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What sort of opinions? :D
Strong ones.
I could have another whisky, and tell you...
2 hours later…
I'm getting really confused with php-http and PSR 18
I see some things providing "psr/http-client-implementation" and some things requiring "php-http/client-implementation"
Is php-http currently the only way to build a library that just depends on the PSR-18 interface?
phpstorm crashing without saving files
i thought it auto saved
i just lost a ton of work
That sucks I've never had it not auto save for me
i am so pissed
Does the composer repositories option work?
if so I can't get it to use a fork of a package I added a branch to
composer just says it can't find the version
If someone wants a challenge... my question seems to not be getting attention. Perhaps the title could be better. Suggestions would be welcomed and rewarded with my pride and satisfaction
Q: Unwanted 1px padding if div has a border. Only in chrome

FrostyFireSimilar to this question (solution is useless): Chrome 1px line bug My code: https://jsfiddle.net/91gryhdu/2/ (parent has blue border, red background. Child has no border and black background) You shouldn't be able see any red, but in chrome, red edges appear if the blue border exists. Depending ...

@FrostyFire your browser is zoomed in or out, try at 100% zoom (Ctrl + 0)
that's a rounding "error"
it's not really an error, it's to be expected with zoom
I fucking hate CSS so much and google and my life. WHAT KIND OF IDIOT FORGETS ROUNDING
@Wes Firefox doesn't do it. Haven't tested with other browsers but... are you telling me its to be expected that centering unreliable if someone dares to touch the zoom?
as i said it's not actually an error. browsers do their best to avoid this stuff but sometimes they fail
there's a lot of heuristics involved
In my actual code with the circles, it doesn't look right at 100% actually. I think that's because of some fucked up code the parents have so I could fix that. But I won't bother if zoom breaks it again anyway
Well do you have any ideas that don't involve using an image?
I must be possible to make a circle with a perfectly centered dot inside
One of my more creative solutions was to make the child div be the outer circle. That had... issues.
if you can avoid position absolute that'll probably fix it
like you can use flex or display block
@Wes yes but the child is 100% width. Literally just... make the child width = parent width...
I would understand if there were margins or padding involved etc
@Wes I used absolute to try to fix the problem lol. It used to be width: 100%, height: 100%
ok i'm trying hold on
I love you
problem is borders, funnily lol
not the actual red bg
yeah chrome is weird sometimes
True. Remove the border and the problem goes away
I just made the background red so I could see it. Took me way too long to realize what was happening...
omg maybe I am stupid
maybe I need 3 divs
top level would act as the border
first child: 100% width - 2px
second child: the fucking dot
DIV: would act as the border
...|-DIV: 100% width - 2px
......|-DIV: the fucking dot
would box-shadow:0 0 0 10px blue; work for you, used as a replacement to border?
flexbox doesn't fix it either
not even background-clip and background-origin
box-shadow works tho
@Wes hmmm
can you show me?
I tried that and it didn't help. But not sure how you did it
if you can't use that i might have an alternative, probably
@Wes I altered it to be the circle I need and its got the initial problem I ran into: jsfiddle.net/q965vw4s
Doesn't look right until you zoom in
Fucking thing is bleeding
i have no idea how it should look though
Do you see how the bottom right ish part of the blue
Is much thicker than the rest of the blue
@Wes Its like twice the width
i see
there's no solution to that
@Wes Your alt won't work either?
I very much hate using images for stuff like this
Its lazy
you need to make sure that borders can be divided in pixels without fractional part
but its going to be hard to explain the time require to make a fucking circle, to my client lmao
like use 10px instead of 9px
ie numbers with a lot of divisors
so I changed the inner margin from 3 to 2
It helps but I think thats just because its harder to see lol
that should improve it yeah
Everything is an even number but look at this:
i know
Maybe my eyes deceive me but that don't look right
you can get a high dpi monitor :P
I could kidnap the family of some lead dev for chrome and make them fucking fix it
same for all browsers
until it looks right
Do you think the 3 nested div idea I had would work?
no shadow, margin, outline nada
firefox probably does something clever. makes sure that border is rounded evenly on all sides
as it should
but tbh i see why chrome would not care
perhaps an image
svg is good
this is a wordpress site. SVG is a pain in the ass to work with
css shouldn't be used for graphical stuff. people tries to do way too much
you can embed svg in html
drag and drop builder for the client
@Wes true
about the svg lol
@Wes CSS is more effecient though
in terms of resource usage, load times, less network requests
svg is literally inline in html
have you seen those CSS only sites that are amazing using just CSS and absolutely no JS
and so fucking smooth even on a trash computer
rendering of css and svg is very similar in browsers
@Wes I meant "true" about embeding SVG. Everything else is about you saying CSS is overused lol
@Wes really? I didn't know that actually
i think in firefox everything is done with skia, which is also the one used by chrome
i'm not 100% sure, especially about chrome
skia is a 2d graphics library
they use it for css, svg and canvas, afaik
so they shouldn't be too dissimilar
I could use canvas
just to draw a fucking circle
Thanks for your help though I appreciate it. I'll use SVG. I have to go. Have a good night/day!
gn \o
svg is no biggie
canvas is overkill lol
I am trying to join 3 tables with inner join An UNION ALL. I tried the following code. Its giving error of Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens.

    $codeArray = explode(',', $code);
	$inQuery = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($codeArray), '?'));
    $full_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $query =  "SELECT * FROM
                           a.id, a.name, a.gender, a.dob, a.consultant, a.adm_date,
                        FROM pat_info a
4 hours later…
general PHP / OOP - I dont get how to create objects / classes for a script like a blog or a tube - where would be the best place to learn that / grasp? ...if I could ask here... maybe some good YouTube vid about it? I was thinking it is MVC based but somebody told me that I can create an OOP blog or a tube without MVC, so... Basically trying to learn what is the thinking behind this process (creating a list of objects / classes for any script)
want a "error_reporting level at time of creation" for errors ・ Unknown/Other Function ・ #80094
3 hours later…
@lipon Why the space between $ and inQuery? Have you tried dumping the query before executing to check if it's correct?
@AndyRogers You've asked this question about a dozen times. Why do you overthink it so much? Why don't you just start building something and learn from your mistakes? Don't expect your first projects to be anything usable, just build it for the sake of learning.
dom document parsing inline javascript errors ・ DOM XML related ・ #80095
@lipon Also just noticed you're using $inQuery twice but only passing it to execute once.
Segmentation fault with named arguments ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #80096
@AndyRogers as before, you are not welcome here until you actually start making something. Seeing as there are still no commits, github.com/Aresak you are still just wasting your own and other people's time. Go and talk to your doctor.
1 hour later…
Reminds me, I want to hack away some more at my design pattern book this weekend...
Any comments on the Support variadic parameters PR?
@cmb almost depressing you have to preg_match it...
Could also use a simple strpos(), but I'd like to check for the word boundaries, and I didn't like to explode() and trim() the elements. :)
Could also use some other attribute (or whatever), but that would likely need changes to the docbook DTD.
just wish there was a cleaner way to do it, but yeah, would require changes to DTD I think
ReflectionAttribute is not a Reflector ・ Reflection related ・ #80097
좋은 아침
I'm just back from my walk :-)
@cmb That's ugly with references :(
@PeeHaa you mean role="reference variadic"?
is rarely needed though; suggestions for improvements welcome! :)
I do not have a solution though :P
Besides killing references :D
+1 (since references are ugly per se)
not an option in practise, though
Somebody is DDOSsing the Xdebug issue tracker :-/
I like the change in general though \o/
@Derick So no more issues!
it also takes down my web server.... which I do like for other things
that's bad!
wrt. variadics: we could also have exactly three role values: "reference", "variadic", "variadic-reference" (or "reference-variadic")
@Derick xdebug issue tracker doesn't working. plz fix asap so I can keep using it commercially without any form of contribution, it is making my job very difficult for me. thank
that would be more amusing if it wasn't completely realistic :-/
I've not been graced with too many of these
I'm surprised by that, bugs.php.net certainly gets enough
yeah, I know.
I make people register first though
@cmb am I blind or is there no way to have support for CAA DNS queries on Windows? If so docs probably should be amended to reflect that
ah yeh I guess that takes out most of the very worst ones
@Girgias via what API?
or you mean all of them?
@DaveRandom I'm looking at dns_win32.c because I need to normalize the behaviour of Win with Linux after I did some Warning to Error promotion, and I just saw that there doesn't seem to be support for CAA in Windows
CAA is relatively new and only relevant to public CAs so it wouldn't surprise me if MS just haven't bothered implementing it yet, no-one runs that kind of infra on Windows
but yeh that is kinda shitty if so
moment, reading
yes I concur @Girgias, not implemented yet
Only 25.2km today :-S
@DaveRandom Right so Doc issue then, will try to do that ASAP
yeh, I'm just looking into how practical it is to implement
that whole API is really weird, it's been basically implemented twice it 2 completely different ways rather than reducing it to a common x-platform API
@DaveRandom DNS_TYPE_CAA is missing from WinDNS.h; maybe DnsQuery_A() can't handle it? :/
I'm investigating that now, but I'm also thinking that a complete refactor of dns.c/dns_win32.c/php_dns.h might be what's called for
like, this can't possibly make sense, surely? heap.space/xref/php-src/ext/standard/dns.c?r=4a438b44#289
(I mean in conjunction with the windows version)
It probably needs a refactor, also god the inconsistencies in these functions, only one had a warning about an empty hostname >_<
I think the problem is that even in the C world people think DNS is a lot simpler than it is so they end up making terrible APIs, which spills over into userland
gethostbyname() is such a ridiculous function
I mean, I'm the frst one here probably who has no clue how DNS actually works
But then I'm not the one attempting to design API around this sort of stuff
I am trying to join 3 tables with inner join An UNION ALL. I tried the following code. Its giving error of Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens.

    $codeArray = explode(',', $code);
    $inQuery = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($codeArray), '?'));
    $full_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $start_date = "2020-08-28 14-44-23";
    $medication = "OD";
    $query = "SELECT SUM(counts) as allcounts FROM
                 (SELECT COUNT(b.id) as counts FROM pat_info a INNER JOIN pat_medication b ON a.id = b.pat_id WHERE a.status != 2 AND b.status != 
@DaveRandom yeah, those files should be merged (having them separate already caused issues, and will likely cause more)
@lipon Please, don't just repost the same question multiple times. I have given you some pointers, have you investigated?
@IluTov I have removed those typos and this is the updated question.
@lipon Yes, but as mentioned, you pass in $inQuery twice, which also means you need to pass in $codeArray twice. Try $statement->execute(array_merge($codeArray, $codeArray)); (or use named parameters)
@IluTov Yes, I have already used this $codeArray = array_merge($codeArray, $codeArray); in the updated question but still giving the same error.
@lipon Sorry I missed that. Can you dump the query and see how many ? you get? And then compare with count($codeArray)
Sorry, I don't know how to dump the query.
ok sure
before or after execution?
Before, as you get an error when executing, right?
@cmb is adding:
<constant>DNS_CAA</constant> is not supported on Windows.
To dns_get_record() fine or is there better/other wording for lack of support on Windows?
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$counts in D:\xampp\htdocs\ipd\Nurse\includes\functions.php on line 60
string(668) "SELECT SUM(counts) as allcounts FROM (SELECT COUNT(b.id) as counts FROM pat_info a INNER JOIN pat_medication b ON a.id = b.pat_id WHERE a.status != 2 AND b.status != 2 AND b.directions = 'PRN' AND b.last_med_time < '2020-09-12 01:00:00' AND '2020-09-12 21:45:47' BETWEEN b.start_date AND b.end_date AND a.location_code IN(?,?) UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(d.id) as counts FROM pat_info c INNER JOIN prn_medication d ON c.id = d.pat_id WHERE c.status != 2 AND d.status != 2 AND d.do
@Girgias LGTM, ta!
Cheers will commit then :)
I've been recently surprised that SO_MARK is not defined in ext/sockets … using the integer value directly worked fine … but :-D
(used it to distinguish source network namespaces with help of iptables mangle table)
@lipon Ok, so did you also var_dump $codeArray to compare?
@NikiC That's the way how deadlines work ^^ :( Although, I think only a few, not too important extensions will be left out, if we can merge the open PRs. :D Or do you miss any extension?
This is with var_dump $codeArray :array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "2" [2]=> string(1) "1" [3]=> string(1) "2" } array(8) { [0]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "2" [2]=> string(1) "1" [3]=> string(1) "2" [4]=> string(1) "1" [5]=> string(1) "2" [6]=> string(1) "1" [7]=> string(1) "2" }
@MateKocsis Well, mainly that github.com/php/php-tasks/issues/18 is at 53/71 -- so we are only 75% done .P
@lipon dumped before and after the array_merge?
Also, fix your keys, try $codeArray = array_values($codeArray); at the top.
@NikiC Yeah, i see that, but only cc. 10 extensions does not have a PR. And I think the warnings in Zend has already been promoted, so there's one less.
@bwoebi Did you have a chance to look into the issue from github.com/php/php-src/pull/6071 yet? I'll need to do something about this on Monday due to ABI freeze
This is before the array_merg:
array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "2" } array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "2" [2]=> string(1) "1" [3]=> string(1) "2" }
Fatal e
@MateKocsis Still think the division by 0 is a warning and not an Error
@IluTov I have added this at the top. But still the result is same
@Nikic Did you see my statistics about the change in the number of warnings (I searched for "E_WARNING," in php-src as of this week and last August)? We went down from 2600 to 2000. :)
@Girgias Jeez, you are right. We must change it!
But now, I'll finish up my pending PRs so that I can do new stuff on Monday :)
i was reading about opcache and it stores precompiled script bytecode in shared memory
Can someone tell me what is this shared memory?
@cmb What would you think about changing how optional parameters are displayed in the manual? I don't like that they are wrapped inside a pair of []. Since we know almost all the default parameter values, I think we could get rid of this.
@MateKocsis Issue is that external extensions are also in the documentation
@Girgias Yes, that a problem.. :D
@MateKocsis Have you got those numbers, but for only the "programming errors" category rather than all warnings? :)
@Girgias and also their bugs are in the PHP bug tracker ...
@MateKocsis If there's a valid alternative, or they're 100% useless, then sure get rid of them. Otherwise, no thanks.
@Danack yes, that's also something
My computer is 5 years old. I think I'm going to build a new one this year. With the new Nvidia graphics card.
You know AMD is announcing theirs in October, at this point you can wait to see which one of both companies has the best value
Yeah, I'm waiting for that too.
@salathe I think the valid alternative is to only show the default value. Currently, we only have ~100 unspecified default values in the stubs, so the vast majority of internal functions are covered. Most probably we can even decrease their number to around 70-80. In these cases maybe we could go with = <DEFAULT> or a default value which is the closest to the reality. The problem is with 3rd party extensions where there is no guarantee that a proper default value is reported. :(
So most probably we have to keep the [] around.
@Girgias Do you have more info about this? I might be interested in a new AMD card.
@rightfold No, AMD just announced they are making an announcement about RDNA2 CGs and Zen 3 CPUs on the 8th of October
Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out.
well, the [] is a work-around, so we could also use UNKNOWN (or <DEFAULT> or whatever) if there is no <initializer> and drop the brackets
You think AMD will get close to what NVIDIA put out?
I couldn’t care less about what Nvidia achieve until they start properly supporting my operating system.
AMD can render AAA games on Linux. Nvidia can’t even render a desktop without freezing randomly.
Probably works fine on Windows though.
that explains why my Linux freezes. Currently running a 980 Ti
My laptop froze randomly, and quite often after waking up from stand-by, and the wifi was very slow, until I switched to Intel integrated graphics.
I didn't know about them not supporting Linux properly. I always believed it was not having enough memory for linux.
Nah it's just nVidia being a shit company in regards to their drivers
But last years AMD 5700XT (IIRC) was rated best overall GPU for 2019 by GamerNexus
I want to write something in PHP 8.
Hopefully, they have something that can compete so it drives the prices down.
@NikiC I'll come back to you tomorrow
Did a start but not yet finished
@MateKocsis A lot of the unknown defaults we have are due to overloaded signatures, which we can actually separately specify in the manual...
hmmmm. echo $reflectionATtribute, what should it print? imho just the attribute name. its not "yet" a class. maybe the arguments passed?
@beberlei It shouldn't
@NikiC minimal viable patch: github.com/php/php-src/pull/6117
@NikiC Yes, I forgot to mention them. So actually, we can (or we will be able to) report a default value for almost all the parameters of internal functions.
@beberlei I mean, it shouldn't implement __toString or Reflector
Reflector is a legacy class that has been mostly gutted in 7.4
@NikiC ok, fine with me, don't see the value in __toString here, that is what php --r* uses though or?
@beberlei you wouldn't be able to access an attribute through --r though. Or do you mean as part of a ReflectionClass or something?
yeah wondering if that should be added there
I do agree that ReflectionClass etc should ideally also dump info on attributes that are on them
I guess in that sense it would also make some sense to have tostring on reflectionattribute, hm...
Irina ・ *General Issues ・ #80098
1 hour later…
Looks like Erlang is also about to add support for JIT: github.com/erlang/otp/pull/2745
@lipon Then why does the array contain 8 above? The second dump looks right (4 elements)
@MateKocsis Imagine having to review that :O
Yeah, that's a big fat PR
@IluTov :D Just a modest number of 180 000 lines added. No problem. :D
But I would be curious how maintainable their implementation is. Unfortunately, I can't make any much sense of the code (TBH I only tried to do so for 0.5 min) :D
take a look at zend_jit_x86.c, that is also 44kloc - probably generated?
though the 11k in the .dasc - fascinating the amount of work dmitry put into this
Isn't that his 3rd attempt?
@beberlei Yeah, he's a badass. The other they I saw him push a commit adding JIT support for a new opcode around 2 AM CEST, which is even more late in his time zone :O
@beberlei Yeah, that one is generated from the .dasc file
The .c file is probably much larger because of the expanded macros.
@beberlei Yeah, it's crazy to me how any one person can do it (I guess he had help from Zeev at some point).
@MateKocsis s/badass/on the verge of a breakdown/ :-P
(seriously though I hope not)
Will the warning "expects parameter 1 to be int, string given" be reclasified as well?
that's already a TypeError?
(not a warning)
oh non-strict
You mean in PHP 8 or PHP 7.4??
I briefly forgot that the ability to omit strict_types=1 a thing :-P
ignore me
I meant in non-strict mode.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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