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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

I'll just leave this here. i.sstatic.net/2vYeJ.jpg
@Allenph my apologies for not getting anything sent to you, fighting a headache for most of the evening, didn't get to work on my dad's shit. 😒 If I still have it tomorrow, taking a migraine pill.
I didn't take one today, because it doens't feel like a migraine, but it's not worth dealing with if it continues on
@NikiC Should I rebase my covariance patch onto 7.4 or..?
why does this output $additional = 25; $result = ((int) additional * 0.1) * 10 ; $result =25 instead of 2.5
why is casting done first instead of multiplying by 0.1
@LeviMorrison I guess yes, as the RFC was accepted for the next 7.x :)
So I discovered a fascinating way of writing code (yes it's PHP) a few weeks back at work. When I first discovered it, I informed my workmates as, "I have found the true form of code."
Very fittingly, the first response back I got was "Uh-oh"
I admitted it was a bit of a rabbit hole, but also felt it was one that would help us solve our current most pressing problems.
@JoeWatkins Would it be childlike to open an RFC in the April 1st? (:(
It took me a few weeks to dig my way all the way down and back up from this rabbit hole, after which I committed a terrible sin, with the mother of all commits.
The only way I could describe this commit was that it laid a better foundation for combining test driven development, type driven development, contract driven development, and exception driven development in PHP code.
called static direct from brother class – #77740
@GabrielCaruso much less so than you would like it to be, and much more so than they would like it to be ;)
I swear. Microsoft will never fix their networking issues.
@GabrielCaruso a little, but funny things are allowed ...
@JoeWatkins I hope you like it :D
Well- it's after midnight and I am just now leaving work finally... later.
4 hours later…
Are there any plans, when create_function will be removed? It's deprecated since 7.2 but I haven't seen any comment in the rfcs when it will be removed?
animadversion a critical and usually censorious remark — often used with on
@LeviMorrison sure
I think it's going to need a lot of work, but it should go into 7.4
@LeviMorrison yes, please
For fuck sake
Unserialize is grammatically incorrect
It's deserialize
Or it's more valid, anyway
based on what ?
should you also unassemble things ? is deconstruct wrong ?
No, it's disassemble :)
Deconstruct is also correct
And deserialise
there's no hard and fast rule
We're going to make one that's like unconstruct :D
But I have no say in these things :( Just get to be angry from the sidelines
well I don't see what's making you angry, because no gramatical rules are being broken ... if there is such a thing in Engrish ... which mostly there isn't, there are ideals, but they frequently do not apply to new words, they applied when they were written down in some ancient book in the year 1642, when there was about 5 words ...
Today is my birthday, I am finally 21. :)
happy birthday @mega6382
congratz @mega6382
Happy Birthday @mega6382!
21- wow, you have a lot of living left to do! Don't wait too long before doing something with it or you'll end up with a pessimistic attitude towards your ability to do anything worthwhile. =)
Thanks guys
Happy birthday @mega \o/
@StatikStasis Thanks for the advice :D
@PeeHaa Thanks :)
@PeeHaa This short commercial is inspiring to me- I think you may as well. youtube.com/watch?v=QgwQB5a8920
I don't make music with my mouth though. It doesn't quantize for me :P
@PeeHaa I love the idea though of getting that sound into Ableton in order to reproduce it with the sound bank though. Sometimes I have lost a melody while trying to recreate it from my mouth instead of just recording it on my phone or directly into Ableton.
Yeah agreed
That was supposed to say "while to recreate it from the tune in my head..." woops @PeeHaa
Yeah got it :P
I have friends who walked around with mini voice recorders for that :D
Also I used melodyne at some point to try to convert it to midi automagaically
Never heard of melodyne.
I have a friend who uses his phone to record ideas for songs- but it was always just lyrics.
@StatikStasis It tries to convert sound into midi/scales :)
Useful for tonedeaf people like me
Happy birthday @mega6382
@bwoebi I've been trying to implement ($x) => $x with lexer lookahead, but really hitting the wall when it comes to interpreting T_YIELD T_ARROW_START expr ')' T_DOUBLE_ARROW expr as a non-closure
I don't understand how I can resolve that conflict in bison
Also tempted to rewrite the expression grammar to not use precedence annotations, urgh
I remember having had similar issues in the past when experimenting, in the end some precedence annotation did the trick. But that's non-trivial to figure out :-/
@JoeWatkins True, true, I'm not really angry. I'd just very much prefer to see deserialised. In my brain it's "correct". If it's not correct in many other people's brains, that's fine. I'm just thinking nobody has called it into question, so perhaps there are actually many others that agree
And I think that rewriting with precedence annotation is not going to work, because we have wrong precedence on [yield $k => $v] :(
@NikiC what is the precedence here? I think yield has a high right assoc precedence, binding the => for itself?
@NikiC also, have you considered fn() => stmt instead of fn() => expr (and return null if stmt is not giving you a value)?
@bwoebi yes
@bwoebi haven't considered it, but seems ... wrong
@NikiC especially for the yield-generator case
returns a generator yielding for each ...
Heh, [yield $k => $v]; really challenges my brain internal parser right. Like .. why. Lovely edge case
DateTimeZone/setTimezone returns wrong values – #77741
@Jimbo this is English we're talking about
@Jimbo @Tiffany Thanks :)
hi @edorian
Haven't seen you here in a while :)
they are all coming back…
@NikiC :) Thought I'll give this another go an see if I have the headspace again after life is settling down a bit
Also I heard this is where PHP core development happens these days and hey, if that means I don't have to read @internals to stay up to date, even better.
Happy b-day.
/me waves!!!!
@NikiC Can you even get rid of them actually? I'd love it, but... can they be removed at all?
@bwoebi I don't think so :(
@bwoebi Everything works, but it fails on the yield / array case
Could just leave that as an expected conflict of course, it's resolved correctly
@NikiC If it's resolved correctly, just add an appropriate %prec annotation, or does that not work either?
Well I tried some things, but got nothing to work
In any case, this is just a tangent, it wouldn't really help with the ($x) => conflicts anyway
good morning!
@Tpojka thanks
@ircmaxell /me waves back
i am trying to decide on the best way to handle two functions. they both essentially do the same thing, except one use an argument the other doesn't. would it make sense to combine them or leave them separate?
@Geoffrey it depends
MOAR detail.
@Geoffrey Generally API clarity is preferred over nullable / optional parameters
happy birthday @mega6382 :)
both functions pull data from a table to populate a select box. One of the functions sets an option as selected, the other just populates a select box
They should totally be one function with an argument that defaults to null.
Also... gross.
> both functions pull data from a table to populate a select box.
I might be wrong, but to me it sounds like you're doing a MySQL query, and view logic all in one function on the view.
Move that out to a separate function, and then no-one will care if you duplicate the formatting function.
DRY is not about not repeating code.
or more precisely not repeating expressions of the same ideas....
Q: If you have an object providing a retry policy, and you have an object you want to retry with... would you combine them in a parent object, or would you just put the retry usage directly in the object?
Technically you could set the retrier to retry zero times if it was directly in the object which would be the same as it not being there
Concrete example: Logger that logs to elasticsearch.
i'm trying to clean up a lot of the code i wrote. it has been a learning process since i am writing everything from scratch. right now everything is written on the individual php file, so i am trying to move things into more centralized locations
Hello All, can someone have any tips or suggestions regarding how to go about refactoring a massive web application ? Thanks in advance.
I would just inject the "retryable config" into the "retryer". Why is it bad to be able to configure it to not retry at all?
@Levi does your interest/experience in cmake extend to pkgconfig at all ?
@JoeWatkins Somewhat, yes.
What's up?
@Allenph SRP - one object does it's own thing, and retrying is an infrastructure concern so another one. My thoughts
if you have a look at the cmake build, I'm generating a static library, which is linked against libphp7.so/.a (embed), I want then to be able to make other tools as separate projects, I can't figure it out
Maybe I don't get what your use case is, but it seems to me like it doesn't violate SRP. Is the configuration so complicated that it requires an additional object and not just a constructor property in the first place?
@JoeWatkins What's the issue, exactly?
I've read about private libs, but nobody really seems to know how to make it work, some say us -l:libname.ext but that's only gnu ld
well, I want to do this sort of thing in another repo:


FIND_PROGRAM(PKG_CONFIG "pkg-config" DOC "pkg-config")



ADD_EXECUTABLE(main php_trace_test.c)
Private libs are things that the lib needs, but its users do not.
so I guess I'm asking what does the pkgconfig.in need to look like, and what does this other CMakeLists need to look like
Oof, do you really need that old of a CMake? IMO CMake got much better in 3.X, expecially after around 3.6.
no, copy/pasta, I only have cursory familiarity with cmake really
After a quick look, it turns out 3.6 is the minimum CMake version I would use with pkg-config.
They added targets so you don't have to mess with so many flags.
well I tried the findPKG thing and I'm using 3.9.1, it didn't go well either
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(libphptrace REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET)

add_executable(main php_trace_test.c)
target_link_library(main PRIVATE PkgConfig::libphptrace)
You want something like that, @JoeWatkins.
You want to deal with targets and libraries, not mucking about with all the flags.
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-trace-test/build$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/share/pkgconfig cmake ..
-- Configuring done
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:6 (add_executable):
  Target "main" links to target "PkgConfig::libphptrace" but the target was
  not found.  Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
  target, or an ALIAS target is missing?

-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /opt/src/php-trace-test/build
@JoeWatkins What CMake version is this?
Also, I may not have the name of the target right.
I'm aware of this feature, but haven't used it.
do you know if there is a chat for AWS?
@JoeWatkins How hard is this software to build? I guess I could try building it.
@bwoebi Would be great if you can take a look at github.com/nikic/php-src/tree/arrow_function_3 and try to resolve the sr conflict
I'd really like to have a fully working => implementation. I have ==> at github.com/php/php-src/pull/3945.
@LeviMorrison not very, just need php-dev php-embed libdw and libelf
@JoeWatkins Which versions of PHP?
any 7
@tereško just wanted to say to my SENSEI!!!!
How are you?
@JoeWatkins nts = not thread safe?
@NikiC I'll check it out later, maybe I have some success
@LeviMorrison should be able to login at nevis, it's installed in /opt/bin, source in /opt/src/trace ... if that saves you any time ...
@Geoffrey That is always lots of fun!
@JoeWatkins I think I have it set up, I am poking around now.
I think most of your libs should be private libs? I don't know.
That's not the immediate issue, though.
@JoeWatkins Can you share php_trace_test.c?
#include <stdio.h>

#include <php_trace.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char *php_trace_optarg = NULL;
    int   php_trace_optind = 1,
          php_trace_optcur = 0;

    php_trace_context_t php_trace_context = {
        .max         = -1,
        .depth       = 64,
        .freq        = 1000,
        .stack       = 0,
        .arData      = 0,
        .strData     = 0,
        .interrupted = 0,

        .onBegin       = php_trace_begin,
        .onAttach      = NULL,
        .onStackStart  = php_trace_stack_start,
@LeviMorrison also unsure
@StatikStasis yeah it's a lot of me second guessing myself, it's great, and not stressful at all.
I actually love refactoring. Problem is I don't get enough time to do it.
@StatikStasis here, do mine then haha
ey, mad PHP people, I got this horrible contraption going:
    /** @test */
    public function doesLeakArrayKeys() : void
        self::$memoryLeakingStupidMistake = array_merge(self::$memoryLeakingStupidMistake, array_map(function () : int {
            return random_int(\PHP_INT_MIN, \PHP_INT_MAX);
        }, range(1, 10000)));

@JoeWatkins I'm not sure why, but it's setting libphptrace_FOUND to 1 for me, but library dirs, libraries, etc, are all empty.
And then somewhere:

        $this->postTestMemoryUsages[$test][] = \memory_get_usage();
Question for any regular Slack users: Favorite apps?
does anybody know why the memory usage would be 376 or 1311120 on different runs?
Bug in the engine? Optimisation hiding mem usage?
that's not real memory usage
Is there a reason to not use memory_get_usage(true) in this case? It's how I'm used to doing mem usage tests
Hmm, lemme see
The other thing that can get you is alloc sizes (array bucketing) but that shouldn't be that much of a difference
@edorian You shouldn't use memory_get_usage(true)
Not for differential measurements at least
Yeah, memory_get_usage(true) breaks all results for tests that don't leak
oh you actually want peak
ha, and the diff becomes 0 on every test run :D
Unless you're a zmm expert debugging allocator behavior, the "real" memory usage is unlikely to be meaningful to you
no, I want $a = get_mem_usage(); run_test(); $b = get_mem_usage(); log($b - $a);
Interesting, I don't have access to the codebase where we've done extensive mem testing anymore so I can't look it up. But I think we used real usage for most/all of it
well I'm all confused, the peak is another function
still, why does an array with 10000 elements not show up in my memory usage?
or well, shows up sometimes
@Ocramius I think it should show up
At least I don't see an obvious reason why it wouldn't
array(1) {
  'Potato\MyLeakyTest::doesLeakArrayKeys' =>
  class PotatoSrc\TestRunMemoryProfile#330 (2) {
    private $memoryUsages =>
    array(10) {
      [0] =>
      [1] =>
      [2] =>
      [3] =>
      [4] =>
      [5] =>
      [6] =>
      [7] =>
      [8] =>
      [9] =>
    public $avgMemory =>
these are 10 runs
wasn't it destroyed by the time you do get_mem_usage for the second time ?
no, I use a static property on purpose
(numbers above are $b - $a)
@Ocramius sorry, misread
you're merging into the array, not pushing onto it
so this is subject to amortized resizing
you're only going to see a significant increase if the array size goes to the next power of two
lemme try loop+push
@Ocramius you can even see that when the memory grows, it's about two times the previous
yep, so I guess looking for leaks inside arrays won't work unless the values are objects
@Ocramius At least not reliably :)
I used Windows my entire life, just installed Ubuntu 18.04
@LucasBustamante I hope not on a laptop?
@NikiC putting it into the pile of "not my problem" then :D
I'm studying what my development environment will look like
Any suggestions of development stack for PHP in Linux?
@NikiC Having supported a couple people at $newJob through that process, yeah, ouch
Not editing tools like PHPStorm, etc, but PHP server related environment, such as Docker, Vagrant, directly on Linux, etc?
@LucasBustamante if you are new, get the ondrej/php PPA and install php-cli
and that's sufficient
@NikiC PC, but I don't get it why it couldn't be a lap?
unless you work on multiple projects with different PHP versions, etc.. I'd say to just install things locally
@LucasBustamante Support for laptops tends to be less than great :)
bcpow() implementation related to gcc compiler optimization – #77742
Not that desktop support is great either. Don't be me and buy a 4k monitor...
@Ocramius Old ref on what I meant with 'array bucketing'. Nikita said it better already, but a longer version is here: nikic.github.io/2014/12/22/…
@edorian :+1:
@NikiC I didn't know that.
wow, an interesting bug
ok, lemme run this puppy against something big then xD
@JoeWatkins classic
so, it isn't a terrible idea to install PHP directly on Linux, then?
for local dev, of course
i do development on Windows using XAMPP. It's been working so far.
@JoeWatkins I'm close to getting this working.
@LeviMorrison awesome
@LucasBustamante nah
feel free to commit whatever fixes it...
and thanks
@LucasBustamante again: if you are learning, that's fine. If you are writing code as a professional, go the docker way, IMO
don't jump into docker before having learned the ropes
the terrible thing is running php on windoze ...
@JoeWatkins You need to add libphtrace to the libs section, and I think most (if not all) of the stuff currently in libs should be private.
I'm working professionally, and I'll be using Docker in work anyway
that's what I was thinking actually, to use Docker
@LucasBustamante can do - I use docker for all my projects and I'm fairly happy with it
@JoeWatkins I run php on the windoze... =(
I've used Linux a lot for servers, but for local development environment it's the first time
but it is an added layer of complexity if you still aren't familiar with it
yeah, it's one that I have to dive in, heads on
well, thanks for your help guys
good to know that Docker can work for this
@LeviMorrison I see
It's closer, anyway.
Also, need to add the embed sapi somwhere too
otherwise you end up with undefined referees to __zend_malloc, etc
@LeviMorrison I thought that, I'm pretty sure I tried everything I could think of and can see those symbols undefined in archive ...
it doesn't seem to matter what way round I do stuff, I ended up with undefined symbols :s
I'm not seeing libelf and libdw in the link flags in the pc file either.
they're not, I didn't get that far ... have tried that too, but probably incorrectly ...
I think you can set requires or requires.private for libelf -- it has a pc file
Same with libdw.
I don't have pc files for either of those here ?
wait, where are they ?
Eh, my system has them from installing libelf-dev and libdw-dev
pkg-config reports on them, but I don't see them in share/
pkg-config libdw --libs gives -ldw -lelf
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-trace-test$ pkg-config libdw --cflags
Package liblzma was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `liblzma.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'liblzma', required by 'libdw', not found
that's odd, I have to install that manually ... you would think it was installed with libdw-dev
@JoeWatkins not all libs have a pkg-config file
but it does, but only when you install liblzma-dev
I don't hit that issue on my system.
@JoeWatkins heh
thanks for wr fix in master
also, dmitry just committed initial zts support for jit ...
@JoeWatkins I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with my cmake file, because it isn't trying to link in the library requirements.
But I'm sure I'm close ^_^
Nothing to see here, just the President of Kosovo unlocking his computer that certainly doesn't contain any sensitive information. https://t.co/3rnmJSpqWg
consider me cheering quietly from the sidelines @LeviMorrison
I'm currently setting up a lxc container to run docker there so we can use Jenkins to build images in it and push them to an image repository on AWS so that they can be used by our kubernetes deployments for production envs and I think I hate everything and I miss being a developer
I wasted like half a day before I reached out to you, I got nothing left ...
@JoeWatkins What contains php_trace_begin? I assume libphptrace?
I think I know exactly the failure you are looking at too ...
I don't know why CMake isn't trying to link in libphptrace.
I think I fixed all the other issues.
I JUST SAW #PHP EXECUTE MULTIPLE USER THREADS DIRECTLY ON THE CPU WITH JIT !!!!111!!!!!1111!!!111!!!!! <3 @dstogov keep it up, genius ...
I never could have imagined that would happen ...
@JoeWatkins Do you expose libdw or libelf at all or..?
I actually wonder if CMake's pkg-config is doing the wrong thing...
I've really got nothing
Random evaluation – #77743
@JoeWatkins Is there a reason libphptrace needs to be static?
@LeviMorrison I tried shared, and got strange linker errors about dlclose@glibc, I wanted shared ...
try it
I've never seen that error before
I mean, it worked.
ship what you have when you're ready, I'll test ... no need to pr, nobody is watching this ...
Well, it didn't actually run, but it did compile and link.
well that's odd
How would I actually run this?
./main <what goes here?>
oh crap, you would need to set target before compile
set php_trace_context.pid to a running php process
or copy paste getopt loop from php_trace_main.c in trace repo
I'll just be happy it built.
You can figure out the rest.
yeah, if it built it's probably correct
I don't have access to that repo.
Oh, oops, my fault.
you had me there for a moment, thought I'd sent some stranger an invite :)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)

pkg_check_modules(libphptrace REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET libphptrace)

add_executable(main php_trace_test.c)
target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC PkgConfig::libphptrace)
Now, when building both phptrace and the phptrace test, I used these CMake flags:
okay, rebuilding php for the 500th time today, will test right now ... thanks for all the time/effort :)
The .. is just the dir containing CMakeLists.txt.
Some of the things in there probably ought to not be hard-coded, but wasn't sure how to change that.
At runtime it can't find libphp7.so either, so I just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include it.
I think there are some rpath flags that can be set -- looking at those now
Oh, when building something that will be installed, you can set -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=TRUE.
Seemed to do the trick.
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-trace/build$ make
[ 12%] Linking C shared library libphptrace.so
/usr/bin/ld: /opt/lib/libphp7.a(zend_alloc.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `stderr@@GLIBC_2.2.5' cannot be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/phptrace.dir/build.make:201: recipe for target 'libphptrace.so' failed
make[2]: *** [libphptrace.so] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:104: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/phptrace.dir/all' failed
that's with static embed
Oh, I didn't use a static embed.
@JoeWatkins Why is _GNU_SOURCE set?
erm, I can't remember
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-trace-test/build$ ls /opt/lib/libphp7.so
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-trace-test/build$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH sudo ldd main
	linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007ffc103fd000)
	libphptrace.so => /opt/lib/libphptrace.so (0x00007f8cdec70000)
	libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f8cde890000)
	libphp7.so => not found
	libelf.so.1 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libelf.so.1 (0x00007f8cde676000)
	libdw.so.1 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdw.so.1 (0x00007f8cde42a000)
what am I looking at there ?
It can't find libphp7.so
Where is it at? Oh, duh.
Uh, I'm not sure if the sudo is interfering or what.
It shouldn't be necessary, in any case.
root@fiji:/opt/src/php-trace-test/build# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./main 13016 | head -n 10
#1 main in /opt/src/php-src/trace.php on line 18
#1 var_dump <internal>
|-> #2 main in /opt/src/php-src/trace.php on line 23
#1 main in /opt/src/php-src/trace.php on line 18
#1 mt_rand <internal>
|-> #2 Foo::b in /opt/src/php-src/trace.php on line 8
|--> #3 main in /opt/src/php-src/trace.php on line 18
#1 main in /opt/src/php-src/trace.php on line 17
#1 sprintf <internal>
|-> #2 main in /opt/src/php-src/trace.php on line 18
yay, it worked ... kinda ...
maybe should force the use of shared embed sapi, and something about rpaths as suggested ... but it works ... poc ...
No. You should not touch RPATHs yourself -- that should always be the decision of the builder.
oh okay, so document it ... once I find out what it means :)
I think I can clean up the cmakelists.txt more, but need to break for lunch.
no problem, commit whatever you feel like ... and thankyou again
@NikiC Is it possible to omit the parentheses around a single parameter with the Haskell lambda syntax variant? E.g. \$x => $x * $y. This would be just as terse as the ==> syntax without the lexer hack.
@TheodoreBrown yes, that should be possible
we can also omit them for the fn variant, but that would look odd :)
Do we have a feel for how \ would be received?
@LeviMorrison on twitter quite a few people spoke out for \
But it was, you know, the usual crowd
I also lol'd
That is, people who likely did some Haskell programming in the past
function array_values_from_keys($arr, $keys) {
  return array_map(\$x => $arr[$x], $keys);
oh I thought you meant the crazies you get on twitter ... probably a ven diagram of crazies on twitter and people who done some haskel in the past is ... just a circle ...
It's less beginner friendly. fn is easier to search for on Google.
But whatever, I don't care about \ vs fn.
I don't like the special character thing, if I wanted to write perl, I would cut my hands off and learn to play piano with my nose or ears ...
(because I would clearly be mad)
@LeviMorrison I've never used Haskell, but personally I'd be fine with this. It would be nice to save a few more characters.
I don't think any of this is really beginner friendly at all, no matter the syntax, if we're talking about beginners and not people who come from frontend ...
not very sympathetic to the saving characters argument either, especially if what you end up with has no obvious meaning ... there is one character difference between fn and \, but everyone knows what fn means, and today has no meaning at all ...
@LeviMorrison Looks like an escaped $.
where did vcsclean go ?
@JoeWatkins scripts/dev/vcsclean
@kelunik yeah, it does.
Unfortunately, we can't currently allow $object::getX for method references, @NikiC do you plan to unify symbol tables in PHP 8?
@JoeWatkins The x => x * y syntax is widely used enough that I think most programmers will recognize it. I'm not sure that a \ prefix makes the meaning less obvious.
csv uploader has worked fine for years- today has stopped working. Tracking these issues down can be aggravating.
@kelunik no, I don't plan that
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