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For anyone still interested, I posted an answer. It meets the minimum requirements for "an answer" but I do hope someone improves on it and takes the bounty.
6 hours later…
In Laravel components
is it possible to do this {{ $attributes->merge(['href' => '']) on an anchor tag then put a value when calling it in the blade file like so <x-movie href='/directors'>Movie Directors</x-movie>
4 hours later…
Hi, Does anyone know how to remove the PECL package? I want to remove the orng Extension which is the base for the Randomizer merged in PHP 8.2, but I don't know how.
@zeriyoshi I don't think it makes any sense to remove something which have been published
btw, there is a delete button...
(edit button => "Actions" in the release list)
Orange site being orange site?
I find it interesting that people enjoy passing criticism when they haven't improved anything themselves.
1 hour later…
@CraigFrancis That seems to be the status quo for humankind.
yeah, probably... people do like to feel like they won't make mistakes, and they can look down on others :-(
@TimWolla that thread is way better than I would expect for that site... Def has some garbage there, but way more positivity on this one than I've expected in the past
@ircmaxell Good point, there are at least some people being sensible (ref donatj noting that if an attacker can set the hash, "You probably have much bigger issues on your hands if that is the case").
yeah, exactly
"PHP legacy crypto... we made a hash of it, then treated that hash as valid"
@CraigFrancis Criticizing is just easier than trying to do something. And trying to do something always invites criticism. For me, criticism and adversaries are good indicators that I am doing something that matters. Doesn't mean what I am doing is the right thing though either... which is why you need input from others to challenge you. Sorting through constructive and destructive criticism is just part of the process.
thanks, that's a good point, just wish it wasn't so unpleasant (says he making a change to WordPress that could break everything, but not doing so leaves things in a less than ideal state).
@StatikStasis but it might also mean that it matters that what you do does not get done.
@CraigFrancis No, yeah- I get it. My statement was more of a broad general one... I did not look at any of the specific messages. =D
@bwoebi Exactly.
I do wonder if/how people will change in the future, will they (we) get better at talking about these things, or is it just a default thing to look down on others and criticise?
4 hours later…
Please take a look at the following code:
$FullCmnt = [];
while($end_cmnt = $sth_cmnt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))	{
	$FullCmnt[$end_cmnt['post_id']] .= '<tr id="comment-'.$end_cmnt['id'].'"> ... </tr>";
it throws: "Warning: Undefined array key 35811 in .."
Since I've used concat operator (.=), for the first time it throws that warning .. any idea how can I handle it?
You're trying to append a string which does not exist.
$FullCmnt[$end_cmnt['post_id']] = ($FullCmnt[$end_cmnt['post_id']] ?? '') . '<tr id="comment-'.$end_cmnt['id'].'"> ... </tr>";
I see, thx
Hello there. I already asked but I'd like to have a new confirmation that I can without offending anyone: is it ok to start a "PHP Internal" discord chat?
Side question: would it be ok to take the logo PHP internals used there ? phpinternals.net (remake to be a circle)
There already is a PHP Internals on Discord
Nice, I didn't know. (situation may have change from last time I checked)
How people can join it ?
The number of channels for PHP has exploded in the last 2 years... :-(
What do you mean ?
@Crell there is only one true Room11
I'm in about 4 Discords and 2 Slacks about PHP. And I'm sure I'm not hitting all of them. And that's not counting framework-specific ones.
@Girgias PHPRoundtable is doing a internals/making-php kind of episode. Any interest in being part of it?
2 hours later…
@Sara Sure, when would that be?

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