I know we have "Duplicate Question", but it seems there's alot of answers being offered up from other questions; on questions not closed for duplication. Maybe we need a 303 See Other, you link to an accepted answer elsewhere, provide clarification for the new question's context, and if accepted the linked user and yourself split the rep.
I am developing a simple application in which buttons background change dynamically after one second. I have a button in my app name stopButtonBackgroundChanging, as I click the button it stops the changing of buttons background but after 2-seconds the app Stops Unexpectedly". Please help me in ...
I have to start runnable on start button click and stop it on pause button click.
My code for start runnable on start button click is
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//while (running) {
mUpdateTime = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
sec += 1;
if(sec >...
There are a lot of repwhores out there and people who don't play by the rules. That's just how the internet works apparently. If you get worked up about every single one of them, you'll have a short life. ;)
I have noticed an abundance of regex answers that consist of nothing but a pattern.
Obviously, not explaining the patterns will lead the (often clueless) OPs to just copy and paste the solutions. Consequently, they will come back each time they have another regex problem to solve. We are throwin...
Is it possible to invite a user to a (private) chat room directly on SO?
I started a conversation with a user in the comments and I don't feel like we will get there soon without some direct discussions, which are not well suited for the comments.
Ah. Found it. Needed one more answer to present me with the option.
(Is there any way to do that without posting x comments first?)
Why do PHP developers still use PHP 3 and PHP 4 ??
I need this to work in PHP4, and I just was giving an example (of course the '1' is a variable with different possible values 0, -1 and 1).... — Alex9 mins ago
@Gordon Meh, I'm not too worried. In general my answers that take a long time to write get more upvotes and usually get accepted. The minimum time before you can accept saves the day here.
Does the PHP site offer a place with updates so I can keep up to date with new password encryptions and the like? If not, where is the best place for that?
Something weird just happened, I awarded myself the bounty for http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/1195/create-a-tag-homepage-faq
And now my wonderful 50 point bounty is totally gone, nowhere to see
My expected behavio[u]r was:
I started a bounty for a question that is not mine
I happene...
E.g. from the page i try has ../address/path and might be ../address/path/other I have tried $parsurl = parse_url($url); var_dump($parsurl['path']); and
eg the link/adressen/theater/blue-man-group-4fab9069be80772c4e000000.html i want the theater only for that case the first gives me the hole /adressen/theater/blue-man-group-4fab9069be80772c4e000000.html and the second only blue
@ircmaxell ok. compiling php as a shared object is failing with something about .rodata.str1.1 can not be used and wants me to recompile with -fPIC. i don't know where that flag goes.
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near blabablabllaba :p
I know, you love array_map really, but here it won't show high performance and it's more confusing than helpful for such a simple use case. — bwoebi2 mins ago
I've never actually stored a password in my apps, because my work always uses OAuth for authentication, but a new piece of work requires I use a username/password combination (I know, old school!). So can anyone direct me on some good advice for using implementing bcrypt or an alternative?
OH MY GOD the in-house framework our company uses SUCKS in places! It should not require an hour's debugging simply to change the option values of some radio buttons. Not a phpdoc in sight.
@MadaraUchiha swype has been in all of my Nexus devices ever since I have it and I didnt need to active anything to use it. It's not listed as a separate app called swype though
@MadaraUchiha its called gesture typing. I cannot figure out what software they use for it though. It seems to available sind Android 4.2 natively. See support.google.com/nexus/4/answer/2811346?hl=en
@ircmaxell I didn't look deeper into password_compat but I noticed there is an $options['salt'] in the code. how do I use that? the examples dont show. do i need to bother?
One way would be to feed the MD5 into bcrypt, and then prefix the output with something unique: so if bcrypt's output is $2y$... make yours $custom$2y$....
then on login, check to see if the prefix is $custom, and if so, then md5 the inputted password, and verify it. And if that passes, update to a straight bcrypt storage
I imagine this may be frowned upon, but if someone could help me with a very small question, I'd appreciate a lot. Here it is: stackoverflow.com/questions/16197197/…