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@StatikStasis I took calc 1 several years ago in college and got a B
I was having trouble with a problem- think I've about got it now.
@StatikStasis I might be able to help, but it depends
@StatikStasis "Don't ask to ask" applies to off topic stuff as well.
Ah! Did not know that. Thought it was just coding.
@Danack moral of the story is:
Aug 18 '17 at 18:12, by Danack
Aug 14 at 0:22, by Danack
I don't watch tv shows while they're being aired, to avoid wanting to get up at 3am to watch the new ones, or to avoid the series going to shit and being a complete waste of time - hello Lost.
i don't regret that actually, it was fun. the community is great, the live tweeting, the memes. a lot of good stuff :B can't have that if you watch it after the show has ended
1 hour later…
@StatikStasis I'm so bad at algorithms...
I need to finish CS50 and the intro to algorithms course on stanford's free online site
Hi, guys.

i can not build php(7.3.5) on macOS(10.12.6) with `--enable-maintainer-zts` and `--enable-intl` configuration.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"thread-local wrapper routine for _tsrm_ls_cache", referenced from:
_zim_IntlDateFormatter___construct in dateformat_create.o
_timezone_convert_to_datetimezone in timezone_class.o
_zif_intlcal_from_date_time in calendar_methods.o
_zif_intlcal_to_date_time in calendar_methods.o
_php_intlgregcal_constructor_body(_zend_execute_data*, _zval_struct*, unsigned char) in gregoriancalendar_methods.o
2 hours later…
@StevenTan Use homebrew. Your life will be 10x easier.
Or phpbrew
Good morning.
@StevenTan try this please
diff --git a/ext/intl/php_intl.c b/ext/intl/php_intl.c
index b244a29842..2c680d80ab 100644
--- a/ext/intl/php_intl.c
+++ b/ext/intl/php_intl.c
@@ -869,17 +869,10 @@ zend_module_entry intl_module_entry = {
 /* }}} */

-#ifdef ZTS
 /* {{{ intl_init_globals */
 static PHP_GINIT_FUNCTION(intl)
-#if defined(COMPILE_DL_INTL) && defined(ZTS)
+#if defined(ZTS)
I have used homebrew to install php. But it not support zts. github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/37141
apply that patch and build with zts+intl enabled
clangs support for our use of tls is not complete, apparently, that may fix it but I can't test myself because no access to mac ..
you know how to apply the patch ?
copy paste it to a text file in the root of your php-src directory, and do patch -p1 < name-of-text-file, then make clean && make
Yes, i will try it. Thank you @JoeWatkins
@JoeWatkins you just have to ask…
I was going to, depending on the result of that patch ... I'm stabbing in the dark and probably got it wrong :)
@JBis until you update one package and something else stops working.
@JoeWatkins i have tried the patch and got the same result.
hmm, then I'll take a look on bobs machine later today probably
Thank you very much.
I may build php without intl extension and build intl as a separate extension later.
peer-to-peer relating to, using, or being a network by which computers operated by individuals can share information and resources directly without relying on a dedicated central server
hello people, (mysql) are members of composite unique keys required to be indexes on their own? For example does unique(col1, col2) require index(col1), index(col2) separately?
gut meurnin
@BikerJohn No
Bearing in mind a unique key is an index. However, if you plan on writing queries with the intention of using col2 as the intended index to use without col1, it won't work (without adding an additional index on col2)
lel 2 guys same name
@Sean lel
i ma be druck
seeing double xD
Maybe xD
may be *
one minute too late for me to say that.
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
@Danack I have never had updating using a package manager having worse results than manually doing it.
/me stops for a couple of days, might even go outside ...
can you guys provide help for composer installation?
sleeping room
What're you having trouble with?
he had this error: [RuntimeException]
Failed to clone https://github.com/ztec/JpGraph.git, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
dunno if he fixed it yet.
not fixed yet
install git then
and restart cmd.exe
its installing
at this moment
and make sure that %path% is updated
its working by hand so
what, so like, you are flipping bits on a drive platter with a magnetised needle?
XD no, i mean if you clik on link it is alive
@DaveRandom I prefer to use butterflies
I just use msi packages, way easier
@DaveRandom you made me chuckle
ln -s /@PeeHaa/arse /@PeeHaa/face
@DaveRandom same error
6 mins ago, by DaveRandom
and restart cmd.exe
6 mins ago, by DaveRandom
and make sure that %path% is updated
but now i understand the problem i gess
ya i made that
i think my problem is openssl
wait, what error?
this is a local machine, i dont have ssl protocol
this is a local machin to make tests
Failed to download jpgraph/jpgraph from dist: You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https
Now trying to download from source
just enable openssl
uncomment extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini
that's all you need to do
omg, you are right
hola, olá,hello, bien venito
@JoeWatkins Be careful out there- it's crazy... and bright.
@NoobDEV-GBL o/
@Tiffany I love em!
@DaveRandom so its fine now whit the ssl enable
then this error : - The requested package phpoffice/phpspreadsheet No version set (parsed as 1.0.0) is satisfiable by phpoffice/phpspreadsheet[No version set (parsed as 1.0.0)] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
i used composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet --ignore-platform-reqs
@DaveRandom human centipieter?
pdo_informix configure does not pass INFORMIXDIR env var – #78049
@PeeHaa I'm in, but I'm going to need a majority stake
I reckon that idea's got legs though
so to speak
A true collaboration of sorts
That's how we roll
Hey, can you guys give me any suggestions to prepare for a tech interview? I've never done one before, I'm not sure what to expect. And I'd like to brush up on some code I guess.
@StatikStasis have you had any formal or informal learning with them?
hello ebryone
SegFault phpdbg + opcache on include file twice – #78050
Anyone know if it is possible to display an excel file generated by the composer before downloading?
@NoobDEV-GBL err... wat? Do you mean is there a composer library to generate an excel file, like PhpSpreadsheet?
@Tiffany i'm using PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet, and the output is " $writer->save('php://output');" for download, but i whant to view that befor download
it is possible?
maby print() ??
@NoobDEV-GBL I'm on my phone so I'm too lazy to Google it right now, but you may be interested in output streams. Though, someone else would need to verify that.
@Tiffany yes, i was looking for that but the information is small
@mega6382 lol
1 hour later…
@Wes Then I suppose I will have to order it from teespring to France to my brother and then he can send it to me.
@NoobDEV-GBL php://output is just an output stream. You can open it like a file and display its contents. stackoverflow.com/a/7186297/2524730 (I googled php://output and clicked the first link... what did you even google if you couldn't find information?)
@Tiffany i relly didnt get that page
@NoobDEV-GBL so, you should ask that... "can someone explain how this works..."
that page didn´t sow to me
some of your questions are coming off a bit help vampy, try not to do that
the link you send is not what i was looking for
then you need to explain why it's not what you were looking for
you said that you wanted to allow users to preview the contents of a spreadsheet prior to downloading the spreadsheet, correct?
like you do on pdf output
so you can open php://output as a regular file, read the contents from the file, and output the contents to the page
in pdf you use "$pdf->Output();"
and if that doesn't help answer your question, you need to explain why that doesn't help answer your question after you've tried doing it, you need to show that you've tried it, and that the results you're receiving are not what you expected
@NoobDEV-GBL from what library?
in fpdf you use that ouptup to show the pdf before download/print
thats whant i'm looking for
i am looking on google 2
you cannot show the output before download, that's not how the web works
the difference is Content-Disposition: inline vs Content-Disposition: attachment
header('Content-Disposition: inline'); is probably what you want
@DaveRandom couldn't you do it by reading php://output, and outputting it to the browser?
do what?
php://output is basically just an alias for echo
or, a different way to access the same thing
they are both just sending data to the browser
but if you think about it, you can't "view before download", because the place you view things is the browser, and the browser can't display stuff it hasn't downloaded
maby if i convert to pdf coud that worck?
no you need to understand the difference between "download data to browser" (which is required) and "prompt user to save data as downloaded file" (which is controlled by Content-Disposition header)
if you want to display the file in the browser, use header('Content-Disposition: inline');
if you want to prompt the user to save the file, do header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=foo.pdf');
other than that, the code is identical
omfg ... I regret ever downloading the logitech drivers for my keyboard. I receive a notification from discord and the backlighting on my keyboard goes out. STAHP.
driver development for windows is hard, tbf
there's some stupid "plugin" that turns out the backlighting based on discord notifications
and I thought I disabled it
but logitech should be pretty good at it by now...
the program for this is pretty crappy
like... something you'd expect to see in Windows XP
Hello, all
I'm trying to iterate over XML nodes in an SVG document and change node values in it
While I can get to the main node I want using xPath to extract the chain to a DOMElement, I'm not sure how to iterate over the different text nodes within that DOMElement.
Just use foreach to iterate over the nodelist
Text nodes are just text() in xpath
I've tried this:
`foreach( $nodeToModify as $node){

print? node
It's an object, not a string
And I surely hope it doesn't implement magic tostrings :(
var_dump so you can see what you are working with
What method references the string inside? PHPStorm, doesn't help here, unfortunately
I could give you the answer, but you are helped better if you check it out for yourself
First step will always be verifying what kind of data type you are working with regardless
Well, $nodetoModify is a DOMElement object, and $node seems to be as well, at least that's what print_r says
Now use that information and go find the documentation of the thing you are trying to work with
it's weird that nodeValue returns all the nodes as a single string, and not an array or something
There are other methods for that
or rather than an array you want actual dom structures
Hmmm, I think I need to learn more about how PHP (dereferenceing?) works
iterating through the child nodes as $node->childNodes works, but I am not sure about how the -> symbol is used in that context. Oh well, more reading to do!
It's just working with object as in any other part of php
anyone using valet Linux? am getting "500 Internal Server Error" when i upload a file above 20KB(not exact) i have at least tried to bump all the memories in .ini but still
And i have client_max_body_size 128M; in valet.conf
@Ghostff you need to set up logging (or perhaps just look at the log files) to have the exact cause of the error shown to you.
oh thanks.
> Support Xdebug on Patreon
Not sure what I think about that
Well actually I do know and it's pretty obnoxious (imo) :P
Then again I am all for people trying to make monies
moniesssssssss and peeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
two best things in life
please can i get the translation of this [crit] 15928#0: *5 open() "/var/lib/nginx/tmp/client_body/0000000005" failed (13: Permission denied)
I've finally gotten round to reading some books in my 'to read' pile. Three in a row have been so bad than I kind of want to get drunk tso that I don't remember them.
Got to keep the lights on somehow! I'm all for sponsoring stuff on Patreon
@Danack Sounds like a win
@Ghostff your web server doesn't have permission to create a tmp file in that directory.
@AlbertPerrien I am totally too. But don't fucking clutter my php information page with a huge bolded orange out of place advertisement
I'd probably (use a container tbh) or create the dir /var/lib/nginx/tmp and make sure it's owned by the user/group www-data.
I am just sad that most monetization does not work for oss work
And people are resorting to <a style="font-size: large; color: white; background-color: transparent; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline" href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=7864328">BECOME A PATRON</a>
@Danack wouldn't it not crate a file at all in this case? i mean i dont see this error if the file is small like 5KB
@PeeHaa I can see that too. Thanks for the help earlier
If you solved it you did most of the work yourself :P
I was more the carrot
or the stick if you prefer that
@Ghostff there's another setting that says how big a body has to be before it will be written to disk temporarily. I think.
A: nginx - client request body is buffered to a temporary file

Michael HamptonThis is a warning, not an error. That's why it was prefaced with [warn] in the log. It means that the size of the uploaded file was larger than the in-memory buffer reserved for uploads. The directive client_body_buffer_size controls the size of that buffer. If you can afford to have 1GB of RA...

@PeeHaa I agree that it doesn't belong there. But we have to know about the funding request before we can fill it. Perhaps on the git repository page, then?
@AlbertPerrien github, twitter, reddit
blog, website
/me waves
The makefile generated by phpize is giving me a hard time. I'm not able to run `make test`.
My extension depends on the psr pecl extension. But the Makefile removes all dynamically loaded extensions from the configuration when running the `make test`. Anybody know any way around this?
Disabling crypto on a crypto-enabled stream socket succeeds silently – #78051
@Tiffany Informal
@Jasny-ArnoldDaniels I'm not sure if it will make a different, but do you have the requred extension listed in your extensions deps?
static const zend_module_dep imagick_deps[] = {
@Jasny-ArnoldDaniels You might get better mileage running run-tests.php directly
@Danack I'll try, but I don't think it matters for running the tests
I've also tried using the EXTENSIONS section in the phpt file, but since Makefile set the extension dir to ./modules, it doesn't work.
@NikiC ping
I want to wrap vm_interrupt in mutex in zts, sound acceptable to you ?
==16940== Thread 2:
==16940== Conflicting load by thread 2 at 0x0a66d5c2 size 1
==16940==    at 0x8DBEFD: ZEND_DO_ICALL_SPEC_RETVAL_UNUSED_HANDLER (zend_vm_execute.h:936)
==16940==    by 0x95324D: execute_ex (zend_vm_execute.h:60562)
==16940==    by 0xAAC9BF4: php_parallel_scheduler_run (scheduler.c:248)
==16940==    by 0xAACA37B: php_parallel_thread (scheduler.c:430)
==16940==    by 0x4C36413: ??? (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_drd-amd64-linux.so)
==16940==    by 0x5DEC6DA: start_thread (pthread_create.c:463)
==16940== Conflicting store by thread 2 at 0x0a66d5c2 size 1
==16940==    at 0x8E0FB7: zend_interrupt_helper_SPEC (zend_vm_execute.h:2346)
==16940==    by 0x8DBF15: ZEND_DO_ICALL_SPEC_RETVAL_UNUSED_HANDLER (zend_vm_execute.h:936)
==16940==    by 0x95324D: execute_ex (zend_vm_execute.h:60562)
==16940==    by 0xAAC9BF4: php_parallel_scheduler_run (scheduler.c:248)
==16940==    by 0xAACA37B: php_parallel_thread (scheduler.c:430)
==16940==    by 0x4C36413: ??? (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_drd-amd64-linux.so)
I can't get a clean build with the sort of tools I need to test with until everything is safe, this is the last remaining error and I can't do anything about it from an extension, if the interrupt is going to be useful for zts, then it must be wrapped, normally there will be no contention for the mutex so it won't make a noticeable difference, I don't think ...
possibly the same errors are happening with timeout handler, I'm not sure ...
(can't remember how it works or if that works for zts)
I actually know this is harmless ... but I hate not being able to make the tests pass ...
exif_read_data chokes on strict_types for parameter 2 – #78052
@Jasny-ArnoldDaniels some of the extensions in PHP src are dependent on one another. It's got to be something like github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/pdo_sqlite/… that triggers the other extension to be loaded. I have no idea though.
@Danack I tried with pecl/http. But those tests also wouldn't run with make test :-s. Same issue as I was having.
I managed to hack it in by overwriting PHP_TEST_SHARED_EXTENSIONS in Makefile.frag. Not pretty, but ohh well. :/
@NikiC actually if these were false positives, I would be able to avoid them a certain way, and I can't avoid them in that way, I'm not so sure they are false positives now ...
@JoeWatkins Can you describe the context this is in?
vm_interrupt is a thread-local variable, are you setting it from a different thread?
What are you using it for?
In any case, I don't think a mutex makes sense here
I'm using it to implement kill() for threads and cancel() for tasks
atomics make the errors go away
but I've no idea about what's supported where ...
right, atomics is what you need here
ok then I'll do digging
Don't ask me what the right memory order for this is though...
I hope it's enough to only do an atomic store and we don't need an atomic load
Though just slapping seq_cst on it is always a good fallback :)
@PeeHaa Also... I've never seen a party like this... the people are usually much uglier- probably because of all the drugs they were usually on at the time. This is like a commercialized version of a rave. However, this set is pretty dope.
Sometimes I miss Djing.
is there something i cn do with geoip module of php ?
i change all my calls to nginx geoip2 module, but the update of the FREE databases of maxmind is absolute redicoulus, 1/20 days or so.
is something i can do about this ?
@kapad I've heard rumours that computers can be used to automate commonly performed tasks....
@Danack ? sorry i dint get it
you can automate the updating of the data, so that you don't have to do it by hand.
but THE DATA is OUTDATED, thats the problem, no matter what they say ...
@Danack That's just a rumor.
@kapad I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
They don't do anything I want them to but fail at runtime.
Possibly, and that is only speculation on my end, possibly a free geoip service has the right to not be updated each minute.
all geoip services locate my in my town, my own server locate my 1000Km North,
its not a rumour ....
the geoip mmdb files are not updatted as the dat files, php geo_ commands used ...
Felix yes, OK, is there right. any alternatives ?
And google the same not allow access to play strore, ...., freedom ...
but finally PHP geoip module, must consider deprecated ....?
Oakenfold gets off beat a lot when mixing.
@StatikStasis Russia :)
@PeeHaa Is that what Russia is like? Every time I see something from Russia it involves car crashes, insurance fraud, mafia, or vodka.
Pretty sure all the dudes are ugly and all gals hot if I am to believe the internet
It does not lie.
How is the soundcloud account btw @StatikStasis or are we full on studying? :)
I expect to see /hear stuff soon
@PeeHaa Oh man... I started school to get Pro Tools discount and now I have had zero time for music. I want to make time very soon for sure.
Heading home. Later. o/
I was here.
1 hour later…
@MadaraUchiha with a meteor?
phpstorm is...confusing me.
So the issue I was wrangling with on Monday with namespaces, directories, psr-4 and composer ... it looks like I fixed it. But ... phpstorm says the namespaces aren't recognizable and classes are undefined. ... wat ...
I integrated composer into phpstorm, and I'm wondering if I regret that decision ...
@Tiffany Hmm, I usually don't have to do much configuration with PhpStorm. What's your directory structure look like? And composer.json?
empty() when testing $obj->var with magic __get function – #78053
@Trowski sorry... I was venting. I'm going to try figuring it out in a bit, though I may resort to asking questions later if I get stumped. I was attempting to set something up real quick while a TV show was starting.

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