $classStub = strtr($className, array('_' => '/', '\\' => '/'));
hakre: I dont understand
ok bye:)
@Ihsan It's more like a
@uınbɐɥs :D
@uınbɐɥs it's a
Cause of death:
@HamZaDzCyberDeV but I see I have an apprentice :-)
@Jocelyn Only a few questions survived in
@Ihsan I'm not very worried, everyday there are lots of new questions posted on the site
@Jocelyn Please do not!... When I saw crap questions with 9 answers I realized there is no bottom point of repwhoring... And I think SO is heavily polluted.
oh uh !! 2 am here...
Good time all...
@Ihsan yes, too much "pollution"..and needs a lot of sorting, cleaning...
good night everyone
@rdlowrey github.com/rdlowrey/Aerys/commit/… <- nice whitespace
@NikiC lol yeah sometimes I do that so the code I'm writing is in the middle of my screen vertically. Then I forget about it and commit about 100 extra lines of \n.
(super ping)
Also, I didn't mean to commit that file at all. It's a work-in-progress. Woops.
git rm --cached coming right up.
@ircmaxell take a look at thestrangeloop.com, I think PHPPHP might have a chance

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