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I've got this weird situation.. passing NULL as an argument to execute a generated prepared statement for postgres. But pg_result_error says the value 0 can not be inserted into the table because of a foreign key constraint. Postgres is right that it shouldn't write 0, but I've specified NULL in the query...
Just fixed it by moving some code out of a destructor
1 hour later…
Needed a help
me too. I get the famous headers already sent message unless I flush the output buffers in the constructor of the app...
okay, that was just plain stupid.. I have not really awakened yet... perhaps first some coffee will help
the actual error was pg_escape_identifier(): supplied resource is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource
Hello... @IMSoP Are you Online NOW.???
The resource type is set to Unknown instead of pgsql link when the code is executed as part of the fatal error handler set by register_shutdown_function...
When the fatal error handler is unregistered, no error appears...
Hello there.
socket_wsaprotocol_info_export and corresponding functions available only in win32 builds, I right?
@cmb I know, I did that :p Just need to write some more test cases and then will probably need to figure out PECL
Pickle and pear are an odd pair
I know pear is rarely used anymore, I wanted to make the joke anyway
@rjhdby yes; the docs should mention that
lessons learned: don't call exit() from a function that's used as a shutdown function...
I gotta ask something
its not directly related to php but
its related to wordpress so can i ask it here?
don't ask to ask, just ask.
oh ok
I want to change the site port for wordpress
I changed apache but now it does not work
apache is a webserver, the port number is something different. Change the webserver back to the previous value, and set the port number wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/272104/…
2 hours later…
@IMSoP Hello
Anyone here???
@Tiffany Hello...
I need help
Don't ping people randomly
Also don't ask to ask
Just state your question
@IMSoP Helped me 2 days ago
Check @Tiffany 's prpfile
Doesn't mean anything
However, My Problem
@Girgias He wrote. He is ready to help
And he is one of the latest active people
My Problem:
That still doesn't mean anything
I'm the second latest active and I could well leave for 5 hours in 1 minutes
Still state your problem?
It was posted 2 days ago
I don't know anything about cURL cause I don't use it, but are you using the API correctly?
I think, My api call has mistakes
You can check that api docs
Did you try the the upload using curl from the command line like described in the docs?
Yes, that returns error
Is that code(in api docs) alright?
Then there is no need to try with PHP. I suggest to contact their support.
Huh getting some funcky output with var_dumps when having loads of null bytes in it :')
@cmb Do you think, the code given in api docs, is correct?
Or How can I use that??
@Girgias like 3v4l.org/WZaQh ?
Mostly testing my CSV parser with nul bytes and I have a "strange" output
$fields = [
'Field has spaces',
'Has delimiter, inside field',
"Has field escape sequence \0 inside field",

$output = "Hello,Field has spaces,\0Has delimiter, inside field\0,\0Has field escape sequence \0\0 inside field\0,Basic\r\n";

var_dump($output === array_to_csv_line($fields, ',', "\0"));
var_dump(array_to_csv_line($fields, "\0"));
Gives me:
string(101) "Hello Field has spaces Has delimiter, inside field "Has field escape sequence inside field" Basic
string(104) "Hello,Field has spaces, Has delimiter, inside field , Has field escape sequence inside field ,Basic
Which confuses me
@cmb Please answer, Yes/No
Okay the line to Array one is even more confusing O.o
@Girgias the array_to_csv_line() calls have different arguments
Ah indeed
Need to stop copy pasting my test files
1 hour later…
@ALLTHINGSREMAINHERE I try to help if I'm available. I'm currently unavailable as I'm suffering from a migraine. Girgias is right, don't ping random people, it's not cool. Also, I'm a woman.
Someone will respond to you if they're willing to help. Remember that those who help are doing it for free, and of their own volition. Don't take it for granted.
@Tiffany Sorry for my mistake... Actually. i need a solution as soon as possible. I Didn't know that you are a woman(sorry for that) Thanks a lot for you Gentle and Cool answer(really, not fun)
@NikiC I'm going to need your help to auto-implement the Stringable interface when the method exists... github.com/php/php-src/pull/5083 You can push a commit on my fork of course.
BTW, Hello everyone :)
@NicolasGrekas wave
2 hours later…
@ALLTHINGSREMAINHERE Just wondering... at put.re/api-docs there's an example curl -F [email protected] https://api.put.re/upload, why wouldn't you run it without PHP or through shell_exec ?
If that doesn't work then you can't solve it with or without PHP. The next best thing you can do is contact the organisation that's behind put.re
If then you can't find their organisation, like I can't, and have nobody to turn to when things go wrong, you might want to ask yourself if you can trust this third party that promises to store your files forever, but does not disclose who/where they are.
What? Random website on the Internet isn't trust-worthy?
But they don't just let anyone have a website, surely?
Good afternoon.
@Sherif that's a question for who.is :D
@Tiffany It says this is owned by the Prince of Nigeria
Must be legit
That's the dude who gave me 14.5 million dollars a few years ago!
In exchange for paying his $500 customs fee?
Me too!
So generous
Totally related BTW ^
Lol, I was just thinking about that
That guy cracks me up
Especially when he says it in his British accent he sounds so much more serious than he really is, which just makes him even funnier.
Those ducks

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