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12:06 AM
@LeviMorrison Have you tried clearing ccache?
7 hours later…
6:57 AM
@IluTov How do you clear that? In any case, it would move around if I tweaked the lines, so it wasn't picking up a stale file, and an error seems appropriate. Just strange message.
1 hour later…
8:05 AM
@LeviMorrison ccache -C. It's just really odd that I can't reproduce it with the same version.
5 hours later…
12:57 PM
I was also seeing this with cc (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0 while attempting to build github.com/php/php-src/pull/14894 with ./configure --enable-zend-test --enable-option-checking=fatal --enable-phpdbg --enable-fpm --enable-werror on Ubuntu 23.10.
1:49 PM
@IluTov Interesting that you had started to come up with contingency plans in order to railroad property hooks at all costs :^)
1 hour later…
3:01 PM
@TimWolla If you pull in the commit from this branch, does it fix it for you? github.com/php/php-src/pull/15013
@QuolonelQuestions That's not really it. It's more about not wasting foundation budget and knowing what changes are worth working on, with a reasonable probability to get accepted.
Obviously everyone would like their work to actually land. That was more relevant for me when I wasn't paid for my work. Anyway, better ways to provide feedback will benefit both camps.
2 hours later…
5:33 PM
@QuolonelQuestions That is not at all what he said. Rather, the property hooks RFC was a particularly acute example of the "the RFC process sucks for authors and reviewers, and the more interesting the RFC the more it sucks" (because it was so large and involved). Which was a good trigger for some folks to start thinking of ways to make it suck less. There is no "railroading" involved, even in jest.
1 hour later…
6:46 PM
My mistake
4 hours later…
11:13 PM
If I need to target PHP 9 for a breaking change, what do I set as the base branch?
@QuolonelQuestions Why do you need to set PHP9 as target? In any case, the most appropriate branch would be master in that case.

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