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7:03 PM
I really need to teach myself how to correctly deal with merge conflicts or conflicts from rebasing. Or learn how to rebase correctly.
@GabrielCaruso All good, brother. I'll take 8.0.7 as well, just to be clear.
7:35 PM
@Tiffany I mostly decided to never rebase
I have no desire anymore of having whatever it is that rebase can give me
@Danack Should the second argument to Injector::make stay or should cloning + adding rules be preferred?
@kelunik maybe add a helper function to do the cloning and passing in the extra info.
there are behaviours that lurk in there.......
This is something yall would have to see and try to understand since its not actually a form submit button
but a "Next"
If you go here on a mobile device and enter a "model" why doesnt the mobile device "Go" button submit the "Next" button?
I just now learned this is happening
Is there an event listener that can listen for this "Go" button?
Similarly to this guy's issue stackoverflow.com/questions/20243322/…
7:54 PM
@Stuart You can make it a <input type="submit"> instead of a <button> element
I just tried that but it submits the form
and doesnt ever reach the "next" phase of the form
maybe submit with e.preventdefault?
looking into that now
Cant apply preventdefault due to action being inside a function
Due to action being inside a function
Yes you should have the button be a submit button and you should attach an event listener that calls e.preventDefault()
Well, add the event listener to the form
Not sure how
Button: <button id="nextPhaseButton" onclick="nextPrev(1)" type="button">Next</button>
function nextPrev(n) {
	if (n == 1 && !preValidateUserInput()) {return false;}

	phase[currentFieldset].style.display = "none";
	currentFieldset = currentFieldset + n;

	if (currentFieldset == 5 && finalJsNewListingValidate() && captchaPass == true) {
		$("#prevPhaseButton, #nextPhaseButton").hide();
		return false;

Any ideas on this dilemna?
no, but if really you have a function named "nextPrev" I feel like there'll be problems down the way
(also, is it just me, or is the next previous element the actual one?)
huh nvm, the function navigates
Yep might be stuck here
Im dabbling with an event listener right now
Might have found an ez peezy solution brb
Putting newListingNextBtn.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
inside function pasted above
letssssss see
@Girgias Depends on who's faster :D
Working on it
8:25 PM
@Stuart What's your problem exactly?
@IluTov Plz see earlier comments
Im outta here for today
@Stuart I did but I couldn't really make sense of it.
Pushing away from desk
What problem specifically you have.
I want people on mobile to be able to click "Go" on soft keyboard and goto "Next" phase of form
Like clicking next button manually
8:37 PM
Doctrine question:

$gt = $qb->expr()->gt('t.created_at','DATE_ADD(t.created_at, INTERVAL :seconds SECOND)');

[Syntax Error] line 0, col 100: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_COMMA, got ':seconds'
Always a headache
@Stuart I already told you, you need to change it to a submit button and add a form submit event listener
document.getElementById('form-id').addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
@Stuart This is a PHP room. Not an HTML/Javascript room.
@scorgn I'd ask you and everyone to stop engaging him on this topic.
@Sara Fair enough
@scorgn I agree and have attempted this implementation but its easier said than done
@Sara there's lots else talked about here besides php btw
and html / js rooms are dead
Thanks @scorgn
Im gonna have to approach this early am when fresh
Fair enuff @Sara
Over & Out
Is there an issue with bugs.php.net?
8:47 PM
was talking about it being down xD
Just sticking up for whats right
but ok
Bye bye
@Sara Is there any super power that voltra may have to deal with such individuals
@Spoody currently working for me, but sometimes it's down in different regions of the world
8:53 PM
I see, thanks
though, sometimes it is actually, truly, down... but this time doesn't appear as such
was it ever discussed to just use Github issues now that the code is there or does it require a lot of changes?
a couple times, not in-depth, but the main problem with switching to Github issues is that it lacks some functionality that bugs.php.net currently requires
@ln-s Voltra was away dealing with things that matter.
I'm doing a bit of searching through chat logs, but not finding specifics, can't devote much time to it at present, but I can later.
8:57 PM
If you find anything can you tag me please? I would love to know
Personally, I think we could move to GH for issues, but some folks disagree.
@Sara can you recall what their arguments were?
@Sara For sure, however I also got trashed upon for pointing out that this was a PHP channel last time by the same individual, it's a recurring problem
I think the main complaint is "we have a lot of history on bugs.php.net, which I think is kinda... meh
@IMSoP I saw your message chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=51964723#51964723 but didn't see specifics as to why you think this. Can you elaborate? cc @Spoody
8:58 PM
@ln-s Yeah, that's why they're not present any more.
@ln-s github.com/doctrine/orm/blob/… Try DATE_ADD(t.created_at, :seconds, 'second')
well we can still keep it for historical reasons
you can't use own domain and URL layout and numbering scheme on the github issue tracker, it is very limited in many regards.
@IluTov Will try
@hakre Thanks for your previous replies, I actually decided not to hack things up
@Spoody /shrug Like I said, I think we could just make the move.
:52129757 Which seems apropriate. I'm all for people having a chance to redeem themselves.
9:00 PM
fair enough
@ln-s dude has help-vampy behavior in the past
yeah and treating people like shit behavior too
And so everyone knows: Going off topic is fine. Asking for help is fine. Asking for off-topic help is a little.... eh.... Demanding off-topic help with walls of posts is not on. Huffing when told to knock it off is kickable.
That's the point we reached here.
@IluTov Haha, btw did you manage to use Pandoc to convert from MD to Dokuwiki format?
@Girgias Yeah, that worked ok-ish.
9:02 PM
Was almost the 9th strike for that guy tbh I've seen him many times
doing the same thing
@Sara I've asked for off-topic help in the past, but I will clearly label it as off-topic at the outset, and I won't huff if I don't receive help.
@IluTov Welp I suppose I'm back at trying to understand how pandoc works
also I don't do walls of text, or try to avoid walls of text...once I realize I'm starting to rubber duck, I go find a proper channel for rubber ducking...
I think you're good :-)
@Girgias pandoc --from dokuwiki --to markdown_github amazing_rfc.txt
9:03 PM
@Tiffany Again, that's only in the "eh" territory
@IluTov Doesn't that convert to markdown?
@IluTov $gt = $qb->expr()->gt("DATE_ADD(t.created_at, :seconds, 'second')", 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP');

Error: 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' is not defined
Context matters (are you a regular contributor asking during a quiet period, or a rando who crashes into an ongoing conversation with a paragraph of "help me").
9:05 PM
@Girgias Oh sorry, just flip those :)
Nice, will see what it looks like :-)
I think that wouldn't work anyway, because who willingly writes dokuwiki ^^
So they didn't bother to support it.
Meh ...

$now = new \DateTime('now');
$gt = $qb->expr()->gt("DATE_ADD(t.createdAt, :seconds, 'second')", ':now');
Some PHP genius help me out please: stackoverflow.com/questions/67392189/…
@ln-s Doctrine doesn't support CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AFAIK (except for default values for some reason). You can write your own or just use a parameter.
9:08 PM
This stoopid laravel doesnt want to work despite working with the same style of config with my other projects.. -_____-
@IluTov Yeah I used a parameter, Benjamin did some extensions too, but this project is way too eh ... opinionated so I can't add composer things
@HassanAlthaf I ask that you include what you've tried to help prevent people from marking as duplicate. Link to questions you've already tried, include what you've tried, and why it didn't work.
Everything I've tried is included with the code, but I'll mention.
@HassanAlthaf ... you've also included admin credentials to your server.?
There is no data.
its empty after you login, i took everything down
its a test server too
not a live server
deployed it in there to make some API integration that makes callbacks
9:12 PM
Apr 15 at 18:33, by Tiffany
Mar 25 at 22:45, by Tiffany
Even if it's something that's throwaway, it's a good habit to follow. What happens if you become used to sending a password over plaintext, and you happen to share a password that shouldn't be? onosecond
I included a login for people to be able to test the requests
And see something that my eye didn't cath
Did you just quote yourself quoting yourself?
Come on guys, I'm not that dumb :D
9:13 PM
@Sara :D
And more importantly, in a month, are you going to do it again?
@Sara Depends on context
for some reason, my current stuff used to work everytime.
I'll quote you on that.
9:14 PM
doesnt work this time... :(
Laravel is getting crappier day by day
There was one time everyone in chat just used messages from search history to talk. It reached ridiculous levels.
And I haven't been able to find it before.
Don't recall, been around for years :D
Is Patrick still around?
And Anthony
Only recognize PeeHaa, whom i had a chat with when i was literally only 14...
bwoebi and Dave too wow :D
9:18 PM
benefits of having eight bazillion room owners
@traducerad Please don't do that again.
but these were important
bookmark it
We are the room owners. Resistance is futile?
9:18 PM
not important enough then?
@HassanAlthaf Your session cookie changes every time for some reason.
Isn't one of them supposed to be a "CSRF" cookie?
I believe the key for cookie is literally enuierhflieruhferihflreihfnrelifrefre type of thing
@FélixGagnon-Grenier btw maybe it wasn t me...
And afaik it is the CSRF token being sent back from the server?
@HassanAlthaf This is just a wild guess stackoverflow.com/a/37243148/1320374 I have 0 experience with Laravel.
9:20 PM
Although I expected it to be X-CSRF-TOKEN
On mversiony local, it does change and I think that is it, they changed a lot of things in the new
@MarkR we can (and will) crowd-source your tom-foolery :D
Anybody care to proofread the pure intersection RFC before I send it onto the list officially: wiki.php.net/rfc/pure-intersection-types
That shouldn't work because it's in the "web" middleware group, but I'll do it, hold on.
@HassanAlthaf If that's indeed just the security mechanism debugging is pretty much impossible without having access to the code and/or server. I could've imagined the session cookie getting lost on the way but if that's not the case then I don't know.
yup disablign it
hold on
got rid of it
9:23 PM
Although refreshing the page doesn't change the cookie. Just submitting the form. That does make me a little suspicious.
@Girgias Supporting intersection types in the language allows us to move more type information from phpdoc into function signatures, with the usual advantages this brings: maybe make this two sentences - Supporting intersection types in the language allows us to move more type information from phpdoc into function signatures. With the usual advantages this brings:
@HassanAlthaf Locally or on the server?
on the server
"With the usual advantages this brings:" could probably be "With the usual advantages, this also brings:" (but this is a nitpick)
ill just git stash everything later and copy everything my local
and push it to the repo
9:25 PM
@Tiffany Will do, I C/C this from the union types RFC ^
@HassanAlthaf Still changes on every request. Maybe Laravel does something weird but that might also be the cause of your problem.
I feel so too.
But on my local, same behavior and works.
Let me try to disable CSRF entirely and see if that works.
try now
@Girgias Add support for pure intersection types are specified using the syntax T1&T2& - "are" feels a little bit out of place in context. The sentence is readable and makes sense within context, but it's a bit clumsy.
Really weird how laravel is behaving right nwo...
One of my favorite frameworks going to shit.... lol
I wanted to suggest changing "are" to "as" but I'm not sure if "as" would be any more correct
9:27 PM
Becoming another angular
I'm so tempted to pull out Sanctum from the project and imlpement laravel-jwt instead for auth
@Tiffany Feel free to edit the document itself with the suggestions
I realize this is terrible code, I didn't write it, but given this line:

`$bar = ($foo = isset($baz) ? 'beep' : 'burp');`

Does that do $foo = isset($baz) first, and then use the truthiness of that to set $bar to either beep or burp, or does it set both $bar and $foo to either beep or burp, depending on whether $baz is set? Viz, what's the binding order in that monstrosity?
@IluTov I have a feeling it's Nginx?
@Girgias alright. If you can give me about 30 minutes, I'll look it over with a fine-tooth comb.
Does PHP have is_a with two strings, but without autoloading the first argument if it is a string?
9:30 PM
@Tiffany You've got like 10hours :p
$foo is same as bar, that's basically same as `$bar = $foo = isset($baz) ? 'beep' : 'burp';`, which is same as:
$foo = isset($baz) ? 'beep' : 'burp';
$bar = $foo;
exactly I was about to say
basically $foo = $bar;
What a mess. Thanks.
^ that's what I would expect as well
(These are all actually deeply nested arrays that may or may not exist, so, dying on PHP 8.)
9:31 PM
But, yea that's... not great
@Crell Who is the mistery demon who wrote that code
@HassanAlthaf At this point, it's probably easiest to just debug step-by-step. Check if you can access the session cookie from PHP, then check if the session is non-empty if you session_start and then dump $_SESSION, etc.
Doubt its a session?
Uses HTTP-Only cookie in the backend
Whenever I look at legacy code that doesn't look quite right I try to keep in mind that I don't know what business pressures or other constraints this individual might have been under.
It's a package, so I'm not sure what's wrong.
9:33 PM
It's deep in the bowels of TYPO3. No idea who wrote it originally. I'm just making it PHP8-not-blow-up-y.
I try to give them the benefit of the doubt :P
@Crell Oh man sending holly water your way
proxy_cookie_path / "/; HTTPOnly; Secure";
Tried adding this to my nginx
@ln-s Thanks. This is... literally my job now. :-) (Full time TYPO3 core work, as of yesterday.)
didn't work either
9:33 PM
@ln-s Holly doesn't actually need a lot of watering.
@HassanAlthaf Not sure what you mean. The session cookie can be an HTTP-only cookie.
The real line of code is:

$this->clipData['current'] = ($this->current = isset($this->clipData[$clipData['current']]) ? $clipData['current'] : 'normal');
@Crell I got asked recently if I wanted to take on a Typo3 project, I was smart enough to look at the code in github first
Or should, rather.
Thanks! But I'll pass!
9:34 PM
Give me about 2 years. :-)
@IluTov It is. The changing one is the CSRF token that changes every request, it's also an HTTP Only cookie
"reton_operations_session" is the HttpOnly cookie for the auth itself
Sounds like coders who enjoy smartassery
The other random one is the CSRF token AFAIK
My PHP career consists primarily of a scorched earth campaign against PHP 4 and everything about it. GoPHP 5, Drupal DBTNG, Drupal 8, now TYPO3.
Typo3 is the new job?
9:36 PM
@HassanAlthaf Yeah, so POST /login generates this cookie after a successful login, and now I'd make sure that nginx actually correctly passes it back to your PHP backend. So is this an encrypted token or is it just a normal session id? If it's the latter maybe your server isn't correctly persisting the session?
Should be an encrypted token.
@MarkR 'tis. Formal blog post coming later this week.
I hthink so too, its failing to persist the session
Have a feeling it's bloody cloudflare
@HassanAlthaf If it's an encrypted token usually you wouldn't need to store anything on the server as the information is embedded in the token.
Yeah, it decrypts it
And parses it
And thats where it fails to recognize
And shows "Unauthenticated"
9:39 PM
Anyway, first step, I'd check if the token actually reaches your backend. Just dump your cookies first thing in your index.php.
Not sure why this issue is even a thing, but you'd be surprsied, a laod of people are experiencing this issue
If it does nginx should be ok.
Right, let me do it
print_r($_COOKIES, true)
Yeah, that's fine.
@Girgias "Intersection types follow the existing variance rules:" maybe the "standard PHP variance rules that are already used for inheritance and type checking".
9:42 PM
argh it deosnt return the data.
because it is an SPA
i threw an exception in there instead
doesnt show up on my logs either
"An intersection I_1&...&I_n is a subtype of J_1&...&J_m if for each J_k there does not exists a I_l such that I_l is a supertype of J_k."
Literally. Did that.
Gives us a CORS instead
if nothing else @Girgias "there does not exists a" is inartful.
yes, when you clearly should be using the words "nonexistingtons"
@Danack meaning Foo&Bar is a subtype of Baz&Qux if class Foo extends Baz and class Bar extends Qux, correct?
9:46 PM
@DaveRandom monocle
@HassanAlthaf Well, you should get this to trigger when accessing any of your endpoints.
ill get it to trigger hold on
@HassanAlthaf I have to go now. Good luck! ^^
No worries, thanks
@DaveRandom I was going to post "yes we have no bananas", but instead, here is the Bristol Lord Mayor welcoming a shipment of bananas:
9:52 PM
Also, containers are great.
You think is funny, but imagine what it was like during those times
to have bananas?
I was trying to explain Chaz & Dave to someone the other day, they are the same age as me but somehow they were unfamiliar, it's really hard to explain how two random cockney alcoholics had recurring chart success much later than that should have been a thing
9:54 PM
@SaifEddinGmati A logistics feat by those times
I reckon I sing something with the intonation of "have a banana" (words vary) on a weekly basis
Nissan Navara, literally every single time I see one
Anything intercontinental was pretty much THE THING by those times
are you fckin kidding me
@IluTov Fixed it mate.
9:57 PM
@IluTov Had to add "\Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::class," to my middleware group, for some reason isn't in the doc anywhere :/
@HassanAlthaf ...sorry, the implication being that if you do not include it then server cookies are not sent to the client??
@ln-s I can imagine what it was like, and still find someone wearing a top hat to meet a cargo ship hilarious.
if that is the case then well named, very poorly designed
It's meant to be a bug.
Not documented anywhere.
I declare myself guilty of being thrilled about it if I'd live in such times
9:59 PM
I literally tried all the middlewares
Saw this one, and knew this would be th eone.
I would argue in this case the fact it needs documenting at all is somewhat problematic
Phew finally
It isn't by default on the configuration

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