@Derick Jérôme (our latest PHP hire at MongoDB) just created a wiki account (GromNAN) - can he get karma to edit the docs without an introduction at the mailing list or should he send one?
@alcaeus A wiki account is not needed for editing documentation, only for editing wiki pages (such as RFCs). I think he should send an introduction (to be polite), but I can add docs karma.
@Derick Alright, I'll let him know. For the time being, all we're looking for is to ping us for review on the docs PRs and merge them himself, so docs karma should be sufficient.
``` # RMs and a few others have access to main/php_version.h (see unavail above) avail|johannes,tyrael,ab,jpauli,davey,krakjoe,dsp,pollita,remi,nikic,carusogabriel|php-src.git/main/php_version.h
Right, I remember that, but I also remember us getting rid of the Zend restriction as it was more annoying than anything. And the question is did we ever do something like that for docs?
Yeah, we did do that for docs: avail|merletenney,kirtig,harveyrd,kuntakinte14,ebatutis,tex,vsavchuk|pecl/intl,pecl/unicode,doc/en/*/reference/intl,php-src.git/ext/intl
It makes semi-sense but looks wack in var_dump. For me offset 0 is the top of the stack, and offset 1 is the element pushed before the current top was pushed. That way offset 0 is always the top of the stack. The var_dump output is stupid tho