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@cmb huh that's an "easy" fix then lol
I'm still confused by some of the other warnings as I noted on the PR
So why do we have these functions in the first place?
@Girgias because one was committed in March and the other in April
Wait what? So it's in the external libgd repo since 2013 but not in any release?
@cmb can I just commit the changes to master? Or do you want me to go through a PR
@Girgias it has been removed with github.com/libgd/libgd/commit/… (but only for external libgd).
@Girgias feel free to commit whatever you deem appropriate :)
Let me check if it is used or not ...
Well it's used in one place and can't be arsed to remove it tonight
2 hours later…
@Ekin Welcome to hell... spelled PHP
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Good morning.
1 hour later…
@Girgias removing is likely the best way moving forward. It's better to get gdImageRotateGeneric() right, which is seriously broken: github.com/php/php-src/blob/php-7.4.3RC1/ext/gd/libgd/… and github.com/php/php-src/blob/php-7.4.3RC1/ext/gd/libgd/… doesn't look to be able to produce reasonable results.
I said, "Just delete PHP and reinstall it from the source! That'll fix everything!" And so we did.
True story
But it did not fix anything. It broke everything.
1 hour later…
If my DI container reaches a class argument that isn't instantiable, what kind of exception should I be throwing?
Would a RuntimeException here be good?
@cmb the function names are poorly descriptives and this feels like matrix multiplication would be useful however not sure about the precision
@Girgias there is more general support for affine transformations (using matrices), but these implementations are supposed to be optimized. Precision is certainly an issue; 3-4 decimals for trigonometric results are insufficient for megapixel images.
"optimized" but give garbage result, right ...
Have there been benchmarks on the general ones and see if they cause actual issues?
@AshKetchum Or UnexpectedValueException maybe?
@heiglandreas Did the repo conversion end up working after fixing the author names?
@NikiC does the 2nd case here mean it'll be showing only the first class it is implementing?
@Ekin yes
feels like that could be confusing
It's not so much the first one as "usually the only one"
Anon classes are almost always of the form "class extends Foo" or "class implements Foo"
In Java that's even their only form...
that's true
I like that 1st case, it's a lot more obvious like that
I guess either way it's better than just saying class
@NikiC Are there any specific naming rules for that? Or can you just dump any random character in there as it is only for presenting purposes vs actual valid identifier
@NikiC Yes. Works like a charm now. A bit slower perhaps than a charm. But working nevertheless. I expect to send the first things to git.php.net soonish...
Don't start to party before everything is done...
Too late
@PeeHaa partying starring
Well then. In that case: Party hard! Enjoy it and make the most out of it
great that it's progressing :-) thanks for working on this move @heiglandreas
yes, thank you so much @heiglandreas, much love... I was sick of using SVN at my former job and was crestfallen that PHP docs was still on SVN
I wish it's something I could help with, but unfortunately it's above my skill level :(
I'm working on this for faaaaar too long TBH...
At least somebody is doing it
@Tiffany It's also faaar above my skill level ;-)
At least in regards to the patience
1 hour later…
hi! hey, i woud like to know when is a good idea to create an object using a class, or whatever. because i have this array: array=[id => "", init=> "", day =>"", duration=> "" ......] it has about 7 attributes. what do u think? is there a orthodox way??
Is it possible somehow to test for uncatchable fatal errors in PhpUnit? Maybe in separate process, etc...
I want to define a test that should throw uncatchable fatal error and verify that this fatal error was generated.
So, as part of my current side project, I've hand-written a streaming JSON parser (well, the listener side at least), a streaming base64 decoder, and am currently implementing a HTTP parser. In C. yay :D
In C :(
Working on a microcontroller (more powerful than an arduino, but still very limited resources. A Cortex M0)
32kb of ram. Hence why streaming parsers, and need to not just re-use standard C libraries
(couldn't find a single base64 streaming parser, they all required heap allocations)
I can remember my previous experience with embedded devices ) We were developing security devices and we have developed our own filesystem handler, tcp handler, http handler and even run PHP in it via CGI. So this small device contains a PHP-server, running my own scripts ))
what do u think about using a raspberry as a server and controller?
For my needs, way too much power. A RaspberryPi draws ~700ma of power. My microcntroller draws 100ma at peak (when transmitting and receiving), and about 0.5ma when sleeping (which is 98% of the time for my project). So a Pi would drain my battery in about an hour, where the microcontroller can run for a month or so...
@ircmaxell What are you doing with it?
@matmany the nice thing about using a class over an array is you can enforce type-safety. Arrays don't have that flexibility.
@Tiffany, thank u!!
There are other benefits, as in, easier-to-maintain code six months from now, but that also depends on how comfortable you are with using classes
@matmany youtube.com/watch?v=KHBrDWIKW8Q have a look at this
(also, who disliked it? :|)
i feel comfortable with class!!
thanks for the video! dislike probably came from a nodejs user!
@ircmaxell do you have a secret hater?
kkkkkk just kidding!
Is there a variant of zend_read_property_ex that works with a zend_object param instead of a zval? Not a big deal, obviously I can just wrap it, but it seems odd to me that we need the zval for something that only works on objects...
Implemented immutable objects for PHP in plain PHP (via FFI and Z-Engine). Just need to add implements ImmutableInterface to existing class github.com/lisachenko/immutable-object/pull/1 (see tests while README is not available yet)
@NikiC ^_^ Need to rewrite this as native RFC for PHP8 ))
@beberlei This API look okay sane to you?
ZEND_API zval *zend_exception_get_trace(zend_object *exception, zend_bool silent);
ZEND_API zend_string *zend_exception_get_trace_as_string(zend_object *exception, zend_bool include_args, zend_bool silent);
Maybe make the first one method returning zend_array * by reference to avoid fighting with zval gc? Especially for exceptions, because they can be tricky...
@lisachenko RPL made me lose interest immediately.
@NikiC making a wifi connected thing that displays data from a web service, which updates periodically (currently, every 2-4 hours)
(will go into more depth at a later date)
Alright, here are my potential new APIs:
ZEND_API zend_long *zend_exception_get_code(zend_object *exception, zend_bool silent);
ZEND_API zend_string *zend_exception_get_file(zend_object *exception, zend_bool silent);
ZEND_API zend_long *zend_exception_get_line(zend_object *exception, zend_bool silent);
ZEND_API zend_string *zend_exception_get_message(zend_object *exception, zend_bool silent);
ZEND_API HashTable *zend_exception_get_trace(zend_object *exception, zend_bool silent);
ZEND_API zend_string *zend_exception_get_trace_as_string(zend_object *exception, zend_bool include_args, zend_bool silent);
zend_obj_read_property/zend_obj_read_property_ex are just like zend_read_property/zend_read_property_ex except they take a zend_object * instead of the zval *.
It's annoying to require a zval * because if you have a zend_object * (like the global exception) then to call the API you have to stick it in a zval but it doesn't actually need the zval at all, so that's the rationale.
@LeviMorrison looks great
Now I just need to fixup tests.
yeah how are you going to do that?
ext/test? :o
In zend/ there were only a dozen or so failures.
So... I'm hopeful :)
Oh, down to 8 already :)
Looks like at least a few of those are because I need to regenerate my parser (on a Mac)
1 hour later…
i am running into an annoyance, php-src editorconfig defines trim_trailing_whitespace=true for *, the dom phpt tests have a helper method that prints nodes, and when the "content" of a node is empty it prints "Content \n" with a space, so saving in vim breaks the whole test
@Trowski I’m going to issue permit licenses for big open-source project to use this library for free according to their MIT license. List of such projects will be available in README
i would now go and remove the space, when content is empty and clean that up I suppose? so it becomes "Content" or "Content foo"
@beberlei fix it
trailing whitespace in test output is annoying :(
@NikiC alright!
In Travis CI, is there a way to see the result of the failed tests?
In Circle CI we upload them as artifacts so we can inspect them -- not sure if travis has something similar.
OMG i hate and love Heredoc
@LeviMorrison search for the test name in the log
Thanks, Nikita.
Thanks, MySQL, for not using a long for the exception code and instead using a string.
yes :p
Grr. I think I'll just remove zend_exception_get_code. I don't plan to actually use it anywhere :)
oh my god, Levi isn't a cat anymore
by the way does stackoverflow have private messages
@Andrea only if you have a diamond IIRC
and this SO for teams thing
damn :p
Hi friends,
I am trying to solve a problem related with token request. It is my add function in the controller:
public function newArticle(Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager): View
$data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
$title = $data['title'];
$content = $data['content'];
//$published_at = $data['published_at'];
$authorizationHeader = $request->headers->get('Authorization');
list(,$token) = explode(' ', $authorizationHeader);
$jwtToken = $this->JWTEncoder->decode($token);
1 hour later…
@Andrea there's a sort of workaround, but it won't be private from mods and SO employees
@Andrea invite person to room, make the person a room owner, send the message then delete the message. The other person can view the deleted message.
@lisachenko So using that library would then not subject end users to the RPL license?

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