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HEy guys
using php and CI
@DextOr wut?
i want to have an active config file
One of Litecoin’s most significant claimed improvements over Bitcoin is that it allows transactions to be confirmed as legitimate much more quickly <-- technically true, but practically not. At 4 times the block rate, litecoin will include a transaction in the chain 4 times faster. But the "confirmation" will still take the same amount of time, since it's goal is to defeat forks (which are 4 times more likely in litecoin)
like i can edit it and revert it with out doing a full scale deploy
@kaᵠ i want to change last four characters of string using php
So getting a transaction on record is faster with litecoin. But confirming that record to the chain (making sure it's there) will take the same amout of time
@DaveRandom why its a bad idea?
@DextOr there are many ways to do that, have you tried anything by now?
@ircmaxell It's not clear to me how to solve this, should it be possible to give me a tip how to do this? Thanks.
@Duikboot prepare the first one, execute it. Then prepare the second one. Then execute that. Then prepare the third one, and execute it...
And to be fair, I am mining litecoin, so I am hedging bets, I just don't think bitcoin is as doomed as those articles predict
@MGE There's a lot more work to be done by you server than necessary.
@ircmaxell how long does a transaction take to be confirmed with btc?
and what can be a good solution?
@ircmaxell tbh, I dont care much. I put "better" in quotes for a reason :) All I was saying is that people are working on alternatives.
Im maintaining the placeholders that you said me as you can see
@kaᵠ Well, to get on the block chain, a new block is targeted every 10 minutes. But it takes approximately 100 blocks to consider a fork impossible (and hence the transaction confirmed)
Hi All
@Gordon if you think about it, btc is already an alternative...
litecoin on the other hand targets a new block every 2.5 minutes.
But people aren't considering it "confirmed" for 250 blocks, because forks are "easier" (due to the lower difficulty necessary for the increased block generation time)
@ircmaxell interesting, but anyway, 10 minutes is not a lot
@ircmaxell it works!
I had never found that solution thanks a lot!
I always make those kind of stupid errors
@kaᵠ 16 hours until it's hard-confirmed
@ircmaxell yeah, but ltc's difficulty will increase over time also as btc's did? it's actually just a younger version of btc... ?
Give this a read: en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Litecoin
@kaᵠ yes, but at a given "difficulty", it's still easier due to the faster generation target
@ircmaxell ouch, so... only after 16hrs you have a confirmed transaction (i mean you buy something and btc are effectively exchanged?)
This is the code: pastebin.com/VzFVXkP6
@DextOr I tried this for you, but failed miserably lol :)
$int = "1000000000000000000000";
for($i=0; $i<strlen($int); $i++){
if($i > 7){
$final = str_replace('0', 'x', $int);
echo $final;
> This means that merchants who accept transactions only 1 block deep get that confirmation quicker. However, it should be noted that more blocks are required to achieve the same amount of confirmation strength as Bitcoin (6 blocks of litecoin are not equivalent to 6 blocks of bitcoin).
Is threre any opensource php encryption tool for PHP source code protection?
@phpNoOb there's the preg_replace() way too :)
@Prince waste of time. get a lawyer. dont bother with source code protection.
For example, the bitcoin pool I use requires 100 blocks of confirmation to consider a block valid
@kaᵠ He only wants to replaces the 0's that come after a billion mark.
10000000000 becomes 1000000xxxx
@phpNoOb still... preg_replace('/0000$/','xxxx',$var) ? <--- @DextOr
@Prince you are finding open source encryption tool to make open source php code to close source,
@kaᵠ an alternative to regular currency. But I didnt doubt that. All I said was that I would not bet BTC to be around in the long run when competing and allegedly better systems like Litecoin, Ripple, whatever are under development. we will see which will prevail.
@Prince yeah its waste of time. it can be decrypted easily.
Good day!
@kaᵠ you failed to.
ok, shower than off to work, later
@phpNoOb ??
$var = 10000000000000;
echo preg_replace('/0000$/','xxxx',$var);

will output

I tried bitcoin pool mining on my work laptop. Fail.
meaning, that you are only chaning the last 4 zeros
5KHash /s :'( [per core]
he wants to change anything that comes after a billion
@phpNoOb yeah, well.. it's a start, you/he should put some effort into it...
@ircmaxell One last question about the solved problem, I execute that function from a dao file the following way:
echo 'Succes';
echo 'ERROR';

My data is correct inserted into my database but I receive echo ' error '

What can cause this problem?
@kaᵠ :) I might, if OP hadn't disappeared like that
@Jimbo how much is that? ~nothing ? :P
@kaᵠ From what I read, it was less than nothing. I would never even add to a pool with that speed
@phpNoOb anyway, i feel that's better than the loop approach
@kaᵠ lol, why because you love RegEx?
@phpNoOb no, but actually regex is quite fast
@Gordon what about ioncube.com
@Prince ioncube and hip-hop_php and a lawyer :P
Hi all
Hello @Ihsan
Anybody using cloud9 here?
@Ihsan not for real
@Uby I liked it a lot, am I in error? :D
This is the code pastebin.com/VzFVXkP6 , how can I make the same but without the bellow foreachs?
@Ihsan I really don't know, I used it just for a really tiny project. It was fine, tho
Cool, but never used Cloud9 before.
@Gordon thanks.
Thx anyway.
@Gordon I was trying bitbucket... as a virgin git'ter I had too much difficulty because I followed the tuts... then I give up the tuts, downloaded the sourcetree... No more problems :P
@Prince any encoder will just give you a false sense of security. thats why you should get a lawyer, regulate usage with a license and then sue all the people violating the license
@kaᵠ that is actually one taugh function to make
@Prince Make your data open, sue the violators, make money from lawsuits... :)
(that is an actual option in fact)
@phpNoOb no it isn't preg_match('^1000000000$','100000xxxx',$var)
@kaᵠ nope. error!!
check it
@Ihsan yeah cloud9 is awesome online IDE but dont support sftp :(
@AbhishekGahlot Well, I am not after that much security while developing open source...
Is there any supporting it? sftp...
@Ihsan you can also look at http://codeanywhere.net/
it has great interface too.
and it supports sftp too
@AbhishekGahlot Thank you... Now looking.
What is the website called with the blue background - blue/purple lines, blue/purple header?
I think its pretty new
@Bil1 with define()
quick question
need to merge arrays
$arr{ 0 =>array(0 => 0, 1=>1), 1 => array(0 => 0, 1=>1) }
let me type this in code rather
So you want to make an array of a bunch of arrays?
$arr_1 = array(
			0 => array(0 => 0),
			1 => array(1 => 1)

		$arr_2 = array(
			0 => array(0 => 2),
			1 => array(1 => 3)

		//Merged I want:
		$arr_3 = array(
			0 => array(0 => 0),
			1 => array(1 => 1),
			2 => array(0 => 2),
			3 => array(1 => 3)
there we go
hey @Gordon, worked with any easy to use payment processors that support Germany? Currently considering Braintree.
I have a problem, I can't make a select repeating the ids, but it seems to be bad for the server, how can I make the same but without bellow foreachs? pastebin.com/VzFVXkP6
@JohnP easy to use payment processors is a paradox
@Gordon lol
@Gordon Let me apply a filter to that, 'easier to use than Paypal'. Paypal almost always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I thought we were living in the future!
@JohnP yeah, they are shady and infamous for freezing people's money for no reason
@We0 print_r(array_merge((array)$arr_1, (array)$arr_2));
you get what you want
That they are, lots of horror stories.
@JohnP but unfortunately, I don't know any providers. I evaluated a few for a customer a few years back, but we never got around to implement any of them. The last one I implemented was a swiss one.
@AbhishekGahlot You don't have to cast to array because they are array's.
@JohnP I've had decent experiences with authorize.net - Cybersource internationally authorize.net/international
Are there people using: phpunit ? What could be a reason to impelment this?
@Duikboot To implement unit testing?
@dragon112 yeah true ,
I never used something like that to do that.
@Gordon Ah cool, thanks.
@MikeB Sadly Authorize doesn't work in Germany, where the bank account will be.
So not an option.
So maybe it's time I have to implement something like that, are people here using PHPUnit?
@Duikboot Yes
@JohnP I remember we evaluated sparkassen-internetkasse.de/content/?cid=1&mid=1 back then
Do you have to install it on a project or in the document root?
@Duikboot You can install it on the machine with pear, or as a project dependency with composer, or you can clone it directly into your project's repo
$data = $statement->fetchAll();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$id = $value['soundid'];
$datainfo[$id] = $value;
foreach ($soundIds as $key => $value) {
$datasound[] = $datainfo[$value];
return $datasound;
@MGE Yes, more like that
@Gordon hmm, will have a look. If all the docs are in German, that's going to be a problem.
Thanks though.
Thanks @DaveRandom
@JohnP if language is an issue, i'm currently available for two days a week telecommute ;)
@Gordon Haha
@Gordon Ahaha, I will be sure to let my partner know :D
A: is there any algorithm which can find arrays which do not have common key between them

iroegbuSomething like: function test() { $arrays = func_get_args(); for($i = 0; $i < count($arrays); $i++) { if (($i + 1) == count($arrays)) break; for($k = $i; $k < count($arrays); $k++) { if (count(array_intersect_key($arrays[$i], $arrays[$k])) == 0){ ...

Do you have to do always an execute ofparams when you want to select all results from a table?
please help improve
I don't like the number of iterations
Isn't is allowed to simply do this:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM com_projects";

$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

@kaᵠ YAY!! I won.
$int = 10000000000;
echo 100000;
for($i=1; $i<=strlen($int); $i++){
	 if($i > 6) {
	 $b = strlen($int)-6;
	 echo 'x';
Check that out. @kaᵠ from now on, you should call me Master
Man... I am proud of Me.
I have three checkboxs and need to send different mail for each of it when selected . if(isset($_POST['sbmit']))

$to = $_POST['email_address'][$i];
echo $to."<br />";
$subject = 'Thank you for Subscribing';
$message = $_POST['news'];
$headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: [email protected]' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

echo $_POST['email_address'][$i]."<br />";
ini_set("SMTP","smtp.ntc.net.np" );
ini_set('sendmail_from', '[email protected]');
is what have written for single but not sure how do i send different emails based on the selection
$int = 10000000000;
echo 100000;
for($i=1; $i<=strlen($int); $i++){
	 if($i > 6) {
	 echo 'x';
anybody here to help ?
@PavanGjakati I would but 1- I am noob, 2 - You didn't indent your code, 3 - Well.. I don't know.
@PavanGjakati wait a sec . let me see your code
ok Mister Master @phpNoOb :PP
You are master RegEx and I am Master Loop
Anybody here have any experience merging a full 'Code Igniter' solution with a 'Wordpress Solution'. Sadly both are built to do what they are needed to do.
Code Igniter is in a sub directory
@William maybe.. what is your question
yeah.. i see I have made a mistake, used match instead of replace, well, easy to catch anyway
@ArtjomKurapov Both have a global function called site_url()
I will be in your room a lot asking some reg question. As I am totally noob in that area.
hope you are online for the most part
well you can either replace it in all files
@MikeB The issue I have is that both are already built and working as intended, I just need the theme of the wordpress to be carried over to the CodeIgniter....top menu, css and footer etc..
@phpNoOb most importantly use the tools and docs gathered and posted in the room
or do CURL requests.. which is much slower
@ArtjomKurapov Is there an easy way to replace all site_url in the Code Igniter files to cs_site_url?
if your IDE supports it.. then yes
otherwise.. maybe some bash functions...
Q: How do I Replace a String With Another String In All Files Below my Current Dir? (UBUNTU)

KRBHow do I replace every occurrence of a string to another string below my current directory. Ex. I want to replace every occurrence of www.fubar.com to www.fubar.ftw.com in every file under my current directory. From research so far I have come up with sed -i 's/www.fubar.com/www.fubar.ftw.com/g...

lets hope there is is no dynamic calls for that function
./sigh lol
like {"site_"."url"}(); :)
Yeh :s Thanks - I may just C&P the header and footer from wordpress and use it :p
Or use a different menu on that side of the site to push the user back to the front of the site or stay where they are
i'm setting up a cron job (for the first time, so trying to learn as I go) to execute a php file, the file is protected, I assume I have to pass the username and password through at the end of the path? My app is set up with session auth, but I've used basic HTTP auth, should I just set up a page outside my application using HTTP auth and run the cron job on that? (I realize this maybe a poorly worded question/logic)
@ircmaxell Thanks for helping me to insert the data, do I do the same proces for receiving all data again? With a commit and multiple SQL selects?
@Ilya - Just out of curiousity, do you use a Gravatar, or did you upload an image through SO?
For example: I have to select all projects from 1 user. But its in multiple tables, is there an option to use JOINS? Or do I have to use multiple SQL statments again?
@elong protected how?
ah.. well no, with http auth cron will fail
you need a proper file that can run from terminal (CLI)
the app has basic log in, session verification (not sure if that's the right way to say it
you can try it with php -f example.php
umm - not sure what that means, I will look it up
well.. since cron is run by you, you don't need to authenticate anything
its internal process.. something like windows scheduler
i thought maybe that was it, but didn't want to waste time
thanks that saves me a few hours of reseach
@kaᵠ Well, it is not a real question...
I mean, what problem does that fix?
Q: Substring by a "." in html

beny limI have a string that consists of "apple.jpg" I am trying to perform a substring such that it will return me the value before "." which is apple. Below is my code, but it does not return me with any value: str="apple.jpg"; $subString = document.write(str.substring("."); echo ($subString); H...

Any one here worked on php mysql + android app ??
Sure, that's pretty vague tho.
@iOSBee maybe.. what is your question?
I'm guessing that it's to come up with a display name, so it can be, like, 'Download apple' instead of 'Download apple.jpg'
@ArtjomKurapov i need to work on app which is using DB from server i need to know which webservice should i used to get and post the data from server
Would love a second opinion on stackoverflow.com/questions/16061178/…
@StenW Code Review. Don't ask again, we'll have this one migrated there.
@MadaraUchiha cool
Like ASHIHTTPRequest is used in iphone but for android which one should i use
It is javascript but I just found a bug in my code and it made me laugh:
if (" > "+$("#WOCategoryOption").val() != "") {
category = " > "+$("#WOCategoryOption").val();
Not clear to me: when using left/right/inner join.
As for improvements, Exception is a better way for handling errors, rather than adding them to an array and checking for that later.
var_dump('hi' == 0); //output bool(true)
@iOSBee you use AsyncTask, JsonClient and DefaultHttpClient
A: PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons

ka ᵠThere are no strict/identical >== or <== comparison operators in PHP (by php 5.5.0beta2 at least) but there are a few ways to enforce a strict type check before checking Greater/Lower: check both variable types with if ( gettype($a)===gettype($b) ) ... force your needed type-cast eg. if ( (st...

but thats not for this room, ask in android
@ArtjomKurapov sry abt that but no one is their in that room that's why i asked here
@iOSBee Well, we aren't Android programmers, so I doubt you'll get much useful help here.
@iOSBee In that case you ask on the main site after investigating some on the web (there is plenty to find on the subject).
@Gordon No, "Good Morning" is a paradox.
var_dump('hi' === 0);
Thanks @MadaraUchiha @dragon112 @ArtjomKurapov
can REST or SOAP also be used @ArtjomKurapov
nice diagram
You can use whatever you want to use.
No-one is telling you to use JSON, XML or whatever.
i think so.. didn't try it code.google.com/p/ksoap2-android
REST+JSON was enough for me
humm @ArtjomKurapov
Morning all!
@Duikboot but why: var_dump('hi' == 0); //output bool(true)
== ?
@MGE Look at the question I've linked.
PHP type-juggles to try and find a match when you use ==. Use === to compare both type and value
When you convert a string to an int, the result is usually 0 (unless the string contains only a number)
Where would you dump a jar file on a linux server?
@PeeHaa埽 Does it matter? ~/Downloads I guess..
@PeeHaa埽 In /dev/null preferably.
@Jack I had that one coming :P
But serious?
42 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
@PeeHaa埽 Does it matter? ~/Downloads I guess..
@MadaraUchiha Running software from /downloads doesn't seem ideal
@PeeHaa埽 /usr/ or /opt/
@MikeB kk tnx
Oh, I misunderstood the question :P
When in doubt: locate *.jar
hi, @PeeHaa埽 /opt - Typically contains extra and third party software, and if it's user related in /usr/ for all users /usr/share/. ( tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/sect_03_01.html )
Q: What does "opt" mean (as in the "opt" directory)? Is it an abbreviation?

John AssymptothWhat does "opt" mean (as in the "opt" directory)? I commonly see this directory in Unix systems with development tools inside. Is it an abbreviation?

<3 @pce
@pce /opt/bin or /opt/lib ?
@PeeHaa埽 i would use /opt/$vendor and oops, i meant /usr/local/ for all users, /usr/share is for resources and for libraries lib, bin for programs, ie. /usr/local/lib.
What's there to ?
Besides the usual ;)
ircmaxell is a sad panda =(
A Pet Peeve of mine: People who shirk and ignore the responsibility that has been placed on them...
Can anyone explain to me why I received duplicates when I do this?
In mathematics, a Cartesian product is a mathematical operation which returns a set (or product set) from multiple sets. The Cartesian product is the result of crossing members of each set with one another. The simplest case of a Cartesian product is the Cartesian square, which returns a set from two sets. A table can be created by taking the Cartesian product of a set of rows and a set of columns. If the Cartesian product rows × columns is taken, the cells of the table contain ordered pairs of the form (row value,column value). If the Cartesian product is columns × rows is taken, the cel...
@ircmaxell sounds like upper-management material
or maybe politics
are there any known issues with compiling PHP on OSX with ZTS enabled?
not to my knowledge, but I've never tried it
@Duikboot because in FROM part you dont join tables together
and by default it uses LEFT JOIN as far as I know
hmm.. or maybe you need DISTINCT
if there are multiple matches per user
or better - both :)
Good day!
@Duikboot Where are the join conditions?
the number of PHP guys in chat from Estonia just skyrocketed :)
@ArtjomKurapov Wait what? default left joins? nooo, it's cartesian product.
@ArtjomKurapov yes. :)
I still have to add them but I have to problem I don't know how exactly the best practice for this. I have to select specific colums where the user ID is 1 ( And i have another user) table.
Hello everybody! How much would you charge for a simple wordpress template? I will get an psd file and I will need to convert it to html and write some custom php.
@Jack you mean full outer join?.. hmm
@Duikboot A tip is to start with one table and then write INNER JOIN othertable ON ... then you write the join condition there.
Anyone see anything wrong with the following?

mysql_query("INSERT INTO temp_user (".$email.", ".$pin.")");
@ArtjomKurapov Nothing defaults to Cartesian, JOIN defaults to LEFT JOIN
@dragon112 no it does not
@PhilipK Yes, mysql_query is wrong.
Join defaults to a cartesian join
well.. nice to see if I'm wrong, then I'm not the only one :D
@ircmaxell Wait, what? hmmm...
@ircmaxell hmm, well, using the JOIN keyword defaults to inner join with mysql.
Quick Q about curl. If I'm trying to fetch a webpage i.e. www.example.com and in main host directory there is an .htaccess file, that tells me to go to www.example.com/public/ like that
@PhilipK use mysqli_query, or even better PDO.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /public/$1 [R=301,L]
@dragon112 SELECT * FROM a JOIN b will result in a cartesian join across a and b
@ircmaxell Ah right.. Now I see, you are right.
Can it influence curl work?
@PhilipK Yes, lots of things, starting with unquoted strings (the email is unquoted), unescaped variables, not using prepared statements, not listing columns to insert into, etc
It appears I'm getting rusty in the arts of (My)SQL
@Eugene curl requesting something external? no
How much would you charge for a simple wordpress template? I will get an psd file and I will need to convert it to html and write some custom php.
Lol, I tried something but Im not getting the result I want:
SELECT com_users.id
FROM com_users
LEFT JOIN com_intentieverklaring
ON com_users.id = com_intentieverklaring.user_id
ORDER BY com_users.id
@ArtjomKurapov well in reality both hosts are located on local machine. I mean, one that is requesting and other, that is responding.
I just receive now all the id's from all users -_-
@JanL like this?

mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO temp_user (".$email.", ".$pin.")");
@Eugene CURL should then use curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
This seems to be working :) SELECT com_intentieverklaring.id
FROM com_users
LEFT JOIN com_intentieverklaring
ON com_users.id = com_intentieverklaring.user_id
WHERE com_users.id = "14"
I'm getting nervious with @ircmaxell facepalming and loling after my comments :)
@ArtjomKurapov it does, but for some, yet unknown reason, it is telling me, that Couldn't resolve host '...'
@PhilipK This is better, but still not good enough. Either use prepared statements or make sure that $email and $pin are correctly escaped and write it like this:
"INSERT INTO temp_user ('$email', '$pin')"
@ArtjomKurapov the facepalm wasn't re your comment
@ArtjomKurapov I assume he was referring to @PhilipK
@Eugene maybe it doesn't like relative paths for redirection
@ArtjomKurapov what is relative about http://www.example.com/public?
@ArtjomKurapov relative paths for location headers are not valid HTTP
@Eugene no scheme?
so it's not a fully qualified URI
@ircmaxell there is. My mistake in chat.
Ah ok
perhaps it couldn't resolve the host?
so its

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/public/$1 [R=301,L]

When I want to add another join from another table do I need to write a new left join or can I just add it?
@ircmaxell yes, the message, states that, but I don't know why, yet. Since I can access host normally in browser.
@Duikboot Normally you wouldn't start with left join unless you know that you need it.
@ArtjomKurapov Nope. Just:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /public$1 [R=301,L]
Using an inner join maybe better here
and it redirects fine in browser?
@ArtjomKurapov yes
A: Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP

hakreContrary to popular belief in the existing answers, each Simplexml element node can be removed from the document just by itself and unset(). The point in case is just that you need to understand how SimpleXML actually works. First locate the element you want to remove: list($element) = $doc->xp...

@Jack i start with left join normally.. ok.. maybe inner join to be more precise
Regarding social logins, Google+ using Oauth for example, is there a best practice for combining an already registered user of our site's account with their new Google+ login?
@PeeHaa埽 [hi]
@ArtjomKurapov no more ideas?
@Eugene maybe SSL problem, or DNS not yet updated
@ArtjomKurapov no https and since webpage is local it is written in hosts.etc, so it is accessible.
can you ping it from terminal?
Hey i have an issue i have a mysql db and at one table i have urls about 6000,i take them from there and i crawl them for info i want and put the info at another table. My problem is that the while at my code stops at non certain points and does not complete the process. It might crawl 200,700 but not the whole db.Does anyone knows why the while stops?
@Lusitanian {jo}
@PeeHaa埽 (sup betch)
busy liek hell jo
@ArtjomKurapov danke. That was the issue. I didn't add it to hosts file on guest system.
My code tells me that "_current" != "_current" even though I echoed values out and used trim() to remove invisible characters. Can someone help me figure out why?
@Ariane trim doesn't remove invisible characters
@Ariane are you comparing data coming frome somewhere else?
@ircmaxell I thought it did.
Try var_dump() on both variables
@Ariane - Try using strcmp($a, $b);
One "_current" is from a text file, the content of which I extracted, which is supposed to contain the current the name of the currently active CSS, and the other "_current" is from the name of a folder I got from readdir. if they match the code is supposed to do <li id="curStyle"> instead of <li>.
@ChrisForrence What it tells me is "1".

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