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7:27 AM
I thought master is where all the point releases were cut from?
these are cut from the PHP_8_* branches
8:10 AM
8.x is what I meant by point release. But where are they cut from?
3 hours later…
10:51 AM
Hein? a new branch called PHP-8.4 will be cut for the first RC around September
master is always the dev branch
Patch releases are done from the relevant PHP-8.X branch
11:04 AM
@nielsdos Because of breaking change?
1 hour later…
12:23 PM
@QuolonelQuestions Breaking changes are allowed in minor releases, if they go through the RFC process. We don't follow semantic versioning.
OK :^)
I gave up trying to rush an RFC through for 8.4 because I didn't know that, and now I'm out of time
So it's waiting 1.5 years for whatever the next version is anyway
3 hours later…
3:50 PM
@IluTov I don't know that this is entirely true, with 7.4->8.0 and JIT
and some of the other changes that came in 8.0 that didn't seem to fit in a 7.5 release
but mostly JIT
like, I will agree that we use semantic versioning as a loose guideline rather than something strictly followed
4:01 PM
JIT was the "reason" for the version to be called 8.0
And from there we decided to do some more major BC breaks because it was a new major version
But there have been BC breaks in every minor version of PHP going all the way back to PHP 4.0
2 hours later…
6:29 PM
@QuolonelQuestions Next release after 8.4 is in November 2025 (unless the release process somehow changes but I don't think it will)
That's what I'M saying
3 hours later…
9:51 PM
If you support multiple versions of a dependency, there's no good way to test the latest version of each of them, with Composer & CI, is there?
You can do --prefer-lowest which kinda works if you only support two versions, but it's not the same, since it will take the latest of the newer version and the earliest of the previous version

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