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I wanted to bring my phone but I wasn't allowed to have it until I came out of the op
I could have died in there, at least let me have my phone with me in my last moments :(
Hi everyone
i have a sql question and no one is in the sql chat
so going to ask here
has to do with multiple GROUP BY's
Hello folks, I got an SQL question as well :)
so I group by one column
@wes It might be, it doesn't really make sense that using any $N in that scenario would work. It may have some logic in there like "if the match is zero-width use the whole URI in any backrefs" which doesn't really make sense - that's not what you wrote - but equally it doesn't make sense to use backrefs when the entire expression is zero-width so it might be a sensible stupidity guard. I will have a play with it in a bit.
then have to do a count group by on another field
@BoltClock Yeh, this way they needlessly killed a piece of you.
They killed your spirit.
murdered it.
in cold blood
I want to delete records from tb1 which similer in tabl2
plz help
I must select the first three results that contains a certain ID, is there any way of doing that?
Thanks @zerkms
@SpecialK. LIMIT google it...
Not sure but I htink you need somehting like UNION in sql to do that?
@DextOr Write a select that grabs the rows you want, then change SELECT * to DELETE
@We0: keep in mind I may answer either correct or fast. That one was fast
Why the hell does that page exist :-(
I will test shortly, but sure it should be fine
@Ihsan also I have to mention that I use IN ('ID', 'ID)
So that certain ID can be one, or more
linkifier needs a filter for stuff like that
@DaveRandom: lol. Made my evening
> Return Values: No value is returned.
Well, duhhh
@DaveRandom actually i thought that $1 was the "whole matched string" as in pcre $0... it worked so i supposed that $1 was the equivalent of $0 :P
@SpecialK. I am not proficient in SQL, I use to dig in the manual when I need things... So if it is a select LIMIT will return first 3 if more than three else, 2, 1 or none... whatever availible.. That is what I know.... (shallow knowledge sorry)
@DaveRandom I was hoping it would return a boolean to indicate whether it's really deleted.
hmm .. damn ... there is nobody to hand the resignation to
Oh wait ... what
then again , fortunately i did not specify which day
@Ihsan, for example I have the following, SELECT * FROM comments WHERE IN (13, 20, 15) ... what I need, is the first 3 match for 13, 20 and 15, and LIMIT won't do it
@tereško I thougt you work for Jabba the Hutt....
@tereško Leave it on the desk?
I'd rather work for Pizza the Hutt.
If you focus on this picture, without blinking, it'll disappear. http://t.co/ifqO7qxUqt
@SpecialK.: do you have sorting? What is "first match"?
@Jack You really wouldn't, now they have to stand there all awkward at the door and recite every individual item on your order as they hand it to you.
@SpecialK. With all the power of "illiteracy" I would go and try it :)
@SpecialK. (SELECT * FROM comments WHERE field = 13 LIMIT 1) UNION (SELECT * FROM comments WHERE field = 20 LIMIT 1) UNION (SELECT * FROM comments WHERE field = 15 LIMIT 1)
Yes, the sorting is by the comments.id
@DaveRandom thank you
@Jimbo Not pizza hut =p
@SpecialK. Or you could just GROUP BY field
@DaveRandom: does limit work for nested queries?
Side note: group by solution would require additional inner join
@Gordon doesn't disappear?
@zerkms Oh wait that's true, you might need to create proper derived tables
@Gordon It actually does not appear...
@DaveRandom: I'm actually not sure - haven't worked with mysql for years
I know it works if you do that but LIMIT does have some funnies
@zerkms lucky you
@SpecialK. GROUP BY is probably the better option
@DaveRandom I'll google it right now, thank you
@DaveRandom Hey, would you mind taking a look at my answer? need second opinion :)
@Jack no worries, in a couple of mins
no rush =D
@Ocramius @Ihsan did you actually click the link? The image is behind the link. And it does disappear
@DaveRandom what do you think about this github.com/WesNetmo/php-template-inheritance ? i was thinking to use that in a production application... i don't really like these sort of "hacks"... but i would prefer this instead of twig, for example, especially for performances. have a look at it when you have some free time :P
JW 웃, Dipolog, Philippines
89k 14 63 134
@DaveRandom the query you provided is exactly what I need, going to check how GROUP BY works
Oh no, another fell victim to the "i suffix my username with a character" rage =/
@Gordon oh, wait... trying again
@Gordon yes, the picture is a shallow collection of basic eye pigment colors which will deplete trigger enzymes quickly if you look with an uninterrupted exposure.
@Gordon yeah, works, but it's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow. Like windows filesystem.
@Gordon Problem is, it is not a "picture" :D
@Ocramius lol
@Ocramius You mean slow as in your files slowly disappear from the drive? ;-)
@Jack lol
@SpecialK. The only problem with GROUP BY is that you can't really control which row will be returned for a given group (IIRC is will be the one stored first in the table, so most likely the one with the lowest PK). ORDER BY is applied after GROUP BY. So if you want to guarantee it would always be the first post in a given thread, or the last one, or whatever, the UNION approach is what you need.
I think it would be quite a bit less efficient and it certainly makes the query string building a lot messier though
In Turkish : Kaydediyor = recording, Kaybediyor = loosing....
Windows oturumunuzu kaydediyor = Windows is recording your session.
Windows oturumunuzu kaybediyor = Windows is loosing your session.
The latter is more frequent and accurate...
@DaveRandom: In the GROUP BY statement you provided me I can see that each post got 2 comments, but only 1 is displayed, I tried to limit them to 3 but with no luck, is that possible?
@SpecialK. Yeh GROUP BY won't do that, what it does is reduce each unique value in the column you specify to group by to a single row. If you potentially want more than one entry per "group", the UNION is what you need.
@DaveRandom: thank you, I guess I'm going to use UNION, just one last question, as far as I can see, if I have 10 unique ID's, I'll have to UNION 10 SELECT queries, is this faster than putting them into a foreach($array as $unique_ID) : do query ?
Maybe this sounds as a too open question, but when do you decide u use a PHP pattern or not?
@Gordon what if not? is this an idiot test what people do?
Like when should u use a factory pattern?
@hakre then probably your eyes are either super or subpar
@Gordon lol
@Duikboot Hmm, factory is not a php pattern though ;-)
@Gordon let's hope for the better.
@Jack Your answer seems best fit to the question, although I would never (never say never) allow such an action on my server scripts...
@Duikboot That's how you implement factory in php .. doesn't make it a php pattern.
@Jack Looks reasonable to me, even if the whole concept is horrible (I really can't see any reason not to have this hard-coded. Unless it's for a framework, I guess. You could further "secure" it by prepending a namespace possibly? (I've said that and now I'm not actually certain doing so would make it any more secure).
@Ihsan Well, the router normally does the controller resolution iirc, so this is not so outlandish.
any good guide to create opencart template? Thanks!
@DaveRandom "if the whole concept is horrible" - I agree with all my heart
@DaveRandom Yeah, namespaces could be applied ...
http://localhost/c/21/21.html - how to make if statement with the conditions:
$link = /c/num1/num2.html;
if(num1 == num2 && num2 is integer)
i don't know reg expr
@DaveRandom doesn't have to be so hardcoded actually ... it's just controller class resolution right?
11 hours ago, by DaveRandom
@DaveRandom lol ... wouldn't a router do this stuff internally as well? of course, then it starts to touch the subject of an actual framework.
It really doesn't save you any time, it saves one line of code per controller (a mapping of some value to a class name) and it leaves you open to some security hole you haven't thought of.
@Jack Most routers you have to register route with. They're just fancy lookup tables.
True that, they're normally static (routes).
@Jack Why would one need to load a class via input? Maybe for unit testing but not a real life application...
@Ihsan Well, it wouldn't be unimaginable that it comes from the URL (path portion)
E.g. /admin is mapped to AdminController or sth.
@Jack I guess so, but safety first... We use entrypoints with entry defines right? proven, stupid but robust ... so no need for this kind of class juggling... Even conditional class declarations look better near that...
So @ka @hakre, I went with a negative look behind, and now I have an even stranger issue
The rewrite conditions seems to not work anymore
@Ihsan The is_subclass_of() is probably the best my answer offers in terms of security heh.
@Duikboot Judging by this title "The Singleton Pattern Is Not Evil" is sucks ;)
It rewrites it even when I try to access css/master.css
@Jack I agreed and +1 'ed it...
> Worse, this introduces coupling: you could be forced to make classes accept this Preferences class even though they don’t use it themselves, because they need to then pass it on to an object that class uses.
My rewrite conditions are as follows
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
@DaveRandom Yo dawg I heard about LoD, so I use a singleton to fix this
@MadaraUchiha What are you actually doing here sorry? I missed the start of this thread
@PeeHaa埽 That kind of texts make me sick. The propositions and biases make me sick too. When you have to use a singleton, you use it. And it is not a "pattern" for gods sake.
Redirect all traffic thorough index.PHP
@PeeHaa埽 I really want to comment but he's not posted anything for nearly 2 years so I doubt there would be any point
/something to index.PHP/something
@MadaraUchiha OK so what's the complication that requires a lookbehind to do something?
Because it created an infinite recursion of I don't
Have a better idea?
@MadaraUchiha What about the CSS, presumably you are trying to serve static content directly?
No need to go through the front controller parsing for static content
That includes css, JavaScript and images
@PeeHaa埽 Just fancy words, dig down, you program it the way you need without "observer" pattern... Wtf ? Observer from the parallel universe of Fringe? Come on...We logged things for years before somebody coined the name "observer" ... That IS stupidity in pure form... Singleton is bad, good, evil... Like trying to figure out if angels are male or female... :D
@MadaraUchiha OK, where are they in the directory structure?
In fact, generally what's the directory structure?
As in, root/css
Have you got PHP inside document root apart from index.php, is the real question
(and if so, why?)
OK 1 sec then, let me dig out my stock .htaccess
@DaveRandom rumble, rumble, rumble....
# If it exists, serve it
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteRule .* - [L]

# Rewrite everything else through index.php
RewriteRule .* index.php/$0 [L]
^^ that should do it, I would have thought
@DaveRandom U R A magician...
(as long as you don't mind people still being able to access stuff literally via index.php)
@Ihsan That's pretty standard stuff ;-)
@Jack That I know nothing about...
I don't like index.php/$0 though, what's wrong with query string args?
just made a test .. nobody ere could understand: twitter.com/KentBeck/status/325995256409640962
@tereško Says sorry, no such page...
The post-path is a bit ambiguous and relies on other bits of Apache config over which you have no control if you are not the server admin. Query strings work the same everywhere.
@Ihsan edited ..
@tereško The uhmm is pronounced longer the more the term is generic.
When I try to access a virtual file it attempts to serve me it, @Dave
@MadaraUchiha a "virtual" file??
(what do you mean by that?)
An address that should be routed through the index file to actually serve a file
@Jack yeps...
I.e. /login
@DaveRandom It's a file that you use to get rid of your virtual handcuffs ;-)
@MadaraUchiha That means it exists inside docroot then... what is it, a directory?
I'm an idiot, hold on
Wrote !-f
server error
5 chars, I still managed to typo. Also #fail
Too much recursion :/
The ambiguity of naming without an actual meaning which resolves to null pointer in our brains...
Or lets say, naming the phenomenon without any links to at least its own reality or context.
@MadaraUchiha Can you just try RewriteRule .* /index.php?path=$0 [L,QSA]? I suspect it's the post path business
which is totally unnecessary since the user doesn't even see it
Again, that would probably work
But I want the ability to have index.PHP/stuff
@MadaraUchiha From the user's point of view?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
^^ That's what I typically use.
@DaveRandom As a magician you made the girl disappear... But she is completely lost in isthmus now... :)
Besides, I distinctly remember that I managed to do that. Without the query path
@MadaraUchiha That's done with $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] right?
Yes, that's what I'm using
# Catch extra path after index.php
RewriteRule ^index\.php/(.*) /index.php?path=$1 [QSA]

# If it exists, serve it
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteRule .* - [L]

# Rewrite everything else through index.php
RewriteRule .* /index.php?path=$0 [L,QSA]
I've used that for a while, but I don't like to see /index.php in the url.
Bye all, have a nice time... As Mr.Spock says, "Peace, live long and prosper"...
Vanishes in a teleport beam....
@Ihsan Make the noise!
I live for the noise.
$ make noise
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [PT,L]
But it doesn't show index.php, which is good. I can go to localhost/application/controller/method/param1/param2
@Jimbo &%{QUERY_STRING} ? Check out [QSA] ;-)
Also PT is rarely what you want
I'm gonna be 100% honest, I don't even know what PT, L does. fail
I know that L is the last one though
@Jimbo me too. :P
and ^(.*)$ is kinda pointless, you can just do .* and use $0 instead
@Jimbo PT passes the request back to the very start of the routing engine, it adds quite a bit of unnecessary expense. You only need it if you want e.g. Alias directives to be processed for the rewritten URI
Q: Interview question: f(f(n)) == -n

Hrvoje PrgešaA question I got on my last interview: Design a function f, such that: f(f(n)) == -n Where n is a 32 bit signed integer; you can't use complex numbers arithmetic. If you can't design such a function for the whole range of numbers, design it for the largest range possible. Any id...

Right okay, so RewriteRule .* index.php?url=$0 [QSA, L]
Wow, 140 answers!
@Jimbo Yeh that should do the exact same thing in a much cleaner way
Sure it's identical? I get a 500 error pasting that in :)
If I remove the L, it's all good
The thing to be concious of though (and this is true of any of these rewrite approaches) is that the user can pretty epicly break your app by supplying the url= URL param manually. For that reason I tend to do __url__= or something. It's debatable whether that's a legitimate concern though, since you should handle bad routes anyway
@Jimbo Have you got any other rewrite rules in there?
@NikiC considering moving away from Zend\Code to use PHP-Parser instead =D
looks much better
You might want /index.php (leading slash)
@DaveRandom Nope, that's just it. I wanted to figure out how to ignore url= and also how to remove the index if anyone puts it, but just gave up and accepted that
@Jimbo Oh that's decidedly more complicated. It is possible but it's a total PITA. Hang on let me remind myself how I did it (actually I may have a better way for part of it now after something I did the other day)
Hey @Jack, any thoughts on the feasibility of porting ffmpeg to pure PHP? Obviously it would be pretty inefficient but there are bits and pieces that could be useful
RewriteRule .* /index.php/$0 [QSA]
@Jimbo That might be useful to you ^ The data can be gotten with $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'].
@DaveRandom You mean porting the whole libav to PHP? @.@
@Jack Eventually, but just cherry picking the more commonly used bits at first. Mostly the encoder/decoder. This is not the first time I've seen a question like this, and it's a requirement I had myself once.
hello @DaveRandom
i have one query
can you resolve it
@DaveRandom Still, porting ffmpeg over to PHP has PAIN written all over it, in friendly letters :)
omg omg omg , there will be an update for Terraria
# Turn mod_rewrite on
RewriteEngine On

# block direct access to index.php and query strings with url=
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^__iserror=1$
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^(\S+)\ +/index\.php\b [OR]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} (?:&|\?)url=
RewriteRule .* /index.php?__iserror=1 [L]

# send anything that doesn't exist through index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule .* /index.php?url=$0 [L,QSA]
@Jimbo ^^
if (!empty($_GET['__iserror'])) then serve an error page, probably 404
Not tested it but I'm pretty certain it should work
@DaveRandom Ooh very nice! If this works, it really needs to be put on on SO
@Jack Probably. It's not like I don't already have enough things to do...
@DaveRandom So, going to /index.php doesn't pass through ?__iserror=1
@Jimbo Works for me, just tested it
I have an index.php with just var_dump($_GET); in it
@MadaraUchiha lookbehind? You should create a rewrite-condition so that the rewrite rule is not fired when it has been fired previously (to prevent the endless loop).
When I hit index.php or blah?url=whatever I get iserror=1, for everything else I get url=stuff
At the top of my index I put a var_dump($_GET); die; and not coming through for me :S I'm using "http://localhost/framework/index.php
@Jimbo Ahh right, you never said anything about /framework :-P
Ohh, I meant /application could be anything
I've just called mine "framework", assumed it could've been arbitrary
Well, regardless, it's a subdir. That's designed to sit in the root of the domain
(i.e. just http://localhost/)
@DaveRandom Yeah, I put /framework/ before the index's and it works great!
[zend framework 1.10] how can i access application.ini settings from a layout phtm file?
@hello All
Can any one plz tell me amazon payment gateway integration idea in php
@Jimbo You could also remove the leading slashes but that has other implications if you have any other htaccess files anywhere else in the tree. tbh I would probably redirect back to the root instead of the iserror thing as well
i m newbie and from android techonology kindly help in amazon payment gateway? @All
@hello All
Can any one plz tell me amazon payment gateway integration idea in php
@Droid28 stop spamming! start googling! first result in google is forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/…
Do I remember correctly that @rdlowrey had plans to release a much improved version of Artax at some point? I have need for an HTTP client, and would like to avoid curl :)
@Gordon I want a T-shirt that says that on it
@DaveRandom zazzle.com. I can even give you a rebate coupon (but it expired on Jan, 31st)
@Leigh Probably, but I think he's a bit wrapped up in the server stuff at the moment. If you need a solution in the short term that's not what you want, probably.
You should also get "You may not be aware, but on the internet I am important"
@DaveRandom I have to admit, I'm not sure what the alternatives are, aside from writing my own terrible one on top of react
@Gordon sir Thanks for ur valuable info ,i need little help since i have follwed the step but dont understand how do i test this since not from php background
I try and stay away from sites like that, or I will just spend all my money on T-shirts
@Leigh You need something with high concurrency?
@DaveRandom No, but has to provide concurrency. Event driven is really the thing here.
Maybe not totally php related but I read much in the news that websites are to be contend with DDoS attacks, is there a way to prevent this?
@Duikboot A lot of people use cloudflare's services
@Leigh OK so what's the scenario, a daemon? Doesn't sound like a web page...
You remember that woman that got that poor guy fired for making a barely rude joke about "forking someone's github" ? Then she got fired (thank karma)? She used cloudflare because everyone was hating on her
If all you need is a basic multi-request event driven client it's pretty trivial. You could use react but I'd probably just roll it from scratch because I am a sadist
@Droid28 yeah, see I'd love to help you. But I am currently on my way to get me some freedom fries for lunch. And I am pretty sure that when I start to give you that "little help" now, I won't get my freedom fries before evening, because I am pretty sure you didn't read nothing yet and expect me to literally write the codes for you. I can spot help vampire requests like these pretty good by now. So sorry if I cannot help you.
@DaveRandom Yep, it's a daemon, it receives a command via a unix socket, reads urls from a db, and downloads via HTTP - think of it sort of like a crawler
@Leigh OK so no DB poll, just do stuff when the command socket tells you to?
@DaveRandom yep
So Cloudflare protects a website from being attacked?
@DaveRandom I should probably just use react, I don't need a full featured client.
@Duikboot wat
What does cloudflare exactly do? Cache a website?
@Duikboot it's a reverse http cache
@Duikboot It's a CDN
uh, it's also a CDN? didn't know :|
can you also warm it up with assets?
Yeah but Im not sure about what do they deliver? Do they cache your service and then deliver it back when your site is under attack or am I talking crap ?
@Duikboot Are you going to do something naughty? Are you expecting to be DDOS'd?:D
@Leigh Indeed, it's a couple of hours, tops. Like I say I'd probably roll my own event loop because I am a sadist, which would add another hour or so but it's really not a lot of work. Related: github.com/DaveRandom/lib2616
@Duikboot They do have security measures
Cloudflare managed over a 300GB/s DDOS that was slowing down a lot of the internetz. They're pretty good!
No I just read the news and I saw much websites are getting attacked those days. Today in the news (Belgium) was it about investing 20 million euro against attacks for the goverment websites
@Jimbo them stopping it was getting their upstream providers to blackhole subnets. Legitimate tactic, but wasn't all them.
@Leigh It was a pretty massive attack though. Insane amount of traffic...
@Gordon Thanks i dont except to write code for me .....thanks..... i will manage .....i need help not advice... happy freedom
You need help not advice? Wait, what? You need to google first :)
Maybe total different question, I have to generate one button approve/disapprove. If approve is clicked I have to change a value to 1 if a disapprove is clicked I have to change the value to 0, the default value = 0.

Is there a best practice to do this? I've never used a getter/setter in PHP should it be a right place to do it here?
Duikboot is the value change in the DB?
I did a similar thing, you just, on click, submit an ajax request to the DB, change the value to the opposite of whatever it currently is, then change the client side to display otherwise
/me hammering the flash messenger plugin: Y U NO WORK?! :(
I would like to do this first without javascript.
Just to have a fallback when a user has JS disabled.
Why not <noscript>Srslsy?</noscript>
I would just like to do it without JS :)
You do better than me then. I never really code for no JS - i'd love to be able to do that with IE as well.
Currently I receive the status already from a user, now I have to change it onclick.
I first try to generate a site totally php based after that I add the JS functionality.
Im doing it always that way :p
except for mobile.. if a user turns off JS on mobile... I launch him to the moon because that's stupid
I'm clearly delirious and need some food.
Exactly :P
I think most people already are on careers.so, but if somebody wants an invite ping me :)
Careers.so indirectly got me my current gig
@ircmaxell It did? Wow. I was telling yesterday I haven't heard of anybody getting something out of it (besides internal SO employees) :P Guess I was wrong
I went on an interview from there, and then went to a meetup happy-hour afterwards, which is where I met my current boss.
If it wasn't for the interview from careers.so, I would never have met my boss that night, and never would have this current job
So not really a success story, but a "put me in the right place at the right time)
aaaaah kk
@PeeHaa埽 I got an interview offer from it. I couldn't really jump ship at the time so I didn't go to the interview, but the company looked decent enough from their website. So not completely useless.
Hmmmm. I wonder whether it is only in the UK and the US. Or that it's just the Dutch recruiters who haven't found SO yet.
@Gordon @hakre You guys ever got an offer or something like that from careers?
@PeeHaa埽 Like I was saying last night, the vast majority of the jobs on it seem to be in the cities where SE have offices. I think the real issue that their sales team need to pull their collective finger out
@PeeHaa埽 No, but if you visit my careers profile you might see why ;)
I'm very picky about employees.
@PeeHaa埽: And please do not ping me while git tells me that the rebase just resulted in conflicts ;)
@hakre :-D
arrrrrgh ;)
The interview I went on was pretty good. The only reason I decided not to go that route was that the money wasn't what they said it would be...
@hakre @hakre @hakre @hakre
Is an INSERT faster then doing an update in SQL?
@Duikboot Have you tested it?
@DaveRandom yes, I love this kind of distraction ;)
@Duikboot I don't really see how it's relevant anyway. It's not like they are interchangeable.
@hakre :-P
And if the next push does not survive review, I will blame you personally ;)
I'm fine with that. Most things are my fault.
I was just asking myself, is it possible to insert data into a field when it's already filled?
So if that's possible why not inserting if that should be faster in case of using update?
Everything is dave's fault
@Duikboot No. Insert creates a new row. You can't insert into an existing row - well you can, it's called an "update" :-P
Okay thanks :) I thought it was possible to insert data on an existing row.
So realistically, yes, inserts are probably faster than updates, because all they need to do is create a new row, whereas an update needs to find the target row(s) and update the data. But which one is faster doesn't matter because you can't use an insert to do an update
@Hiroto even if it is doing a bunch of complex stuff to create a page... 30s? :-S
well, it's not magento, so it's probably much worse
also godaddy's hosting runs on IIS
first thing i did was do checks for the common clunky-as-shite CRM platforms
i dunno what he's using
@Hiroto thanks for that, now I have to clean all this vomit out of my keyboard.
also, this post reminded me of something funny
9 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@hakre @hakre @hakre @hakre
@Hiroto nice drawn roof tiles at the end of it.
@DaveRandom sorry, did you vomit at the mention of II- vomits everywhere
holy heck, in the last month i've cast nearly as many downvotes as i have total upvotes. I need to unpin the php tag. :<
Since which PHP does magic method __get() exists? PHP 5.0.0?
__get? i thought it was __call that did the magic

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