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I have code that uses get_magic_quotes_gpc and I'm trying to divine what it was actually doing to remove the function call, but I'm somewhat baffled by the return value in the documentation, did it really ever only return false?
@FĂ©lixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier Don't think so
Refer to the Zend legacy docs tho
As in PHP 7 it only returns false as the feature was removed
And the php.net docs only document behaviour from PHP 7+
oh, nice, I wasn't aware of that, this makes more sense
is this art? ((!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($_POST['Slab']) : $_POST['Slab'])
my goodness if (!@$fd = fopen($path, "rb")) {
I have no idea what this does
I mean I have an idea, but this is wild lol
That's alright
Unusual placement of @, just pretend it's in front of fopen.
It assigned the file descriptor to $fd, checks it isn't false, and suppress warnings
7 hours later…
morning all
Can anyone tell me if composer.json#/type="symfony-bundle" is still relevant for Symfony Bundle? There is no reference to such string in composer/composer nor composer/installers nor symfony/flex. Nothing more come to my mind to check, any ideas?
4 hours later…
A: PHP 7.4 deprecated get_magic_quotes_gpc function alternative

DharmanYou need to remove every mention of this function from your code and do not replace it with anything else. get_magic_quotes_gpc() has been useless ever since PHP 5.4.0. It would tell you whether you have magic quotes switched on in the configuration or not. Magic quotes were a terrible idea and t...

@brzuchal can be useful to filter packages in packagist.org when doing a search, but nothing else.
@SaifEddinGmati great thank you
@JRL, is this the compile issue you have with ext/sockets? If not, consider to file another bug report.
2 hours later…
@StatikStasis Nope not yet. I have some cleaning to do this weekend, but if I end up having some spare time will try it out for sure
3 hours later…
@PeeHaa hard recommend from me too, disgaea is hilarious and bottomless, possibly the only game I would consider better than final fantasy tactics
1 hour later…
@Derick Are you the one in charge of making release announcement tweets from @official_php, or is that something I'm able to do, too (and just don't know)?
@cmb Should we auto-close PRs with "Waiting on author" after a certain period of time?
Or maybe even mark them as stale after a period of inactivity.
I would mark them as stale, definitely. I'm not sure about closing. Of course, they can always be reopened.
Which of the following has better performance for php?

1. Putting 200 country name in a .php file and return it as array
2. Putting 200 country in a json file and using it with file_get_content and json_decode
@Mwthreex 1. particularly if opcache is running, it's stored in memory.
first, opcache will deal with it
@ramsey No, that's me. But that's on my to do list for Thursday evening, not Friday morning ;-)
1 hour later…
@IluTov I think closing (maybe after 2 weeks) with a good comment is the way to go (if there really was no reply from the author; and sometimes they ask to keep it open; maybe switch to draft in those cases). Joe did that several times, but I can't find those PRs for reference. /cc @ramsey
@cmb Cool, I'll throw together a PR.
In ye olde bug tracker, we used to have a script that closed stuff after 2 weeks of inactivity. It's pointless to mark things stale as you can just close (and reopen if necessary)
oh i wondered why i got a bunch of emails asking about PRs

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